Group Wants To Abolish Father's Day


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
Just when you thought the Left couldn’t get any more insane…

Our friends at America’s Freedom Fighters are sounding the alarm about the latest left-wing cause in Australia: renaming Father’s Day.

Why? You see, some kids don’t have dads. Some kids have other relatives deserve recognition in addition to, or instead of, their fathers. And, of course, we can’t forget “different family structures” such as gay families.

That’s all according to early childhood studies “expert” Red Ruby Scarlet, who’s leading this charge. Instead of Father’s Day, she wants to call it “Special Persons’ Day.” Boy, really rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?

According to “Today Tonight” the idea is growing in support across the nation of Australia. In fact, this idea is even being implemented in some schools across the country. Scarlet denies that this is political correctness in any form, instead stating this is simply “fair.”

“Why are we calling this political correctness when in fact it’s about our rights?”

She also claims there is a ton of research to back up her crazy talk and that this move should not in any way be deemed controversial.

Where to begin? The best that can be said about this is that it’s pointless. Somehow, fatherless children have managed to survive and thrive despite Father’s Day, and the holiday hasn’t prevented people from celebrating important relatives other than fathers.

But the problem is more than that. Concern for children is just a pretext; liberals’ real goal, as always, is to make the very concept of the family so vague as to be meaningless — leaving society with only one rigid, defined institution remaining: government.

Liberals Now Want To Abolish 'Fathers Day'- Here's What They Want It Changed To
Just when you thought the Left couldn’t get any more insane…

Our friends at America’s Freedom Fighters are sounding the alarm about the latest left-wing cause in Australia: renaming Father’s Day.

Why? You see, some kids don’t have dads. Some kids have other relatives deserve recognition in addition to, or instead of, their fathers. And, of course, we can’t forget “different family structures” such as gay families.

That’s all according to early childhood studies “expert” Red Ruby Scarlet, who’s leading this charge. Instead of Father’s Day, she wants to call it “Special Persons’ Day.” Boy, really rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?

According to “Today Tonight” the idea is growing in support across the nation of Australia. In fact, this idea is even being implemented in some schools across the country. Scarlet denies that this is political correctness in any form, instead stating this is simply “fair.”

“Why are we calling this political correctness when in fact it’s about our rights?”

She also claims there is a ton of research to back up her crazy talk and that this move should not in any way be deemed controversial.

Where to begin? The best that can be said about this is that it’s pointless. Somehow, fatherless children have managed to survive and thrive despite Father’s Day, and the holiday hasn’t prevented people from celebrating important relatives other than fathers.

But the problem is more than that. Concern for children is just a pretext; liberals’ real goal, as always, is to make the very concept of the family so vague as to be meaningless — leaving society with only one rigid, defined institution remaining: government.

Liberals Now Want To Abolish 'Fathers Day'- Here's What They Want It Changed To

Typical feminist nonsense. The modern feminist movement doesn't want to have its own heroes and symbols. It wants to appropriate already existing heroes and symbols that are male oriented. The evidence is really piling up that the majority of the movement is less about empowering women and more about disempowering men so that women FEEL more powerful.

Common theme in the modern left: balancing down. The true measure of any society isn't what that society accomplishes, apparently, but about how well it convinces people that turning food into turds is an accomplishment that commands respect.

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