Had a crazy black lady in my store

I'm in Vegas
I'll come shop and check back in here with a glowing report.
My employee ( very young) was overwhelmed by her aggression and he gave her my personal phone number
This crazy black bitch left threatening messages . My employee is kind of shocked .

Thank god I blocked her phone
Then I get into the store .
I checked out her story from my cameras and video recording and she lied about everything.
We meet face to face and I tried to descalate the situation with little success
Finally had to tell her to leave or I am calling security!!
I listened to her N BS for 15 min until it was obvious I could not fixed it
You mean ....

They really aren't nice folks like those ones on that Tide Pod commercial?
My employee ( very young) was overwhelmed by her aggression and he gave her my personal phone number
This crazy black bitch left threatening messages . My employee is kind of shocked .

Thank god I blocked her phone
Then I get into the store .
I checked out her story from my cameras and video recording and she lied about everything.
We meet face to face and I tried to descalate the situation with little success
Finally had to tell her to leave or I am calling security!!
I listened to her N BS for 15 min until it was obvious I could not fixed it
Dear Quasar44
Contact 1-3 local church pastors to advise and intervene.
One of them may know this lady's family or church. Ask them to take over this issue the woman brought into your store.

Do not draw attention to yourself or your store. Just ask them to please focus on helping her with her issues that aren't about you.

If you would like more support how to ask church leaders for help to defuse and divert this issue back to the people in need of their own healing, please contact volunteers who help people like this lady deal with their own issues:

By focusing "with charity and compassion" on getting support for this poor woman, you take the attention off yourself and point responsibility toward helping her with problems she brought into your store.

Please refrain from any negative comments or reactions that make you look involved in the problem. Make sure all your words, responses, comments and statements are positive about getting this woman the help she needs and deserves.

You can express concern for both of your well being and safety. Ask pastors for help since "you do not know what to do, as you do not want to upset her more." Make it clear you understand there must be other issues going on before she came in contact with you. Ask sincerely for help, and this will reduce the fear and stress causing pressure.
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I am a dude of Jewish decent
I know many Jewish people who work alongside Christians.

This is like asking a Spanish speaking friend to help with a customer who only understands Spanish.

Or if your daughter wants to make friends with students on the cheerleading squad, you go talk with their parents and ask to set up a fun party to bring their kids together.

When you can't reach that person directly, you go ask help from someone in their community they will turn to and respect for advice and help.

My mom is Buddhist, so when we got into a big fight I asked a well respected Vietnamese Buddhist monk to please help us. And he did a good job. Talking to my mom and convincing both of us to leave each other alone. She respected him and listened because she understood the way he explained how she needed to work on her own issues and let me go work my way with my friends, etc.
My employee ( very young) was overwhelmed by her aggression and he gave her my personal phone number
This crazy black bitch left threatening messages . My employee is kind of shocked .

Thank god I blocked her phone
Then I get into the store .
I checked out her story from my cameras and video recording and she lied about everything.
We meet face to face and I tried to descalate the situation with little success
Finally had to tell her to leave or I am calling security!!
I listened to her N BS for 15 min until it was obvious I could not fixed it
Silence. You worthless white bastard

That's pure African blood you're talking about there.
My employee ( very young) was overwhelmed by her aggression and he gave her my personal phone number
This crazy black bitch left threatening messages . My employee is kind of shocked .

Thank god I blocked her phone
Then I get into the store .
I checked out her story from my cameras and video recording and she lied about everything.
We meet face to face and I tried to descalate the situation with little success
Finally had to tell her to leave or I am calling security!!
I listened to her N BS for 15 min until it was obvious I could not fixed it
Silence. You worthless white bastard

That's pure African blood you're talking about there.
Go sleep it off, racist.

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