Happy Thanksgiving Peoples!

May all have a happy, safe, and blessed thanksgiving tomorrow!

Don't forget to give thanks to God for all the blessings (too many to count) He has bestowed on us all!

Gratitude is a powerful thing!

Right back attcha, Thunkster! May the Great Bird of the Galaxy be with you.
I concur, Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate.

Point of order: Don't drop the frozen turkey into the deep fryer. Bad. Make sure it's thawed and poke-able.

The rest of ya ... I think McDonalds is open.
Same here may you all have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Shrek the green guy? Yes, but not on regular tv, online. I bought an antena, but it didn't work, and my brother the plumber couldn't make it work either. The nearest station is in Houston, which is about a hundred miles from here, and I'm surrounded on the south side by lots and lots of trees, which tend to obfuscate tv signals. The satellite stations around here get everything but the little floodplain that I life on. I just use my tv set for cds and dvds. That way I don't have to look at stuff that turns my stomach. I'm happy though. I get to choose what I watch, and the local good will sells dvds cheap, and most of them are pretty good, so I get to watch 2 or 3 movies every week I've never seen before thanks to Good Will. I sew a lot of charity quilt tops when I don't invest all my evening hours to tv. Oh, my goodness. Its' close to the midnight hour. Have a wonderful day tomorrow. I'm thankful for USMb. It's a good place. Nighters.
Happy ThanksGiving everyone!!!
Got the smoker fired up,the turkey brined over night and the wife has to make the rest.
I figure I got the best end of the deal. If she ever learns how to BBQ I'm screwed!!!
I made a double batch of my boe-delicious dinner rolls for the big "do" at my bother's today.

Archival photo, but they looks basically like these. The only difference is that I now have a new countertop. (and this is one of those time that I especially miss Syrenn - she grokked baking).

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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Here’s wishing everyone has an apolitical family dinner!

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