Gun website now goes to a pharmacy website?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Thegunfeed website, now goes to a pharmacy website when you click on it...anyone know about this?
Thegunfeed website, now goes to a pharmacy website when you click on it...anyone know about this?


They're selling that COVID-B-GONE stuff!
Not smart enough to know many many meds that people use are also used by animals.
After my brother died, the vet gave his dog the same antidepressant I was taking.

No, they don't get it because it just doesn't suit their narrative or give them ammo for deriding those who disagree with them. They are easy and cheap.
Yet none of those will save you from covid-19
Neither do the vaccines. In fact, they make you more susceptible to the variants. Rely on the information coming out of Israel. They are gathering data that we are not.

What my post is telling you is that Ivermectin is to horses what our antibiotics are to fish. They both work on man and beast. The, "oh no they are taking horse wormer." is backwards. The horse is benefiting from human medicine.
The question is, why is the government witholding the cures from the public?

And, incredibly, no one is asking what "functions" the virus was sent to the Wuhan lab to achieve.
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Goes to a Drudge look-a-like web page with gun-centric headlines and links...
I hadn't thought about Matthew Drudge for ages because it seems he went ala pinko there for awhile. Maybe he changed when he realized there might be something to the stolen election the Democrats zre grying to expand on their Sept. 27 surprise package that will make stealing all future easy peasy. :rolleyes-41:
I hadn't thought about Matthew Drudge for ages because it seems he went all pinko there for awhile. Maybe he changed when he realized there might be something to the stolen election the Democrats are trying to expand on their Sept. 27 surprise package that will make stealing all future elections easy peasy. :rolleyes-41:
Neither do the vaccines. In fact, they make you more susceptible to the variants. Rely on the information coming out of Israel. They are gathering data that we are not.

What my post is telling you is that Ivermectin is to horses what our antibiotics are to fish. They both work on man and beast. The, "oh no they are taking horse wormer." is backwards. The horse is benefiting from human medicine.
The question is, why is the government witholding the cures from the public?

And, incredibly, no one is asking what "functions" the virus was sent to the Wuhan lab to achieve.
You Lie. Vaccine lowered Israel death rate.

Only the unvaccinated fill hospitals & Die.

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