“Gurgle” Makes Them Lie


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. I couldn’t stop laughing…the intellectual leader that MSNBC decided was worthy of a TV show, Al Sharpton, was interviewing another Mensa reject, Beto O’Rourke….and Al asked Beto if he compared Trump to the Nazi propagandist, ‘Gurgle’…..

Beto Compares Trump's America to Nazi Germany Twice in MSNBC Interview

This thread is related to the above….the Left is centered on lies, liars, and lying…..the result is the evil permeating society.

2. Well, as dumb as the Leftists are they certainly made the right move in co-opting government school, because they have managed turn American youth into haters of America.

They tell the ‘big lie’ or lies….over and over….with the result that this college student parrots the hatred that they design:

“During the town hall, a man identified as Isaiah is heard saying, “The office of the president also has an amazing responsibility to people outside of the United States, given [its] power and position, and right now the United States is bombing at least seven countries.”

“We support genocides in Palestine and in Yemen. The U.S. military is actually the biggest polluter of any organization in the world, and we also work in more clandestine ways,” he said.

“Columbia economist Jeffrey Sachs reported that between 2017 and 2018, United States sanctions on Venezuela caused over 40,000 deaths. And we also have sanctions on many other countries like Iran, North Korea, and you can name many more.

“So, I’m wondering, as president, will you stop U.S.-supported murder, whether it’s through sanctions, arms support or boots on the ground?”

[Elizabeth] Warren then immediately responded by saying, “So, I like your frame on this.” Warren, at Iowa town hall, likes 'frame' of question on 'US-supported murder'

An American college student slander his own nation with the lies the Liberals have taught him, and the Democrat presidential candidate gives him a gold star for having learned his lessons.

This is what they have done to destroy America and Americans.
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"GURGLE"... would be absolutely amazed and impressed by the sheer amount of BULL SHIT the modern radical DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING gets away with, and how successfully the radical democrat wing has taken over the public education system. Hitler had the "Hitler JUGEND, the Hitler YOUTH," and they were completely indoctrinated fanatics. The democrats, through their public indoctrination centers, might as well refer to graduates from their schools as the "Democrat JUGEND."

Is see virtually zero difference between what the Nazi's did and what the democrats are doing. The only thing different is that the modern democrats play by the RULES FOR RADICALS laid down by Sal Alinsky, and in this case the democrats favorite tactic is, "accuse your enemies of doing what it is you're doing yourself."

I think it would be completely fitting if the new radical democrat party adopted the SWASTIKA as their new party symbol.
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1. I couldn’t stop laughing…the intellectual leader that MSNBC decided was worthy of a TV show, Al Sharpton, was interviewing another Mensa reject, Beto O’Rourke….and Al asked Beto if he compared Trump to the Nazi propagandist, ‘Gurgle’…..

Beto Compares Trump's America to Nazi Germany Twice in MSNBC Interview

This thread is related to the above….the Left is centered on lies, liars, and lying…..the result is the evil permeating society.

2. Well, as dumb as the Leftists are they certainly made the right move in co-opting government school, because they have managed turn American youth into haters of America.

They tell the ‘big lie’ or lies….over and over….with the result that this college student parrots the hatred that they design:

“During the town hall, a man identified as Isaiah is heard saying, “The office of the president also has an amazing responsibility to people outside of the United States, given [its] power and position, and right now the United States is bombing at least seven countries.”

“We support genocides in Palestine and in Yemen. The U.S. military is actually the biggest polluter of any organization in the world, and we also work in more clandestine ways,” he said.

“Columbia economist Jeffrey Sachs reported that between 2017 and 2018, United States sanctions on Venezuela caused over 40,000 deaths. And we also have sanctions on many other countries like Iran, North Korea, and you can name many more.

“So, I’m wondering, as president, will you stop U.S.-supported murder, whether it’s through sanctions, arms support or boots on the ground?”

[Elizabeth] Warren then immediately responded by saying, “So, I like your frame on this.” Warren, at Iowa town hall, likes 'frame' of question on 'US-supported murder'

An American college student slander his own nation with the lies the Liberals have taught him, and the Democrat presidential candidate gives him a gold star for having learned his lessons.

This is what they have done to destroy America and Americans.
Of course it may be just that it is not propaganda that makes college graduates more liberal, it is basic education. Maybe, the more knowledge people have the harder it is to get them to believe propaganda from the right or the left? Maybe meeting a more diverse group of people encourages people to question stereotypes they grew up with and want a more inclusive society? Maybe learning more about history forces people to confront both the good and bad.
3. It might be easier to accept if the indoctrination was at least the truth. It isn’t, and whether it is true or not has no bearing on what the Leftists say. That’s Rule #1: Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Nowhere is that more evident than in this recent article from Salon Magazine, in it’s homage to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the anniversary falling this week.

“What the dismantling of the Berlin Wall means 30 years later (What the dismantling of the Berlin Wall means 30 years later)

It is filled, not just with lies, but with slander of America and everything American, and the puffing up of Communism and Communists.

A lie:

“…East and West Germans began nonviolently dismantling the Berlin Wall, an entirely unpredicted,…”

It occurred two years after the finest President in a century called for it, and, essentially, made it ineluctable.

Never would the Left give Reagan the credit he deserves.
1. I couldn’t stop laughing…the intellectual leader that MSNBC decided was worthy of a TV show, Al Sharpton, was interviewing another Mensa reject, Beto O’Rourke….and Al asked Beto if he compared Trump to the Nazi propagandist, ‘Gurgle’…..

Beto Compares Trump's America to Nazi Germany Twice in MSNBC Interview

This thread is related to the above….the Left is centered on lies, liars, and lying…..the result is the evil permeating society.

2. Well, as dumb as the Leftists are they certainly made the right move in co-opting government school, because they have managed turn American youth into haters of America.

They tell the ‘big lie’ or lies….over and over….with the result that this college student parrots the hatred that they design:

“During the town hall, a man identified as Isaiah is heard saying, “The office of the president also has an amazing responsibility to people outside of the United States, given [its] power and position, and right now the United States is bombing at least seven countries.”

“We support genocides in Palestine and in Yemen. The U.S. military is actually the biggest polluter of any organization in the world, and we also work in more clandestine ways,” he said.

“Columbia economist Jeffrey Sachs reported that between 2017 and 2018, United States sanctions on Venezuela caused over 40,000 deaths. And we also have sanctions on many other countries like Iran, North Korea, and you can name many more.

“So, I’m wondering, as president, will you stop U.S.-supported murder, whether it’s through sanctions, arms support or boots on the ground?”

[Elizabeth] Warren then immediately responded by saying, “So, I like your frame on this.” Warren, at Iowa town hall, likes 'frame' of question on 'US-supported murder'

An American college student slander his own nation with the lies the Liberals have taught him, and the Democrat presidential candidate gives him a gold star for having learned his lessons.

This is what they have done to destroy America and Americans.
Of course it may be just that it is not propaganda that makes college graduates more liberal, it is basic education. Maybe, the more knowledge people have the harder it is to get them to believe propaganda from the right or the left? Maybe meeting a more diverse group of people encourages people to question stereotypes they grew up with and want a more inclusive society? Maybe learning more about history forces people to confront both the good and bad.
There's that leftist buzz word again... "diversity," as if that AUTOMATICALLY, MAGICALLY, equated to KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM.

If anyone is going to learn from history, they have to first learn the TRUTH, and not some revisionist leftist crap.
1. I couldn’t stop laughing…the intellectual leader that MSNBC decided was worthy of a TV show, Al Sharpton, was interviewing another Mensa reject, Beto O’Rourke….and Al asked Beto if he compared Trump to the Nazi propagandist, ‘Gurgle’…..

Beto Compares Trump's America to Nazi Germany Twice in MSNBC Interview

This thread is related to the above….the Left is centered on lies, liars, and lying…..the result is the evil permeating society.

2. Well, as dumb as the Leftists are they certainly made the right move in co-opting government school, because they have managed turn American youth into haters of America.

They tell the ‘big lie’ or lies….over and over….with the result that this college student parrots the hatred that they design:

“During the town hall, a man identified as Isaiah is heard saying, “The office of the president also has an amazing responsibility to people outside of the United States, given [its] power and position, and right now the United States is bombing at least seven countries.”

“We support genocides in Palestine and in Yemen. The U.S. military is actually the biggest polluter of any organization in the world, and we also work in more clandestine ways,” he said.

“Columbia economist Jeffrey Sachs reported that between 2017 and 2018, United States sanctions on Venezuela caused over 40,000 deaths. And we also have sanctions on many other countries like Iran, North Korea, and you can name many more.

“So, I’m wondering, as president, will you stop U.S.-supported murder, whether it’s through sanctions, arms support or boots on the ground?”

[Elizabeth] Warren then immediately responded by saying, “So, I like your frame on this.” Warren, at Iowa town hall, likes 'frame' of question on 'US-supported murder'

An American college student slander his own nation with the lies the Liberals have taught him, and the Democrat presidential candidate gives him a gold star for having learned his lessons.

This is what they have done to destroy America and Americans.
Of course it may be just that it is not propaganda that makes college graduates more liberal, it is basic education. Maybe, the more knowledge people have the harder it is to get them to believe propaganda from the right or the left? Maybe meeting a more diverse group of people encourages people to question stereotypes they grew up with and want a more inclusive society? Maybe learning more about history forces people to confront both the good and bad.
There's that leftist buzz word again... "diversity," as if that AUTOMATICALLY, MAGICALLY, equated to KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM.

If anyone is going to learn from history, they have to first learn the TRUTH, and not some revisionist leftist crap.
I think KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM (or at least LIFE EXPERIENCE) leads to an appreciation or at least a greater acceptance of diversity.

Do you have an example of "some revisionist leftist crap"?
1. I couldn’t stop laughing…the intellectual leader that MSNBC decided was worthy of a TV show, Al Sharpton, was interviewing another Mensa reject, Beto O’Rourke….and Al asked Beto if he compared Trump to the Nazi propagandist, ‘Gurgle’…..

Beto Compares Trump's America to Nazi Germany Twice in MSNBC Interview

This thread is related to the above….the Left is centered on lies, liars, and lying…..the result is the evil permeating society.

2. Well, as dumb as the Leftists are they certainly made the right move in co-opting government school, because they have managed turn American youth into haters of America.

They tell the ‘big lie’ or lies….over and over….with the result that this college student parrots the hatred that they design:

“During the town hall, a man identified as Isaiah is heard saying, “The office of the president also has an amazing responsibility to people outside of the United States, given [its] power and position, and right now the United States is bombing at least seven countries.”

“We support genocides in Palestine and in Yemen. The U.S. military is actually the biggest polluter of any organization in the world, and we also work in more clandestine ways,” he said.

“Columbia economist Jeffrey Sachs reported that between 2017 and 2018, United States sanctions on Venezuela caused over 40,000 deaths. And we also have sanctions on many other countries like Iran, North Korea, and you can name many more.

“So, I’m wondering, as president, will you stop U.S.-supported murder, whether it’s through sanctions, arms support or boots on the ground?”

[Elizabeth] Warren then immediately responded by saying, “So, I like your frame on this.” Warren, at Iowa town hall, likes 'frame' of question on 'US-supported murder'

An American college student slander his own nation with the lies the Liberals have taught him, and the Democrat presidential candidate gives him a gold star for having learned his lessons.

This is what they have done to destroy America and Americans.
Of course it may be just that it is not propaganda that makes college graduates more liberal, it is basic education. Maybe, the more knowledge people have the harder it is to get them to believe propaganda from the right or the left? Maybe meeting a more diverse group of people encourages people to question stereotypes they grew up with and want a more inclusive society? Maybe learning more about history forces people to confront both the good and bad.

"Maybe, the more knowledge people have the harder it is to get them to believe propaganda ..."

How quaint of you to use the word 'knowledge'....

Didn't you admit earlier that you are a government school grad who can't recall ever having read a book???
Al Sharpton, was interviewing another Mensa reject, Beto O’Rourke….and Al asked Beto if he compared Trump to the Nazi propagandist, ‘Gurgle’…..
Verbal gaffe a minute Sharpton and jazz hands Beto are the real life Dumb and Dumber of the Democrat party. .. :lol: :lol:

But.....entertainment par excellence!

Looks like the kid considers it US sanctioned murder no matter what the United States does.


1. I couldn’t stop laughing…the intellectual leader that MSNBC decided was worthy of a TV show, Al Sharpton, was interviewing another Mensa reject, Beto O’Rourke….and Al asked Beto if he compared Trump to the Nazi propagandist, ‘Gurgle’…..

Beto Compares Trump's America to Nazi Germany Twice in MSNBC Interview

This thread is related to the above….the Left is centered on lies, liars, and lying…..the result is the evil permeating society.

2. Well, as dumb as the Leftists are they certainly made the right move in co-opting government school, because they have managed turn American youth into haters of America.

They tell the ‘big lie’ or lies….over and over….with the result that this college student parrots the hatred that they design:

“During the town hall, a man identified as Isaiah is heard saying, “The office of the president also has an amazing responsibility to people outside of the United States, given [its] power and position, and right now the United States is bombing at least seven countries.”

“We support genocides in Palestine and in Yemen. The U.S. military is actually the biggest polluter of any organization in the world, and we also work in more clandestine ways,” he said.

“Columbia economist Jeffrey Sachs reported that between 2017 and 2018, United States sanctions on Venezuela caused over 40,000 deaths. And we also have sanctions on many other countries like Iran, North Korea, and you can name many more.

“So, I’m wondering, as president, will you stop U.S.-supported murder, whether it’s through sanctions, arms support or boots on the ground?”

[Elizabeth] Warren then immediately responded by saying, “So, I like your frame on this.” Warren, at Iowa town hall, likes 'frame' of question on 'US-supported murder'

An American college student slander his own nation with the lies the Liberals have taught him, and the Democrat presidential candidate gives him a gold star for having learned his lessons.

This is what they have done to destroy America and Americans.
Of course it may be just that it is not propaganda that makes college graduates more liberal, it is basic education. Maybe, the more knowledge people have the harder it is to get them to believe propaganda from the right or the left? Maybe meeting a more diverse group of people encourages people to question stereotypes they grew up with and want a more inclusive society? Maybe learning more about history forces people to confront both the good and bad.
There's that leftist buzz word again... "diversity," as if that AUTOMATICALLY, MAGICALLY, equated to KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM.

If anyone is going to learn from history, they have to first learn the TRUTH, and not some revisionist leftist crap.

You hit the nail on the head, about 'diversity.'

"If there were a contest for the most stupid idea in politics, my choice would be the assumption that people would be evenly or randomly distributed in incomes, institutions, occupations or awards, in the absence of somebody doing somebody wrong."
Thomas Sowell - The Dumbest Idea
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1. I couldn’t stop laughing…the intellectual leader that MSNBC decided was worthy of a TV show, Al Sharpton, was interviewing another Mensa reject, Beto O’Rourke….and Al asked Beto if he compared Trump to the Nazi propagandist, ‘Gurgle’…..

Beto Compares Trump's America to Nazi Germany Twice in MSNBC Interview

This thread is related to the above….the Left is centered on lies, liars, and lying…..the result is the evil permeating society.

2. Well, as dumb as the Leftists are they certainly made the right move in co-opting government school, because they have managed turn American youth into haters of America.

They tell the ‘big lie’ or lies….over and over….with the result that this college student parrots the hatred that they design:

“During the town hall, a man identified as Isaiah is heard saying, “The office of the president also has an amazing responsibility to people outside of the United States, given [its] power and position, and right now the United States is bombing at least seven countries.”

“We support genocides in Palestine and in Yemen. The U.S. military is actually the biggest polluter of any organization in the world, and we also work in more clandestine ways,” he said.

“Columbia economist Jeffrey Sachs reported that between 2017 and 2018, United States sanctions on Venezuela caused over 40,000 deaths. And we also have sanctions on many other countries like Iran, North Korea, and you can name many more.

“So, I’m wondering, as president, will you stop U.S.-supported murder, whether it’s through sanctions, arms support or boots on the ground?”

[Elizabeth] Warren then immediately responded by saying, “So, I like your frame on this.” Warren, at Iowa town hall, likes 'frame' of question on 'US-supported murder'

An American college student slander his own nation with the lies the Liberals have taught him, and the Democrat presidential candidate gives him a gold star for having learned his lessons.

This is what they have done to destroy America and Americans.
Of course it may be just that it is not propaganda that makes college graduates more liberal, it is basic education. Maybe, the more knowledge people have the harder it is to get them to believe propaganda from the right or the left? Maybe meeting a more diverse group of people encourages people to question stereotypes they grew up with and want a more inclusive society? Maybe learning more about history forces people to confront both the good and bad.
There's that leftist buzz word again... "diversity," as if that AUTOMATICALLY, MAGICALLY, equated to KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM.

If anyone is going to learn from history, they have to first learn the TRUTH, and not some revisionist leftist crap.
I think KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM (or at least LIFE EXPERIENCE) leads to an appreciation or at least a greater acceptance of diversity.

Do you have an example of "some revisionist leftist crap"?

Soooo.....which are the tomes that have informed your geopolitical KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM???

Just funnin' ya'......

BTW.....this thread will offer several examples of the Leftist revisioniism....lies....and will set the record straight.....as in post #6.
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
1. I couldn’t stop laughing…the intellectual leader that MSNBC decided was worthy of a TV show, Al Sharpton, was interviewing another Mensa reject, Beto O’Rourke….and Al asked Beto if he compared Trump to the Nazi propagandist, ‘Gurgle’…..

Beto Compares Trump's America to Nazi Germany Twice in MSNBC Interview

This thread is related to the above….the Left is centered on lies, liars, and lying…..the result is the evil permeating society.

2. Well, as dumb as the Leftists are they certainly made the right move in co-opting government school, because they have managed turn American youth into haters of America.

They tell the ‘big lie’ or lies….over and over….with the result that this college student parrots the hatred that they design:

“During the town hall, a man identified as Isaiah is heard saying, “The office of the president also has an amazing responsibility to people outside of the United States, given [its] power and position, and right now the United States is bombing at least seven countries.”

“We support genocides in Palestine and in Yemen. The U.S. military is actually the biggest polluter of any organization in the world, and we also work in more clandestine ways,” he said.

“Columbia economist Jeffrey Sachs reported that between 2017 and 2018, United States sanctions on Venezuela caused over 40,000 deaths. And we also have sanctions on many other countries like Iran, North Korea, and you can name many more.

“So, I’m wondering, as president, will you stop U.S.-supported murder, whether it’s through sanctions, arms support or boots on the ground?”

[Elizabeth] Warren then immediately responded by saying, “So, I like your frame on this.” Warren, at Iowa town hall, likes 'frame' of question on 'US-supported murder'

An American college student slander his own nation with the lies the Liberals have taught him, and the Democrat presidential candidate gives him a gold star for having learned his lessons.

This is what they have done to destroy America and Americans.
Of course it may be just that it is not propaganda that makes college graduates more liberal, it is basic education. Maybe, the more knowledge people have the harder it is to get them to believe propaganda from the right or the left? Maybe meeting a more diverse group of people encourages people to question stereotypes they grew up with and want a more inclusive society? Maybe learning more about history forces people to confront both the good and bad.
There's that leftist buzz word again... "diversity," as if that AUTOMATICALLY, MAGICALLY, equated to KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM.

If anyone is going to learn from history, they have to first learn the TRUTH, and not some revisionist leftist crap.
I think KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM (or at least LIFE EXPERIENCE) leads to an appreciation or at least a greater acceptance of diversity.

Do you have an example of "some revisionist leftist crap"?
How about radical leftists tearing down statues, painting over murals, changing names?
Never would the Left give Reagan the credit he deserves.

Never will the left forgive Reagan for his role in the fall of communism and the USSR.

4. Ronald Reagan…the bete noire of the Left, simply because of his achievements for America and the world.

“With Ronald Reagan as its performing star in the White House, the Far Right is attempting to take over the Republican Party,” says the ad, published in the November 2, 1984, New York Times and signed by, among others, Carl Sagan, Linus Pauling, Corliss Lamont, Stephen Jay Gould, John Hope Franklin, Gloria Steinem, and Frances Fox Piven.

“Four more years of Reaganism...would see a sweeping attack on civil liberties. Four more years of Reaganism would also bring us closer to a nuclear Holocaust. Unlawful intervention in Central America threatens us with a new Vietnam,” the ad claims.

It says Reagan sought “to stifle women’s rights, including the right to legal abortion.” The ad says that under Reagan, “The Civil Rights Commission is anti-civil rights, the NLRB is anti-labor, the EPA is anti-environment. The Administration champions special privileges for the elite while life for the working people, the poor and minorities deteriorates.”

“There is a scent of fascism in the air,” the ad pronounces, warning that a second Reagan term would unleash “more bigots and chauvinists.”

As we now know, Reagan’s second term led not to either a “nuclear Holocaust” or “a new Vietnam.” It was followed shortly, rather, under the presidency of Reagan’s vice president, by the defeat of the Soviet Union and the freeing of the captive nations, a point that was marked earlier this month by the unveiling in Berlin of a statue of Ronald Reagan at the American embassy in Berlin.” Guess Who Was Called a 'Fascist,' Back in the Day

“Voters are now faced with a replay when it comes to President Trump.” Ibid.
"Maybe, the more knowledge people have the harder it is to get them to believe propaganda ..."

How quaint of you to use the word 'knowledge'....

Didn't you admit earlier that you are a government school grad who can't recall ever having read a book???
I'm not ashamed of my public school education and I'd compare my kids public school education to any in the country. They may not have learned dressage but they learned how to think just fine.

I am still waiting to learn your educational resume.

BTW, I have read a book, thank you very much.
"Maybe, the more knowledge people have the harder it is to get them to believe propaganda ..."

How quaint of you to use the word 'knowledge'....

Didn't you admit earlier that you are a government school grad who can't recall ever having read a book???
I'm not ashamed of my public school education and I'd compare my kids public school education to any in the country. They may not have learned dressage but they learned how to think just fine.

I am still waiting to learn your educational resume.

BTW, I have read a book, thank you very much.

"...public school education...." is an oxymoron.

Don't worry....I'll explain the term.

Learn to pronounce
  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction

See...you've learned something today.
Do you have an example of "some revisionist leftist crap"?
How about radical leftists tearing down statues, painting over murals, changing names?
I see your point but some of us don't think we should ever have celebrated people who attempted to tear this country apart to keep a way of life based on slavery. But that is just me thinking it was revisionist crap to make these traitors out as heroes in the first place.

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