Have They Forgotten There's A Senate?

The goal is to get the Republicans to offer only thoughts and prayers for every bloodbath. Which is what they are doing. In this very narrow political aspect, the right wing craving for violence and bloodshed plays into the Democrat’s hands.

Again…is there any word from the White House on a plan to curtail gun violence?

So why couldn’t Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reed pass these gun regulations when Obama became President? Anyone notice how Democrats seem to stir this up ONLY when Republicans control at least one chamber of Congress and/or the White House? When they control all the cards, amazingly the effort dies. Why? They only care to string along their base for the votes.

Excellent point. The dems certainly use it as a political football when it benefits them. As does the Republicans. Kudos.

The democrats know they can’t do an all out ban on guns, it would not stand up in the SCOTUS without amending the Constitution. You honestly think the left can get 2/3 of the majority in those states to agree? Oh that’s right, until Kavanaugh they were counting on more liberal judges in the Highest Court to overlook that.

I agree. I wouldn’t even vote for such a thing if it were put up to a vote.

What does make sense is limiting magazine size. What does make sense is psychological testing. Among other things.

But we’ll then get into an argument about this and that and the other thing. Not today…okay?
Banning an inanimate object because Americans don’t want to deal with the real issues is just plain ignorant and lazy.

We banned drugs instead of tackling the real issues and that has just led to more death and overdoses, why do those that want guns banned think the results will be different?
The goal is to get the Republicans to offer only thoughts and prayers for every bloodbath. Which is what they are doing. In this very narrow political aspect, the right wing craving for violence and bloodshed plays into the Democrat’s hands.

Again…is there any word from the White House on a plan to curtail gun violence?

There is no answer to curtail gun violence, simply none. You can repeal change or whatever to the 2nd amendment but you can always purchase a gun somewhere from someone. No a good guy with a gun doesn't always stop a bad guy. I saw today on FB if the cops in that bar in Ca were allowed to carry their guns it would not have happened, bullshit the x Marine threw a smoke bomb going in, if the cops would have had guns they would have been firing wildly and there would have been more murdered.

You can go down to the hood and purchase just about any gun you want so taking them away does not help and never will. The dems know this but yet they are going to put on a show. They need to address it in a different manner that I have no suggestions for.
Perilous position? Because Democrats will cry? :auiqs.jpg:

Gun control is a dead issue. Lock up the crazies, kill the bad guys and leave everyone else alone.

To do otherwise is at your own political peril.

The problem is that all of these “crazies” probably have an arsenal at their house…

View attachment 228017

And until they notch their first kill, they can add to their arsenal unencumbered.

Conservatives have 300 million guns and trillions of rounds of ammo.....if we were violent you cock suckers would surely know about it by now.

We do…as the memorial in OKC reminds us. Not to mention your threat to kill me yesterday.
Red alert Tucker Carlson's home under seige by Antifa mob

All ya have to do is stay off my lawn and you'll live a long and happy life.....or a bitter one,dont care one way or another.

Which sums up the problem with deranged sick folks like yourself owning guns. Someone shows up on Thanksgiving day to the wrong house…and you splatter their brains all over your lawn because you constantly are under the delusion that you’re under assault.
There is one thing that remained constant throughout American history however. So we know it doesn't cause mass violence.

View attachment 228049

And neither does PTSD. Anyone desperate enough with PTSD usually commits suicide.
The goal is to get the Republicans to offer only thoughts and prayers for every bloodbath. Which is what they are doing. In this very narrow political aspect, the right wing craving for violence and bloodshed plays into the Democrat’s hands.

Again…is there any word from the White House on a plan to curtail gun violence?

There is no answer to curtail gun violence, simply none. You can repeal change or whatever to the 2nd amendment but you can always purchase a gun somewhere from someone. No a good guy with a gun doesn't always stop a bad guy. I saw today on FB if the cops in that bar in Ca were allowed to carry their guns it would not have happened, bullshit the x Marine threw a smoke bomb going in, if the cops would have had guns they would have been firing wildly and there would have been more murdered.

You can go down to the hood and purchase just about any gun you want so taking them away does not help and never will. The dems know this but yet they are going to put on a show. They need to address it in a different manner that I have no suggestions for.

So the President isn’t going to recommend anything to remedy this national problem?

Does that sound Presidential?
Conservatives have 300 million guns and trillions of rounds of ammo.....if we were violent you cock suckers would surely know about it by now.

We do…as the memorial in OKC reminds us. Not to mention your threat to kill me yesterday.
Red alert Tucker Carlson's home under seige by Antifa mob

All ya have to do is stay off my lawn and you'll live a long and happy life.....or a bitter one,dont care one way or another.

Which sums up the problem with deranged sick folks like yourself owning guns. Someone shows up on Thanksgiving day to the wrong house…and you splatter their brains all over your lawn because you constantly are under the delusion that you’re under assault.

Deranged gun owners? Really? Actually that view is no different than stating all illegals are criminals, who kill Americans and then are offered protection by sanctuary cities. So in effect that kind of “perception” of gun owners is not at all different than Trump’s statements regarding immigration that those on the left are so up in arms about. Then we wonder why we have division in this country.

When someone threatens to spread my brains all over his lawn..that isn’t the same as says “all ______ are ________”. It’s a specific threat. If it eventually happens with him….this is probably what informed investigators would call a “warning sign”. Like what we’re finding out about the latest mass murderer on their social media account. When you look at what he posted, you wonder why this deranged individual was allowed to buy guns—or at least I do.

How is that different from a case where an illegal immigrant is found to have killed an American, is a repeat offender, who happens to only make his way back into this country? You can point to a specific case, as can I. It’s still no different in using a phrase like “deranged gun owner” to how Trump reacts to known discovery of violent illegal involved in murder. Point by point there’s no difference. You probably want to ban guns through more enforced regulations to protect Americans, the same as Trump wants to enforce known passed immigration laws through the use of a stronger border. Both statements of “perceptions” are exactly the same. Whether we are talking towards gun owners, or Trump’s statements regarding illegals, with phrases like bloodbath killing of Americans or committing crimes. You haven’t proven at all, any differencces between the two.
We do…as the memorial in OKC reminds us. Not to mention your threat to kill me yesterday.
Red alert Tucker Carlson's home under seige by Antifa mob

All ya have to do is stay off my lawn and you'll live a long and happy life.....or a bitter one,dont care one way or another.

Which sums up the problem with deranged sick folks like yourself owning guns. Someone shows up on Thanksgiving day to the wrong house…and you splatter their brains all over your lawn because you constantly are under the delusion that you’re under assault.

Deranged gun owners? Really? Actually that view is no different than stating all illegals are criminals, who kill Americans and then are offered protection by sanctuary cities. So in effect that kind of “perception” of gun owners is not at all different than Trump’s statements regarding immigration that those on the left are so up in arms about. Then we wonder why we have division in this country.

When someone threatens to spread my brains all over his lawn..that isn’t the same as says “all ______ are ________”. It’s a specific threat. If it eventually happens with him….this is probably what informed investigators would call a “warning sign”. Like what we’re finding out about the latest mass murderer on their social media account. When you look at what he posted, you wonder why this deranged individual was allowed to buy guns—or at least I do.

How is that different from a case where an illegal immigrant is found to have killed an American, is a repeat offender, who happens to only make his way back into this country?You can point to a specific case, as can I. It’s still no different in using a phrase like “deranged gun owner” to how Trump reacts to known discovery of violent illegal involved in murder.
The illegal alien/murderer is no more emblematic of the group than the deranged moron who threatened me is emblematic of you (I think). Or do you go around threatening people too? I doubt it. Someone who threatens someone is deranged. Sorry. You haven’t done so….you’re not.

Point by point there’s no difference. You probably want to ban guns through more enforced regulations to protect Americans, the same as Trump wants to enforce known passed immigration laws through the use of a stronger border. Both statements of “perceptions” are exactly the same. Whether we are talking towards gun owners, or Trump’s statements regarding illegals, with phrases like bloodbath killing of Americans or committing crimes. You haven’t proven at all, any differencces between the two.

Well, what I want is mental fitness assessment and smaller magazine/clip capacities.

Blaming the entire group for the actions of a few is not the winning position in any case.
Be it gun owners, Conservatives, illegal aliens, Liberals, Muslims, etc…

As I read this The House cannot make laws, they can pass whatever but it then goes to The Senate who can reject it and if The Senate doesn't and passes the law then it goes to The White House and the President can either sign the law or he can Veto it. So in the situation of the Democrats Draconian Anti-Gun thing, The Senate will reject it, the Democrats can pass it but there is no way The Senate will also do the same it will die in The Senate.
/——/ But But But the Russians

As I read this The House cannot make laws, they can pass whatever but it then goes to The Senate who can reject it and if The Senate doesn't and passes the law then it goes to The White House and the President can either sign the law or he can Veto it. So in the situation of the Democrats Draconian Anti-Gun thing, The Senate will reject it, the Democrats can pass it but there is no way The Senate will also do the same it will die in The Senate.

^^^^ Not sure why you gave this a Funny Cellblock2429 as it is completely accurate what I commented, perhaps you WANT the Democrats to do the Gun Confiscation thing but sorry to disappoint you they cannot do that.
/——/ my fat thumb missed agree and hit funny. Sorry. Fixed it.
Last edited:
All ya have to do is stay off my lawn and you'll live a long and happy life.....or a bitter one,dont care one way or another.

Which sums up the problem with deranged sick folks like yourself owning guns. Someone shows up on Thanksgiving day to the wrong house…and you splatter their brains all over your lawn because you constantly are under the delusion that you’re under assault.

Deranged gun owners? Really? Actually that view is no different than stating all illegals are criminals, who kill Americans and then are offered protection by sanctuary cities. So in effect that kind of “perception” of gun owners is not at all different than Trump’s statements regarding immigration that those on the left are so up in arms about. Then we wonder why we have division in this country.

When someone threatens to spread my brains all over his lawn..that isn’t the same as says “all ______ are ________”. It’s a specific threat. If it eventually happens with him….this is probably what informed investigators would call a “warning sign”. Like what we’re finding out about the latest mass murderer on their social media account. When you look at what he posted, you wonder why this deranged individual was allowed to buy guns—or at least I do.

How is that different from a case where an illegal immigrant is found to have killed an American, is a repeat offender, who happens to only make his way back into this country?You can point to a specific case, as can I. It’s still no different in using a phrase like “deranged gun owner” to how Trump reacts to known discovery of violent illegal involved in murder.
The illegal alien/murderer is no more emblematic of the group than the deranged moron who threatened me is emblematic of you (I think). Or do you go around threatening people too? I doubt it. Someone who threatens someone is deranged. Sorry. You haven’t done so….you’re not.

I am NOT the one who used the phrase “deranged gun owner” and equated it towards an individual who appears to support gun rights. I merely made the observation in stating that using such rhetoric in reference to gun owners, is absolutely no diffeeent than the rhetoric Trump uses in regards to illegals with those who support them in this country. I believe it’s quite ironic of those who criticize Trump’s tone and language, when we have those on the left making the same generalized statements towards supporters of gun rights. Evidently there are some that simply can’t handle it, when they are “symbolically” placed in front of that mirror. I always say of the next person who criticizes Trump on the border, take a listen and observe how gun owners and supporters are viewed by the opposing party..
Which sums up the problem with deranged sick folks like yourself owning guns. Someone shows up on Thanksgiving day to the wrong house…and you splatter their brains all over your lawn because you constantly are under the delusion that you’re under assault.

Deranged gun owners? Really? Actually that view is no different than stating all illegals are criminals, who kill Americans and then are offered protection by sanctuary cities. So in effect that kind of “perception” of gun owners is not at all different than Trump’s statements regarding immigration that those on the left are so up in arms about. Then we wonder why we have division in this country.

When someone threatens to spread my brains all over his lawn..that isn’t the same as says “all ______ are ________”. It’s a specific threat. If it eventually happens with him….this is probably what informed investigators would call a “warning sign”. Like what we’re finding out about the latest mass murderer on their social media account. When you look at what he posted, you wonder why this deranged individual was allowed to buy guns—or at least I do.

How is that different from a case where an illegal immigrant is found to have killed an American, is a repeat offender, who happens to only make his way back into this country?You can point to a specific case, as can I. It’s still no different in using a phrase like “deranged gun owner” to how Trump reacts to known discovery of violent illegal involved in murder.
The illegal alien/murderer is no more emblematic of the group than the deranged moron who threatened me is emblematic of you (I think). Or do you go around threatening people too? I doubt it. Someone who threatens someone is deranged. Sorry. You haven’t done so….you’re not.

I am NOT the one who used the phrase “deranged gun owner” and equated it towards an individual who appears to support gun rights.
I did. I equated it to a specific someone who threatened to kill me.

I merely made the observation in stating that using such rhetoric in reference to gun owners, is absolutely no diffeeent than the rhetoric Trump uses in regards to illegals with those who support them in this country. I believe it’s quite ironic of those who criticize Trump’s tone and language, when we have those on the left making the same generalized statements towards supporters of gun rights. Evidently there are some that simply can’t handle it, when they are “symbolically” placed in front of that mirror. I always say of the next person who criticizes Trump on the border, take a listen and observe how gun owners and supporters are viewed by the opposing party..

Again, I made it about a specific someone who threatened me on this very message board.

Why Trump is being involved is your deal and that’s fine I guess. I do think that the President should come up with something to address nationwide problems. How the immigrants got involved? Who knows.

As I read this The House cannot make laws, they can pass whatever but it then goes to The Senate who can reject it and if The Senate doesn't and passes the law then it goes to The White House and the President can either sign the law or he can Veto it. So in the situation of the Democrats Draconian Anti-Gun thing, The Senate will reject it, the Democrats can pass it but there is no way The Senate will also do the same it will die in The Senate.

^^^^ Not sure why you gave this a Funny Cellblock2429 as it is completely accurate what I commented, perhaps you WANT the Democrats to do the Gun Confiscation thing but sorry to disappoint you they cannot do that.
/——/ my fat thumb missed agree and hit funny. Sorry. Fixed it.

Okay easy to do, I deleted my post of my confusion :eusa_doh:

As I read this The House cannot make laws, they can pass whatever but it then goes to The Senate who can reject it and if The Senate doesn't and passes the law then it goes to The White House and the President can either sign the law or he can Veto it. So in the situation of the Democrats Draconian Anti-Gun thing, The Senate will reject it, the Democrats can pass it but there is no way The Senate will also do the same it will die in The Senate.
/——/ But But But the Russians

But but but the Russians and Putin are now attempting to steal Florida, Arizona and Georgia for the Democrats you know Russia and Putin are doing this stealing for the Democrats because they want to help The Donald because he's a Russian Agent or something :rolleyes-41:
Deranged gun owners? Really? Actually that view is no different than stating all illegals are criminals, who kill Americans and then are offered protection by sanctuary cities. So in effect that kind of “perception” of gun owners is not at all different than Trump’s statements regarding immigration that those on the left are so up in arms about. Then we wonder why we have division in this country.

When someone threatens to spread my brains all over his lawn..that isn’t the same as says “all ______ are ________”. It’s a specific threat. If it eventually happens with him….this is probably what informed investigators would call a “warning sign”. Like what we’re finding out about the latest mass murderer on their social media account. When you look at what he posted, you wonder why this deranged individual was allowed to buy guns—or at least I do.

How is that different from a case where an illegal immigrant is found to have killed an American, is a repeat offender, who happens to only make his way back into this country?You can point to a specific case, as can I. It’s still no different in using a phrase like “deranged gun owner” to how Trump reacts to known discovery of violent illegal involved in murder.
The illegal alien/murderer is no more emblematic of the group than the deranged moron who threatened me is emblematic of you (I think). Or do you go around threatening people too? I doubt it. Someone who threatens someone is deranged. Sorry. You haven’t done so….you’re not.

I am NOT the one who used the phrase “deranged gun owner” and equated it towards an individual who appears to support gun rights.
I did. I equated it to a specific someone who threatened to kill me.

I merely made the observation in stating that using such rhetoric in reference to gun owners, is absolutely no diffeeent than the rhetoric Trump uses in regards to illegals with those who support them in this country. I believe it’s quite ironic of those who criticize Trump’s tone and language, when we have those on the left making the same generalized statements towards supporters of gun rights. Evidently there are some that simply can’t handle it, when they are “symbolically” placed in front of that mirror. I always say of the next person who criticizes Trump on the border, take a listen and observe how gun owners and supporters are viewed by the opposing party..

Again, I made it about a specific someone who threatened me on this very message board.

Why Trump is being involved is your deal and that’s fine I guess. I do think that the President should come up with something to address nationwide problems. How the immigrants got involved? Who knows.

Candycorn even though you are a Leftist you are not one of the nasty ones, if someone at this forum threatened to kill you then they are a TOTAL POS.

As I read this The House cannot make laws, they can pass whatever but it then goes to The Senate who can reject it and if The Senate doesn't and passes the law then it goes to The White House and the President can either sign the law or he can Veto it. So in the situation of the Democrats Draconian Anti-Gun thing, The Senate will reject it, the Democrats can pass it but there is no way The Senate will also do the same it will die in The Senate.
/——/ But But But the Russians
Russia is unhappy the Democrats won the House.

“It’s fair to suggest with a high degree of confidence there are no glowing prospects in terms of normalization of US-Russian relations on the horizon,” Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesperson, said on Wednesday about the election results.

Russia should stop whining, they still have Nunes, albeit a bit less effective with democrat house.
Conservatives have 300 million guns and trillions of rounds of ammo.....if we were violent you cock suckers would surely know about it by now.

We do…as the memorial in OKC reminds us. Not to mention your threat to kill me yesterday.
Red alert Tucker Carlson's home under seige by Antifa mob

All ya have to do is stay off my lawn and you'll live a long and happy life.....or a bitter one,dont care one way or another.

Which sums up the problem with deranged sick folks like yourself owning guns. Someone shows up on Thanksgiving day to the wrong house…and you splatter their brains all over your lawn because you constantly are under the delusion that you’re under assault.

Deranged gun owners? Really? Actually that view is no different than stating all illegals are criminals, who kill Americans and then are offered protection by sanctuary cities. So in effect that kind of “perception” of gun owners is not at all different than Trump’s statements regarding immigration that those on the left are so up in arms about. Then we wonder why we have division in this country.

When someone threatens to spread my brains all over his lawn..that isn’t the same as says “all ______ are ________”. It’s a specific threat. If it eventually happens with him….this is probably what informed investigators would call a “warning sign”. Like what we’re finding out about the latest mass murderer on their social media account. When you look at what he posted, you wonder why this deranged individual was allowed to buy guns—or at least I do.

Oh it's a very specific threat.
You show up at my home to start shit and you'll regret it....for a microsecond.
The goal is to get the Republicans to offer only thoughts and prayers for every bloodbath. Which is what they are doing. In this very narrow political aspect, the right wing craving for violence and bloodshed plays into the Democrat’s hands.

Again…is there any word from the White House on a plan to curtail gun violence?
Is there no hope at all that the Republicans will agree to SOMETHING in the legislation, just to look good? I am pretty sure the Democrats would take whatever they can get, as long as Republicans don't try adding in The Wall.

Looking good solves no problems.

Give them nothing.
at some point, they will have to listen to their constituents and get some balls to stand up to the NRA Lobbyists and their money, money, money... money!.
The goal is to get the Republicans to offer only thoughts and prayers for every bloodbath. Which is what they are doing. In this very narrow political aspect, the right wing craving for violence and bloodshed plays into the Democrat’s hands.

Again…is there any word from the White House on a plan to curtail gun violence?
Is there no hope at all that the Republicans will agree to SOMETHING in the legislation, just to look good? I am pretty sure the Democrats would take whatever they can get, as long as Republicans don't try adding in The Wall.

Looking good solves no problems.

Give them nothing.
at some point, they will have to listen to their constituents and get some balls to stand up to the NRA Lobbyists and their money, money, money... money!.

It has nothing to do with the NRA.
It's a constitutional right.


Do you think the current crop of legislators are infallible?

I doubt it.

But somehow, those legislators in 1787 were?

I doubt it.

They didn't and don't have to be.

They just have to be right.
Looking good solves no problems.

Give them nothing.
at some point, they will have to listen to their constituents and get some balls to stand up to the NRA Lobbyists and their money, money, money... money!.
Looking good solves no problems.

Give them nothing.
at some point, they will have to listen to their constituents and get some balls to stand up to the NRA Lobbyists and their money, money, money... money!.

It has nothing to do with the NRA.
It's a constitutional right.


Do you think the current crop of legislators are infallible?

I doubt it.

But somehow, those legislators in 1787 were?

I doubt it.

That was no mistake in 1787.
An armed society is a free society.

And one with thousands of needless deaths every year….
Other free societies don’t make the bargain…they have freedom without the high costs of arming yourself against phantom boogeymen.

That is their right. We have chosen differently, and it is encoded in law.

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