Gun sales are up

Should be a fun election.

Back when the brown turd Obammy was in office, he was at the time the greatest gun salesman of the century. But i think with Mr. Potato Head in office, you know Obammy's VP, there has been a new record for sales and with the threat of the Marxists/Demofascists going after ammo now, better buy your stuff quick. The shelves will be empty for Christmas.
Voters voting for gun ownership. The Republicans’ move on Abortion will hurt them but 2nd Amendment will help them. Democrats are buying guns..
The Republicans can run on abortion, but they have to use Marxists/Demofascists tactics to win on that.

Imagine having a lifelike baby doll on a table with a doctor and a wildeyed slut looking down at it, with baby crying sound effects. Then after the slut says she doesnt want the baby, the doctor takes a scalpel and shoves it into the doll's head with the caption "This is what Democrats want for Choice". Do you ? You vote Democrat you vote for murdering babies.
Voters voting for gun ownership. The Republicans’ move on Abortion will hurt them but 2nd Amendment will help them. Democrats are buying guns..
Gun ownership is up because the party in charge is anti-gun .. gunphobia .. and continuously attempt to infringe on the rights of individuals to own and possess firearms. The more they attempt (e.g. Biden, Newsom, Pritzker, Healey, and a whole host of democrat politicians) to remove / restrict firearms, the more desirable they become to eligible owners.
The Republicans can run on abortion, but they have to use Marxists/Demofascists tactics to win on that.

Imagine having a lifelike baby doll on a table with a doctor and a wildeyed slut looking down at it, with baby crying sound effects. Then after the slut says she doesnt want the baby, the doctor takes a scalpel and shoves it into the doll's head with the caption "This is what Democrats want for Choice". Do you ? You vote Democrat you vote for murdering babies.
My body, my choice ... except when it's for a vaccine.
Should be a fun election.

I helped Joe Bidumb's economy buy purchasing the weapon he recommended me to buy.

Gun ownership is up because the party in charge is anti-gun .. gunphobia .. and continuously attempt to infringe on the rights of individuals to own and possess firearms. The more they attempt (e.g. Biden, Newsom, Pritzker, Healey, and a whole host of democrat politicians) to remove / restrict firearms, the more desirable they become to eligible owners.
Carjackings are up as well. Democrats don’t like to be carjacked, either.
Back when the brown turd Obammy was in office, he was at the time the greatest gun salesman of the century. But i think with Mr. Potato Head in office, you know Obammy's VP, there has been a new record for sales and with the threat of the Marxists/Demofascists going after ammo now, better buy your stuff quick. The shelves will be empty for Christmas.
Let me know when gun sales actually drop.

That would be news.
Should be a fun election.

Interesting. Raised with guns and a hunter when young, I have gun or guns in the house since I had my first place. Whey I left for the military, I trained PJ to shoot a .38 Smith before I left her out in the country with our less than year old daughter. 47 something years later she can still shoot, just doesn't choose to except when coax every couple of years.

I notice in the article:
White voters tend to own guns at higher rates than Black or Latino voters, but gun ownership rates among Black voters have jumped in recent years.

So, what do you think. Really have less guns owned per family, or less voters per family due to criminality, or they just don't tell people what they have, which is a really good idea, by the way.
I have yet to be car jacked. Could it be that i live in a state that allows conceal carry, be the reason?
I had two Hispanics try back when car-jackings were first popular.....In a place called Manassas Park, a few miles from the Manassas Battlefield Park.

They did not care for the M1911A1 I had in the one's face so they beat feet. As best as could tell one of the guys had a knife, can't say about the other one.
Criminal activity is up .. because .. the consequences don't exist and / or have been lessened. Go to a democrat run city and shoplift an item ..

Socialist Democrat Commies have returned America to the days of the wild West. You can't drive down the road, shop, or walk at night unless you're prepared to protect those you love and yourself.
I have yet to be car jacked. Could it be that i live in a state that allows conceal carry, be the reason?
Carjackings are in the news almost daily here in the DC region. People are getting numb to hearing about a carjacking but someone is going to use a firearm either legally or illegally to protect themselves from a carjacking and then people are going to wake up.

It’s sad that the majority of the Left give carjackers and robbers a pass when it comes to using guns for crimes yet at the same time go apeshit over the notion that an armed victim protecting himself.
Carjackings are in the news almost daily here in the DC region. People are getting numb to hearing about a carjacking but someone is going to use a firearm either legally or illegally to protect themselves from a carjacking and then people are going to wake up.

It’s sad that the majority of the Left give carjackers and robbers a pass when it comes to using guns for crimes yet at the same time go apeshit over the notion that an armed victim protecting himself.
Did you hear about the car-jacking that actually had a guy with a gun to stop the thief? Of course the shot never hit the target but did seem to stop the heist.

If they can shoot, so can we...Except i wont miss.

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