Has Biden ordered the Pentagon to smuggle and plant illegals into America’s interior?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Is that how they plan to take Nebraska and the rest of real America?
Think about it, could Democrats win CA, AZ, NV and NM if it weren’t for illegals and their Dem voting spawn?
Video link:

LOL@'plan to take Nebraska'! Take it where?
This may come as a shock to you..but there is no great plot to 'take' real 'Murica from the 'real' 'Muricans. There is no Democrat illegal alien voting machine---just the huge difference in the direction of the Demographic--but rural America isn't going anywhere.
Well...I did find this..maybe that's what's being exaggerated? There is quite the run of military personnel making a buck smuggling illegals. But it's all small taters..and not sanctioned by the US. Obviously~

2 US soldiers caught trying to smuggle illegal immigrants in Texas, charges say

U.S. soldiers arrested in alleged illegal immigration smuggling ring

Two U.S. soldiers were charged on Tuesday with attempting to smuggle a pair of illegal immigrants through a border patrol station near the U.S.-Mexico border on Sunday.
According to a legal complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, U.S. Army soldier Ralph Gregory Saint-Joie, 18, and Pennsylvania National Guardsman Emmanuel Oppongagyare, 20, were caught attempting to bring two Mexican nationals with them as they crossed into the U.S. at the Hebbronville Border Patrol Station on June 13.
Oppongagyare and Saint-Joie were both stationed at Fort Hood, Texas at the time of their arrests, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

According to the complaint, Oppongagyaye was driving a black sedan and Saint-Joie sat in the passenger seat. The two were wearing their U.S. Army Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) uniforms as they approached the U.S. border. The vehicle reportedly approached the border station at a “high rate of speed” before coming to an abrupt stop and loud music was playing.
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Has Biden ordered the Pentagon to smuggle and plant illegals into America’s interior?​


Next stupid question?

"No" because you say so or "No" because evidence points to "No'"?
"No" because it's made up bullshit from tUcker cArlson. No reasonable person takes him seriously. He told that to a judge.
ICE confirmed this so how is it made up? Are you ever not a complete partisan idiot?

Has Biden ordered the Pentagon to smuggle and plant illegals into America’s interior?​


Next stupid question?

"No" because you say so or "No" because evidence points to "No'"?
"No" because it's made up bullshit from tUcker cArlson. No reasonable person takes him seriously. He told that to a judge.
ICE confirmed this so how is it made up? Are you ever not a complete partisan idiot?
Confirmed what, exactly..please.

Has Biden ordered the Pentagon to smuggle and plant illegals into America’s interior?​


Next stupid question?

"No" because you say so or "No" because evidence points to "No'"?
"No" because it's made up bullshit from tUcker cArlson. No reasonable person takes him seriously. He told that to a judge.
ICE confirmed this so how is it made up? Are you ever not a complete partisan idiot?
Confirmed what, exactly..please.
That the have moved illegals and placed them all over the US.

Has Biden ordered the Pentagon to smuggle and plant illegals into America’s interior?​


Next stupid question?

"No" because you say so or "No" because evidence points to "No'"?
"No" because it's made up bullshit from tUcker cArlson. No reasonable person takes him seriously. He told that to a judge.
ICE confirmed this so how is it made up? Are you ever not a complete partisan idiot?
Confirmed what, exactly..please.
That the have moved illegals and placed them all over the US.
OK...I assume 'they' means the US military..officially following orders, given by the President? This is confirmed? How exactly, is it 'confirmed'? Evidence? Testimony? Video of 'millions' of illegal aliens settled in the heartland?

Ya see..an E-mail means squat. A chain of assertions backed up by a positive attitude means squat.

Tucker Carlson's word is shit. He's a hack that has been proven to say anything, knowingly lie, to grab a headline for a cycle or two.

Has Biden ordered the Pentagon to smuggle and plant illegals into America’s interior?​


Next stupid question?

"No" because you say so or "No" because evidence points to "No'"?
"No" because it's made up bullshit from tUcker cArlson. No reasonable person takes him seriously. He told that to a judge.
ICE confirmed this so how is it made up? Are you ever not a complete partisan idiot?
Confirmed what, exactly..please.
That the have moved illegals and placed them all over the US.
OK...I assume 'they' means the US military..officially following orders, given by the President? This is confirmed? How exactly, is it 'confirmed'? Evidence? Testimony? Video of 'millions' of illegal aliens settled in the heartland?

Ya see..an E-mail means squat. A chain of assertions backed up by a positive attitude means squat.

Tucker Carlson's word is shit. He's a hack that has been proven to say anything, knowingly lie, to grab a headline for a cycle or two.
If he is lying please find an official release from Biden and or ICE stating as such. After you’re done with your temper tantrum. Thank you.

Has Biden ordered the Pentagon to smuggle and plant illegals into America’s interior?​


Next stupid question?

"No" because you say so or "No" because evidence points to "No'"?
"No" because it's made up bullshit from tUcker cArlson. No reasonable person takes him seriously. He told that to a judge.
ICE confirmed this so how is it made up? Are you ever not a complete partisan idiot?
Confirmed what, exactly..please.
That the have moved illegals and placed them all over the US.
OK...I assume 'they' means the US military..officially following orders, given by the President? This is confirmed? How exactly, is it 'confirmed'? Evidence? Testimony? Video of 'millions' of illegal aliens settled in the heartland?

Ya see..an E-mail means squat. A chain of assertions backed up by a positive attitude means squat.

Tucker Carlson's word is shit. He's a hack that has been proven to say anything, knowingly lie, to grab a headline for a cycle or two.
If he is lying please find an official release from Biden and or ICE stating as such. After you’re done with your temper tantrum. Thank you.
LOL! Nope...not angry..amused and entertained. So you want them to prove the negative? How convenient, for you. Burden is on the accuser...Let Tucker prove his assertion--or STFU. Of course, we both know that neither is going to happen.
I don't want to seem ungrateful, but where are the demands to IMPEACH faux-Pres. Biden?

When did President Trump do anything even approaching Biden's campaign to overturn and indeed REJECT America's immigration laws? He has openly and proudly instructed his minions to admit, transport, and settle hundreds of thousands of foreigners who have no legal right to be in this country, let alone collect taxpayer-funded benefits? He promises to do more of the same as long as we suffer with him in office.

Impeach the bastard! I realize that it will not succeed in the House, but aren't they obliged to fight these outrages?

Has Biden ordered the Pentagon to smuggle and plant illegals into America’s interior?​


Next stupid question?

"No" because you say so or "No" because evidence points to "No'"?
"No" because it's made up bullshit from tUcker cArlson. No reasonable person takes him seriously. He told that to a judge.
ICE confirmed this so how is it made up? Are you ever not a complete partisan idiot?
Confirmed what, exactly..please.
That the have moved illegals and placed them all over the US.
OK...I assume 'they' means the US military..officially following orders, given by the President? This is confirmed? How exactly, is it 'confirmed'? Evidence? Testimony? Video of 'millions' of illegal aliens settled in the heartland?

Ya see..an E-mail means squat. A chain of assertions backed up by a positive attitude means squat.

Tucker Carlson's word is shit. He's a hack that has been proven to say anything, knowingly lie, to grab a headline for a cycle or two.
If he is lying please find an official release from Biden and or ICE stating as such. After you’re done with your temper tantrum. Thank you.
LOL! Nope...not angry..amused and entertained. So you want them to prove the negative? How convenient, for you. Burden is on the accuser...Let Tucker prove his assertion--or STFU. Of course, we both know that neither is going to happen.
You seem angry to me with your temper tantrum. If it’s nothing why are you so hot and bothered by it. He says ICE confirmed via email. So how is it a negative? ICE should deny they sent the email. Please find proof of that denial.

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