Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year

It's quite the closed loop.

The media created her out of whole cloth and now it is congratulating itself on having done so.
A small child brought media attention worldwide to her cause
All started by a small girl sitting on the sidewalk with a sign

You are quite the gullible boy and completely inadept at understanding how things work.

She would still be a small girl sitting on that sidewalk if the media had not decided to make her a star and craft a propaganda campaign around her.

Rosa Parks would just be a black lady sitting on a bus
So, now this little punk is Rosa Parks?
Nope...not.....yet. But she'll get her Nobel long before you get yours.
The nobel is a bigger joke than this Time thingy.

Ridiculous that a child is named person of the year.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how often has it happened before now? I don't see anything wrong with it going to someone younger. Sometimes those who are younger end up having more sense than an older person and when you believe that something wrong is being done, saying something is what a person is supposed to do because remaining silent only means that the wrong doing can and will continue.

Who knew disrespect for elders and truancy are criteria for an award?
When the elders are dead wrong....disrespect is the only sane response.
Amen to this. Anything else is only a form on enabling.

God bless you and the girl and our current leader always!!!


All she ever did was say "how dare you?" to a roomful of delegates which IMO was extremely disrespectful.

She is a child who basically had a temper tantrum in front of the UN
What would you rather have come from a person if anything controversial is going to happen with them at all? Something like what she is now known for or something more along the lines of what takes place everywhere else on this sick and twisted planet?

Washington DC, PA, and New York on 9/11
Washington DC one year after 9/11 (Sniper City it may has well have been labeled)
Vegas (country music concert)
Sandy Hook (school shooting)
Blacks Burg, VA (college shooting)
Columbine (school shooting)
El Paso, TX (Wal-Mart)
Dayton, OH
Aurora CO (movie theater)
Park Land FL (school shooting)
California (The Borderline Club)
Sutherland Springs, TX (church shooting)
Charleston SC (another church shooting)
Orlando FL (the other club shooting)
Roanoke VA (a news station of all places, WDBJ that is)

And of course the list just goes on.

God bless you and everyone who has lost someone to another person in one way or another always!!!


For one I never compared Greta Von spoiled brat to Sandy Hook or any other time people tragically lost their lives to senseless violence.

That you think I did says more about your mental instability than anything else
Time Magazine

She has succeeded in creating a global attitudinal shift, transforming millions of vague, middle-of-the-night anxieties into a worldwide movement calling for urgent change. She has offered a moral clarion call to those who are willing to act, and hurled shame on those who are not."
She's the flavor of the week nothing more
It's quite the closed loop.

The media created her out of whole cloth and now it is congratulating itself on having done so.
A small child brought media attention worldwide to her cause
All started by a small girl sitting on the sidewalk with a sign

You are quite the gullible boy and completely inadept at understanding how things work.

She would still be a small girl sitting on that sidewalk if the media had not decided to make her a star and craft a propaganda campaign around her.

Rosa Parks would just be a black lady sitting on a bus
Except she actually started the boycott that financially choked the public transportation system and that brought about real change.

All Greta did was throw a tantrum at the UN. Where are all the people boycotting fossil fuels because Greta said to?

Like I said she has no clue how the world works so her opinions are worthless

Comparing that spoiled brat to Rosa Parks is a fucking insult
Now you're just being stupid. While Greta may well be a Socialist..many, if not most, in Sweden are..Hitler was a right-wing Fascist..and the darling of many on the Right in America, prior to the war.
Hitler was the leader of the, "National Socialist Worker's Party", (Nazi) which was Germany's largest socialist organization. ... :cool:
Now you're just being stupid. While Greta may well be a Socialist..many, if not most, in Sweden are..Hitler was a right-wing Fascist..and the darling of many on the Right in America, prior to the war.
Hitler was the leader of the, "National Socialist Worker's Party", (Nazi) which was Germany's largest socialist organization. ... :cool:
Nope..not even close. But you probably know that, right? Because you don't know the meanings of the words that you throw around--you lose more than a bit of credibility. The 'Socialist' part of the party name was a sop to the large trade unions and the unrest in the workers ranks..fueled by the Communist party..Hitler's mortal enemies. Nothing but Realpolitik. Hitler was the State....which is why he was fascist and proud of it. The ultimate in centralized power--and the polar terminus of the right-wing.

This attempt at historical revisionism is pathetic...yet you fools continue to run with it.

How appropriate. Time liked hitler too.

Do you think Greta is like Hitler?

Not at all. I was merely pointing out that Time has a rather low threshold for what is good.
Good is not really the criteria the Time editors use. Influential is the metric, I believe.

How appropriate. Time liked hitler too.

Do you think Greta is like Hitler?

Not at all. I was merely pointing out that Time has a rather low threshold for what is good.
Good is not really the criteria the Time editors use. Influential is the metric, I believe.

And, as I said, their threshold is very low. She is a prime example of a little yapping dog, makes lots of noise, but no one cares except to shut the stupid mutt up.
What enables you to measure effectiveness? By what metric? She's enhanced the conversation...and many in her generation are listening to her.
Hell...given the mass amount of hate and out-and-out lying directed at her by most here..she MUST be doing something right!

Congratz Greta--you have already made more of a mark in history at 16 than most of these geezers have made or will make in their entire life.
Stock up on Chap Stick. Kissing that much ass can dry the lips out.
What enables you to measure effectiveness? By what metric? She's enhanced the conversation...and many in her generation are listening to her.
Hell...given the mass amount of hate and out-and-out lying directed at her by most here..she MUST be doing something right!

Congratz Greta--you have already made more of a mark in history at 16 than most of these geezers have made or will make in their entire life.
Stock up on Chap Stick. Kissing that much ass can dry the lips out.
He knows. He's well stocked on chap stick, ... and Vaseline.
What enables you to measure effectiveness? By what metric? She's enhanced the conversation...and many in her generation are listening to her.
Hell...given the mass amount of hate and out-and-out lying directed at her by most here..she MUST be doing something right!

Congratz Greta--you have already made more of a mark in history at 16 than most of these geezers have made or will make in their entire life.
Stock up on Chap Stick. Kissing that much ass can dry the lips out.
He knows. He's well stocked on chap stick, ... and Vaseline.
LOL! A homoerotic enlightened of you! A healthy fantasy life is OK....but I'm pretty sure I'm too old for you....and too smart..and too handsome---and too straight--but i support your lifestyle choice and wish you the best of luck.
What enables you to measure effectiveness? By what metric? She's enhanced the conversation...and many in her generation are listening to her.
Hell...given the mass amount of hate and out-and-out lying directed at her by most here..she MUST be doing something right!

Congratz Greta--you have already made more of a mark in history at 16 than most of these geezers have made or will make in their entire life.
Stock up on Chap Stick. Kissing that much ass can dry the lips out.
I bow to the obvious voice of experience--I guess being a Trump partisan can use up a lot of chap stick!

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