HAHAHA. Chuck Todd attacks trump for using "VULGARITIES"

Pathetic germalists are desperate to find something on trump. "Son-of-a-bitch" is now a terrible thing to say!! And Big T keeps on winning.

Todd Says Explaining Trump's Vulgarity Is 'Challenge'

march 11 2018 NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd responded to President Donald Trump's profane comment Saturday night at a rally in Pennsylvania, calling the "Meet the Press" moderator a "sleeping son of a b----."

"I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president," Todd told News4. "I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president."
Todd added that he has difficulty explaining Trump's language to his children, saying, "It creates a challenge to all parents when he uses vulgarities like that."

It’s awesom. Low energu “what the fuck” Chuck Todd sure got them peepers opened up yesterday eh?

Maybe Todd could point out the orange clowns growing bald patch....the one he tried to get rid of with scalp reduction.
In his vulgar language....he was technically contributing to the delinguency of any minor that was in attendance or watched on TV. Slugs are like that....
Trump said bitch, you loons actually make children spread vulgarity. Quit whining you could care less about the children. Oh, and Trump will be YOUR president till 2024, so get over it.View attachment 182062
I have a funny feeling those are bogus.

Could we get it taken down as fake news?

I doubt it. We have s Fake President that hadn't been taken down yet.

Like Trump or not, he is still your President.
If you have any kids, they ought to be taken away. You and Trump supporters are the SOBs.

In his vulgar language....he was technically contributing to the delinguency of any minor that was in attendance or watched on TV. Slugs are like that....
Trump said bitch, you loons actually make children spread vulgarity. Quit whining you could care less about the children. Oh, and Trump will be YOUR president till 2024, so get over it.View attachment 182062
I have a funny feeling those are bogus.

Could we get it taken down as fake news?

What's "fake" about it? Do you seriously think that radical unhinged leftists wouldn't use their own children to promote their agenda?

They are no better than ISIS shitheads, who arm their children with suicide bombs.

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