Half of both Dems and Cons want to split the nation

I believe you believe that

I do believe that. You see, I can't take credit for having this idea on my own. I call this Mom's Law. When my siblings and I were very young, like most siblings, we often fought with each other. When my mother tried everything to get us to play together nicely and failed, she made us play alone in separate rooms.

Our yearning to have others to play with forced us into a position of figuring out how to play together in peace. When we promised Mom we could figure it out, she reunited us. It worked every time she tried it.

We need Mom's law in this country more than ever right now. Once we have our own countries, it's only a matter of a few years until the libs realize how God awful their policies are and collapse. High taxes will force businesses to the conservative country, a disarmed public would lead to massive crime, giving government handouts to half the population will bankrupt the liberal country along with the support of millions of immigrants. The entire country will quickly turn into San Francisco or Detroit, and like now, inflation will make the cost of living so high many will not be able to put a roof over their head just like California.

When they come begging to reunite, we would only do so if they abandoned their Socialist/ Communist ideas and did things our way, or no deal.
Nations that usually buy our bonds are not as much
. There is no definitive number but a day of reckoning will happen
Haha, you have zero clue what you are talking about but you get an A for effort of trying to spin up a BS answer. The real answer is we have a AAA credit rating.

if your whole predicate that Americas a shithole is based on what you think might happen in the future because of debt then you really need to get a life. That’s the saddest thing I’ve heard today.
I do believe that. You see, I can't take credit for having this idea on my own. I call this Mom's Law. When my siblings and I were very young, like most siblings, we often fought with each other. When my mother tried everything to get us to play together nicely and failed, she made us play alone in separate rooms.

Our yearning to have others to play with forced us into a position of figuring out how to play together in peace. When we promised Mom we could figure it out, she reunited us. It worked every time she tried it.

We need Mom's law in this country more than ever right now. Once we have our own countries, it's only a matter of a few years until the libs realize how God awful their policies are and collapse. High taxes will force businesses to the conservative country, a disarmed public would lead to massive crime, giving government handouts to half the population will bankrupt the liberal country along with the support of millions of immigrants. The entire country will quickly turn into San Francisco or Detroit, and like now, inflation will make the cost of living so high many will not be able to put a roof over their head just like California.

When they come begging to reunite, we would only do so if they abandoned their Socialist/ Communist ideas and did things our way, or no deal.
Well moms law applies in the operation of our democratic republic within local governments up through state governments up through national. That’s how our country is set up. Dividing it in half and making people move to a side is a crock of shit cooked up by a band of idiots.
If interest rates go up and they will - then the USA won’t even be able to pay back it’s treasury bonds
Then the interest alone will chew up most of the budget and then things will be set in motion.
The only reason anyone on the right wants to secede is so they can do away with the parts of the constitution that makes fascism very hard to accomplish in America. Equal protection, no official religion, posse comitatus, habis corpus, freedom of movement, freedom to protest would be gone immediately.
We don’t want fascism, we want the freedoms guaranteed to us in the Constitution. You and your buddies want a government so powerful that it can control everything you do. That seems great as long as the government is doing things YOU approve of. What happens when someone who doesn’t agree with what you want gets into power? I can guarantee that sooner or later that will happen. Then you and your buddies will be crying for those freedoms that you abandoned so easily. The funny thing is all the things you list are very important to conservatives, WE aren’t the ones trying to stifle opposing speech and deplatform people who disagree with us- that’s your side.
You have zero understanding of both economics and history
Do you have any kids ??
No kids. I’d love to dig into economics and history with you. Let’s do it! Because I’m pretty damn sure you don’t know the difference between personal/business debt and a national debt of a country with its own sovereign currency. They are comprised of and managed very differently.

while I would say that the spending that Trump and Biden did was reckless as it released way too much money into the economy without a plan to burn it back out… our problem is going to be with inflation more than debt management. At some point the rich who are going to end up with the majority of the stimulus are going to need to be heavily taxed to get that money back out and circulating in a healthy way.
I do agree through that inflation is a more intermediate problem
I did not support the T spending
Well moms law applies in the operation of our democratic republic within local governments up through state governments up through national. That’s how our country is set up. Dividing it in half and making people move to a side is a crock of shit cooked up by a band of idiots.

Well then we will lose the entire country. I hope that makes you happy because at this rate it's inevitable.
You have zero brains and zero loyalty to the flag
. You are lower than a squid

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