Obama signs order banning nativity scenes. Why no press coverage?

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Don't blame this on mudwhistle. Obama is the one who signed the EO, and the media are the ones who are covering it up by refusing to tell us about it. You should be thanking mudwhistle. If it weren't for him telling us, we'd have no way to know it's happened!

Don't blame this on mudwhistle. Obama is the one who signed the EO, and the media are the ones who are covering it up by refusing to tell us about it. You should be thanking mudwhistle. If it weren't for him telling us, we'd have no way to know it's happened!
Oooooh. So THAT'S the point of your post! You've got a thing for mudwhistle. For a while there, I was worried about all the people who might somehow be harmed by seeing a Nativity Scene...

Just curious. Shouldn't this sort of personal vendetta crap be in the flamezone?
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Don't blame this on mudwhistle. Obama is the one who signed the EO, and the media are the ones who are covering it up by refusing to tell us about it. You should be thanking mudwhistle. If it weren't for him telling us, we'd have no way to know it's happened!
Oooooh. So THAT'S the point of your post! You've got a thing for mudwhistle. For a while there, I was worried about all the people who might somehow be harmed by seeing a Nativity Scene...

Just curious. Shouldn't this sort of personal vendetta crap be in the flamezone?

What are you talking about? This is politics. The President has signed an Executive Order banning nativity scenes. Isn't that worth talking about in Politics? Or do you think that what the President has done should be ignored?

Don't blame this on mudwhistle. Obama is the one who signed the EO, and the media are the ones who are covering it up by refusing to tell us about it. You should be thanking mudwhistle. If it weren't for him telling us, we'd have no way to know it's happened!
Oooooh. So THAT'S the point of your post! You've got a thing for mudwhistle. For a while there, I was worried about all the people who might somehow be harmed by seeing a Nativity Scene...

Just curious. Shouldn't this sort of personal vendetta crap be in the flamezone?

What are you talking about? This is politics. The President has signed an Executive Order banning nativity scenes. Isn't that worth talking about in Politics? Or do you think that what the President has done should be ignored?
OK. Than YOU show us the EO.
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He's already put the word out....and plans on signing an EO December 16th.

Why haven't we heard anything about this in the press? Where is NBC, CNN, Fox, Brietbart, Ann Coulter!?!?!

Quick, someone, show me the EO!
I'm sure it's out there somewhere.

Yes, history will remember, even if only in the underground mothballed annals that are the only thing left after Herr Obama re-writes the story and arrests anyone who says anything different.
nativity scenes are my all time fave Christmas decoration------Some People in my suburban town did them beautifully------with life sized figures and real hay for the baby. They certainly beat huge plastic santa faces. Christmas was so nice---
when it included a walk in the snow to look at the baby------he did not even seem
COLD there on his little crib made out of a basket filled with hay. Life sized
Reindeer are ok------but not with all those damned LIGHTS
It's a double secret probation Executive Order which you can't see unless you can prove you don't need to see it.

Don't blame this on mudwhistle. Obama is the one who signed the EO, and the media are the ones who are covering it up by refusing to tell us about it. You should be thanking mudwhistle. If it weren't for him telling us, we'd have no way to know it's happened!
Oooooh. So THAT'S the point of your post! You've got a thing for mudwhistle. For a while there, I was worried about all the people who might somehow be harmed by seeing a Nativity Scene...

Just curious. Shouldn't this sort of personal vendetta crap be in the flamezone?

What are you talking about? This is politics. The President has signed an Executive Order banning nativity scenes. Isn't that worth talking about in Politics? Or do you think that what the President has done should be ignored?
OK. Than YOU show us the EO.

I'd like to, but it's being hidden from the public! Damn liberal mainstream media.
He's already put the word out....and plans on signing an EO December 16th.

Why haven't we heard anything about this in the press? Where is NBC, CNN, Fox, Brietbart, Ann Coulter!?!?!

Quick, someone, show me the EO!
I'm sure it's out there somewhere.

Yes, history will remember, even if only in the underground mothballed annals that are the only thing left after Herr Obama re-writes the story and arrests anyone who says anything different.
No, history will only remember the idiotic lies contrived by the ridiculous, reprehensible right.
Damn it man!

We all know that Sultan Obama is a closet Muslim secret agent for ISIL that work for Mossad that was hired by MI-5 to put in a Manchurian Candidate that was born in Kenya while the drums banged out the future hit song by Toto that was Africa...

So much stupidity by some that I felt I needed to add some of my own to this look for that EO that is with the original copy of Sultan Obama birth certificate that showed him from being from Pluto and not Mars or Venus.

Now let listen to some Toto while we look for that EO and if never found just remember that once it was put on the internet mean it had to be true and the Space Alien Chimp with Down Syndrome must have eaten it before we could see what was inside it...

( Yes, a bunch of words and nothing really worth reading )


Don't blame this on mudwhistle. Obama is the one who signed the EO, and the media are the ones who are covering it up by refusing to tell us about it. You should be thanking mudwhistle. If it weren't for him telling us, we'd have no way to know it's happened!
Oooooh. So THAT'S the point of your post! You've got a thing for mudwhistle. For a while there, I was worried about all the people who might somehow be harmed by seeing a Nativity Scene...

Just curious. Shouldn't this sort of personal vendetta crap be in the flamezone?

What are you talking about? This is politics. The President has signed an Executive Order banning nativity scenes. Isn't that worth talking about in Politics? Or do you think that what the President has done should be ignored?
OK. Than YOU show us the EO.
I'm sure it's out there somewhere. But you know that liberal media....keeping it underreported.

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