GOP debate : "we love Mid East dictators !"


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
these guys are running for leader of the free world ? They all basically agree that Mid East despots are the way to go because they keep terrorists in line .

WTF!? They are the cause of terrorism !! They brutilize groups to a point they lash Out as extremists. The reason we are in this mess is cause we propped up dictators for decades .

Don't they learn from history !?
these guys are running for leader of the free world ? They all basically agree that Mid East despots are the way to go because they keep terrorists in line .

WTF!? They are the cause of terrorism !! They brutilize groups to a point they lash Out as extremists. The reason we are in this mess is cause we propped up dictators for decades .

Don't they learn from history !?
They loved Mussolini and Hitler in the 30s too.
these guys are running for leader of the free world ? They all basically agree that Mid East despots are the way to go because they keep terrorists in line .

WTF!? They are the cause of terrorism !! They brutilize groups to a point they lash Out as extremists. The reason we are in this mess is cause we propped up dictators for decades .

Don't they learn from history !?

So you are saying we should take them out the way we did the leaders of Iraq, Libya, Egypt, and have been trying to take out Assad instead of propping them up? How has that worked out? I agree that it did open up vast territories for ISIS to take over.
these guys are running for leader of the free world ? They all basically agree that Mid East despots are the way to go because they keep terrorists in line .

WTF!? They are the cause of terrorism !! They brutilize groups to a point they lash Out as extremists. The reason we are in this mess is cause we propped up dictators for decades .

Don't they learn from history !?
They loved Mussolini and Hitler in the 30s too.

They weren't alive back then Bodipshit, but prog tools like you were and they loved them so much they put them on the covers of Time.

these guys are running for leader of the free world ? They all basically agree that Mid East despots are the way to go because they keep terrorists in line .

WTF!? They are the cause of terrorism !! They brutilize groups to a point they lash Out as extremists. The reason we are in this mess is cause we propped up dictators for decades .

Don't they learn from history !?
They loved Mussolini and Hitler in the 30s too.

you are both simplifying------the people who REALLY LOVE Mideast dictators
are the RUSSIANS
these guys are running for leader of the free world ? They all basically agree that Mid East despots are the way to go because they keep terrorists in line .

WTF!? They are the cause of terrorism !! They brutilize groups to a point they lash Out as extremists. The reason we are in this mess is cause we propped up dictators for decades .

Don't they learn from history !?

And who did they lash out at? Their own dictators and they were crushed. Bed wetters like you seem to love the fact that they've spread out all over the world like cancer thanks to your meat muppet faggot messiah, especially when they kill people here so you can piss and moan about gun control.

You fuckin retard.

these guys are running for leader of the free world ? They all basically agree that Mid East despots are the way to go because they keep terrorists in line .

WTF!? They are the cause of terrorism !! They brutilize groups to a point they lash Out as extremists. The reason we are in this mess is cause we propped up dictators for decades .

Don't they learn from history !?
Well, obviously Bush didn't agree with them. I agree with them. Let the dictators do what they want. Obtain resources elsewhere so that we can leave the hellhole Middle East alone.
The religious democracies are worse. Admit it. These crude religious societies are set up to be run by iron fists.
Getting rid of the dictators has worked out so well!

I'm still glad we got rid of Saddam. That's why Khaddafi was suddenly much more amicable, until the messiah got involved in world affairs and fucked it up.

Saddam was a significant problem and not just within his own borders. We were spending billions every year just to keep him semi contained and he still fucked around selling oil under the table and stashing chemical warheads all over the place. He had to go. Our biggest mistake was completely disbanding the military establishment and the de-Ba'athification of the government. We could have kept all that in place and once the head was cut off the snake start pulling the hell out of there.

Nation (re)building is something that takes decades.
Getting rid of the dictators has worked out so well!

we got rid of the specific dictators harmful to the planet. Saddam Hussein and Idi Amin -------were harmful dictators Assad is a harmful dictator. Someone should
have DRONED them

Why is Assad a problem? He wouldn't have been embroiled in a long civil war if an incompetent meat muppet faggot hadn't interfered.

Getting rid of the dictators has worked out so well!

we got rid of the specific dictators harmful to the planet. Saddam Hussein and Idi Amin -------were harmful dictators Assad is a harmful dictator. Someone should
have DRONED them

Why is Assad a problem? He wouldn't have been embroiled in a long civil war if an incompetent meat muppet faggot hadn't interfered.

Assad had to go because he protected Christians living in Syria. The incompetent meat muppet has taken it upon himself to assist in killing off the Christians.
Getting rid of the dictators has worked out so well!

we got rid of the specific dictators harmful to the planet. Saddam Hussein and Idi Amin -------were harmful dictators Assad is a harmful dictator. Someone should
have DRONED them

Why is Assad a problem? He wouldn't have been embroiled in a long civil war if an incompetent meat muppet faggot hadn't interfered.

ASSAD is a BAATHIST pig------just like Saddam was
The Mid East needs to go thru growing pains. They've never been able without the west meddling of the last 100 years .

ME needs to work its shit out .
sit down, you people put down Bush for taking out one (Saddam) while we had boots on the ground and you were aiding and abetting the dictator then while getting our Military men and women killed.

two faced hypocrites or did you all forget this:
funny how the Democrats aren't bringing this up;
Pelosi Defies Bush, Meets Syrian Leader

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi challenged the White House on Mideast policy, meeting with Syria's leader Wednesday and insisting "the road to Damascus is a road to peace." The Bush administration criticized the visit, saying she was following a road lined with victims of terror.

Vice President Dick Cheney said Pelosi was rewarding a "bad actor" in the Mideast. The tough White House response highlighted the clash between the administration and congressional Democrats, who have stepped up their push for change in U.S. policy in the Mideast and the Iraq war.

Washington accuses Syria of supporting terror for its backing of the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah. It also says Syria is fueling Iraq's violence by allowing Sunni insurgents to operate from its territory and is destabilizing the Lebanese government.

The Bush administration has rejected direct talks with Damascus until its changes its ways. But Democrats — and some Republicans — say the refusal of dialogue has closed doors to possible progress in resolving Mideast crises.

all of it here:
Pelosi Defies Bush, Meets Syrian Leader
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these guys are running for leader of the free world ? They all basically agree that Mid East despots are the way to go because they keep terrorists in line .

WTF!? They are the cause of terrorism !! They brutilize groups to a point they lash Out as extremists. The reason we are in this mess is cause we propped up dictators for decades .

Don't they learn from history !?

They might be the lesser of the evils in the Middle East. Obama seems to think that the terrorists, like the Muslim Brotherhood, are better.

The Middle East is never going to be a free land where all people have rights. They have been fucked up since the beginning and always will be.

Maybe we should look at it and consider what is best for the U.S. and the rest of the world. Fucked up dictators who did manage to keep the even worse radicals from gaining control or what we have now and that is ISIS and other terrorist groups running amok. There is no changing those countries, only keeping the shit there.

ISIS should not be as strong as they are now. The extremists started making huge gains after Obama supported the Arab Spring in Egypt and then supported the Muslim Brotherhood. We handed billions of dollars and billions in military planes, tanks and weapons to the extremists. Then he released GITMO prisoners and pretty much most of his foreign policy has been designed to give free reign to the radicals. Now the terrorists continue their killing spree as they move across the globe and all Obama can do is pretend that they aren't a problem.
sit down, you people put down Bush for taking out one (Saddam) while we had boots on the ground and you were aiding and abetting the dictator then while getting our Military men and women killed.

two faced hypocrites or did you all forget this:
funny how the Democrats aren't bringing this up;
Pelosi Defies Bush, Meets Syrian Leader

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi challenged the White House on Mideast policy, meeting with Syria's leader Wednesday and insisting "the road to Damascus is a road to peace." The Bush administration criticized the visit, saying she was following a road lined with victims of terror.

Vice President Dick Cheney said Pelosi was rewarding a "bad actor" in the Mideast. The tough White House response highlighted the clash between the administration and congressional Democrats, who have stepped up their push for change in U.S. policy in the Mideast and the Iraq war.

Washington accuses Syria of supporting terror for its backing of the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah. It also says Syria is fueling Iraq's violence by allowing Sunni insurgents to operate from its territory and is destabilizing the Lebanese government.

The Bush administration has rejected direct talks with Damascus until its changes its ways. But Democrats — and some Republicans — say the refusal of dialogue has closed doors to possible progress in resolving Mideast crises.

all of it here:
Pelosi Defies Bush, Meets Syrian Leader
Yes they did daily gleefully counting their deaths.

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