Gun free zone

Though I do not "agree" with the death penalty, I find the spirit of your post correct. STIFF punishment for 1st time offenders can help. This guy however cannot be placed in any category, had it not been guns, it would have been a different killing instrument.
Discourages recidivism 100% Discourages offenders.

Besides Life with no parole is dangerous, expensive, cruel and inhumane. If you're never letting them out, put them down like the mad dogs they are.

I'd like to see public firing squads and hangings resumed...
Barbaric yes. And if Sharia law comes to America, we'll at least get public beheadings and amputations.
Though I do not "agree" with the death penalty, I find the spirit of your post correct. STIFF punishment for 1st time offenders can help. This guy however cannot be placed in any category, had it not been guns, it would have been a different killing instrument.
Discourages recidivism 100% Discourages offenders.

Besides Life with no parole is dangerous, expensive, cruel and inhumane. If you're never letting them out, put them down like the mad dogs they are.

I'd like to see public firing squads and hangings resumed...

What?????? Put the deterrent back in the penalty.

What are you? Mad!!! :eusa_whistle:
Here's a novel idea; Instead of creating new and worthless gun control laws let's use the laws on the books and punish convicted first time offenders to the full extent of the law, and if the crime calls for the death penalty use it. You may even disagree that the death penalty doesn't stop anything, but I will disagree and say it stopped at least one person. And each time this happens we rid the world of one more bad guy. Sooner or later idiots like this will get the message.

Though I do not "agree" with the death penalty, I find the spirit of your post correct. STIFF punishment for 1st time offenders can help. This guy however cannot be placed in any category, had it not been guns, it would have been a different killing instrument.

As I said you may think it will not stop people that would be incorrect because it will have stopped one person, and use the death penalty every time sooner or later people will get the message. Every time you use it you will be stopping one person from killing a child, or making a child motherless or fatherless.
Discourages recidivism 100% Discourages offenders.

Besides Life with no parole is dangerous, expensive, cruel and inhumane. If you're never letting them out, put them down like the mad dogs they are.

I'd like to see public firing squads and hangings resumed...

What?????? Put the deterrent back in the penalty.

What are you? Mad!!! :eusa_whistle:

Good to see you posting again, though I do not "agree" with the death penalty, I am not going to protest against it either. Life inside can be worse however.
Discourages recidivism 100% Discourages offenders.

Besides Life with no parole is dangerous, expensive, cruel and inhumane. If you're never letting them out, put them down like the mad dogs they are.

I'd like to see public firing squads and hangings resumed...
Barbaric yes. And if Sharia law comes to America, we'll at least get public beheadings and amputations.

Stoning let's not forget those who have been raped must be stoned.
Discourages recidivism 100% Discourages offenders.

Besides Life with no parole is dangerous, expensive, cruel and inhumane. If you're never letting them out, put them down like the mad dogs they are.

I'd like to see public firing squads and hangings resumed...

What?????? Put the deterrent back in the penalty.

What are you? Mad!!! :eusa_whistle:

Mommy coddling and making wards of the State hasn't helped but be a burden...sooooo....:eusa_whistle:
Discourages recidivism 100% Discourages offenders.

Besides Life with no parole is dangerous, expensive, cruel and inhumane. If you're never letting them out, put them down like the mad dogs they are.

I'd like to see public firing squads and hangings resumed...
Barbaric yes. And if Sharia law comes to America, we'll at least get public beheadings and amputations.

Definitely barbaric...however we must remember Islam resides in the tenants of Sharia LAW and the Caliphate that WE aren't.

Big Difference.
I'd like to see public firing squads and hangings resumed...

What?????? Put the deterrent back in the penalty.

What are you? Mad!!! :eusa_whistle:

Good to see you posting again, though I do not "agree" with the death penalty, I am not going to protest against it either. Life inside can be worse however.

I respect the differing opinion. Then I am reminded of an incident here in my State. Some dirt bag murdered a three yr old boy. Hung him with a belt.

I can never agree with you.
Please tell us what you would do to accomplish that. People are already required to complete background checks, what other measures would you propose to keep guns out of 'the wrong hands'?

again, real background checks with teeth.

How about, actually checking out refererrels. For instance, if we call you Mom, and she says, "Jesus, Christ, no, he's nuts!" that would be a really good one.

Or if you are a college student, we call your school and we find out that they either threw you off campus (Loughner), were in the process of getting rid of you (Holmes) or had to put you in a special tutoring session because you were scaring the snot out of the other students (that kid who shot up VA Tech) we don't let you get a license to buy a gun.

What we are going to find out in the next few days is that everyone who knew anything about Holmes knew he was a train wreck waiting to happen... and they gave him a gun anyway.
No, the killer was fully protected from gunshots, and there was a Marine in the audience, his brothers in arms laid a teddy bear, in uniform, near the theater. One Navy man was also killed. No firearm laws can stop these tragedies, and in most cases, no firearms used can prevent them.

There is simply no protection against someone who goes crazy and decides to kill as many people as they can. The goal is not to use a gun. The goal is to kill as many people as they can, the method might be a gun. If not a gun then something else. Anything to achieve the goal.

Precisely And how long will it be before we see TSA-like security at a movie theatre?

Of course! They'll start with metal detectors.

What you won't see is anything that the public could use to report people they see melting down before their eyes. Just like the students at Jared Loughner's school were told they were being unfair to poor Jared who was just "different" and smoked pot. How dare we turn in crazy pot smokers! Just like Joker Holmes mother was helpless and the gun range owner had no place to go. If you get down to it, just like the bar owner and flight school owners had no place to go when they knew that the 911 hijackers were acting strangely.

We do not lock people up against their will when they have not committed a crime. Then when the crime is committed, authorities can do something. It's invariably too late for the victims.
Please tell us what you would do to accomplish that. People are already required to complete background checks, what other measures would you propose to keep guns out of 'the wrong hands'?

again, real background checks with teeth.

How about, actually checking out refererrels. For instance, if we call you Mom, and she says, "Jesus, Christ, no, he's nuts!" that would be a really good one.

Or if you are a college student, we call your school and we find out that they either threw you off campus (Loughner), were in the process of getting rid of you (Holmes) or had to put you in a special tutoring session because you were scaring the snot out of the other students (that kid who shot up VA Tech) we don't let you get a license to buy a gun.

What we are going to find out in the next few days is that everyone who knew anything about Holmes knew he was a train wreck waiting to happen... and they gave him a gun anyway.

What the hell is with teeth.

What you are really saying is you want to pick and choose on a whim, which leads to cronyism.

But go ahead explain..............

Pure Garbage. The man was going to walk until the left tried him by media.

What it shows is what low lifes the left truly is.

Well, yeah, he was going to walk until someone complained that shooting an unarmed kid in the street without cause was kind of like... wrong.

And since then, he's just been digging himself in deeper.

Right those that knew nothing spoke the loudest without the facts.

You were one of the prime offenders. No worries when your family or you is falsely accused and tried by media I am going to wish you receive your own convictions.

All the excuses that have come out, I'm still of the same opinion.

Zimmerman was a bully who shot a kid. He needs to go to jail for a very long time or until he's shanked by a fellow inmate, whichever comes first. And I don't care much which.
Well, yeah, he was going to walk until someone complained that shooting an unarmed kid in the street without cause was kind of like... wrong.

And since then, he's just been digging himself in deeper.

Right those that knew nothing spoke the loudest without the facts.

You were one of the prime offenders. No worries when your family or you is falsely accused and tried by media I am going to wish you receive your own convictions.

All the excuses that have come out, I'm still of the same opinion.

Zimmerman was a bully who shot a kid. He needs to go to jail for a very long time or until he's shanked by a fellow inmate, whichever comes first. And I don't care much which.

We still dont have all of the facts. But you are ready with the needle. As I said I hope you get confronted in the same manner.
The problem is, it DOES NOT work just fine in the rest of the world. You need to open your eyes and see that.

A law that would keep people like loughner and Holmes is a law in which only criminals will be doing these kinds of shootings, and the citizenry nothing but fodder for misplaced fear.

Gun control laws do not work. Not here, not anywhere. And don't quote Me cherry picked stats from gun banning advocates. They're useless as a support for any arugment.

Guy, I already posted the facts. Countries where gun ownership is treated as a privilage you have a lot less shooting. Period.

We're the ones who look like the angry retard to the rest of the world.
The problem is, it DOES NOT work just fine in the rest of the world. You need to open your eyes and see that.

A law that would keep people like loughner and Holmes is a law in which only criminals will be doing these kinds of shootings, and the citizenry nothing but fodder for misplaced fear.

Gun control laws do not work. Not here, not anywhere. And don't quote Me cherry picked stats from gun banning advocates. They're useless as a support for any arugment.

Guy, I already posted the facts. Countries where gun ownership is treated as a privilage you have a lot less shooting. Period.

We're the ones who look like the angry retard to the rest of the world.

Right, as the world comes begging on their knees for our money and armed forces.

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