Great lakes water levels up a foot!

Is my OP that hard to decipher....seriously?

You made a rookie mistake, confusing climate with weather. That wasn't hard to spot. Anyone with knowledge on the topic instantly saw it, and thus instantly knew there was no point in taking you seriously.

Global temps are gradually climbing. That doesn't mean the world will never see cold again.

Great Lakes levels are slowly declining. That doesn't mean there never be occasional wet years.

If this is all too complicated for you, you're out of luck. I can't dumb it down any further.

I been at this game for 12 years ya nitwit.....if anybody here should be running for coffee for me it could well be you. I understand your elitist views....I've been destroying them for over a decade. I've put several of your kind in mental institutions from what I hear. Don't be mislead....I'm being nice today. :eusa_angel:
I'm a Christian and you're a Moon Doggie

I have no idea what that means.

I will point out that, if Christianity is correct, you're in big trouble. Toasty afterlife trouble. It's "Thou shalt not lie", not "Thou shalt not lie, unless you're trying to grab political power, in which case lying about those dirty liberals is okay".

That's the biggest reason why you hate us liberals, of course. Our moral absolutism makes your raging moral relativism look awful. Our absolute morality burns you like sunlight burning a vampire, so you lash out at the source of your pain.
Why? There is a gigantic burning ball of gas at the center of the solar system.

Solar output is decreasing, but temps are rising.

Therefore, it is conclusively proven that you fail hard at the basic science for claiming the sun did it.

Given how hard you fail at the basic science and logic, why are you bothering the grownups? You stink at this. The hilarious part is how you're too brainwashed to understand how much you stink. Instead of intelligent criticism, your cult has fed you stories of what a special unique and brilliant little snowflake you, and handed you the equivalent of many participation trophies.

The good news, your self-esteem is in great shape.

The bad news, you're just babbling cult nonsense.

They are? Better tell these folks....

Is my OP that hard to decipher....seriously?

You made a rookie mistake, confusing climate with weather. That wasn't hard to spot. Anyone with knowledge on the topic instantly saw it, and thus instantly knew there was no point in taking you seriously.

Global temps are gradually climbing. That doesn't mean the world will never see cold again.

Great Lakes levels are slowly declining. That doesn't mean there never be occasional wet years.

If this is all too complicated for you, you're out of luck. I can't dumb it down any further.

yep, I agree you don't understand the OP. Figures.
Why? There is a gigantic burning ball of gas at the center of the solar system.

Solar output is decreasing, but temps are rising.

Therefore, it is conclusively proven that you fail hard at the basic science for claiming the sun did it.

Given how hard you fail at the basic science and logic, why are you bothering the grownups? You stink at this. The hilarious part is how you're too brainwashed to understand how much you stink. Instead of intelligent criticism, your cult has fed you stories of what a special unique and brilliant little snowflake you, and handed you the equivalent of many participation trophies.

The good news, your self-esteem is in great shape.

The bad news, you're just babbling cult nonsense.

Basically off topic. Go reread the OP. you didn't follow it. Figures.
Wha? How can this be.....hadn't the gorebal warming fruitcakes just concluded the whole area was DOOMED by drought? :eusa_shifty:

You might recall Lake Superior ICED OVER last fact, there were still mini-iceburgs afloat in the Shining Big Sea Waters in June. Lake Michigan got to almost 80% ICE OVER, and Huron was close to that number.

IMPOSSIBLE said the leftist proves NOTHING they raged.

You obviously don't know what happens when the oceans get warmer....hint...water levels rise.

Once again we see the left SKIM OVER data that doesn't fit Obozo's queer ass agenda to destroy the remains of American industry. He's never held a job so I don't really blame him for being a total idiot. You're smarter than he is and yet you're falling for his retarded SCAM. Read my OP again.....the part about where the Great Lakes FROZE OVER this winter....and then report back to me when was the last time that happened. :eusa_whistle:
Why? There is a gigantic burning ball of gas at the center of the solar system.

Solar output is decreasing, but temps are rising.

Therefore, it is conclusively proven that you fail hard at the basic science for claiming the sun did it.

Given how hard you fail at the basic science and logic, why are you bothering the grownups? You stink at this. The hilarious part is how you're too brainwashed to understand how much you stink. Instead of intelligent criticism, your cult has fed you stories of what a special unique and brilliant little snowflake you, and handed you the equivalent of many participation trophies.

The good news, your self-esteem is in great shape.

The bad news, you're just babbling cult nonsense.

They are? Better tell these folks....


He's just full of his own morality. Too bad he has no clue on how to prove his claims.
I'm a Christian and you're a Moon Doggie

I have no idea what that means.

I will point out that, if Christianity is correct, you're in big trouble. Toasty afterlife trouble. It's "Thou shalt not lie", not "Thou shalt not lie, unless you're trying to grab political power, in which case lying about those dirty liberals is okay".

That's the biggest reason why you hate us liberals, of course. Our moral absolutism makes your raging moral relativism look awful. Our absolute morality burns you like sunlight burning a vampire, so you lash out at the source of your pain.

MORAL ABSOLUTISM? :lol: I think you better look that term up again. What you practice is situational ethics and total amorality. Your understanding of weather isn't deeper than what a chicken could scratch up. That's because you have no science or math in your learning.....liberal arts...the absolute JOKE in academia. Saul Alinsky knew that lying and calling who catches you lying a liar, works far past the grade school playground with the low-information crowd. All slogans, no data other than losers who found a paycheck coming from a leftist government.
They are? Better tell these folks....

Better not use a cherrypicking fallacy, Westwall, because we instantly it recognize it and laugh at it.

That type of dishonesty is more or less your signature. And it's the main reason why your group is correctly regarded by most of the planet as a dishonest political cult. If you all want to pat each other's backs here, have a ball, but the planet is still ignoring you and moving on without you.

That is, kooks lose. Rational people win. I'd ask if that bothers you all, but there's no need, since it so clearly does.
Saul Alinsky knew that lying and calling who catches you lying a liar

And now you invoke the name of your true lord and master. Sadly for you, that doesn't intimidate me.

Admit it. You sleep with "Rules for Radicals" under your pillow. It is that obvious, given your familiarity with all his works, and given how the only tactics you ever use are Alinsky tactics. You have learned well from your DearMasterAlinsky, grasshopper.
Is my OP that hard to decipher....seriously?

You made a rookie mistake, confusing climate with weather. That wasn't hard to spot. Anyone with knowledge on the topic instantly saw it, and thus instantly knew there was no point in taking you seriously.

Global temps are gradually climbing. That doesn't mean the world will never see cold again.

Great Lakes levels are slowly declining. That doesn't mean there never be occasional wet years.

If this is all too complicated for you, you're out of luck. I can't dumb it down any further.

To believe the added billions of humans, chemicals, and development haven't changed the earth is arrogant.
Fresh water floats atop salt water, so at least in the coastal regions or areas subject to bay or ocean seeps we should see what appears to be a sudden and more plentiful supply of fresh groundwater [providing it hasn't permanently been polluted by fracking injecting carcinogenic toxic solvents into it] as saltwater intrusion from rising sea levels begins to permeate land. So while you're celebrating a rise in fresh water in the ground, do so with reservations.

What should be capturing people's attentions is not "goody, more fresh water". It should be "why is this happening all of a sudden?"

No reservations necessary....I grew up around the Great Lakes and saw differences in shorelines every year. Our dock was everywhere from land-bound to submerged in my first 25 years of life. What these rising waters bring is plant nutrition and a BONANZA for fish populations. Of course thanks to Obozo, the asian carp will be the eventual victors because the piece of shit refused to block Chicago barge traffic where the carp were entering Lake Michigan.

OK, but I've heard reports that even in dry coastal regions suddenly there's more ground water than there's a right to be. Let's hope it's just a fluke..
Is my OP that hard to decipher....seriously?

You made a rookie mistake, confusing climate with weather. That wasn't hard to spot. Anyone with knowledge on the topic instantly saw it, and thus instantly knew there was no point in taking you seriously.

Global temps are gradually climbing. That doesn't mean the world will never see cold again.

Great Lakes levels are slowly declining. That doesn't mean there never be occasional wet years.

If this is all too complicated for you, you're out of luck. I can't dumb it down any further.

To believe the added billions of humans, chemicals, and development haven't changed the earth is arrogant.

Carlin said is better....

[ame=]George Carlin on The Environment - YouTube[/ame]
Fresh water floats atop salt water, so at least in the coastal regions or areas subject to bay or ocean seeps we should see what appears to be a sudden and more plentiful supply of fresh groundwater [providing it hasn't permanently been polluted by fracking injecting carcinogenic toxic solvents into it] as saltwater intrusion from rising sea levels begins to permeate land. So while you're celebrating a rise in fresh water in the ground, do so with reservations.

What should be capturing people's attentions is not "goody, more fresh water". It should be "why is this happening all of a sudden?"

No reservations necessary....I grew up around the Great Lakes and saw differences in shorelines every year. Our dock was everywhere from land-bound to submerged in my first 25 years of life. What these rising waters bring is plant nutrition and a BONANZA for fish populations. Of course thanks to Obozo, the asian carp will be the eventual victors because the piece of shit refused to block Chicago barge traffic where the carp were entering Lake Michigan.

OK, but I've heard reports that even in dry coastal regions suddenly there's more ground water than there's a right to be. Let's hope it's just a fluke..

The water under Florida coasts is salty from pumping out the fresh.
Saul Alinsky knew that lying and calling who catches you lying a liar

And now you invoke the name of your true lord and master. Sadly for you, that doesn't intimidate me.

Admit it. You sleep with "Rules for Radicals" under your pillow. It is that obvious, given your familiarity with all his works, and given how the only tactics you ever use are Alinsky tactics. You have learned well from your DearMasterAlinsky, grasshopper.

:lol: Ol Saul is one of yours, not ours.... Obozo recites his slogans while he paints his toenails at night...


^^^ Of course EVERY bit of this data was faked by left wing nut-jobs!
So, is this telling us we've gone up something like 1.4 [.8 + (-.6)?] degrees Celcius (or 2.52? [1.4 X 1.8?] degrees Farenheit) in 100 years?

Isn't that just a flyspeck, and less than most unscientific folk (such as myself) would guess, given a century of fossil-fuel emissions?

I think we're all at least vaguely aware that our ecosphere is a very fragile instrument, in the broader scheme of things, and that the slightest flutter can set in motion a chain of events, but that does sound like such an itty-bitty increase, when looked at by the un-scientific eye and mind.
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Wha? How can this be.....hadn't the gorebal warming fruitcakes just concluded the whole area was DOOMED by drought? :eusa_shifty:

You might recall Lake Superior ICED OVER last fact, there were still mini-iceburgs afloat in the Shining Big Sea Waters in June. Lake Michigan got to almost 80% ICE OVER, and Huron was close to that number.

IMPOSSIBLE said the leftist proves NOTHING they raged.

Yet here was the simple evidence right in front of their runny noses and they didn't like it. What worse could happen to a fake science just as their MESSiah declared his war on coal. What worse could happen when they were so close to giving the EPA control over rural America? What more DIABOLICAL series of events could turn the snickering of the masses into outright laughter? :badgrin:

Once again Mother Nature slaps the snot out of the dingbats. Enjoy the NEW Great Lakes folks.

If you are trying to use rising water levels to disprove global warming you cant imagine how dumb you look.

^^^ Of course EVERY bit of this data was faked by left wing nut-jobs!
So, is this telling us we've gone up something like 1.4 [.8 + (-.6)?] degrees Celcius (or 2.52? [1.4 X 1.8?] degrees Farenheit) in 100 years?

Isn't that just a flyspeck, and less than most unscientific folk (such as myself) would guess, given a century of fossil-fuel emissions?

I think we're all at least vaguely aware that our ecosphere is a very fragile instrument, in the broader scheme of things, and that the slightest flutter can set in motion a chain of events, but that does sound like such an itty-bitty increase, when looked at by the un-scientific eye and mind.

That's still a warming trend, not a cooling one. 4 degrees is an enormous increase - It's the difference between Maryland and South Carolina.

Most of the real heating is going on in the oceans. That is where it is doing the most damage, i.e, melting the ice caps, etc..

Like I have said a hundred times, though ... I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT THIS WAS CAuSED BY MAN.
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You cannot cherry pick the entire planet in order to PROVE that the earth is not getting warmer.

What is causing the higher water? More rain or melting glaciers?

These kind of threads aren't really set up for discussion, they are mostly for people who disagree with GW to slap each other on the back and belly-laugh at stoopid leeebs.

I don't think you read the OP correctly. But what does that matter right?

He read it correctly.

Turkey battles water shortage | Europe | DW.DE | 26.02.2014

Water Crisis Looms In Iran

City of Santa Cruz : 2014 Drought

California Water Shortage

Pain of California?s water shortage is spreading - Environment - The Sacramento Bee

Palestinian Water Shortages Intensify Due To Drought, Aging*Infrastructure, Inaction - Bloomberg

Brazil fights water shortage affecting poor neighborhoods in city hosting World Cup opener | Fox News

Texas? drinking water shortage has gotten so bad, one city is turning to toilets -

The unprecedented water crisis of the American Southwest - The Week

48 Texas cities face water shortages | Amarillo Globe-News

Lebanon faces water crisis after record winter drought - Lebanon | ReliefWeb

Seven States Running Out of Water - 24/7 Wall St.

Australia?s Drought: The New Normal? - TIME

Chinese water diversion project to help tackle northern China's drought crisis - Australia Network News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

BBC News - Russia fears Crimea water shortage as supply drops

RealClearEnergy | Will Water Shortages Shut Down the Fracking Boom?

Daily water scarcity & drought news

So there is drought throughout the world, but because the Great Lakes Region is having a good year with extra precipitation, there is no water shortage problem and the planet is actually getting colder. :cuckoo: The lack of critical thinking amongst the far right is downright scary.

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