Mr. Mike didn't shut up, a short story

Fed Starving

Active Member
Mar 26, 2020
I am going to return to this subject of the young man whom my grandpa, Mr. Mike, targeted and sabotaged continuously for what I found out was actually over 10 full years of his wretched life. This story is worth telling because of what it unveils about the cult Mr. Mike was belonged to and the real powers that they truly possessed.

I am not going to tell the real name of the young man, god bless his soul, and for all good intentions refer to him here as Jangs Huffle which is nothing close to his actual name.

Jangs Huffle was sharp and precise in his mind and his actions towards getting what he wanted out of life and this skill served him well at the hands of his saboteurs. They were accustomed to victims that gave up easily and became putty in their hands. Hard resistance was alien to them and when Jangs Huffle denied them their cakewalk they became increasingly infuriated with him and plotted worse and worse actions against him to the point where the resources and energy required to carry out their intentions became so demanding that this mission of theirs depleted the cult's funding uncomfortably.

As ridiculous as it seemed this also confounded Jangs Huffle because he knew that to actually put someone through so much daily agony and loss for so long had to require more than a single nut. He knew though that somehow he could get out of this undeserved trial of fools and reclaim a halfway decent life once again. He observed their tactics with razorlike discrimination, dissecting their acts with the attention and observational skills of a chemist, carefully backwards-engineering their repititious scouring of him, watching their manipulative obstinance and social insurrection unfold and cycle like a cogwheel or a machine. He would eventually decipher a great portion of their process and uncover the identity of some of them. He could never fully understand though the magnitude of what he was up against and perhaps that was part of why he succeeded in pushing them back, their own secretiveness worked against them because he didn't fear them. But had he known, he might not have gained the courage to fight back.

Jangs Huffle took notes about what he went through and condensed them repeatedly, trying to reach an understanding and perhaps use his backward-engineered knowledge to his advantage. He would learn of Mr. Mike's cult and their use of energy to corrupt the mental and emotional states of their victims. These learnings that he noted with precision and depth are what I realized were the main reason behind why they were hellbent on torturing him for so long and not just ending it with a single bang to the cranium. That would've been more successful, wouldn't you agree? But truly, they were interested in using him as a subject of practice to refine their torturous beyond-science energy trickery. Were he not as low and destitute as they had denied him retreat from, and had the same resources and opportunities as many of their other opponents had, he would've been just as formidable and destructive as their enemies. They decided to use him as an unwitting test subject to practice their weapons of psychological disruption and human internal energy manipulation.

Here is one of Jangs Huffle's notes.

"They are relentless and stalk me everywhere. I can't get away from them. They know everything about me and have no other objective than to mentally torture me. Many of them are actors. Real actors. D-list actors, unsuccessful actors, acting students, bottom of the barrel, but all the same, real bona fide Hollywood actors. All they do is go around town and fuck with people. They practice their manipulations in all sorts of manners. They set up situations and trap people in a mind game, sometimes wearing disguises or pretending to be something they aren't, like an electrician or a city employee. I learnt what motivates them, at least partially. They are very consistent and practice their cruel craft on me daily, but there seems to be some sort of pattern to it that causes them to attack me on cue for a particular reason, as though they have to re-do something to cause a specific effect. I went so long tortured and wondering why that it was difficult to gather my thoughts, they kept me in such a stupor. But then I nailed them, this was so simple. They were trying to control my emotional state and keep me confused enough to make me forget important things, such as things I needed to do, and keep me from maintaining a healthy state of mind and body. They were on a mission about this and would not give up until they reached their goal, each and every day, for months and months and months on end. Where do they come from and who pays them to do this? Don't they got something much better to do? This whole thing is fucking ridiculously asinine. Who spends this much time and energy screwing with someone's head? Get a fucking life and let me get on my feet once again! I hate these fuckers.

What was their goal? Emotional and mental manipulation and control through indirect means. They were essentially trying to train me indirectly into a subdued state of miserable decline. For instance, if I was happy first thing in the morning because something good happened, such as, finding a legitimate work lead and meeting someone who could help get me some work, this guild of evil actors would be right on my ass two minutes after they saw my first smile with an unbelievable thirst to take it away. These nutcases were in a way that you wouldn't believe. Way too difficult to believe people can be this depraved but I attest and certify that this here is the truth, I stake my blood on it. What happens if they can't wipe the smile off my face indirectly? They send an actor with a pre-planned act to personally get in my face and cause some sort of trouble, an actor that doesn't mind risk going to jail if he has to get pushy in order to degrade my mood. I'm serious about this. These people really do this! So, once I started realizing this pattern and paying closer attention to their systematic actions I was able to deny them some of their petty goals. And so when I memorized this and solidified this knowledge enough so that I was able to correctly act on my own behalf they became ten times more hostile towards me. I used their own patterns against them and trained myself to be aware that if I were in a good mood these nutcases were going to go full bore at me and I learned to avoid this and deny them their goal. They would soon resort to more aggressive stalking and a more invasive searching of my belongings and the police wouldn't do shit for me. Fuck, I wrote a letter to the CIA and the FBI and they wouldn't do shit for me. I was all alone.

They love to confuse you and they have some sort of power that can transfer energy through the air at you like a text message of emotion and talk through you like you were saying this thing that totally wasn't something you would say and really didn't make sense when you said it. They could talk through you and they could hush your own internal thoughts like an eraser. At first when I noticed this I was pretty quick about admitting to my friends at that time that I was feeling upset or angry for no reason whatsoever. This was new to me. I didn't know that someone could subconsciously send evil emotions through other people like a smartphone controlled robot. They seemed to be obsessed with this though and continuously targeted me with these energy tactics. I knew fairly early on though that hey, this wasn't me and there was no reason for me to feel this angry at this time at this location, etcetera. And location would be a huge indicator of this power of energy they were targeting me with. I wondered and wondered what the source of this energy was and how they were able to use that energy to speak through me and control me like a robot. I got a clue when I realized that at such and such location during such and such time of day I always got angry for no reason and so angry I would shout things that only an actor would shout. I'm not an actor. Why did I say that? I wasn't even thinking that. I was thinking about getting liquor tonight, not why the actors studio won't make me a star. That was my first clue. Location.

Using this one piece of knowledge I was able to slowly gain an understanding of how their power of energy worked. It was so simple too. I would get uncontrollably angry and say things that only angry actors would say at that particular time and location for one reason only; on the inside of the nearest apartment to that location was an angry actor watching me through his front window and somehow projecting his anger and thoughts out of him self and through me, essentially turning me into a walkie-talkie for his unsavory bitterness. I took this knowledge and used it to fight the cult of stalker/actors that were tormenting me and eventually, after more months of agony and misery, learned even more about their practice of secret energy powers.

I will continue this note later, right now I am out of time.

Jangs Huffle
February 8th, 2010
Hollywood, CA"

That was one note written by Jangs Huffle, Mr. Mike's victim. Mr. Mike actually had an intermediary from his cult stalk Jangs Huffle and lift this note out of his belongings. This practice would take place regularly and would infuriate Jangs Huffle to the point of near insanity. They became quite good at stalking him and removing whatever item was key to his recovery, whether it be one of his notes on what they were doing to him, a phone number to an important contact, his phone, or whatever else they deemed worthy of critical sabotage, they were going to do it, make no mistake about that. No matter what.

But this note in particular was unfinished and if it was finished then Jangs Huffle learnt from the mistake of letting his attackers take it from him and he was able to hide a finished version much better. What he writes here rang true with me and opened my eyes to something deeper about Mr. Mike's activities agains Jangs Huffle. Once I read this note myself and was able to use intermediaries of my own to monitor Jangs Huffle and plan a solution to wrangle this cult off of this innocent young man, it became apparently and abundantly clear that somehow Mr. Mike had a lock on Jangs Huffle to such a deepness that everytime Mr. Mike would erupt in anger while watching videos of Jangs Huffle do something beneficial to himself or his situation, that same day, as observed by my intermediary, Jangs Huffle would erupt in anger. And so this parallel goes with the things Jangs Huffle would say, being along the lines of what Mr. Mike would say while observing him only minutes or hours before the transmission of the message through him. I watched this happen numerous times and realized that Mr. Mike was angry for his own reasons and could somehow send that anger out and through other people and his cult was using him in his wretched state as a sort of emotional weapon of instability to unnerve thier victim. By the end of 2012 if Mr. Mike didn't shut up then Jangs Huffle couldn't shut up and he couldn't help it. He was under remote control and the only way to break that control was to disappear out of the eyes of his prying spies and lose them. Problem was if he didn't know who was putting him through this, how could he escape them and their power over him? Jangs Huffle needed a barrier between him and the incessantly poisonous Mr. Mike. Something that could catch that evil energy and redirect it. But how? I might save that for another story session. At this time I'm tired of writing.

I know this took a lot of words to explain this. Please understand that I am no scientist and not at all that good at storytelling. I do hope though that my hard earned observational knowledge was of use to you and that you might perhaps consider there is more to life than what meets the eye and there is more to life than what they teach in the schools and colleges. There's a secret side of life and sometimes the government hides it from us, our parents pretend it doesn't exist and we must trip around in a bog of traps and landmines to find it all out for ourselves.

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