Handicapped Parking

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
In the first place I get it, if someone is actually handicapped I can understand it, giving them a space close to the store, sure why not.


More and more I'm seeing people jump out of the car (placard on the dash) rush in to the store with no apparent health problems.


I don't have a problem with chubby people or overly chubby people but it seems they should have to walk at least as far as the rest of us, for the sake of their health.

And store scooters....:eusa_whistle:
Tsk tsk, just because they can run doesn't mean they don't have a disability.

Having set you straight on that score.....

I love driving my mom's car. It has a disabled sticker. WOO FUCKING HOO! I particularly enjoyed it when packing tiny kids around, and navigating parking lots on foot was a death-defying feat with the little spastic tykes.
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In the first place I get it, if someone is actually handicapped I can understand it, giving them a space close to the store, sure why not.


More and more I'm seeing people jump out of the car (placard on the dash) rush in to the store with no apparent health problems.


I don't have a problem with chubby people or overly chubby people but it seems they should have to walk at least as far as the rest of us, for the sake of their health.

And store scooters....:eusa_whistle:
my uncle looks healthy but he can't walk very far due to epizemia and some of those chubby people have other health problems.
This is helping .. I might just lose my pet peeve at this rate.

Of course, I won't be having a good time of it..:lol:
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Why does Lowe's have like 20 handicapped parking spots? I always found that odd.


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What bugs me is when someone with a handicapped sticker parks in a regular spot. I yell out, "you're parking in my spot!!!!!" That usually gets their attention.

That doesn't count.

Sort of like hate crimes.
my only problem with people with handicapped stickers is that on average they always drive slower, it is like as soon as they get the sticker there car goes 10 mph slower. I hate slow ass drivers.
In the state of Virginia if you have a handicapped sign/sticker/neon light/strobe (the list is endless) and you are not the person with the handicap or specifically transporting the handicapped person(s) you are no legally allowed to park in the designated spots.
BTW that law isn't enforced......................
I noticed they don't issue handicapped stickers to those with mental issues, and boy do these people abound.
At least in my state it is illegal to use a handicapped tag/parking space unless the handicapped person is in the car.
I think it's illegal everywhere. Who gives a flying fuck?

I use my mom's car, I use the handicapped parking spaces. It's the perk for driving that fucking cramped, blind-spotted 2-door Honda.
I do have to say that I AM getting tired of the liberals getting all the good parking spots. I say we should do away with handicap parking!

Someday I'll tell you about the trip from Phoenix to Oregon in a fucking plastic-seated piece of shit, mom & dad (divorced, you can imagine the fun) in front, cramped in a TINY back seat, 4 mos pregnant, no air conditioning, with my infant, my poodle, and all my crap and did I say no air conditioning? I thought I was going to die. It was Sept. 9 when we left Phoenix and 119 degrees at 9 a.m.

I earned my right to the damn handicapped parking spots.
Someday I'll tell you about the trip from Phoenix to Oregon in a fucking plastic-seated piece of shit, mom & dad (divorced, you can imagine the fun) in front, cramped in a TINY back seat, 4 mos pregnant, no air conditioning, with my infant, my poodle, and all my crap and did I say no air conditioning? I thought I was going to die. It was Sept. 9 when we left Phoenix and 119 degrees at 9 a.m.

I earned my right to the damn handicapped parking spots.

:lol:.. oh wait....:(.....you survived...:lol:..... Lumpy says you deserve

your damn handicapped parking spot....:eusa_angel:
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I couldn't remember the type of car.

It was a fucking ALLIANCE. French made piece of shit, ran forever, made us all miserable until mom switched to a Ford Escort (the only thing that could possibly be worse, rode in the back of that many miles, imagine the fun. It's like being dragged along behind a really fast horse over rocky ground in a tin can) and then to GEOS for years and years.

Geos. After the birth of one of my children I had to actually take the car seat I had just purchased back to the store to exchange it because there was no way to get it into the car. Not even through the hatchback.

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