Arizona Fraud Results


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017

i am amazed, but only to a point i suppose, that my previous threads in here on this topic were moved to conspiracy theory. yet trump charges and anything anti-orange man stays and goes on and on. it's honestly why i bailed. again. they can't be fair to all sides here and that's all i ever asked.

11k voters appeared on voter rolls AFTER the election that voted IN the election
74k absentee were received but never sent out by the state officially
server hacked during the election. michigan said the same the other night
remote access WAS IN FACT available.

it goes on and on and on.

yet it does no good to try and talk about it as the same useful idiots will come along and simply cry NO IT DIDN'T HAPPEN YOU FREAK and the personal attacks will become the usual forum sideshow.

i'm sure this will get quickly moved to conspiracy theory soon but it really won't matter. i made my point and proven it's not a conspiracy regardless of how much people want to believe it is.

it's real. and the control being taken from *all* of us is even more real.

carry on hating, i suppose.
iceberg What we are seeing is irrefutable evidence of DEMOCRAT CONTROL ON INFORMATION. Everyone with a functioning brain new the major swing states were targeted by the Democrats for fraud and they executed that fraud and it got a worthless career political sellout into the White House. But all the facts in the world mean nothing when the INFORMATION ITSELF is controlled by a political party.

i am amazed, but only to a point i suppose, that my previous threads in here on this topic were moved to conspiracy theory. yet trump charges and anything anti-orange man stays and goes on and on. it's honestly why i bailed. again. they can't be fair to all sides here and that's all i ever asked.

11k voters appeared on voter rolls AFTER the election that voted IN the election
74k absentee were received but never sent out by the state officially
server hacked during the election. michigan said the same the other night
remote access WAS IN FACT available.

it goes on and on and on.

yet it does no good to try and talk about it as the same useful idiots will come along and simply cry NO IT DIDN'T HAPPEN YOU FREAK and the personal attacks will become the usual forum sideshow.

i'm sure this will get quickly moved to conspiracy theory soon but it really won't matter. i made my point and proven it's not a conspiracy regardless of how much people want to believe it is.

it's real. and the control being taken from *all* of us is even more real.

carry on hating, i suppose.
Did they also find bamboo fibers and chicken feathers?
From your post:

In Georgia, there was both an audit and a statewide recount confirming Biden’s victory, but ignored in the process was evidence that nearly 35,000 Georgians had potentially voted illegally.

If you read that sentence a few times, you will realized that it really alleges nothing at all! "Potentially voted illegally"?

Then there's this--the violations alleged are all voters who may have voted out of county, no deliberate voter fraud at all alleged. You want to disallow people's vote based on an honest mistake? When it's otherwise a legal vote? Good luck with that.
If it even happened~
i am amazed, but only to a point i suppose, that my previous threads in here on this topic were moved to conspiracy theory. yet trump charges and anything anti-orange man stays and goes on and on. yet it does no good to try and talk about it as the same useful idiots will come along and simply cry NO IT DIDN'T HAPPEN YOU FREAK and the personal attacks will become the usual forum sideshow.
i'm sure this will get quickly moved to conspiracy theory soon but it really won't matter.

Threads on this site have devolved quickly in recent months into pure garbage more worth the National Enquirer while anything news worthy or worthwhile just gets trolled to death ala Marc ATL Professional Racist Troll.

Specious, unsupported Trump threads outnumber Biden threads 10:1 despite the fact that TRUMP'S NOT EVEN IN OFFICE DOING ANYTHING while Biden runs amok with wild mismanagement of his duties.

It is getting harder and harder to find anything even worth reading here anymore much less responding to.
I'm starting to believe that this Forum is being overrun by Democrat bots & trolls.

I agree, Leo. I just reported a thread for being posted in the wrong forum (not out of ill-will), a humor or satire thread about beer which was posted to Politics for some reason, AND MY PM REPORT of the error was posted as a thread to the Humor section and I never did it!

Screen Shot 2021-07-15 at 7.53.03 PM.png

I'm starting to think that Xenforo was bought out by Facebook. Between all of the specious garbage being posted to "Politics" these days along with the droves of idiot trolls being allowed to overrun each thread, I'm quickly starting to consider ending my participation here.
I'll get wound up over illegitimate elections when i see legitimate candidates ~S~
I couldn't agree more.

I'll get wound up over illegitimate elections when i see legitimate candidates ~S~
I couldn't agree more.

UNFORTUNATELY, we are not likely to have any legitimate candidates or elections any time soon, and ignoring what we are offered in the interim is just likely to play right into their hands making it easier for them to install the worst of them suited to THEIR needs rather than the lesser of the evils!

For instance, as much as Trump left to be desired, I bet he is looking pretty good right now! I thought so.
I'm starting to believe that this Forum is being overrun by Democrat bots & trolls.

I agree, Leo. I just reported a thread for being posted in the wrong forum (not out of ill-will), a humor or satire thread about beer which was posted to Politics for some reason, AND MY PM REPORT of the error was posted as a thread to the Humor section and I never did it!

View attachment 513230

I'm starting to think that Xenforo was bought out by Facebook. Between all of the specious garbage being posted to "Politics" these days along with the droves of idiot trolls being allowed to overrun each thread, I'm quickly starting to consider ending my participation here.
Their going to be really really mad for a bitsy. I see a couple 5 day vacations
iceberg What we are seeing is irrefutable evidence of DEMOCRAT CONTROL ON INFORMATION. Everyone with a functioning brain new the major swing states were targeted by the Democrats for fraud and they executed that fraud and it got a worthless career political sellout into the White House. But all the facts in the world mean nothing when the INFORMATION ITSELF is controlled by a political party.
Even the US EAC evidently contains a few greedy swindlers at the top. EAC (US Election Assistance Commission (we need names of these individuals to be made public, but I'll check) met secretly with voting machine execs and came out with the agreement to leave out one important factor: "voting machines should not be connected to internet"; a huge win for any one who does not want a fair election process.

Key elements of the first federal technology standards for voting equipment in 15 years should be scrapped because language that would have banned the devices from connecting to the internet was dropped after private meetings held with manufacturers, according to a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday.


i am amazed, but only to a point i suppose, that my previous threads in here on this topic were moved to conspiracy theory. yet trump charges and anything anti-orange man stays and goes on and on. it's honestly why i bailed. again. they can't be fair to all sides here and that's all i ever asked.

11k voters appeared on voter rolls AFTER the election that voted IN the election
74k absentee were received but never sent out by the state officially
server hacked during the election. michigan said the same the other night
remote access WAS IN FACT available.

it goes on and on and on.

yet it does no good to try and talk about it as the same useful idiots will come along and simply cry NO IT DIDN'T HAPPEN YOU FREAK and the personal attacks will become the usual forum sideshow.

i'm sure this will get quickly moved to conspiracy theory soon but it really won't matter. i made my point and proven it's not a conspiracy regardless of how much people want to believe it is.

it's real. and the control being taken from *all* of us is even more real.

carry on hating, i suppose.
You make it so easy. there was hacking.

Keeps getting better and better.

When do you think we'll see some arrests?
I'm starting to believe that this Forum is being overrun by Democrat bots & trolls.

I agree, Leo. I just reported a thread for being posted in the wrong forum (not out of ill-will), a humor or satire thread about beer which was posted to Politics for some reason, AND MY PM REPORT of the error was posted as a thread to the Humor section and I never did it!

View attachment 513230

I'm starting to think that Xenforo was bought out by Facebook. Between all of the specious garbage being posted to "Politics" these days along with the droves of idiot trolls being allowed to overrun each thread, I'm quickly starting to consider ending my participation here.
Were you paranoid before they all started plotting against you?

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