Great lakes water levels up a foot!

The term is "climate change" and it is happening.


You can't really be that naive....:eusa_whistle:

You can only stick your head in the sand for so long....eventually even those that continue to deny it will look at others that deny it and claim they are ignorant. You can't ignore the facts....and just because it rains a lot in one area doesn't mean that it's not's a gradual thing but it is getting worse each'll have to come up with better explanations as to why it isn't true.

Our Earth is warming. Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4°F over the past century, and is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5°F over the next hundred years. Small changes in the average temperature of the planet can translate to large and potentially dangerous shifts in climate and weather.
Basics | Climate Change | US EPA

It’s been an extraordinary six weeks for climate scientists. Any lingering doubts about the immediacy of climate impacts on the lives of Americans are now permanently laid to rest, thanks to four extensive reports from thousands of scientists.

It began with a straight-talking, no-nonsense report called “What We Know” from the world’s largest general science organization (AAAS) earlier this spring that laid out in clear detail why the entire scientific community no longer has any doubts whatsoever about the nature and extent of the climate risk to our economy and communities.

Climate Change Is Happening, Here and Now - US News

If there were still any doubt, recent studies have made clear that climate change already has begun to have serious impacts in the United States - and that the problem is only getting worse. The federal government's National Climate Assessment issued in May laid out in stark detail the region-by-region effects: water shortages, sea-level rise and more frequent wildfires, to name a few.

At the same time, U.S. cities lag behind those of the rest of the world in planning for climate change.

Climate Change Is Happening, and Cities Need to Pay Attention Now
Nope, one NASA guy apologized for denying climate change, his personal opnion. Here is 2014 data:

NASA Finds 2013 Sustained Long-Term Climate Warming Trend | NASA

And still no reply! where is that climate change at?
Geez.....on the earth, that's where. Those floods in your OP, guess what....they're a result of climate's happening in the US and all over.

Anywhere that you see "extreme" floods, hurricanes, etc., that's where.

A new report from the European Environment Agency states that the effects of climate change are already evident in Europe – and the situation is only going to get worse. The report, titled Climate Change, Impacts and Vulnerabilities in Europe 2012, notes that the past 10 years have been the warmest ever on record, and with an increase in extreme weather, Europe should expect to be hit hard by the effects of climate change.

Read more: European Environment Agency Says Climate Change is Already Evident on the Continent | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building
European Environment Agency Says Climate Change is Already Evident on the Continent | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

Rising Temperatures

The ten hottest years ever recorded all took place since 1998, with the hottest one of all being 2010.
Clearly, the rising of the global temperature is strong evidence of climate change. Since the 1880s, it has been noted that the Earth is continuously warming up, most of which took place in the 1970s. During the 2000s, decline of the solar output happened, which resulted to a unique deep solar from 2007-2009. Up to now, the Earth’s temperature is still rising.
The increasing temperature of the oceans is also an evidence of climate change. Experts noted that the oceans are absorbing the sun’s heat in an increasing rate. Warming has increased since the year 1969 wherein the oceans showed warming at 0.302 degrees Fahrenheit. Incidentally, the increase in carbon dioxide in oceans has also led to ocean acidification.

Evidence of Climate Change
Mertex;9378729]It began with a straight-talking, no-nonsense report called “What We Know” from the world’s largest general science organization (AAAS) earlier this spring that laid out in clear detail why the entire scientific community no longer has any doubts whatsoever about the nature and extent of the climate risk to our economy and communities.

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Why not admit you didn't understand the intent of the thread? You obviously didn't. but run away crybaby!

I understood it. Just some whiny denier thinking he was smart, but doing a faceplant instead. It's something we see you do a lot, jc. The fact that you all can't recognize your own incompetence leads to lots of free entertainment for us.

But heck jc, let's give you a chance. Since you claim to know it all, tell us precisely what the OP was about. After that, we can discuss the science, and exactly how you failed so hard at it.
The term is "climate change" and it is happening.


You can't really be that naive....:eusa_whistle:

You can only stick your head in the sand for so long....eventually even those that continue to deny it will look at others that deny it and claim they are ignorant. You can't ignore the facts....and just because it rains a lot in one area doesn't mean that it's not's a gradual thing but it is getting worse each'll have to come up with better explanations as to why it isn't true.

Our Earth is warming. Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4°F over the past century, and is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5°F over the next hundred years. Small changes in the average temperature of the planet can translate to large and potentially dangerous shifts in climate and weather.
Basics | Climate Change | US EPA

It’s been an extraordinary six weeks for climate scientists. Any lingering doubts about the immediacy of climate impacts on the lives of Americans are now permanently laid to rest, thanks to four extensive reports from thousands of scientists.

It began with a straight-talking, no-nonsense report called “What We Know” from the world’s largest general science organization (AAAS) earlier this spring that laid out in clear detail why the entire scientific community no longer has any doubts whatsoever about the nature and extent of the climate risk to our economy and communities.

Climate Change Is Happening, Here and Now - US News

If there were still any doubt, recent studies have made clear that climate change already has begun to have serious impacts in the United States - and that the problem is only getting worse. The federal government's National Climate Assessment issued in May laid out in stark detail the region-by-region effects: water shortages, sea-level rise and more frequent wildfires, to name a few.

At the same time, U.S. cities lag behind those of the rest of the world in planning for climate change.

Climate Change Is Happening, and Cities Need to Pay Attention Now

So still no where the climate is changing. LOL!
Nope, one NASA guy apologized for denying climate change, his personal opnion. Here is 2014 data:

NASA Finds 2013 Sustained Long-Term Climate Warming Trend | NASA

And still no reply! where is that climate change at?
Geez.....on the earth, that's where. Those floods in your OP, guess what....they're a result of climate's happening in the US and all over.

Anywhere that you see "extreme" floods, hurricanes, etc., that's where.

A new report from the European Environment Agency states that the effects of climate change are already evident in Europe – and the situation is only going to get worse. The report, titled Climate Change, Impacts and Vulnerabilities in Europe 2012, notes that the past 10 years have been the warmest ever on record, and with an increase in extreme weather, Europe should expect to be hit hard by the effects of climate change.

Read more: European Environment Agency Says Climate Change is Already Evident on the Continent | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building
European Environment Agency Says Climate Change is Already Evident on the Continent | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

Rising Temperatures

The ten hottest years ever recorded all took place since 1998, with the hottest one of all being 2010.
Clearly, the rising of the global temperature is strong evidence of climate change. Since the 1880s, it has been noted that the Earth is continuously warming up, most of which took place in the 1970s. During the 2000s, decline of the solar output happened, which resulted to a unique deep solar from 2007-2009. Up to now, the Earth’s temperature is still rising.
The increasing temperature of the oceans is also an evidence of climate change. Experts noted that the oceans are absorbing the sun’s heat in an increasing rate. Warming has increased since the year 1969 wherein the oceans showed warming at 0.302 degrees Fahrenheit. Incidentally, the increase in carbon dioxide in oceans has also led to ocean acidification.

Evidence of Climate Change

:badgrin::eusa_clap: And still no where identified.
Nope....he apologized for FAKING data for NASA's funding campaign.

Nobody apologized for anything.

And only the most craven denier cult liars still try to snivel out the big lies about data being faked. If you ever encounter some form of primitive life slimy and vile enough to attempt such a deception, back away from it quickly, before the stench of its dishonesty rubs off on you.
Nope....he apologized for FAKING data for NASA's funding campaign.

Nobody apologized for anything.

And only the most craven denier cult liars still try to snivel out the big lies about data being faked. If you ever encounter some form of primitive life slimy and vile enough to attempt such a deception, back away from it quickly, before the stench of its dishonesty rubs off on you.

it's faked. :lol:

You can't really be that naive....:eusa_whistle:

You can only stick your head in the sand for so long....eventually even those that continue to deny it will look at others that deny it and claim they are ignorant. You can't ignore the facts....and just because it rains a lot in one area doesn't mean that it's not's a gradual thing but it is getting worse each'll have to come up with better explanations as to why it isn't true.

Our Earth is warming. Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4°F over the past century, and is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5°F over the next hundred years. Small changes in the average temperature of the planet can translate to large and potentially dangerous shifts in climate and weather.
Basics | Climate Change | US EPA

It’s been an extraordinary six weeks for climate scientists. Any lingering doubts about the immediacy of climate impacts on the lives of Americans are now permanently laid to rest, thanks to four extensive reports from thousands of scientists.

It began with a straight-talking, no-nonsense report called “What We Know” from the world’s largest general science organization (AAAS) earlier this spring that laid out in clear detail why the entire scientific community no longer has any doubts whatsoever about the nature and extent of the climate risk to our economy and communities.

Climate Change Is Happening, Here and Now - US News

If there were still any doubt, recent studies have made clear that climate change already has begun to have serious impacts in the United States - and that the problem is only getting worse. The federal government's National Climate Assessment issued in May laid out in stark detail the region-by-region effects: water shortages, sea-level rise and more frequent wildfires, to name a few.

At the same time, U.S. cities lag behind those of the rest of the world in planning for climate change.

Climate Change Is Happening, and Cities Need to Pay Attention Now

So still no where the climate is changing. LOL!

Fifth Assessment Report - Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

Except for where it is:

Data Deleted From UN Climate Report Highlight Controversies

The controversy is over certain countries altering data.
Why not admit you didn't understand the intent of the thread? You obviously didn't. but run away crybaby!

I understood it. Just some whiny denier thinking he was smart, but doing a faceplant instead. It's something we see you do a lot, jc. The fact that you all can't recognize your own incompetence leads to lots of free entertainment for us.

But heck jc, let's give you a chance. Since you claim to know it all, tell us precisely what the OP was about. After that, we can discuss the science, and exactly how you failed so hard at it.

Is my OP that hard to decipher....seriously?
Mertex;9378729]It began with a straight-talking, no-nonsense report called “What We Know” from the world’s largest general science organization (AAAS) earlier this spring that laid out in clear detail why the entire scientific community no longer has any doubts whatsoever about the nature and extent of the climate risk to our economy and communities.


What? I guess it should have said except for a few morons who still doubt? Yeah, I guess it should have said that....the rest are pretty sure.
Wha? How can this be.....hadn't the gorebal warming fruitcakes just concluded the whole area was DOOMED by drought? :eusa_shifty:

You might recall Lake Superior ICED OVER last fact, there were still mini-iceburgs afloat in the Shining Big Sea Waters in June. Lake Michigan got to almost 80% ICE OVER, and Huron was close to that number.

IMPOSSIBLE said the leftist proves NOTHING they raged.

Yet here was the simple evidence right in front of their runny noses and they didn't like it. What worse could happen to a fake science just as their MESSiah declared his war on coal. What worse could happen when they were so close to giving the EPA control over rural America? What more DIABOLICAL series of events could turn the snickering of the masses into outright laughter? :badgrin:

Once again Mother Nature slaps the snot out of the dingbats. Enjoy the NEW Great Lakes folks.

You obviously don't know what happens when the oceans get warmer....hint...water levels rise.
Why? There is a gigantic burning ball of gas at the center of the solar system.

Solar output is decreasing, but temps are rising.

Therefore, it is conclusively proven that you fail hard at the basic science for claiming the sun did it.

Given how hard you fail at the basic science and logic, why are you bothering the grownups? You stink at this. The hilarious part is how you're too brainwashed to understand how much you stink. Instead of intelligent criticism, your cult has fed you stories of what a special unique and brilliant little snowflake you, and handed you the equivalent of many participation trophies.

The good news, your self-esteem is in great shape.

The bad news, you're just babbling cult nonsense.
Nope....he apologized for FAKING data for NASA's funding campaign.

Nobody apologized for anything.

And only the most craven denier cult liars still try to snivel out the big lies about data being faked. If you ever encounter some form of primitive life slimy and vile enough to attempt such a deception, back away from it quickly, before the stench of its dishonesty rubs off on you.

I'm a Christian and you're a Moon continually laugh at us, try to drive us out of the public schools and public square. And then you expect us to give you carte blanch to ruin our economy while you ignore China and India blowing 20 times the pollutants into the atmosphere that we do. And then you expect us to believe what you have to say about the WEATHER? :badgrin:
Is my OP that hard to decipher....seriously?

You made a rookie mistake, confusing climate with weather. That wasn't hard to spot. Anyone with knowledge on the topic instantly saw it, and thus instantly knew there was no point in taking you seriously.

Global temps are gradually climbing. That doesn't mean the world will never see cold again.

Great Lakes levels are slowly declining. That doesn't mean there never be occasional wet years.

If this is all too complicated for you, you're out of luck. I can't dumb it down any further.

You can't really be that naive....:eusa_whistle:

You can only stick your head in the sand for so long....eventually even those that continue to deny it will look at others that deny it and claim they are ignorant. You can't ignore the facts....and just because it rains a lot in one area doesn't mean that it's not's a gradual thing but it is getting worse each'll have to come up with better explanations as to why it isn't true.

Our Earth is warming. Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4°F over the past century, and is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5°F over the next hundred years. Small changes in the average temperature of the planet can translate to large and potentially dangerous shifts in climate and weather.
Basics | Climate Change | US EPA

It’s been an extraordinary six weeks for climate scientists. Any lingering doubts about the immediacy of climate impacts on the lives of Americans are now permanently laid to rest, thanks to four extensive reports from thousands of scientists.

It began with a straight-talking, no-nonsense report called “What We Know” from the world’s largest general science organization (AAAS) earlier this spring that laid out in clear detail why the entire scientific community no longer has any doubts whatsoever about the nature and extent of the climate risk to our economy and communities.

Climate Change Is Happening, Here and Now - US News

If there were still any doubt, recent studies have made clear that climate change already has begun to have serious impacts in the United States - and that the problem is only getting worse. The federal government's National Climate Assessment issued in May laid out in stark detail the region-by-region effects: water shortages, sea-level rise and more frequent wildfires, to name a few.

At the same time, U.S. cities lag behind those of the rest of the world in planning for climate change.

Climate Change Is Happening, and Cities Need to Pay Attention Now

So still no where the climate is changing. LOL!

I guess you're not able to read? :lol:

Here is a start, at least look them up can't sit in denial and expect to be spoonfed.

In the Northwest US.
Observed regional warming has been linked to changes in the timing and amount of water availability in basins with significant snowmelt contributions to streamflow. By 2050, snowmelt is projected to shift three to four weeks earlier than the last century’s average, and summer flows are projected to be substantially lower, even for a scenario that assumes emissions reductions (B1). These reduced flows will require trade-offs among reservoir system objectives, especially with the added challenges of summer increases in electric power demand for cooling and additional water consumption by crops and forests.

Northwest | National Climate Assessment

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