Group of armed men calling themselves armed rednecks protects Minneapolis store from looters


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Awesome! Need more of this! Whites protecting whites!
Lots of guys chews Tobacco. And so maybe they knows the owner of the shop. Or maybe it is one of their members that owns the store.


Awesome! Need more of this! Whites protecting whites!
Yes they need to be there. Follow the Koreans example

Sounds like Koreans during the LA riots standing with shotguns on the roofs of convenience stores and such, though they were just there to make sure other Koreans
weren't robbed blind (not that that's wrong....the defending part, I mean).
Maybe it's about the James-Younger gang going to Northfield, MN to rob banks and loot K-Mart. They were real rednecks from Missouri.
Sounds like my dad's people. He claimed to be a relative of Jesse James though I think most Missouri dirt floor red necks all thought they were kin to Jesse. That's how Missouri, or Misery, as I call it, is.
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Awesome! Need more of this! Whites protecting whites!
They fired all 4 officers involved in the incident
and the mayor wants the officer, who knelt on his neck, charged with murder

So, why are they looting stores...oh yeah, we're dealing with nxgxxxs
That's why is doesn't phase me when they kill each other here in Chiraq
Fewer nxgxxxs, no loss....doing us a favor actually

Awesome! Need more of this! Whites protecting whites!
Yes they need to be there. Follow the Koreans example

Those Koreans don't play. In their country. It is normal in these Asian's countries to kill anyone who tries to steal from their place of business.
I dare the government try to take their 2nd Amendment away from them.
Those guys come out their mother's womb with a gun in their hand. And they shoot first and don't care about asking questions later.

Sounds like Koreans during the LA riots standing with shotguns on the roofs of convenience stores and such, though they were just there to make sure other Koreans
weren't robbed blind (not that that's wrong....the defending part, I mean).
Maybe it's about the James-Younger gang going to Northfield, MN to rob banks and loot K-Mart. They were real rednecks from Missouri.
Sounds like my dad's people. He claimed to be a relative of Jesse James though I think most Missouri dirt floor red necks all thought they were kin to Jesse. That's how Missouri, or Misery, as I call it, is.
Mizzuruh. Say wash, dammit! :auiqs.jpg:

ATTN: Mizzuruh people: There is no "R" in wash, bitches! :aargh:
Good on them, good on those men who are protecting the stores from looters!:up:

Amazing! I love that!
Yes they need to be there. Follow the Koreans example

Ya beat me to it....the Koreans went up on their roofs and had themselves a kimche turkey shoot. In the '67 Detroit riot, the pawnshops got hit first for guns, then the gas stations, and then everybody who wrote "soul brother" in their front window because the Jews thought that might save them :lol:

That shit was started by Rap Brown and his Panthers. They thought whitey would tear down the wreakage and build them new stores and houses....never happened. Burning down your own shit is a black cultural event for some reason.
Um guys. The Rednecks were quoted as saying they agree with the protests.

While the men expressed support for the protests sparked by the death of George Floyd while he was in police custody, they condemned the violence and looting taking place.

“Basically you see the records that cops keep,” one man told Nesterak in a now-viral video posted to Twitter. “And cops are a lot less likely to try and tread on people’s rights when there’s other armed Americans with them. So I figured it’s about damn time that some heavily armed rednecks stood with fellow citizens.”

So sadly for you all on the racist part. Or the idea that they are standing firm against the scary Blacks. They agree with the protesters and think the cops went too far.
So they agree with the cause but not going to let business be destroyed. Fair enough

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