Half the matter was missing. So we found it.

Fort Fun Indiana

Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
A short read, but worth it.
  1. J. Xavier Prochaska
    Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz
  2. Jean-Pierre Macquart
    Associate Professor of Astrophysics, Curtin University

In the late 1990s, cosmologists made a prediction about how much ordinary matter there should be in the universe. About 5%, they estimated, should be regular stuff with the rest a mixture of dark matter and dark energy. But when cosmologists counted up everything they could see or measure at the time, they came up short. By a lot.

The sum of all the ordinary matter that cosmologists measured only added up to about half of the 5% what was supposed to be in the universe.

This is known as the “missing baryon problem” and for over 20 years, cosmologists like us looked hard for this matter without success.

It took the discovery of a new celestial phenomenon and entirely new telescope technology, but earlier this year, our team finally found the missing matter..."
This has to do with God science. In the beginning of time, God used his force to create the heavens and the Earth. God created the electromagnetic spectrum and energy so no one can add more energy or destroy energy from that point on. We have God force as science as spacetime had to be created in order for quantum mechanics and physics to take hold.

The article presents the facts of the case while I present the correct science. Fort Fun Indiana and his kind believe in the wrong science.
About 5%, they estimated, should be regular stuff with the rest a mixture of dark matter and dark energy
a hard read FFI, lotta smarts & big words etc
but i think i get the concept...ergo>>

What is dark matter in simple terms?

Dark matter is composed of particles that do not absorb, reflect, or emit light, so they cannot be detected by observing electromagnetic radiation. Dark matter is material that cannot be seen directly. We know that dark matter exists because of the effect it has on objects that we can observe directly

So, things are the way they are because there is no other way they can be, or just because there is no other way they have been (so far)?
Half the matter was missing. So we found it.
To be more accurate, not exactly "found", but 'explained'.
Dark matter and Dark energy are just fancy words for “we have no flippin clue”.
Right, we don't know what we don't know. All the stuff we discovered last year? We didn't know that stuff until last year. We call this "scientific discovery".
Wait a minute ... it's anti-matter that's missing, not regular matter ... I'm glad we're getting a better idea of the mass of matter of inter-galactic space but that just adds to the problem of more missing anti-matter ...

I'm not real clear on the process, and anyone who can explain it better should probably do so ... as energy in the early universe condensed it forms a pair of particles, one of matter and one of anti-matter ... we do this in the lab and every time we get an electron and a positron ... yet in the universe as we see it today there's nothing but electrons, when we should be seeing both electrons and positrons in equal numbers ... and where is the dark anti-matter? ...

Sounds like an elaborate joke ... c'mon ... 'WHIM" ... only a pothead from UC Santa Cruz could come up with that name ... talk about a party school ...

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