GOP Chairman Who Apologized For GOP Racism Comes Out As Gay

Mehlman, manager of the 2004 Bush/Cheney re-election campaign, came out to Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic. "It's taken me 43 years to get comfortable with this part of my life," Mehlman said in the interview. "Everybody has their own path to travel, their own journey and for me over the past few months, I've told my family, friends, former colleagues and current colleagues and they've been wonderful and supportive."

Mehlman said he wants to become an advocate for same-sex marriage. He is participating in an upcoming fundraiser for the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER), which is supporting the legal challenge to California's Proposition 8, the initiative against gay marriage.

Ex-GOP national chairman Ken Mehlman says he's gay - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -

Now thats putting one foot in front of the other.

If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work: "Hello. Can't work today, still queer." ~Robin Tyler

GOP Chairman Who Apologized For GOP Racism Comes Out As Gay.

44 - Former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman: I'm gay


He apologized for the Republican Party's failed and disgusting "Southern Strategy" and he had the guts to come out of the closet. Funny how you laugh instead of applaud. :eusa_eh: This guy has more courage and character than most of us here.

We all knew he was gay. Coming out after he benefited from running anti-gay campaigns makes the guy a despicable individual who now wants the gay community to be nice to him when he goes out. I think he deserves whatever gets thrown at him in the way of shaming him.

It took absolutely NO courage to do what he.

The man is a cretin.
So what? YOU posted it.

indeed! People post what they've learned. That's something I've learned. I find it to be such an odd decision for Mr. Mehlman. It's almost like he set out to make his life more difficult on purpose.
And I bet any degree you have is mail-order.

See if you can be a good little lib and continue to take no personal responsibility.


I'm sure that makes sense to someone....somehow......

indeed! People post what they've learned. That's something I've learned. I find it to be such an odd decision for Mr. Mehlman. It's almost like he set out to make his life more difficult on purpose.
And I bet any degree you have is mail-order.

See if you can be a good little lib and continue to take no personal responsibility.

Awesome comeback!
....With Honors!


"After surrendering to Muslim terrorists and common criminals, aborting babies, and raising taxes, the Left’s favorite pastime is outing gay Republicans. Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…Liberals insist on letting ay men leas Boy Scouts on overnight camping trips, but won’t let a gay man be a Republican."
Ann Coulter

I knew this woman was a philistine, but I never realized she's THAT stupid. Wait. Yes I did.
Practice makes perfect.....especially when someone's got a lot o' free time.....

indeed! People post what they've learned. That's something I've learned. I find it to be such an odd decision for Mr. Mehlman. It's almost like he set out to make his life more difficult on purpose.
And I bet any degree you have is mail-order.

See if you can be a good little lib and continue to take no personal responsibility.


I'm sure that makes sense to someone....somehow......

Yes, taking responsibility for one's words is a foreign concept to so many libs. I understand your confusion.
You guys can get in your fun insults and stuff on the right-wing, but this isn't going to really change a majority's mind over anything. The most anyone can do over this is wish the guy well for it and hope for him that he'll find someone special.
....More-likely, during the Obama Years.​


"The Matthew Shepard Act was adopted as an amendment to S.1390 by a vote of 63-28 on July 15, 2009. On October 22, 2009, the act was passed by the Senate by a vote of 68-29. President Obama signed the measure into law on October 28, 2009."

He apologized for the Republican Party's failed and disgusting "Southern Strategy" and he had the guts to come out of the closet. Funny how you laugh instead of applaud. :eusa_eh: This guy has more courage and character than most of us here.

We all knew he was gay. Coming out after he benefited from running anti-gay campaigns makes the guy a despicable individual who now wants the gay community to be nice to him when he goes out. I think he deserves whatever gets thrown at him in the way of shaming him.

It took absolutely NO courage to do what he.

The man is a cretin.
You're absolutely right.
OMg, I guess I'm supposed to be impressed because this guy comes out and confesses he likes other MEN, and he's a Republican to boot.

good grief. what is SO SPECIAL ABOUT THESE PEOPLE and their sexual preference.

Not a darn thing.
SO why do they demand special rights the rest of us don't have??
Like what?
You've got a long wait on-your-hands.

"conservative" talking-points are detail-free.

He apologized for the Republican Party's failed and disgusting "Southern Strategy" and he had the guts to come out of the closet. Funny how you laugh instead of applaud. :eusa_eh: This guy has more courage and character than most of us here.

We all knew he was gay. Coming out after he benefited from running anti-gay campaigns makes the guy a despicable individual who now wants the gay community to be nice to him when he goes out. I think he deserves whatever gets thrown at him in the way of shaming him.

It took absolutely NO courage to do what he.

The man is a cretin.
You're absolutely right.
The gay community will probably forgive him, but they should hold him to account.
Ken Mehlman

[1] When queried, "[You] have asked a question people shouldn't have to answer." Mehlman is widely rumored to be gay, but has denied this, and complained that "those stories did a number on my dating life for six months." On 8 November 2006, Bill Maher claimed on Larry King Live that Mehlman was gay. CNN edited the allegation out of subsequent rebroadcasts and the program's transcript, and two days later Mehlman announced his resignation from the RNC, effective January 2007.

"After surrendering to Muslim terrorists and common criminals, aborting babies, and raising taxes, the Left’s favorite pastime is outing gay Republicans. Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…Liberals insist on letting ay men leas Boy Scouts on overnight camping trips, but won’t let a gay man be a Republican."
Ann Coulter
Hey everybody - look what PoliticalChic hacked up!

A Log Cabin Republican is on TV now defending Mehlman.
A Gay Republican is like a Jew in the Nazi Party.
Hey everybody - look what PoliticalChic hacked up!

I know. Can you believe people actually read, nay, BUY her books... and believe what they say? No wonder this country is in so much trouble. Maybe this guy is right.

The Associated Press: Japan senior lawmaker: Americans are simple-minded

No offense peepers...but you have used links to some pretty far left sites to prop up your arguments in the past.

Sort of pot meet kettle if you ask me.
Yeah.....ya' gotta watch-out for all o' those Leftists at the AP!!

What everyone needs is a healthy-dose o' Fair & Balanced horseshit, right??

Tell us about how you chose to be straight.

Well, one doesn't really "chose" to be straight. It's the natural way. But some people chose to be gay so that they can live the gay lifestyle and have fabulous taste in shoes.

<In all seriousness, I wish Mr. Mehlman the best as he copes with the backlash to this. I hope he can find peace with himself.>

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