Happy Easter Sunday, during Passover, as some prepare for Ramadan


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Happy Easter Sunday to all Christians, and a Happy Passover to our Jewish friends on the board. Also, some early well wishes to those of the Islamic Faith as you prepare for Ramadan to begin next week.

This is a time for us to all find joy and comfort in our faith. In particular, in these trying and confusing times. May our beliefs keep us honest and encourage us to perform good deeds for others.
Thank you for reminding us that the Ramadamadingaling Bombathon is about to begin again....
I never had a problem with Islam until 9/11.

Then I learned that this religion taught that a man can get to heaven by blowing himself up in a bomb and take out as many non-Muslims as he can.

And I thought -- that's seriously fucked up.

And then, everything I learned about Islam made me hate this religion more: the honor killings of women who had been raped, the tossing of homosexuals off roof tops, the mutilation of female genitalia so they won't enjoy sexual intercourse, and all the rest.

Islam is this -- the greatest evil that now exists on the planet, second only to Communism. Millions of people are held enslaved to this false set of beliefs -- handed down by a "prophet" who was probably mentally ill because nothing he teaches could possibly come from God.
I never had a problem with Islam until 9/11.

Then I learned that this religion taught that a man can get to heaven by blowing himself up in a bomb and take out as many non-Muslims as he can.

And I thought -- that's seriously fucked up.

And then, everything I learned about Islam made me hate this religion more: the honor killings of women who had been raped, the tossing of homosexuals off roof tops, the mutilation of female genitalia so they won't enjoy sexual intercourse, and all the rest.

Islam is this -- the greatest evil that now exists on the planet, second only to Communism. Millions of people are held enslaved to this false set of beliefs -- handed down by a "prophet" who was probably mentally ill because nothing he teaches could possibly come from God.

This post is not only inaccurate, it's totally unnecessary. There is evil across many beliefs. Any radical is a problem, call it out individually, not so generally.

Whether you believe in it or not, I will pray for you.
I also wish the people of the world who adhere to the Abrahamic faiths a joyous celebration, happiness, good health, and prosperity.

I note that Eastern Christians will be celebrating Easter next Sunday (there are many Orthodox in the DC area. Greeks, Ethiopians, etc.). It was with great delight that I read that the Israeli government has set up a plan to facilitate distribution of the Holy Fire from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to Orthodox Christians around the world, despite the pandemic. Planes from around the world will receive the flame on the tarmac at Tel Aviv airport and then fly and spread it to Christians around the world. Tremendous support from the Jewish State! Many thanks, Jewish people! This is what love is.

I have a good friend who is preparing for Ramadan and I'm thinking of ways to support him. He is a good, principled man, and he has shown this to me for a very long time.

As for me, I wish that I could be at the National Cathedral on this day, the great organ cranking up and bells are ringing and voices are lifted upward to heaven. I will miss this today. But maybe the pandemic will help us remember what all of this is all about to begin with.


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