Great news for EU ""Russia" has weakened because of Putin's adventures." Will Moscow help Yerevan? " Answer is clear no, question is what Moscow lose


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Great news for EU ""Russia" has weakened because of Putin's adventures." Will Moscow help Yerevan? " Answer is clear no, question is what Moscow lose the next time Karelia, outer Manchuria, Siberia, Tatarstan ?

great article , highly recommend it to you , some highlights :

" Unlike Turkey, which openly supports Azerbaijan in an effort to regain the disputed territories, Russia, which is an official ally of Armenia and has a military base on the territory of this country, is in no hurry to intervene in the conflict, limiting itself to calls for a ceasefire.

- are drones really the deciding factor in this conflict?

Certainly. Several factors are at play here. First, a very large-scale electronic intelligence system. Obviously, since Turkey is involved on a large scale in the conflict, they have space intelligence data, they control - apparently from space - the front line, they have operational data that Azerbaijan receives, so they know where to send the drones. They use drones on a massive scale, obviously, these are large Turkish supplies, supplies from Israel. Drones are used in groups, they are used in large numbers. And they are provided with electronic warfare equipment. Radio-technical reconnaissance and means of electronic warfare allowed Azerbaijan to destroy with one blow essentially the entire military air defense, which covered the forward positions of the troops....

we see that Russia has become so weakened recently as a result of Putin's numerous adventures, as a result of engaging in wars in Ukraine, Syria, Africa, as a result of sanctions, conflicts of various kinds, poisoning, as a result of this chaotic policy. Putin's Russia has weakened its authority so much that, in fact, this war shows that Turkey is the regional leader in the Caucasus, not Russia. And Russia is afraid of any active actions at all, even statements on this matter,that is, he is afraid to state his position.


Russia is in conflict with the whole world, is involved in such a number of problematic issues that authority, influence has all been lost, and Russia is now really afraid of Turkey, because any form of confrontation with Turkey would mean a fairly quick elimination of Putin's Syrian adventure. Putin has embarked on an adventure in Syria that is absolutely senseless for him, and naturally, Turkey now has a very convenient leverage to influence Moscow. With this Russian adventure, the Russian group in Syria hostage, Erdogan can absolutely calmly, with impunity and confidently dictate to Russia new rules of the game in the Caucasus. Therefore, I think that Russia will not intervene. Turkey, it seems to me, will not conduct a direct military invasion from its territory,but will provide Azerbaijan with full assistance and, from an international legal point of view, will generally use this situation. From the point of view of international law, the liberation of the so-called "buffer zone" by Azerbaijan is an absolutely impeccable story, and therefore Aliyev and Erdogan, of course, are clearly playing it out. And I think that here they will move on

(In 1993, the inclusion of the "buffer zone" by Nagorno Karabakh in its composition was qualified by the UN Security Council as the occupation of the territory of Azerbaijan by local Armenian forces. - Note RS) .

Great news for EU ""Russia" has weakened because of Putin's adventures." Will Moscow help Yerevan? " Answer is clear no, question is what Moscow lose the next time Karelia, outer Manchuria, Siberia, Tatarstan ?

great article , highly recommend it to you , some highlights :

" Unlike Turkey, which openly supports Azerbaijan in an effort to regain the disputed territories, Russia, which is an official ally of Armenia and has a military base on the territory of this country, is in no hurry to intervene in the conflict, limiting itself to calls for a ceasefire.

- are drones really the deciding factor in this conflict?

Certainly. Several factors are at play here. First, a very large-scale electronic intelligence system. Obviously, since Turkey is involved on a large scale in the conflict, they have space intelligence data, they control - apparently from space - the front line, they have operational data that Azerbaijan receives, so they know where to send the drones. They use drones on a massive scale, obviously, these are large Turkish supplies, supplies from Israel. Drones are used in groups, they are used in large numbers. And they are provided with electronic warfare equipment. Radio-technical reconnaissance and means of electronic warfare allowed Azerbaijan to destroy with one blow essentially the entire military air defense, which covered the forward positions of the troops....

we see that Russia has become so weakened recently as a result of Putin's numerous adventures, as a result of engaging in wars in Ukraine, Syria, Africa, as a result of sanctions, conflicts of various kinds, poisoning, as a result of this chaotic policy. Putin's Russia has weakened its authority so much that, in fact, this war shows that Turkey is the regional leader in the Caucasus, not Russia. And Russia is afraid of any active actions at all, even statements on this matter,that is, he is afraid to state his position.
View attachment 395552


Russia is in conflict with the whole world, is involved in such a number of problematic issues that authority, influence has all been lost, and Russia is now really afraid of Turkey, because any form of confrontation with Turkey would mean a fairly quick elimination of Putin's Syrian adventure. Putin has embarked on an adventure in Syria that is absolutely senseless for him, and naturally, Turkey now has a very convenient leverage to influence Moscow. With this Russian adventure, the Russian group in Syria hostage, Erdogan can absolutely calmly, with impunity and confidently dictate to Russia new rules of the game in the Caucasus. Therefore, I think that Russia will not intervene. Turkey, it seems to me, will not conduct a direct military invasion from its territory,but will provide Azerbaijan with full assistance and, from an international legal point of view, will generally use this situation. From the point of view of international law, the liberation of the so-called "buffer zone" by Azerbaijan is an absolutely impeccable story, and therefore Aliyev and Erdogan, of course, are clearly playing it out. And I think that here they will move on

(In 1993, the inclusion of the "buffer zone" by Nagorno Karabakh in its composition was qualified by the UN Security Council as the occupation of the territory of Azerbaijan by local Armenian forces. - Note RS) .


Dude.....that map is pretty Hilarious.... Do you think for one moment that the central Russian Authorities would allow such a thing without lighting up a few nukes? You know they wouldn't.
Let's get real here.... I know you don't like Putin but his is definitely in charge where he is.

Great news for EU ""Russia" has weakened because of Putin's adventures." Will Moscow help Yerevan? " Answer is clear no, question is what Moscow lose the next time Karelia, outer Manchuria, Siberia, Tatarstan ?

great article , highly recommend it to you , some highlights :

" Unlike Turkey, which openly supports Azerbaijan in an effort to regain the disputed territories, Russia, which is an official ally of Armenia and has a military base on the territory of this country, is in no hurry to intervene in the conflict, limiting itself to calls for a ceasefire.

- are drones really the deciding factor in this conflict?

Certainly. Several factors are at play here. First, a very large-scale electronic intelligence system. Obviously, since Turkey is involved on a large scale in the conflict, they have space intelligence data, they control - apparently from space - the front line, they have operational data that Azerbaijan receives, so they know where to send the drones. They use drones on a massive scale, obviously, these are large Turkish supplies, supplies from Israel. Drones are used in groups, they are used in large numbers. And they are provided with electronic warfare equipment. Radio-technical reconnaissance and means of electronic warfare allowed Azerbaijan to destroy with one blow essentially the entire military air defense, which covered the forward positions of the troops....

we see that Russia has become so weakened recently as a result of Putin's numerous adventures, as a result of engaging in wars in Ukraine, Syria, Africa, as a result of sanctions, conflicts of various kinds, poisoning, as a result of this chaotic policy. Putin's Russia has weakened its authority so much that, in fact, this war shows that Turkey is the regional leader in the Caucasus, not Russia. And Russia is afraid of any active actions at all, even statements on this matter,that is, he is afraid to state his position.
View attachment 395552


Russia is in conflict with the whole world, is involved in such a number of problematic issues that authority, influence has all been lost, and Russia is now really afraid of Turkey, because any form of confrontation with Turkey would mean a fairly quick elimination of Putin's Syrian adventure. Putin has embarked on an adventure in Syria that is absolutely senseless for him, and naturally, Turkey now has a very convenient leverage to influence Moscow. With this Russian adventure, the Russian group in Syria hostage, Erdogan can absolutely calmly, with impunity and confidently dictate to Russia new rules of the game in the Caucasus. Therefore, I think that Russia will not intervene. Turkey, it seems to me, will not conduct a direct military invasion from its territory,but will provide Azerbaijan with full assistance and, from an international legal point of view, will generally use this situation. From the point of view of international law, the liberation of the so-called "buffer zone" by Azerbaijan is an absolutely impeccable story, and therefore Aliyev and Erdogan, of course, are clearly playing it out. And I think that here they will move on

(In 1993, the inclusion of the "buffer zone" by Nagorno Karabakh in its composition was qualified by the UN Security Council as the occupation of the territory of Azerbaijan by local Armenian forces. - Note RS) .


Dude.....that map is pretty Hilarious.... Do you think for one moment that the central Russian Authorities would allow such a thing without lighting up a few nukes? You know they wouldn't.
Let's get real here.... I know you don't like Putin but his is definitely in charge where he is.

it has happened 100 years ago and almost in 1991 , how nukes can stop it ?


How Muscovy is helping Armenia portray the Azerbaijan clash as a holy war, we see here 2 standards toward Armenian Azerbaijan nations , great reading for those who are buying Muscovite, or believe that "Muslim " blood has a different color . Moscow and its poodles have to leave Azerbaijan (UN reslutions are clear on this) state territory !

"The same playbook used by the Assad regime in Syria is being deployed in Armenia to pitch this as an Islam versus Christianity battle - when it is anything but...

Amazingly, Armenia has concurrently engaged in a campaign to obtain recognition for what it claims as a genocide over 100 years ago. The United States recently passed legislation recognising the Armenian genocide without ever mentioning Armenia’s ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijanis. It was the result of many years of lobbying by Armenia as well as the United States Congress' animus towards Turkey.

The United Nations Security Council has adopted resolutions condemning Armenia’s ethnic cleansing. The resolutions refer to Armenia as an “occupying force.”


Notably, the Prime Minister talks about defending “the identity” of Armenia. Prime Minister Pashinyan makes it clear that he has his eyes on Nagorno-Karabakh. While trying to make it seem like a defensive position he is really acknowledging that Armenia is fighting in the territory recognised universally as Azerbaijan.

Meanwhile, journalists discovered that Russian military trucks were entering Armenia from Iran at the Julfa crossing. The battle lines have been clearly drawn. Armenia has aligned itself with Russia and Iran. Azerbaijan will rely on its close relationship with Turkey. Many of the statements from Russia, Armenia and Iran have been focused on Turkey as much as they have been on Azerbaijan. Much of the narrative building has also been reminiscent of the campaigns conducted by Russia and Iran on Assad’s behalf. ...

Armenia's supporters have pulled out the same playbook that was used in Syria. Portray the battle as a fight between Christians and Muslims, east vs west.

In Syria, Assad falsely claimed the mantle of “the protector of Christians”— and countries like Greece and Russia promoted that propaganda and furthered the sectarian message. The Assad regime has killed and tortured hundreds of Christians and 60 percent of the churches destroyed during the war have been at the hands of the Assad regime.

The battle – in Armenia’s narrative – is no longer about land, it is now about a religious battle inciting images of crusaders and Jesus on the cross.


What we now see is that Armenia has learned from Assad and its close relationship with Russia to play the Christian card. They claim to be defending Christianity against Islamic terrorism.

Armenia is trying to say it is “Armenia or the terrorists” just as Assad tried to make you believe that it was “Assad or the terrorists.”
It’s a simple and effective narrative for people who are ignorant about the realities of the conflict.

The result in Syria has been hundreds of thousands dead Syrian women, children and men. We must not fall for the lie again. The battle over Nagorno-Karabakh has everything to do with raw aggression for land, ethnic nationalism and nothing to do with religion.

" How Russia is helping Armenia portray the Azerbaijan clash as a holy war

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