GOP Chairman Who Apologized For GOP Racism Comes Out As Gay

OMg, I guess I'm supposed to be impressed because this guy comes out and confesses he likes other MEN, and he's a Republican to boot.

good grief. what is SO SPECIAL ABOUT THESE PEOPLE and their sexual preference.

Not a darn thing.
SO why do they demand special rights the rest of us don't have??

Don't stop there. Tell us some of those "rights".
A point of clarification, Jeremy.

I believe that your reference to 'conservatives' is it is more appropriately directed toward those with a religious disagreement.

And Republicans, I believe, are opposed to gay marriage, rather than gays.

According to my view, Conservatives would not have a particular view on the matter, as Conservatives believe in the principle of variety, while liberal perspectives result in a narrowing uniformity.

You keep telling yourself that. :thup:

Some Americans Reluctant to Vote for Mormon, 72-Year-Old Presidential Candidates

Only 36% of Conservatives would vote for a Homosexual candidate. 29% would vote for an Atheist.

....Yet, they'll ALL vote for some loudmouthed, DRUNKEN-CHICKENHAWK!!!!

(....Just like John Wayne!!!.....well....except for that horse-part....

GOP Chairman Who Apologized For GOP Racism Comes Out As Gay.

44 - Former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman: I'm gay

I think before I read any further than the first dew posts, I will respond.

Gays are coming out all the time. That is not news. Gays do hide it because of position in a job, fear of loss of friends or votes, and many other negative reasons. This man hid for as long as he felt he could, and then just chose to open it up to the world.

Him being gay does not make him a bad person.

As it was implied in one of the next few posts, his gayness was not connected iun any way to his job, or to fellow workers. His gayness was his issue only.

I am sure he became an automatic friend of Obama when he came out. I would not doubt he durns democrat. I have no idea if he was a liberal or more to the right. I think I know where he is headed now. I think his liberalism will also come out. I think his Dummycratic loyalties will also come out.

Once again, the fact that he is gay does not make him a bad person. What he does with his now open confession as a gay will tell the whole story about him.

We will see.

Oh, His apology that the GOP is racist was an apology to a lie. Just like Obama's apology to the world for Amreican's arrogance. His arrogance outshined by far that which he apologized for about US.

I thought gays weren't discriminated against in this country.
OMg, I guess I'm supposed to be impressed because this guy comes out and confesses he likes other MEN, and he's a Republican to boot.

good grief. what is SO SPECIAL ABOUT THESE PEOPLE and their sexual preference.

Not a darn thing.
SO why do they demand special rights the rest of us don't have??

Don't stop there. Tell us some of those "rights".

I think you are about the 3rd or 4th on this thread to asked The Rabbi. For some odd reason, he hasn't explained.

Mehlman, manager of the 2004 Bush/Cheney re-election campaign, came out to Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic. "It's taken me 43 years to get comfortable with this part of my life," Mehlman said in the interview. "Everybody has their own path to travel, their own journey and for me over the past few months, I've told my family, friends, former colleagues and current colleagues and they've been wonderful and supportive."

Mehlman said he wants to become an advocate for same-sex marriage. He is participating in an upcoming fundraiser for the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER), which is supporting the legal challenge to California's Proposition 8, the initiative against gay marriage.

Ex-GOP national chairman Ken Mehlman says he's gay - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -

Now thats putting one foot in front of the other.

If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work: "Hello. Can't work today, still queer." ~Robin Tyler

GOP Chairman Who Apologized For GOP Racism Comes Out As Gay.

44 - Former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman: I'm gay


He apologized for the Republican Party's failed and disgusting "Southern Strategy" and he had the guts to come out of the closet. Funny how you laugh instead of applaud. :eusa_eh: This guy has more courage and character than most of us here.

ooooooooooooooooooooooo.....yeah.....AFTER THE FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How brave........


This whole incident reminds me of the deathbed-scene in (the movie) "Citizen Cohn":​ The Autobiography of Roy Cohn (9780312914028): Sidney Zion: Books


"Well, I've had a full life, practiced law before the greatest courts in the land, lied, cheated and stole from everyone. Why did you let me get away with it?"
GOP Chairman Who Apologized For GOP Racism Comes Out As Gay.

44 - Former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman: I'm gay

I think before I read any further than the first dew posts, I will respond.

Gays are coming out all the time. That is not news. Gays do hide it because of position in a job, fear of loss of friends or votes, and many other negative reasons. This man hid for as long as he felt he could, and then just chose to open it up to the world.

Him being gay does not make him a bad person.

As it was implied in one of the next few posts, his gayness was not connected iun any way to his job, or to fellow workers. His gayness was his issue only.

I am sure he became an automatic friend of Obama when he came out. I would not doubt he durns democrat. I have no idea if he was a liberal or more to the right. I think I know where he is headed now. I think his liberalism will also come out. I think his Dummycratic loyalties will also come out.

Once again, the fact that he is gay does not make him a bad person. What he does with his now open confession as a gay will tell the whole story about him.

We will see.

Oh, His apology that the GOP is racist was an apology to a lie. Just like Obama's apology to the world for Amreican's arrogance. His arrogance outshined by far that which he apologized for about US.

I thought gays weren't discriminated against in this country.

did that idiot actually say that? :cuckoo:
I think before I read any further than the first dew posts, I will respond.

Gays are coming out all the time. That is not news. Gays do hide it because of position in a job, fear of loss of friends or votes, and many other negative reasons. This man hid for as long as he felt he could, and then just chose to open it up to the world.

Him being gay does not make him a bad person.

As it was implied in one of the next few posts, his gayness was not connected iun any way to his job, or to fellow workers. His gayness was his issue only.

I am sure he became an automatic friend of Obama when he came out. I would not doubt he durns democrat. I have no idea if he was a liberal or more to the right. I think I know where he is headed now. I think his liberalism will also come out. I think his Dummycratic loyalties will also come out.

Once again, the fact that he is gay does not make him a bad person. What he does with his now open confession as a gay will tell the whole story about him.

We will see.

Oh, His apology that the GOP is racist was an apology to a lie. Just like Obama's apology to the world for Amreican's arrogance. His arrogance outshined by far that which he apologized for about US.

I thought gays weren't discriminated against in this country.

did that idiot actually say that? :cuckoo:

Actually, just the opposite. I'm trying to confirm....since I frequently get reassured that gays are no longer discriminated against in any way.
Let me get this, pardon the word, "straight".

He was Bush's campaign manager when Bush ginned up the Republican base with threats of "gays are destroying marriage and the family" and "gays are a danger to the future of American"?

And he just found out he's "gay"?

I hope he stays a Republican. They deserve each other.

I wonder how much he cringed when the gay jokes were flying around him.

This crap makes me sick....we are the family values party...we are the family values party....


Then you should make yourself sicker.

He "came out" so he could campaign FOR gay marriage.

Apparently YOU see a contradiction between Gay Marriage and family values.

Why do you hate faggots?
Ken Mehlman was a great guy who was very effective. He was a bit misguided in his gumption to get sucked into the politics of those who opposed gay marriage. In his 40s, he has come out as a gay man and supports gay marriage. He will take his lumps but he has redeemed himself.

Robert Byrd was a great man looking to take care of West Virginia. He was a bit misguided when he decided to join the KKK as a means to get elected in the South. He was further misguided when he maintained his racist positions in his 40s when he got elected and resisted the Civil Rights Act. Later he put his racist ways behind him and redeemed himself.

Why is Mehlman being vilified but Byrd is celebrated by progressives?
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Yeah...after he spent years and years in the closet while simultaneously attacking, damaging and destroying the gay agenda while he was in power. Seems a bit convenient now while he's not in power to say things like "I should have done this years ago."

BTW, this is no endorsement of that lifestyle, just pointing out how despicable Mehhlman and people of his ilk are.
"...that lifestyle...", huh??'s O.K. to be you're consistent (about it), huh?

I don't condone of hetero promiscuous lifestyles as well.

Does that mean I have a phobia for those people as well?

Let's try not to get carried away here.
I wonder why an upstanding conservative young man raised by good christian parents like Mehlman would decide to be gay. How odd
Maybe MarcATL can explain.

He' convinced it's a "lifestyle".

It may be a natural inclination for many, yes. However, they still choose to go forward with it. Everything in a person's life boils down to choices...everything. From the time you are a young child you begin making conscious choices. Some are easy choices, some are not easy choices, but we all make choices almost each moment of the day in day in our lives. We each go the way of the choices we make. This is the human experience.
lol @ Chelsea.

Below 14th Street....on the West Side.

Dead giveaway.

I think he just moved there tho.
Amazing to watch Cons defend homosexuals, when they're fellow Cons.

I'm repping all board conservatives in this thread who are standing up for the gay guy.

You REALLY want to take-on/challenge the wisdom of the White-Wing's clerics??!!!!


[ame=]YouTube - Pat Robertson Figures Out How To Deal w/ Your Gay Son[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Pat Robertson Compares Gay Sex to Bestiality[/ame]


After all, look at how adeptly they analyzed alllllllllllllllll of the causes of 9/11!!!!

[ame=]YouTube - Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11[/ame]​
GOP Chairman Who Apologized For GOP Racism Comes Out As Gay.

44 - Former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman: I'm gay

I think before I read any further than the first dew posts, I will respond.

Gays are coming out all the time. That is not news. Gays do hide it because of position in a job, fear of loss of friends or votes, and many other negative reasons. This man hid for as long as he felt he could, and then just chose to open it up to the world.

Him being gay does not make him a bad person.

As it was implied in one of the next few posts, his gayness was not connected iun any way to his job, or to fellow workers. His gayness was his issue only.

I am sure he became an automatic friend of Obama when he came out. I would not doubt he durns democrat. I have no idea if he was a liberal or more to the right. I think I know where he is headed now. I think his liberalism will also come out. I think his Dummycratic loyalties will also come out.

Once again, the fact that he is gay does not make him a bad person. What he does with his now open confession as a gay will tell the whole story about him.

We will see.

Oh, His apology that the GOP is racist was an apology to a lie. Just like Obama's apology to the world for Amreican's arrogance. His arrogance outshined by far that which he apologized for about US.

I thought gays weren't discriminated against in this country.

Where did I show any discrimination?
"Log Cabin Republicans is very supportive and appreciative of Ken's coming out," Cooper said. "Being gay and being conservative are not mutually exclusive. As a fellow Bush alumnus, I also look forward to Ken helping me and our colleagues build a stronger more inclusive Republican Party."

more and more gays are turning conservative and that is how gay marriage will finally become legal.
How do you think that new Absolute is gonna work, for you, absent any actual-data??

Tell us about how you chose to be straight.

Well, one doesn't really "chose" to be straight. It's the natural way. But some people chose to be gay so that they can live the gay lifestyle and have fabulous taste in shoes.

<In all seriousness, I wish Mr. Mehlman the best as he copes with the backlash to this. I hope he can find peace with himself.>
Ken Mehlman was a great guy who was very effective. He was a bit misguided in his gumption to get sucked into the politics of those who opposed gay marriage. In his 40s, he has come out as a gay man and supports gay marriage. He will take his lumps but he has redeemed himself.

Robert Byrd was a great man looking to take care of West Virginia. He was a bit misguided when he decided to join the KKK as a means to get elected in the South. He was further misguided when he maintained his racist positions in his 40s when he got elected and resisted the Civil Rights Act. Later he put his racist ways behind him and redeemed himself.

Why is Mehlman being vilified but Byrd is celebrated by progressives?
How good of you to defend gays openly.

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