Great news for EU, terrible for Nigeria in snow " Gas prices in "russia (Muscovy) " were higher than in Europe"


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Great news for EU, terrible for Nigeria in snow " Gas prices in "russia (Muscovy) " were higher than in Europe" We won brothers !!! , the Muscovite barbarian , aggressive, backward horde lost the war against us , its finito 1917/1991 for Pugebe and his Nigeria in snow



The fall in gas prices in Europe has led to the fact that its price in Russia has become higher than for European consumers. Such a ratio arises even taking into account the cost of transportation and export duty of 30%, according to RBC .

Prices for Europe's largest Dutch hub TTF on Wednesday, May 20, fell to 46-47 dollars per thousand cubic meters, although at the end of March were at $ 80.

In the Smolensk and Leningrad regions, the price of gas is around $ 60 per thousand cubic meters, although the cost is significantly lower in production sites.


Resource curse - Wikipedia › wiki › Resource_curse

The resource curse, also known as the paradox of plenty, refers to the paradox that countries with an abundance of natural resources (such as fossil fuels and certain minerals), tend to have less economic growth, less democracy, and worse development outcomes than countries with fewer natural resources.
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Actually, low gas price in Europe is just a sign of European deindustrialisation. And they can't win a big war without serious military industry.
Actually, low gas price in Europe is just a sign of European deindustrialisation. And they can't win a big war without serious military industry.
Given that their military has become a joke, except France's maybe, winning a war is not their policy. Evading a war is more the case.
Actually, low gas price in Europe is just a sign of European deindustrialisation. And they can't win a big war without serious military industry.
Given that their military has become a joke, except France's maybe, winning a war is not their policy. Evading a war is more the case.
How successful it can be, taking into account who are their neighbours?
Actually, low gas price in Europe is just a sign of European deindustrialisation. And they can't win a big war without serious military industry.
Given that their military has become a joke, except France's maybe, winning a war is not their policy. Evading a war is more the case.
How successful it can be, taking into account who are their neighbours?
If I understand that correctly, then yes, they dont consider any of their neighbors as a threat. A stupid policy.
Actually, low gas price in Europe is just a sign of European deindustrialisation. And they can't win a big war without serious military industry.
Given that their military has become a joke, except France's maybe, winning a war is not their policy. Evading a war is more the case.
How successful it can be, taking into account who are their neighbours?
If I understand that correctly, then yes, they dont consider any of their neighbors as a threat. A stupid policy.
Actually, low gas price in Europe is just a sign of European deindustrialisation. And they can't win a big war without serious military industry.
Given that their military has become a joke, except France's maybe, winning a war is not their policy. Evading a war is more the case.
How successful it can be, taking into account who are their neighbours?
If I understand that correctly, then yes, they dont consider any of their neighbors as a threat. A stupid policy.
So? Russia won't disintegrate as the USSR did. The main reason - there are no national republics inside of it where so called title nations can form their independent states. Primarily because they are too small in numbers, significantly assimilated by the Russians, and too dependent from the mainland.

Virtually, the only national republic capable of it is Tatarstan. But then again, considering its geography it will be difficult to do so.

I don't count North Caucasus republics. Which will quickly become tribal shitholes in cause of their independence. And their cession will be in Russia's favor.

For centuries, Russia was a backward country with highly corrupted and ineffective economy and political system. The Bolsheviks tried to change that (in a way proper to them) but failed. Now it is heading to its proper place.
Actually, low gas price in Europe is just a sign of European deindustrialisation. And they can't win a big war without serious military industry.
Given that their military has become a joke, except France's maybe, winning a war is not their policy. Evading a war is more the case.
How successful it can be, taking into account who are their neighbours?
If I understand that correctly, then yes, they dont consider any of their neighbors as a threat. A stupid policy.
So? Russia won't disintegrate as the USSR did. The main reason - there are no national republics inside of it where so called title nations can form their independent states. Primarily because they are too small in numbers, significantly assimilated by the Russians, and too dependent from the mainland.

Virtually, the only national republic capable of it is Tatarstan. But then again, considering its geography it will be difficult to do so.

I don't count North Caucasus republics. Which will quickly become tribal shitholes in cause of their independence. And their cession will be in Russia's favor.

For centuries, Russia was a backward country with highly corrupted and ineffective economy and political system. The Bolsheviks tried to change that (in a way proper to them) but failed. Now it is heading to its proper place.
Putin's Russia is a declining state, camouflaged in external aggression ... who are increasingly challenging Putin's authoritarian and colonial rule. ... Karelia, Tuva, Sakha, Magadan and other parts of Siberia and the Far East.

"Russia’s economy has been stagnating for several years, living standards continue to decline and poverty is increasing. Demographic statistics reveal a shrinking population with high mortality, low fertility and rising emigration. Russia’s population has dipped from 148 million after the breakup of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s to about 142 million today. This total will fall to around 128 million by 2050 and an increasing percentage will be neither ethnic Russian nor Orthodox Christian. Although Russia defines itself as a federation, in reality it is a centralized neo-imperial construct that, unlike Britain or France, has failed to dismantle its empire and develop a modern civic state.

dumping Moscow’s trash in the northern Arkhangelsk and Komi regions, economic exploitation and curtailment of the national language in Tatarstan and other republics, the building of Orthodox cathedrals in Siberia’s Krasnoyarsk region, the falsification of elections in Buryatia, the appointment of outsiders as governors in Kalmykia and other republics, the arbitrary changes of borders between Chechnya and Ingushetia or growing ethnic tensions in Dagestan fueled by unpopular government decisions. Almost any issue can trigger demonstrations against Moscow’s rule and accelerate demands for autonomy and even separation.

A process of awakening is evident in Siberia, the Urals, the Far East and the Far North, where there are growing distinctions with Muscovites even among people viewed as Russians but who settled generations ago and developed distinct local identities. Several of Russia’s federal units possess the natural resources and favorable location to become independent economically once they terminate their exploitation by Moscow. Trade and investment from neighboring European and Asian countries can significantly develop regions such as Kaliningrad, Karelia, Tuva, Sakha, Magadan and other parts of Siberia and the Far East."

Saudi Aramco plans to boost its production capacity so it can pump as much of Saudi Arabia’s vast oil reserves when demand picks up - before a shift to cleaner energy makes crude all but worthless, industry sources and analysts told Reuters.

With almost 20% of the world’s proven reserves and production costs of just $4 a barrel, Aramco believes it can undercut competitors and carry on making money even when lower oil prices make it unprofitable for rivals, the sources said.

Riyadh now plans to follow through on its apparent threat in March during an oil price war with Russia to raise its capacity to 13 million barrels a day (bpd) from 12 million bpd, officials and sources have said.

" Sole survivor? Saudi Aramco doubles down on oil to outlast rivals

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