Great Job Republicans! So much winning!

The problem is that the Republican party and its supporters think that everyone with an (R) after their name supports the exact same things and will ALL vote the same... this bill proves that's bupkiss. The Republican party is full of varying degrees of Conservatives, with some that support helping their constituents, to some that are very strict and do not want the federal government involved in health care whatsoever, and because of that, they can't come up with a bill that will satisfy them all to get their support to pass the bill, even with the nuclear option and the VP making the deciding vote.
Isn't it hilarious the GOP voted 60 times for repeal when they knew a repeal would never make it past the President's desk?

Remember that?

Now they have a President who promised to repeal ObamaCare literally on day one!

On day one!

So where's the repeal? :lol:

The rubes STILL have not caught on they have been massively hoaxed. Tremendously hoaxed. Sad.

Two things: First is they can't rescind the bill without 60 Senate votes. They can kill some of it, but not most. Secondly is that we have a slight leadership in the Senate, a strong leadership in Congress, and the White House. That does not mean we won the MSM. So their defense to the Republican bill is to lie about it saying it would remove everybody from Commie Care and they would totally be without insurance. The MSM and Democrats would promote that, so some Republicans (especially those up for reelection) would be hesitant to rescind it even if they could.

If the Democrats were smart (and they are not) they would challenge the Republicans to make them look bad. Get 10 Democrat Senators to say they would vote to totally get rid of Commie Care. When the Republicans back away, they would be able to make a hay day out of it and truthfully call Republicans liars.
The 60 repeals were theater for the rubes.

And Trump has already lied about the House bill: Link

“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”

he actual fact is that neither the House nor Senate bills repeal ObamaCare.

Correct, because they can't. They can only vote on fiscal matters with a 51 Senate vote.
They could repeal if they wanted to, but they don't want to. Because then we would go back to what we had before ObamaCare, and that would be much worse.

And they count on their rubes not knowing this.
Republicans continue their win streak by once again failing to pass anything. They are on a roll!

Total control...7 years of saying we can do better and nothing. A big fat nothing. Not even Republicans will support it.

And now that they've not allowed any dems in the discussion and it failed miserably to pass the Republican controlled...everything. now they'll go back to what they always do...blame someone else for the failure AND say that the bill was super awesome...too awesome to vote for!!

Here's what you bought...a big ZONK!

And you asswipes said the same thing about the House Version...and Trump's travel restrictions....and hilary winning, and Trump losing....

When you guys are finally right about something, we will get back to you...
Republicans continue their win streak by once again failing to pass anything. They are on a roll!

Total control...7 years of saying we can do better and nothing. A big fat nothing. Not even Republicans will support it.

And now that they've not allowed any dems in the discussion and it failed miserably to pass the Republican controlled...everything. now they'll go back to what they always do...blame someone else for the failure AND say that the bill was super awesome...too awesome to vote for!!

Here's what you bought...a big ZONK!

The democrats didn't let the republicans comment on obamacare, asshole....and it is actually is failing.......and of course the democrats are blaming Republicans, who they didn't allow to say anything about obamacare, for obamacare failing.......

Republicans continue their win streak by once again failing to pass anything. They are on a roll!

Total control...7 years of saying we can do better and nothing. A big fat nothing. Not even Republicans will support it.

And now that they've not allowed any dems in the discussion and it failed miserably to pass the Republican controlled...everything. now they'll go back to what they always do...blame someone else for the failure AND say that the bill was super awesome...too awesome to vote for!!

Here's what you bought...a big ZONK!

The democrats didn't let the republicans comment on obamacare, asshole....and it is actually is failing.......and of course the democrats are blaming Republicans, who they didn't allow to say anything about obamacare, for obamacare failing.......


They didn't let them comment? They had ONE HUNDRED hearings on it and let them put in 161 amendments. Do you think if you tell your lie enough times it will magically become true?
I'm on record in other thread. Go Govt payer. Finish it. There is no easy answer. Again, as long as left-wing wacko judges demand heart transplants, sex-changes, Free E-room for poor- criminals- illegals?

How do you pay for that? What sane country demands life-saving surgery for death row inmates? Lets Mexico send over the sickest in a taxicab to ER? the demoncrats, thats' who. 30 years of it. Want a bigger dick? No money? No problem. Wait till they add free dental.....oh they already did.

Old Yeller

I know this doesn't matter to you but most of your post is BS.

And my bet is you have no clue about what's true or how it got that way.

Sorry but you're wrong that Democrats passed any legislation to treat undocumented, criminal, etc. Ronnie RayGun started EMTALA. It's not free and it's NOT treatment in the way you apparently believe it is. But yes, all can get emergent treatment but are then told to see their regular doctor.

Mexico does not "send" people here for treatment. However, many Americans go to Mexico for medical treatment. Used to be, elderly Americans would car pool to the pharmacy on Calle Obregon in Nogales, Mexico (go ahead, look it up. It's a really nice, modern pharmacy) to have their scrips filled.

Yes, I know it's fact because I used to go there to buy the drug Nizerole (ketoconazole) to treat dogs with Valley fever. It's prescribed by weight and,mor a large dog, it can run hundreds PER DAY.

Big Pharma and the GOP ended that and many elderly and poor had no choice but to stop medications and many died. Now, the fucking GOP wants to kill even more elderly as well as babies, children, vets,handicapped and RWNJs are thrilled about it.

ObamaCares does not allow undocumented to purchase insurance but they can still get emergent care because of Reagan's Socialist EMTALA. Poor RWNJ cupcakes aren't nearly so thrilled about that.


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Yeah? A dog pill? so what? How do you know it is not fake? Dog tell you? Americans go there and they have to pay cash. Many go for cheap dental. I don't know about serious surgeries.

There is something going on and has been going on for some time. You people can ignore it, but nothing is free. They would not buy insurance if they could. >1mil now have DL in CA but only a few hundred bought REQUIRED CAR INSURANCE (~600?). Climb off me! Something is going on. I have been in Emergency rooms in SW. I see it. Mexico sends over AIDS, heart disease ....... whatever they can dump. Why not? Stupid whitey will treat them all the way to Intensive care. We all have to pay for it.........I know a guy who in CA pays >$1300/mo Obama care with no job. Don't doubt it. He said he had to buy Platinum to get low deductible because he needs costly medication monthly. You can cherry pick and snipe but 30-50 million Illegals are using the emergency rooms when they need to. No Doctor will give them an appointment? They might have to pay that bill? Maybe now they flood Urgent care? I don't know. Kids get sick or hurt all the time. You know how it is. They are not piled up dying. The schools don't let them die during recess injuries.

Retreating on illegal immigration
February 04, 2014|Cal Thomas

.......Retreating on illegal immigration

Hospital closings in California remain a major concern. As reported recently in a story about the economic burden to taxpayers posed by illegal immigrants, "In 2003, the American Southwest saw 77 hospitals enter bankruptcy due to unpaid medical bills incurred by illegal aliens."
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I am so glad that McConnell has to put his corrupt head back in his turtle shell... can't stand that guy. But I was seriously thinking that he would gut the whole thing..

If the Republicans could--they would. To rescind an entire law would take a 60 Senate vote because of the monstrosity of the bill.

No... they have been quoted as saying they just need the 50 and Pence's vote. In fact they are going to push THEIR bill through the House too without allowing the House to debate it or change it. They are somehow able to skip the reconciliation phase.

They only need 51 Senate votes on fiscal matters. Everything else needs 60.

You should be more up to date on your news if you are going to come to a message board and talk about it. They only need 50 votes in the Senate to pass it...

I'm talking about totally removing Commie Care.
And you are talking out of your silly ass. Not going to happen. Should it happen, then, immediately after 2020, the Dem majority in both the Senate and House would pass a single payer universal health care bill, and the taxes to pay for it. And the Dem Exec would sing it.
You are wrong ! It was 7 years of "we are going to repeal This mess." Then when they won it became "ohhh did I say repeal ? Cause I meant replace !"

Then it became "replace with something BETTER! Only without the pesky stuff that pays for it "

Stupid rubes ate it up. Here's the problem's impossible ! You can't just have the good with no bad .
You do realize obamacare is about to implode all by it's self? You democrats own it 100%.
If the Republicans could--they would. To rescind an entire law would take a 60 Senate vote because of the monstrosity of the bill.

No... they have been quoted as saying they just need the 50 and Pence's vote. In fact they are going to push THEIR bill through the House too without allowing the House to debate it or change it. They are somehow able to skip the reconciliation phase.

They only need 51 Senate votes on fiscal matters. Everything else needs 60.

You should be more up to date on your news if you are going to come to a message board and talk about it. They only need 50 votes in the Senate to pass it...

I'm talking about totally removing Commie Care.
And you are talking out of your silly ass. Not going to happen. Should it happen, then, immediately after 2020, the Dem majority in both the Senate and House would pass a single payer universal health care bill, and the taxes to pay for it. And the Dem Exec would sing it.
If the republicans don't fix obamacare, democrats will never be in power again. It's fixing to implode and you own this failure 100%.
No... they have been quoted as saying they just need the 50 and Pence's vote. In fact they are going to push THEIR bill through the House too without allowing the House to debate it or change it. They are somehow able to skip the reconciliation phase.

They only need 51 Senate votes on fiscal matters. Everything else needs 60.

You should be more up to date on your news if you are going to come to a message board and talk about it. They only need 50 votes in the Senate to pass it...

I'm talking about totally removing Commie Care.
And you are talking out of your silly ass. Not going to happen. Should it happen, then, immediately after 2020, the Dem majority in both the Senate and House would pass a single payer universal health care bill, and the taxes to pay for it. And the Dem Exec would sing it.
If the republicans don't fix obamacare, democrats will never be in power again. It's fixing to implode and you own this failure 100%.

Part of the reason it is fixing to implode is because Republicans cut some of the funding for it and didn't back up the guaranteed money that was supposed to subsidize the health insurers costs.
Why you no talk about Russian Collusion or Obstruction of Justice No More?
And what will you talk about next when Health Care is finally passed?
Did Putin Grab Your Pussy?
Republicans continue their win streak by once again failing to pass anything. They are on a roll!

Total control...7 years of saying we can do better and nothing. A big fat nothing. Not even Republicans will support it.

And now that they've not allowed any dems in the discussion and it failed miserably to pass the Republican controlled...everything. now they'll go back to what they always do...blame someone else for the failure AND say that the bill was super awesome...too awesome to vote for!!

Here's what you bought...a big ZONK!

We'll be at war soon, take a deep breath.
Well, no. Both parties really are worthless. Look at the endless wars, horrible policies, lies by both parties since 2000. Im not assigning degrees of relevance to either.

Good luck ever getting a twisted leftist to compromise and agree to something like that.
EVERYONE else is wrong to them. They never can be in their own bloviated minds

(hint: it's why they're losing at everything they touch these days)

They didn't invite the twisted left to the table. Just this morning McConnell said they might have to sit down with dems after the 4th.
I'm on record in other thread. Go Govt payer. Finish it. There is no easy answer. Again, as long as left-wing wacko judges demand heart transplants, sex-changes, Free E-room for poor- criminals- illegals?

How do you pay for that? What sane country demands life-saving surgery for death row inmates? Lets Mexico send over the sickest in a taxicab to ER? the demoncrats, thats' who. 30 years of it. Want a bigger dick? No money? No problem. Wait till they add free dental.....oh they already did.

When did they add free dental except for Medicaid which it was already included before ocare.
Is it a victory for lefties when the GOP majority fails to pass much in six months due to democrat obstructionists while democrats lost almost every important election in the last eight years including 4 special elections after Trump was elected? Strange rationale.

Seems to me that the GOP is obstructing themselves.
And while the GOP and the Trump supporters on this forum complain about government spending for health care... Republican Chavetz is on Capitol Hill cashing his huge pay check yet still complaining that representatives need an additional $2,500 a month stipend to help pay for their housing. :lmao:

These Republican fucks want to cut life saving health care from people, and in the back room at the same time are asking for MORE MONEY because they say they can't afford housing with their $200K a year job that gives them free health care and other benefits...

He's stirring the shit just before leaving.
Republicans continue their win streak by once again failing to pass anything. They are on a roll!

Total control...7 years of saying we can do better and nothing. A big fat nothing. Not even Republicans will support it.

And now that they've not allowed any dems in the discussion and it failed miserably to pass the Republican controlled...everything. now they'll go back to what they always do...blame someone else for the failure AND say that the bill was super awesome...too awesome to vote for!!

Here's what you bought...a big ZONK!

The democrats didn't let the republicans comment on obamacare, asshole....and it is actually is failing.......and of course the democrats are blaming Republicans, who they didn't allow to say anything about obamacare, for obamacare failing.......

^ Clueless rube.
The problem is that the gop just wants to pass somthing just so they can say they passed somthing !

Improving healthcare is not their goal.

I am so glad that McConnell has to put his corrupt head back in his turtle shell... can't stand that guy. But I was seriously thinking that he would gut the whole thing..

If the Republicans could--they would. To rescind an entire law would take a 60 Senate vote because of the monstrosity of the bill.

No... they have been quoted as saying they just need the 50 and Pence's vote. In fact they are going to push THEIR bill through the House too without allowing the House to debate it or change it. They are somehow able to skip the reconciliation phase.

They only need 51 Senate votes on fiscal matters. Everything else needs 60.

Nope all they needed was 51 for this legislation.
I am so glad that McConnell has to put his corrupt head back in his turtle shell... can't stand that guy. But I was seriously thinking that he would gut the whole thing..

If the Republicans could--they would. To rescind an entire law would take a 60 Senate vote because of the monstrosity of the bill.

No... they have been quoted as saying they just need the 50 and Pence's vote. In fact they are going to push THEIR bill through the House too without allowing the House to debate it or change it. They are somehow able to skip the reconciliation phase.

They only need 51 Senate votes on fiscal matters. Everything else needs 60.

You should be more up to date on your news if you are going to come to a message board and talk about it. They only need 50 votes in the Senate to pass it...

I'm talking about totally removing Commie Care.

If you're waiting for for full repeal it ain't gona happen.
They only need 51 Senate votes on fiscal matters. Everything else needs 60.

You should be more up to date on your news if you are going to come to a message board and talk about it. They only need 50 votes in the Senate to pass it...

I'm talking about totally removing Commie Care.
And you are talking out of your silly ass. Not going to happen. Should it happen, then, immediately after 2020, the Dem majority in both the Senate and House would pass a single payer universal health care bill, and the taxes to pay for it. And the Dem Exec would sing it.
If the republicans don't fix obamacare, democrats will never be in power again. It's fixing to implode and you own this failure 100%.

Part of the reason it is fixing to implode is because Republicans cut some of the funding for it and didn't back up the guaranteed money that was supposed to subsidize the health insurers costs.
All they did is do away with the mandate. Democrats own this failure 100%.
They need one of those boards that usually says "*blank* number of days since an accident" and hang it in front of the white house that shows the number of days they've gone without being able to pass anything. Lets see if they can keep up the success!

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