Great lakes water levels up a foot!


^^^ Of course EVERY bit of this data was faked by left wing nut-jobs!
So, is this telling us we've gone up something like 1.4 [.8 + (-.6)?] degrees Celcius (or 2.52? [1.4 X 1.8?] degrees Farenheit) in 100 years?

Isn't that just a flyspeck, and less than most unscientific folk (such as myself) would guess, given a century of fossil-fuel emissions?

I think we're all at least vaguely aware that our ecosphere is a very fragile instrument, in the broader scheme of things, and that the slightest flutter can set in motion a chain of events, but that does sound like such an itty-bitty increase, when looked at by the un-scientific eye and mind.

That's still a warming trend, not a cooling one. 4 degrees is an enormous increase - It's the difference between Maryland and South Carolina.

Most of the real heating is going on in the oceans. That is where it is doing the most damage, i.e, melting the ice caps, etc..

Like I have said a hundred times, though ... I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT THIS WAS CAuSED BY MAN.

I think it is a combination of things, some being caused by greenhouse gases. As much as the deniers want to ignore the increasing rise in CO2 levels, they cannot be ignored. My biggest problem with global warming, assuming that it is all man made, is that there is little we can do about it without completely disrupting the way we live our lives. The US is not the only country contributing to the problem and in the future, other countries will become a bigger problem than the US. Personally I think we should be aware of the changes and admit to them, and use that knowledge to prepare for the consequences of this.

One of the biggest problems the world is likely to face is a decline in fresh water supplies. The fix for this is actually relatively simple although somewhat expensive. That is to desalinate ocean water. The current process is very expensive but there is progress being shown with some newer methods that may well prove to cost only about one tenth of the current cost to desalinate. That would be a game changer and then the only remaining problem would be logistical in how to move the water inland. the Arctic sea ice DOUBLE before your very eyes!

[ame=]2013 Arctic Sea Ice Minimum - YouTube[/ame]
If you are trying to use rising water levels to disprove global warming you cant imagine how dumb you look.

Hey Assplaster, rising water levels mean the end of drought in an area. You moonies are always screeching about CO2 eating the clouds or some shit. The recent precipitation around the Great Lakes shows everything is cyclical and there's no impending disaster. Now try to imagine how dumb your racist ass looks. :lol:
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