Have you seen the obesity map and where most fat people live? This is why we need healthcare.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017

New Adult Obesity Maps

35% or more adults had obesity in 9 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and West Virginia).

Obesity decreased by level of education. Adults without a high school degree or equivalent had the highest self-reported obesity (35.0%)


Could you imagine living in a state where there are so many fat people that every single person you see in a day is obese?

Check this out. This is just white people:


I get so tired of Republicans saying it's because black people live in their state. Well, look at Kentucky and West Virginia. Kentucky is nearly 90% white and West Virginia nearly 94% white.

When Republicans on the USMB insist there is going to be an armed revolution to "take back" their country, do they really believe these people are going to war?

And we posted the map of high school drop outs and it's nearly the same map.

These people don't need war. They need healthcare.

Part of a good healthcare plan is to live and eat healthy.

... And you somehow think you can FORCE people to eat healthy, exercise and live a healthy lifestyle?

You’ll get our Five Guys the same way you get our guns...

From Our Cold Dead Hands!!!!!
Once we put government in charge of health care, it will be a lot easier to crack down in the fatties!

New Adult Obesity Maps

35% or more adults had obesity in 9 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and West Virginia).

Obesity decreased by level of education. Adults without a high school degree or equivalent had the highest self-reported obesity (35.0%)


Could you imagine living in a state where there are so many fat people that every single person you see in a day is obese?

Check this out. This is just white people:


I get so tired of Republicans saying it's because black people live in their state. Well, look at Kentucky and West Virginia. Kentucky is nearly 90% white and West Virginia nearly 94% white.

When Republicans on the USMB insist there is going to be an armed revolution to "take back" their country, do they really believe these people are going to war?

And we posted the map of high school drop outs and it's nearly the same map.

These people don't need war. They need healthcare.

Part of a good healthcare plan is to live and eat healthy.


Deanturd, pieces of shit like you need to be confined to asylums.

Obesity is a terrible problem but it is NOT a political problem nor is it a Red State Blue State problem. The food industry creates sugar, salt and fat addicts but pumping it into just about everything. It also takes effort to eat healthier whereas you can drive down the street and get junk food in minutes with no effort. It still comes down to people making better choices.
They will call them "Happy Health Camps" instead of Gulags.

If it saves one life, it's worth it.

It won't "save" one life.

Just kill millions. That's the goal, it's set in stone and available for everyone to read.

These are sociopaths, not rational human beings with compassion.

The Georgia Guidestones: 10 Masonic Commandments

1 – Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

So basically they need to wipe out 10.5 billion people to save a 500M.

Still believe they want to take away guns for "public safety"?
They will call them "Happy Health Camps" instead of Gulags.

If it saves one life, it's worth it.

It won't "save" one life.

Just kill millions. That's the goal, it's set in stone and available for everyone to read.

These are sociopaths, not rational human beings with compassion.

The Georgia Guidestones: 10 Masonic Commandments

1 – Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

So basically they need to wipe out 10.5 billion people to save a 500M.

Still believe they want to take away guns for "public safety"?

It's for the children!

New Adult Obesity Maps

35% or more adults had obesity in 9 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and West Virginia).

Obesity decreased by level of education. Adults without a high school degree or equivalent had the highest self-reported obesity (35.0%)


Could you imagine living in a state where there are so many fat people that every single person you see in a day is obese?

Check this out. This is just white people:


I get so tired of Republicans saying it's because black people live in their state. Well, look at Kentucky and West Virginia. Kentucky is nearly 90% white and West Virginia nearly 94% white.

When Republicans on the USMB insist there is going to be an armed revolution to "take back" their country, do they really believe these people are going to war?

And we posted the map of high school drop outs and it's nearly the same map.

These people don't need war. They need healthcare.

Part of a good healthcare plan is to live and eat healthy.

Part of a good healthcare plan is to live and eat healthy.
and how many people with ins do just that?...your picture tells us you sure as hell dont...

New Adult Obesity Maps

35% or more adults had obesity in 9 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and West Virginia).

Obesity decreased by level of education. Adults without a high school degree or equivalent had the highest self-reported obesity (35.0%)


Could you imagine living in a state where there are so many fat people that every single person you see in a day is obese?

Check this out. This is just white people:


I get so tired of Republicans saying it's because black people live in their state. Well, look at Kentucky and West Virginia. Kentucky is nearly 90% white and West Virginia nearly 94% white.

When Republicans on the USMB insist there is going to be an armed revolution to "take back" their country, do they really believe these people are going to war?

And we posted the map of high school drop outs and it's nearly the same map.

These people don't need war. They need healthcare.

Part of a good healthcare plan is to live and eat healthy.


Silly boy. Have you been to a shopping mall lately?

Go and people watch, and see where the obesity lies. White people are the minor minority. Most of the fatties are Latino, especially the women and kids.

New Adult Obesity Maps

35% or more adults had obesity in 9 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and West Virginia).

Obesity decreased by level of education. Adults without a high school degree or equivalent had the highest self-reported obesity (35.0%)


Could you imagine living in a state where there are so many fat people that every single person you see in a day is obese?

Check this out. This is just white people:


I get so tired of Republicans saying it's because black people live in their state. Well, look at Kentucky and West Virginia. Kentucky is nearly 90% white and West Virginia nearly 94% white.

When Republicans on the USMB insist there is going to be an armed revolution to "take back" their country, do they really believe these people are going to war?

And we posted the map of high school drop outs and it's nearly the same map.

These people don't need war. They need healthcare.

Part of a good healthcare plan is to live and eat healthy.

Obesity prevalence among adults aged 20 and over, by sex and race and Hispanic origin: United States, 2011–2014
So... are we over all the nekkid and starvin lil kids in this country now?

New Adult Obesity Maps

35% or more adults had obesity in 9 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and West Virginia).

Obesity decreased by level of education. Adults without a high school degree or equivalent had the highest self-reported obesity (35.0%)


Could you imagine living in a state where there are so many fat people that every single person you see in a day is obese?

Check this out. This is just white people:


I get so tired of Republicans saying it's because black people live in their state. Well, look at Kentucky and West Virginia. Kentucky is nearly 90% white and West Virginia nearly 94% white.

When Republicans on the USMB insist there is going to be an armed revolution to "take back" their country, do they really believe these people are going to war?

And we posted the map of high school drop outs and it's nearly the same map.

These people don't need war. They need healthcare.

Part of a good healthcare plan is to live and eat healthy.

They have health care

New Adult Obesity Maps

35% or more adults had obesity in 9 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and West Virginia).

Obesity decreased by level of education. Adults without a high school degree or equivalent had the highest self-reported obesity (35.0%)


Could you imagine living in a state where there are so many fat people that every single person you see in a day is obese?

Check this out. This is just white people:


I get so tired of Republicans saying it's because black people live in their state. Well, look at Kentucky and West Virginia. Kentucky is nearly 90% white and West Virginia nearly 94% white.

When Republicans on the USMB insist there is going to be an armed revolution to "take back" their country, do they really believe these people are going to war?

And we posted the map of high school drop outs and it's nearly the same map.

These people don't need war. They need healthcare.

Part of a good healthcare plan is to live and eat healthy.


Nice self portrait!

New Adult Obesity Maps

35% or more adults had obesity in 9 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and West Virginia).

Obesity decreased by level of education. Adults without a high school degree or equivalent had the highest self-reported obesity (35.0%)


Could you imagine living in a state where there are so many fat people that every single person you see in a day is obese?

Check this out. This is just white people:


I get so tired of Republicans saying it's because black people live in their state. Well, look at Kentucky and West Virginia. Kentucky is nearly 90% white and West Virginia nearly 94% white.

When Republicans on the USMB insist there is going to be an armed revolution to "take back" their country, do they really believe these people are going to war?

And we posted the map of high school drop outs and it's nearly the same map.

These people don't need war. They need healthcare.

Part of a good healthcare plan is to live and eat healthy.


What does obesity have to do with healthcare, Troll King?

And we have healthcare, by the way, so your title is a fallacy

New Adult Obesity Maps

35% or more adults had obesity in 9 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and West Virginia).

Obesity decreased by level of education. Adults without a high school degree or equivalent had the highest self-reported obesity (35.0%)


Could you imagine living in a state where there are so many fat people that every single person you see in a day is obese?

Check this out. This is just white people:


I get so tired of Republicans saying it's because black people live in their state. Well, look at Kentucky and West Virginia. Kentucky is nearly 90% white and West Virginia nearly 94% white.

When Republicans on the USMB insist there is going to be an armed revolution to "take back" their country, do they really believe these people are going to war?

And we posted the map of high school drop outs and it's nearly the same map.

These people don't need war. They need healthcare.

Part of a good healthcare plan is to live and eat healthy.


What does obesity have to do with healthcare, Troll King?

And we have healthcare, by the way, so your title is a fallacy
There’s a huge difference between being able to see a doctor and healthcare. The healthcare I have gives points for not smoking and not being obese. You can actually pay less.
When you’re not fat you’re chances of diabetes is much less. Your blood pressure is lower.

People eat what’s available. If sugared breakfast cereal taste like candy is what’s available then that’s what they eat.

Just like the government teaches reading writing and arithmetic, they can teach good healthcare including good eating habits.

Donald Trump is taking on Michelle Obama's healthy food legacy

Doesn’t really surprise me that Republicans fight against healthy food. Considering how big so many of them are.
Never forget, the Leftist solution for obesity in Children is to convince them to "accept" the way they look, and to consider themselves "beautiful, just the way you are!"
What does obesity have to do with healthcare, Troll King?

And we have healthcare, by the way, so your title is a fallacy
There’s a huge difference between being able to see a doctor and healthcare. The healthcare I have gives points for not smoking and not being obese. You can actually pay less.
When you’re not fat you’re chances of diabetes is much less. Your blood pressure is lower.

People eat what’s available. If sugared breakfast cereal taste like candy is what’s available then that’s what they eat.

Just like the government teaches reading writing and arithmetic, they can teach good healthcare including good eating habits.

Oh, you mean like the food pyramid the government created that made everybody fatter? Or maybe the government telling people eating fat is bad for you when in fact, it's the exact opposite?

Donald Trump is taking on Michelle Obama's healthy food legacy

Doesn’t really surprise me that Republicans fight against healthy food. Considering how big so many of them are.

Which Republican is against healthy food, Troll King? Give me a name and proof or shut your fucking mouth.

You said "we need health care" because people are fat. Answer the question, Troll. What does access to health care have to do with people eating like shit? I'll tell you what, not a fucking thing. Go over to Britain where they have universal health care and the NHS is the biggest employer in the country and look at all the fat slobs waddling around over there. The British are as bad as Americans when it comes to obesity.
... And you somehow think you can FORCE people to eat healthy, exercise and live a healthy lifestyle?

You’ll get our Five Guys the same way you get our guns...

From Our Cold Dead Hands!!!!!
You mean:
From Our Cold, Meaty, Fat But Tiny Dead Hands!!!!!

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