Have some stupid for dinner!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Here ya go - just skim down the page at some of these. Even the conservatives on this site will be shaking their heads at the sheer ignorance of the Iowa and NH voters. And I know they're not alone. It's mind-blowing and does not bode well for this country.

NYMag Survey: Republican Voters Want ‘Testicular Fortitude’

Scroll down to 'The Undecideds'. Here's just a taste of the stupid:


You guys oughta fit right in with those pansy fags.
Fear has been so pounded into Conservatives by the Right wing media that guys like this can't even think clearly. Their world view is so tainted by these clowns in the media it's ridiculous.
Who in their right mind thinks our President doesn't care?
Fear has been so pounded into Conservatives by the Right wing media that guys like this can't even think clearly. Their world view is so tainted by these clowns in the media it's ridiculous.
Who in their right mind thinks our President doesn't care?
Bullshit! The LWNJs and their global warming are the biggest fearmongers in history.
It's not that Barack Obama doesn't "care" about debt. It's just that at his core he's a dyed in the wool community organizer. He's never had to balance a budget and felt no compulsion to do so as President. He's spending it and he's kicking the debt can down the road to whoever comes next.
He's spending it
Where? Enumerate the debt that a Democratic House (only the House can appropriate money) has spent that adds up to $18T.

You'll run from this like every other question I ask you.

How much has the US debt increased since Barack Obama took office? I suppose your "answer" will be that Obama's percentage of increase from the President who preceded him is one of the lowest in history and claim that somehow makes him frugal? I always get a chuckle out of that liberal talking point! Yes, George W. Bush spent a shitload of money his last year in office because they were doing TARP and other expensive stimulus programs to try and keep the economy on life support. Obama simply kept on spending those huge amounts and spending them long after the recession had officially ended. He spent 870 billion on his stimulus plan that created so few jobs they had to invent a new economic statistic to hide how few jobs it created. God only knows what the ACA is going to cost us ten years down the road if it's not completely redone!
Fear has been so pounded into Conservatives by the Right wing media that guys like this can't even think clearly. Their world view is so tainted by these clowns in the media it's ridiculous.
Who in their right mind thinks our President doesn't care?
Oh I think he cares, Just not about the United States. He is a worthless sack of crap.
He's spending it
Where? Enumerate the debt that a Democratic House (only the House can appropriate money) has spent that adds up to $18T.

You'll run from this like every other question I ask you.
we could start with that failed obamacare. But, remember when the Americans tried to pass a budget that left no funding for it? The communists decided to shut down the government instead of agreeing that their idea was foolish.
He's spending it
Where? Enumerate the debt that a Democratic House (only the House can appropriate money) has spent that adds up to $18T.

You'll run from this like every other question I ask you.
It's only the fault of the House when its a (D) in the WH.

now run away, b/c we both know you blame bush
How much has the US debt increased since Barack Obama took office?
Playing the moron isn't going to work.

  • I control all the money.
  • I hand you a credit card with a $20,000 balance on it.
  • The interest ever month is $300.
  • You keep asking me to pay down that $20,000+.
  • I keep saying no, I'll just make the minimum payment.
  • After 7 years, because of all the accrued interest, it's now $40,000.
  • I blame you, saying "When I gave you the card it only had $20K on it - it's your fault that it's now at $40K".

Now, if you cannot understand this, or you would rather just either lie or play stupid, I cannot help you.

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