Grocery Prices Up In The Obama Economy


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
I couldn't believe the price of candy when I shopped for Halloween. Family income down and grocery prices rising. Let's add that skyrocketing electric and heating oil bills and see if anyone can afford 4 more years of Obama.

Grocery Prices Up 15% Since Obama Took Office
posted on August 10, 2012 by Giacomo

The 2012 presidential election is heating up. The national conventions for both parties are just around the corner and Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are already busy duking it out.
One thing I keep hearing Obama say is how he is for the middle class. He is our friend and savior, says he. If that’s true, then let’s take a look at how his first term of office has helped the middle class.
To begin with, under Obama, the middle class has shrunk while the number of Americans living at or below the poverty line has drastically increased. Millions of middle class families are now finding themselves trying to survive at poverty level incomes and in many instances it’s been devastating to them.
Under Obama’s reign, we have experienced official unemployment levels of over 8% for 42 consecutive months. The broader unemployment figure for June of this year is at 14.9%. This figure accounts for those out of work, forced to work part time only and those who have quit looking for a job.
The second quarter economic growth figure had dropped to 1.5%. Just to sustain ourselves, this figure needs to be at 2% and for actual growth and recovery it needs to be even higher.
A recent study of grocery prices may really tell the story of how the middle class has fared under three and half years of Obamanomics. They looked at the prices of a specific list of groceries just prior to Obama taking office and then used the exact same list of the groceries at today’s prices. Before Obama, the groceries cost $119.16. Today, those same groceries cost $136.49, a 15% increase in just three and half years.
Over the same three and half years, the median income level has fallen, gasoline prices have increased and millions more middle class Americans are out of work.

Read more: Grocery Prices Up 15% Since Obama Took Office
$8 corn and $14 beans.

40% of corn crop diverted to gas tanks. So much ethanol that we export 20% of production.

And Obama wants to tax oil and gas companies to the tune of $40+ billion?

Where are the cries of obscene agriculture profits?

Where's Obama's claim that ag is "doing just fine" as he repeatedly states about energy companies.
Let's recoup the billions in ag giveaways, Obama. You know, the true subsidies.
Prices are up here. I used to be able to buy Delmonico steaks on sale for $5.99/lb (reg price was $8.99/lb). Now the sale price is $10.99/lb. :eek: We don't eat steak anymore.

Cat food had been .37/can. Now it's .53/can. Me-OW!

Store brand Iubprofen (500 count) went from $7.49/bottle to $14/bottle last January. wtH??

Watch for sales, use coupons, stock up when prices are at their lowest, buy generic if that is less expensive.
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Inflartion under Obama is below the Bush average. Sorry, ANOTHER FAIL by the wingnuts!

Current Inflation Rates | Monthly and Yearly Chart, Graph and Table: 2002-2012 Data - US Inflation Calculator

Psst.. Bush is not the POTUS anymore.

Inflation affecting food prices at grocery stores
Monday, June 04, 2012
HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Does this sound familiar? You buy the same food at the store every week, but your grocery bill keeps on climbing. Your eyes aren't playing tricks on you -- the culprit is food inflation.

Inflation affecting food prices at grocery stores |
Agriculture has forever been, and shall forever remain, America's poster child.
The farmer- you can't get any more American or wholesome than that.

The industry is beyond reproach, and beyond the reach of public scrutiny. They are practically handed a blank check with which to write their own ticket.

Yet, could they exist today without hydrocarbons? Of course not.

And who is public enemy #1 in this country?
I suppose with Romney my food bill will go down.....NOPE. Not because he is republican just because things just cost more,for example, while drastic 1959 is a reference point.

Dwight David Eisenhower(R) was President.
What Things Cost in 1959:
Car: $2,200
Gasoline: 30 cents/gal
House: $18,500
Bread: 20 cents/loaf
Milk: $1.01/gal
Postage Stamp: 4 cents
Stock Market: 679
Average Annual Salary: $5,500
Minimum Wage: $1.00 per hour
Agriculture has forever been, and shall forever remain, America's poster child.
The farmer- you can't get any more American or wholesome than that.

The industry is beyond reproach, and beyond the reach of public scrutiny. They are practically handed a blank check with which to write their own ticket.

Yet, could they exist today without hydrocarbons? Of course not.

And who is public enemy #1 in this country?

And we're the ones castigated.
I suppose with Romney my food bill will go down.....NOPE. Not because he is republican just because things just cost more,for example, while drastic 1959 is a reference point.

Dwight David Eisenhower(R) was President.
What Things Cost in 1959:
Car: $2,200
Gasoline: 30 cents/gal
House: $18,500
Bread: 20 cents/loaf
Milk: $1.01/gal
Postage Stamp: 4 cents
Stock Market: 679
Average Annual Salary: $5,500
Minimum Wage: $1.00 per hour

And if gas prices go down and we stop putting the corn crop in the gas tank, some food prices will go down.
I couldn't believe the price of candy when I shopped for Halloween. Family income down and grocery prices rising. Let's add that skyrocketing electric and heating oil bills and see if anyone can afford 4 more years of Obama.

Grocery Prices Up 15% Since Obama Took Office
posted on August 10, 2012 by Giacomo

The 2012 presidential election is heating up. The national conventions for both parties are just around the corner and Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are already busy duking it out.

One thing I keep hearing Obama say is how he is for the middle class. He is our friend and savior, says he. If that’s true, then let’s take a look at how his first term of office has helped the middle class.
To begin with, under Obama, the middle class has shrunk while the number of Americans living at or below the poverty line has drastically increased. Millions of middle class families are now finding themselves trying to survive at poverty level incomes and in many instances it’s been devastating to them.

Under Obama’s reign, we have experienced official unemployment levels of over 8% for 42 consecutive months. The broader unemployment figure for June of this year is at 14.9%. This figure accounts for those out of work, forced to work part time only and those who have quit looking for a job.
The second quarter economic growth figure had dropped to 1.5%. Just to sustain ourselves, this figure needs to be at 2% and for actual growth and recovery it needs to be even higher.
A recent study of grocery prices may really tell the story of how the middle class has fared under three and half years of Obamanomics. They looked at the prices of a specific list of groceries just prior to Obama taking office and then used the exact same list of the groceries at today’s prices

. Before Obama, the groceries cost $119.16. Today, those same groceries cost $136.49, a 15% increase in just three and half years.
Over the same three and half years, the median income level has fallen, gasoline prices have increased and millions more middle class Americans are out of work.

Read more: Grocery Prices Up 15% Since Obama Took Office

now being a coupon queen beyond I kbow how to play the game but dear good graciousness you guys better get on board.

I can't play double up here but I still work coupons and oh my don't I wish I was still in Kroger's alley where I could double and rock it. I still give lessons on line on how to rock it.

I guess you guys will need it more than ever now. Geeze I better really start looking good.:eusa_angel:

Note to self get manicure despite desperately running towards the camp and singing teddly tunes
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Agriculture has forever been, and shall forever remain, America's poster child.
The farmer- you can't get any more American or wholesome than that.

The industry is beyond reproach, and beyond the reach of public scrutiny. They are practically handed a blank check with which to write their own ticket.

Yet, could they exist today without hydrocarbons? Of course not.

And who is public enemy #1 in this country?

And we're the ones castigated.

I said enemy, not "enema". ;)

Millions of metric tons of grain exported, year in and year out.

Farmers paid to NOT grow crops, farmers with loan deficiency payments, farmers with crop insurance, farmers with set-aside acres, farmers with true subsidies... "mailbox money" as they themselves call it.

$8 corn. $14 beans.

I recently moved from a small rural community. Oddly enough, there were plenty of Cadillac, Mercedes, Lexus, and even Jaguar autos roaming the streets of that population 1,500 town. Oil? Fuck no.

You do know....all those prices that have skyrocketed like food, gas, milk, cable, etc, etc........are all prices set by those private sector companies. Wall Street is booming. Profits are up all over the place. Companies are sitting on huge piles of cash.

Think prices are too high? Blame the company.
You do know....all those prices that have skyrocketed like food, gas, milk, cable, etc, etc........are all prices set by those private sector companies. Wall Street is booming. Profits are up all over the place. Companies are sitting on huge piles of cash.

Think prices are too high? Blame the company.

Cable, yes. Food, gas, milk-- no.

Etc? Not sure about that one. :)

Much as I will lambast the farmer, he/she/it does not set the price.
Gas? Don't go there, dude.
Grocery Prices Up In The Obama Economy

not mine.

Where do you live that your grocery prices haven't risen in three years?

Are you in double coupon Kroger territory?. I can show you how to go for nothing.

All legal and trust me build a second room:eusa_angel: I really am good at this shit.

I still give lessons on line to churches. It was when I first started out the only way I could be charitable.

I started a thread about it but it got way swamped back a couple of years ago. But if you want to learn how to coupon legally and how to make it work, oooooooooooooooooooh baby I am the best of the best.


And sadly it really does look like we are moving down to Florida to take care of Joe Sr.

Now no one pity me. I adore Florida., pretty well grew up just north of Daytona as a kid.

AND five to one a date with Joe a dude who can tell me over and over about the first launches ever at the base.

So I'll gave it a scope out whats up and coming. I guess this will be the best of years I pray.

And God help Florida. If I hit you I will be so blessed. I will embrace you again. I think its one of the best states ever.

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Often times, oil production in the U.S. is shut in due to weather conditions.

The oil crop is uninsurable.

Crude oil... the OTHER cash crop.

Oil prices too low for producers to break even? Pay 'em the difference. Think 1999 when oil was $10/barrel and you were paying 70 cents/gallon for gasoline.

Foreign countries dumping steel on U.S. markets at below production cost? No problem- governement steps in with protections.

Foreign countries dumping crude oil on U.S. markets at below production cost? No problem-

Fuck the domestic oil producers.
Do you have crazy tariffs? I just want to make it thru this election cycle and then it's balls to the wall on other issues.

And you bet "energy" is on the top of my freaking list. Only a few more days sir. Only a few more days.

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