Gorka Resigns

Sebastian Gorka resigns his spot as White House alt-Reich adviser

Sebastian Gorka, former Breitbart writer and that guy who wears a genuine Nazi pin in the White House, claims to have resigned his position as deputy assistant to Donald Trump, though White House officials have Indicated otherwise.

Gorka is the latest White House official to leave his post, after Bannon was ousted earlier this month by Trump's chief of staff Gen. John Kelly. The resignation was first reported by The Federalist.

Gorka, a faux terrorism expert whose educational background turned out to be little more than pure fiction, was integral to tearing down programs meant to fight white supremacists. He supported anti-Semitic militia, was protected by Trump when hefailed to pass a basic security clearance, and leveled false charges against against Susan Rice.

He was known for “teaching” about Islamic terrorism in a way that ignored regional and religious factions, painting all Muslims as the same and providing information that even casual students found to be uninformed and bigoted. That uninformed policy earned disdain from those with actual field experience — something that Gorka completely lacks.

Sebastian Gorka resigns his spot as White House alt-Reich adviser

Another notch in his belt and there is still smoke coming outta Kelly's pistol.

Great News!

Breitbart is currently in negotiations with Dr. Gorka regarding his support for the website.
trump's Sleaze House (aka dump) ---> breitbart is a HUGE jump in class

Of course we are talking kindergarten to 1st grade class
Great News!

Breitbart is currently in negotiations with Dr. Gorka regarding his support for the website.

Why is Trump doing this??:(

Firing his loyal friends?

“Given recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote in his resignation letter. “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.” Sebastian Gorka Resigns from Trump Administration - Breitbart


with all the house cleaning going on I wonder who will clear their throat and spill some shit that throws Trump under the bus ?
I'm very disappointed to hear this news.

Banner gone, Gorka Gone, Flynn gone...

Where are you Mr President, to stop this globalist takeover?

What's wrong with you? The patriots are leaving and the swamp remains??????:mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

No good.


"globalist takeover"???

Are you completely nuts?

Why don't you take a few minutes to read the link in the 'jobs' link in my sig and then ask yourself who the real globalist is.


Dumb as driveway gravel.
Great News!

Breitbart is currently in negotiations with Dr. Gorka regarding his support for the website.

Why is Trump doing this??:(

Firing his loyal friends?

pino trump is not firing anyone.

He has staff to do that because he doesn't have the balls.

This is likely Kelly's and McMaster's doing.

Not pino trump's. He's on vacation. Again. Playing golf. Again. At his own resort. Again. Charging us millions - Again.
Great News!

Breitbart is currently in negotiations with Dr. Gorka regarding his support for the website.

Why is Trump doing this??:(

Firing his loyal friends?

pino trump is not firing anyone.

He has staff to do that because he doesn't have the balls.

This is likely Kelly's and McMaster's doing.

Not pino trump's. He's on vacation. Again. Playing golf. Again. At his own resort. Again. Charging us millions - Again.

Hope and pray you are wrong.
Great News!

Breitbart is currently in negotiations with Dr. Gorka regarding his support for the website.

Why is Trump doing this??:(

Firing his loyal friends?

He isn't, most likely Kelly taking out the trash. Gonna be hard to do that with Bone Spur though, and family!

Speak English,will you? I don't understand a word

Oh, poor little skye
It was a very funny joke.

Just think about it for a while.

Or, you could ask some of the other brainless RWNJ twits to explain it to you.

Aldo Raine I agree about Kelly. Somebody's gotta do it and as you say, widdow twumpie can't do it his own widdow self.
Great News!

Breitbart is currently in negotiations with Dr. Gorka regarding his support for the website.

Why is Trump doing this??:(

Firing his loyal friends?

pino trump is not firing anyone.

He has staff to do that because he doesn't have the balls.

This is likely Kelly's and McMaster's doing.

Not pino trump's. He's on vacation. Again. Playing golf. Again. At his own resort. Again. Charging us millions - Again.

Hope and pray you are wrong.


That's all trump does.

He plays golf, eats, twits and then eats some more.

WTF were you fools thinking that you would ever EVER vote for that fat, lying, Russian wannabe.

You just remember that YOU did this. YOU idiots who voted for him, YOU are to blame.
Great News!

Breitbart is currently in negotiations with Dr. Gorka regarding his support for the website.

Why is Trump doing this??:(

Firing his loyal friends?

He isn't, most likely Kelly taking out the trash. Gonna be hard to do that with Bone Spur though, and family!

Speak English,will you? I don't understand a word

Oh, poor little skye
It was a very funny joke.

Just think about it for a while.

Or, you could ask some of the other brainless RWNJ twits to explain it to you.

Aldo Raine I agree about Kelly. Somebody's gotta do it and as you say, widdow twumpie can't do it his own widdow self.

I won't waste my breath with you.
Welp another racist has left the White House. First Bannon and now just days later Gorka resigns.

"In a blunt resignation letter, the national security and counterterrorism expert expressed dissatisfaction with the current state of the Trump administration. “[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote. “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”"

Breaking: Sebastian Gorka Resigns From Trump Administration

Too bad Gorka is a good man. The fact that lying scum like yourself hate him is a tribute to someone who knows who America's enemies unlike the idiots from the prior administration.
Thanks for depicting a white supremacist as a good man! It shines a light right down on your head.

Wrong again as usual. Gorka did not like muslim terrorists and that is not racist, except in the left wing mind set.
You're aware the US supports ISIS, al Qaida and Al Nusra in Syria? You're aware that the US manufactures illegal (according to international law) cluster bombs (known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field) and supplies them to the Whababist ( the most radical of Islamic radicals) Saudis to rain down on Yemen?
Great News!

Breitbart is currently in negotiations with Dr. Gorka regarding his support for the website.

Why is Trump doing this??:(

Firing his loyal friends?

pino trump is not firing anyone.

He has staff to do that because he doesn't have the balls.

This is likely Kelly's and McMaster's doing.

Not pino trump's. He's on vacation. Again. Playing golf. Again. At his own resort. Again. Charging us millions - Again.

Hope and pray you are wrong.


That's all trump does.

He plays golf, eats, twits and then eats some more.

WTF were you fools thinking that you would ever EVER vote for that fat, lying, Russian wannabe.

You just remember that YOU did this. YOU idiots who voted for him, YOU are to blame.
Wrong... You Demon-crats are to blame for Trump, because if anything you set the government up for a takeover from the Demon-crat idiot's hands that it had fallen into, otherwise when the racist in chief Obama had won the crazy minions over, then it was only a matter of time before the ship had to right itself. This is when Trump won the Whitehouse.
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