GOP Says Policies Don't Matter Anymore, Just Worship Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The Republican National Committee will go without a traditional policy platform at the upcoming GOP convention, saying instead that it “will continue to enthusiastically support the president’s America-first agenda.”In a statement issued Sunday, the RNC said it adopted a resolution Saturday to go without a platform due to the difficulties presented by the coronavirus pandemic, which has forced the convention to significantly scale back."

During the 2016 GOP convention, the Trump admin only made one change to the Republican party platform - and that was to remove language about giving Ukraine weapons to fight back Russian aggression on their soil -- because they felt that language would upset Putin...much like Obama did during his final year in office.

Now in 2020, the GOP won't even have a policy platform, instead it will just be whatever Trump says it is...Except when Trump was asked earlier what his policies for 2020 would be, he couldn't - he just rambled....

--but if COVID-19 is going to be the Republican excuse for why they didn't put together a platform for this year -- they should probably shut the fuk up about Biden not having any policies, since the DNC released a 50 page policy platform last week -- in spite of COVID-19....guess Republicans just suck at policies -- but on the bright side -- gay-conversion therapy is still on the policy agenda for 2020...

"The Republican National Committee will go without a traditional policy platform at the upcoming GOP convention, saying instead that it “will continue to enthusiastically support the president’s America-first agenda.”In a statement issued Sunday, the RNC said it adopted a resolution Saturday to go without a platform due to the difficulties presented by the coronavirus pandemic, which has forced the convention to significantly scale back."

During the 2016 GOP convention, the Trump admin only made one change to the Republican party platform - and that was to remove language about giving Ukraine weapons to fight back Russian aggression on their soil -- because they felt that language would upset Putin...

Now in 2020, the GOP won't even have a policy platform, instead it will just be whatever Trump says it is...Except when Trump was asked earlier what his policies for 2020 would be, he couldn't - he just rambled....

--but if COVID-19 is going to be the Republican excuse for why they didn't put together a platform for this year -- they should probably shut the fuk up about Biden not having any policies, since the DNC released a 50 page policy platform last week -- in spite of COVID-19....guess Republicans just suck at policies -- but on the bright side -- gay-conversion therapy is still on the policy agenda for 2020...

You should know by now where they stand, without a "platform".

The platform the Democrats released is a watered-down version of their actual intent, which is easily discerned by their words and behavior.

"The Republican National Committee will go without a traditional policy platform at the upcoming GOP convention, saying instead that it “will continue to enthusiastically support the president’s America-first agenda.”In a statement issued Sunday, the RNC said it adopted a resolution Saturday to go without a platform due to the difficulties presented by the coronavirus pandemic, which has forced the convention to significantly scale back."

During the 2016 GOP convention, the Trump admin only made one change to the Republican party platform - and that was to remove language about giving Ukraine weapons to fight back Russian aggression on their soil -- because they felt that language would upset Putin...much like Obama did during his final year in office.

Now in 2020, the GOP won't even have a policy platform, instead it will just be whatever Trump says it is...Except when Trump was asked earlier what his policies for 2020 would be, he couldn't - he just rambled....

--but if COVID-19 is going to be the Republican excuse for why they didn't put together a platform for this year -- they should probably shut the fuk up about Biden not having any policies, since the DNC released a 50 page policy platform last week -- in spite of COVID-19....guess Republicans just suck at policies -- but on the bright side -- gay-conversion therapy is still on the policy agenda for 2020...
Don't you mean the DNC says policies don't matter. Just whether Joe thinks they are BLACK enough, and if his white ass thinks something is LIGHT, and not DARK?

"It's light verses DARKNESS!" - Joe PREDATOR Biden sharing his "poicy" point that DARK is BAD..

What a RACIST DemoKKKrat. Even Kamalla Joe kicked me off the bus Harris knows that! LOL

"The Republican National Committee will go without a traditional policy platform at the upcoming GOP convention, saying instead that it “will continue to enthusiastically support the president’s America-first agenda.”In a statement issued Sunday, the RNC said it adopted a resolution Saturday to go without a platform due to the difficulties presented by the coronavirus pandemic, which has forced the convention to significantly scale back."

During the 2016 GOP convention, the Trump admin only made one change to the Republican party platform - and that was to remove language about giving Ukraine weapons to fight back Russian aggression on their soil -- because they felt that language would upset Putin...much like Obama did during his final year in office.

Now in 2020, the GOP won't even have a policy platform, instead it will just be whatever Trump says it is...Except when Trump was asked earlier what his policies for 2020 would be, he couldn't - he just rambled....

--but if COVID-19 is going to be the Republican excuse for why they didn't put together a platform for this year -- they should probably shut the fuk up about Biden not having any policies, since the DNC released a 50 page policy platform last week -- in spite of COVID-19....guess Republicans just suck at policies -- but on the bright side -- gay-conversion therapy is still on the policy agenda for 2020...
Actually President Trump did drop his second term platform:

The RNC will have actual substance, unlike the DNC which was a multitude of “We Hate America” rants.
For maybe the first time in my life we have a president that does what he says he will and has the people of America at the top of his list....the swamp doesn't like that because in their world they were at the top of their list and we got screwed because of it...
So I don't care what anyone has to say about Trump...that is not worship that is appreciation....the swamp doesn't recognize it as appreciation because no one has ever been given a reason to appreciate anything they did....because they did noting but enrich Trump has taken their global bribery toys away and they are pissed......
Bring on the deflections.......
You'd better not deflect or REFLECT. Joe's only POLICY is that DARKness is BAD......

Joe Biden will call you a PREDATOR again!


"The Republican National Committee will go without a traditional policy platform at the upcoming GOP convention, saying instead that it “will continue to enthusiastically support the president’s America-first agenda.”In a statement issued Sunday, the RNC said it adopted a resolution Saturday to go without a platform due to the difficulties presented by the coronavirus pandemic, which has forced the convention to significantly scale back."

During the 2016 GOP convention, the Trump admin only made one change to the Republican party platform - and that was to remove language about giving Ukraine weapons to fight back Russian aggression on their soil -- because they felt that language would upset Putin...much like Obama did during his final year in office.

Now in 2020, the GOP won't even have a policy platform, instead it will just be whatever Trump says it is...Except when Trump was asked earlier what his policies for 2020 would be, he couldn't - he just rambled....

--but if COVID-19 is going to be the Republican excuse for why they didn't put together a platform for this year -- they should probably shut the fuk up about Biden not having any policies, since the DNC released a 50 page policy platform last week -- in spite of COVID-19....guess Republicans just suck at policies -- but on the bright side -- gay-conversion therapy is still on the policy agenda for 2020...
It's a cult, not a party.

"The Republican National Committee will go without a traditional policy platform at the upcoming GOP convention, saying instead that it “will continue to enthusiastically support the president’s America-first agenda.”In a statement issued Sunday, the RNC said it adopted a resolution Saturday to go without a platform due to the difficulties presented by the coronavirus pandemic, which has forced the convention to significantly scale back."

During the 2016 GOP convention, the Trump admin only made one change to the Republican party platform - and that was to remove language about giving Ukraine weapons to fight back Russian aggression on their soil -- because they felt that language would upset Putin...much like Obama did during his final year in office.

Now in 2020, the GOP won't even have a policy platform, instead it will just be whatever Trump says it is...Except when Trump was asked earlier what his policies for 2020 would be, he couldn't - he just rambled....

--but if COVID-19 is going to be the Republican excuse for why they didn't put together a platform for this year -- they should probably shut the fuk up about Biden not having any policies, since the DNC released a 50 page policy platform last week -- in spite of COVID-19....guess Republicans just suck at policies -- but on the bright side -- gay-conversion therapy is still on the policy agenda for 2020...
It's a cult, not a party.
Sure is a cult. A wacky Socialist cult at that. The tard cultists rant about death to white man rule from DNCNN, while trying to endorse pale old Joe! TOO FUNNY of a cult!

"The Republican National Committee will go without a traditional policy platform at the upcoming GOP convention, saying instead that it “will continue to enthusiastically support the president’s America-first agenda.”In a statement issued Sunday, the RNC said it adopted a resolution Saturday to go without a platform due to the difficulties presented by the coronavirus pandemic, which has forced the convention to significantly scale back."

During the 2016 GOP convention, the Trump admin only made one change to the Republican party platform - and that was to remove language about giving Ukraine weapons to fight back Russian aggression on their soil -- because they felt that language would upset Putin...much like Obama did during his final year in office.

Now in 2020, the GOP won't even have a policy platform, instead it will just be whatever Trump says it is...Except when Trump was asked earlier what his policies for 2020 would be, he couldn't - he just rambled....

--but if COVID-19 is going to be the Republican excuse for why they didn't put together a platform for this year -- they should probably shut the fuk up about Biden not having any policies, since the DNC released a 50 page policy platform last week -- in spite of COVID-19....guess Republicans just suck at policies -- but on the bright side -- gay-conversion therapy is still on the policy agenda for 2020...

Joe "they're irredeemable PREDATORS" Biden said he's night an ally of DARKness!

The only policy Dems wanted to cover at the crackers selection convention!

sounds like Joe is having flashbacks again!

"The Republican National Committee will go without a traditional policy platform at the upcoming GOP convention, saying instead that it “will continue to enthusiastically support the president’s America-first agenda.”In a statement issued Sunday, the RNC said it adopted a resolution Saturday to go without a platform due to the difficulties presented by the coronavirus pandemic, which has forced the convention to significantly scale back."

During the 2016 GOP convention, the Trump admin only made one change to the Republican party platform - and that was to remove language about giving Ukraine weapons to fight back Russian aggression on their soil -- because they felt that language would upset Putin...much like Obama did during his final year in office.

Now in 2020, the GOP won't even have a policy platform, instead it will just be whatever Trump says it is...Except when Trump was asked earlier what his policies for 2020 would be, he couldn't - he just rambled....

--but if COVID-19 is going to be the Republican excuse for why they didn't put together a platform for this year -- they should probably shut the fuk up about Biden not having any policies, since the DNC released a 50 page policy platform last week -- in spite of COVID-19....guess Republicans just suck at policies -- but on the bright side -- gay-conversion therapy is still on the policy agenda for 2020...

Joe "they're irredeemable PREDATORS" Biden said he's night an ally of DARKness!

The only policy Dems wanted to cover at the crackers selection convention!

sounds like Joe is having flashbacks again!
^^ You're so triggered right now ^^
That's funny, the left says the same thing. But change "worship" to "hate."
Exactly. Their whole platform is....”Orange Man Bad, just vote for our old white guy, and the bitch that enjoyed locking up so many negroes for minor offenses.”
Communist Democrats just make up idiotic
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as they go along!
That's funny, the left says the same thing. But change "worship" to "hate."
Exactly. Their whole platform is....”Orange Man Bad, just vote for our old white guy, and the bitch that enjoyed locking up so many negroes for minor offenses.”
Look at the Trumpers struggle...

The Democratic 2020 platform can be found here....

However, this is what the Republican 2020 platform will be.....hope your gag-reflex is on point..
00_006trmp (29).jpg

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