'Gracious' Hillary Supporters Burn Flag, Riot, Threaten to Kill New President


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary Supporters Burn American Flag, Riot, Threaten to Kill Trump After Losing Election

"Rioting hit the streets of Portland and Oakland as Hillary Clinton supporters reacted badly to Donald Trump’s election victory, while death threats against the new president-elect flooded social media.

Windows were broken and cars were set on fire in Oakland as irate protesters lit flares and blocked freeways.

The irony of the riots is that many pro-Clinton media outlets previously circulated the talking point that Trump supporters would be likely to stage violent unrest after they lost the election.

Twitter was also
inundated with death threats, with leftists either hoping for or personally expressing their willingness to carry out Trump’s assassination."

PRIOR to yesterday's election, through their own leaked personal e-mails, the DNC was exposed as a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites....yet libs declared it was Conservatives who were all those things.

PRIOR to the election, it was exposed that the Hillary Campaign and even President Obama was involved with coordinating and paying Hillary Supporting groups and people to engage in violence against Americans - Trump supporters. The GOP HQ in NC was firebombed, several more across the country were robbed and vandalized, Trump supporters at rallies were beaten, bloodied, and hospitalized...yet libs declared it was Conservatives who were all those things.

PRIOR to the election, the terrorist racist hate group BLM declared if Trump won the election they would try to overthrow the government....yet libs declared it was Conservatives who were all those things.

NOW, after the election - in reaction to Hillary's loss, Liberals are reported having rioted, burned the American flag, and have even made countless death threats and calls for the assassination of the new President-elect.

:clap: Way to stay 'classy', Liberals! :clap:

One thing this election has done is to expose the DNC and many of it's supporters for what they really are!
The FBI and justice Department can still prove is even SLIGHTLY worth a shit by having the FBI investigate, identifying these dain bramaged 'technology challenged/stupid' Liberals (like Hillary is) who posted these death threats and calls for the assassination of the new President Elect and throw their asses in jail!

I've got a $50 that says Obama/Lynch will not move to do anything....
no one was arrested???? did it really happen-----death threats and violence and flag burning?
Aw shucks. The Libs are all pissed because they have to eat crow. Without ketchup or mustard.
Aw shucks. The Libs are all pissed because they have to eat crow. Without ketchup or mustard.

I am a registered democrat-----since I reached voting age. I am not pissed that Hillcat lost the election. I am not even pissed that commie Bernie was not nominated. I am not eating crow----ketchup????
Aw shucks. The Libs are all pissed because they have to eat crow. Without ketchup or mustard.
Yeah, they have to show their rage against the system that they pollute by burning and trashing their own neighborhoods and destroying the property of their own likely liberal neighbors.

These Marxists are idiots and animals and this demonstrates the fact.
Aw shucks. The Libs are all pissed because they have to eat crow. Without ketchup or mustard.
Yeah, they have to show their rage against the system that they pollute by burning and trashing their own neighborhoods and destroying the property of their own likely liberal neighbors.

These Marxists are idiots and animals and this demonstrates the fact.

Hillary Supporters Burn American Flag, Riot, Threaten to Kill Trump After Losing Election

"Rioting hit the streets of Portland and Oakland as Hillary Clinton supporters reacted badly to Donald Trump’s election victory, while death threats against the new president-elect flooded social media.

Windows were broken and cars were set on fire in Oakland as irate protesters lit flares and blocked freeways.

The irony of the riots is that many pro-Clinton media outlets previously circulated the talking point that Trump supporters would be likely to stage violent unrest after they lost the election.

Twitter was also
inundated with death threats, with leftists either hoping for or personally expressing their willingness to carry out Trump’s assassination."

PRIOR to yesterday's election, through their own leaked personal e-mails, the DNC was exposed as a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites....yet libs declared it was Conservatives who were all those things.

PRIOR to the election, it was exposed that the Hillary Campaign and even President Obama was involved with coordinating and paying Hillary Supporting groups and people to engage in violence against Americans - Trump supporters. The GOP HQ in NC was firebombed, several more across the country were robbed and vandalized, Trump supporters at rallies were beaten, bloodied, and hospitalized...yet libs declared it was Conservatives who were all those things.

PRIOR to the election, the terrorist racist hate group BLM declared if Trump won the election they would try to overthrow the government....yet libs declared it was Conservatives who were all those things.

NOW, after the election - in reaction to Hillary's loss, Liberals are reported having rioted, burned the American flag, and have even made countless death threats and calls for the assassination of the new President-elect.

:clap: Way to stay 'classy', Liberals! :clap:

One thing this election has done is to expose the DNC and many of it's supporters for what they really are!

Well, at a minimum, these people are extremely stupid. Too stupid to ever realize it.

And it was their "heroes" who have run this nation into the ground. So what in the heck do they want, more failure?
All the while these same LibTurds are demanding we be humble in victory.

Fvck em! I won't be humble.
Hillary Supporters Burn American Flag, Riot, Threaten to Kill Trump After Losing Election

"Rioting hit the streets of Portland and Oakland as Hillary Clinton supporters reacted badly to Donald Trump’s election victory, while death threats against the new president-elect flooded social media.

Windows were broken and cars were set on fire in Oakland as irate protesters lit flares and blocked freeways.

The irony of the riots is that many pro-Clinton media outlets previously circulated the talking point that Trump supporters would be likely to stage violent unrest after they lost the election.

Twitter was also
inundated with death threats, with leftists either hoping for or personally expressing their willingness to carry out Trump’s assassination."

PRIOR to yesterday's election, through their own leaked personal e-mails, the DNC was exposed as a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites....yet libs declared it was Conservatives who were all those things.

PRIOR to the election, it was exposed that the Hillary Campaign and even President Obama was involved with coordinating and paying Hillary Supporting groups and people to engage in violence against Americans - Trump supporters. The GOP HQ in NC was firebombed, several more across the country were robbed and vandalized, Trump supporters at rallies were beaten, bloodied, and hospitalized...yet libs declared it was Conservatives who were all those things.

PRIOR to the election, the terrorist racist hate group BLM declared if Trump won the election they would try to overthrow the government....yet libs declared it was Conservatives who were all those things.

NOW, after the election - in reaction to Hillary's loss, Liberals are reported having rioted, burned the American flag, and have even made countless death threats and calls for the assassination of the new President-elect.

:clap: Way to stay 'classy', Liberals! :clap:

One thing this election has done is to expose the DNC and many of it's supporters for what they really are!

Well, at a minimum, these people are extremely stupid. Too stupid to ever realize it.

And it was their "heroes" who have run this nation into the ground. So what in the heck do they want, more failure?

I think they are looking for DIVERSION AND FUN-------fret not-----the thankgiving football games will occupy their minds very soon

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