GOP Chairman Who Apologized For GOP Racism Comes Out As Gay

No offense peepers...but you have used links to some pretty far left sites to prop up your arguments in the past.

Sort of pot meet kettle if you ask me

No now the whole of the AP is far left??? Wow, when did that happen? But just to appease your delicate sensibilities... here's the same story from the Wall Street Journal... about as far from "far left" as you can get. Do I need to get the smelling salts? Do you have the "vapours"?

DPJ Kingpin Ichiro Ozawa Extends the History of Japanese Political Gaffe-Making, Calling Americans 'Simple-minded' - Japan Real Time - WSJ

Why did you take my post and buthcer it?
Please notive I said you HAVE taken...referring to times in the past.
I did not comment on the link you used in this thread.

Yeah.....your other option would have been to address why (you think) the Japanese are gettin' an overdose o' Teabagger-news.

Karl Rove says he didn't engineer anti-gay marriage amendments. He did. | TRAIL BLAZERS Blog |

Karl Rove says he didn't engineer anti-gay marriage amendments. He did.
8:15 AM Thu, Aug 26, 2010 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Wayne Slater/Reporter Bio | E-mail | News tips
For years, Karl Rove has denied that he helped engineer anti-gay marriage amendments in states to help George W. Bush win reelection in 2004. Rove's position was that the marriage amendments arose organically within eleven states, including political crucial Ohio , and that the Bush campaign wasn't involved in any way. Not true, a former Republican National Committee chairman now says.

Ken Mehlman, who was Bush's campaign manager in 2004 and RNC chairman, says in an interview in The Atlantic that he knew Rove "had been working with Republicans to make sure that anti-gay initiatives and referenda would appear on November ballots in 2004 and 2006 to help Republicans." We wrote about that in our book The Architect, noting that despite Rove's public pronouncements, his active strategy was to divide and conquer by microtargeting religious conservatives and turn out in big numbers against gay marriage - and for George W. Bush.

At the time, Mehlman - like others on the Bush team -- was among the party's most active opponents of gay marriage. Now in private life, Mehlman supports gay marriage. In The Atlantic interview, he acknowledges that he is gay and acknowledged that some critics will see his past actions as hypocritical. That conflict, including Mehlman's sexuality, is something coauthor Jim Moore and I dealt with four years ago in The Architect. Mehlman says he hopes that the GOP will become more accepting of gay marriage. And, ever the strategist, he offers a provocative idea: Why don't gay voters form common cause with Republican opponents of Islamic jihad, which he called "the greatest anti-gay force in the world right now."
Why did you take my post and buthcer it?
Please notive I said you HAVE taken...referring to times in the past.
I did not comment on the link you used in this thread.

Please show me ANY far left source that I have used. And if you weren't commenting on what I posted, why did you comment at all?

Stop being an ass Peepers.
I commented on the fact that you critcized those that read and listen to Coulter...and myu criticism was that you read and listen to the opposite...far left bloggers.
....And, worse-yet.....actual-quotes......

[ame=]YouTube - The Horror.AVI[/ame]​
Hey.. his choice... whatever floats his boat... he can take whatever stance he wants...

Still don't mean I want legalized gay marriage
I'm pretty-certain you wouldn't be forced-into a gay-marriage....without your final-approval.

Gay-marriage isn't like the abortion-issue....where Republicans DO insist on making any final-decisions.​
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OMg, I guess I'm supposed to be impressed because this guy comes out and confesses he likes other MEN, and he's a Republican to boot.

good grief. what is SO SPECIAL ABOUT THESE PEOPLE and their sexual preference.

Not a darn thing.
SO why do they demand special rights the rest of us don't have??

Like what?
Don't hold-your-breath.

I've been waitin', ALL DAY, for him to expand on his decades-old rhetoric.


(Ol' Rabbit has a tendency to HAUL-ASS when he's expected to do any o' that, there thinkin'-stuff.)

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The more gay Republicans, the better.
I'm curious...why do you say that?

The more accepting of homosexuals they will be.

Besides, its only a matter of time. Forty years from now, there will be gay Republicans married to their same-sex partner running for office.


Divorce might actually be shunned by then, and THAT is more of a threat to the sanctity of my marriage than any same sex marriage.
Ken Mehlman

[1] When queried, "[You] have asked a question people shouldn't have to answer." Mehlman is widely rumored to be gay, but has denied this, and complained that "those stories did a number on my dating life for six months." On 8 November 2006, Bill Maher claimed on Larry King Live that Mehlman was gay. CNN edited the allegation out of subsequent rebroadcasts and the program's transcript, and two days later Mehlman announced his resignation from the RNC, effective January 2007.

"After surrendering to Muslim terrorists and common criminals, aborting babies, and raising taxes, the Left’s favorite pastime is outing gay Republicans. Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…Liberals insist on letting ay men leas Boy Scouts on overnight camping trips, but won’t let a gay man be a Republican."
Ann Coulter

That would possibly be an objective opinion if it came from someone that is not a homophobe like Coulter.
....As if she can afford to be choosey about ANY guys!!!!!



Not a darn thing.
SO why do they demand special rights the rest of us don't have??

Like what?

Actually, none really do ask for anything other than to not be judged based on sexual preference....and the right to marry like all others have the right.

Seems politicians are the ones who want them to be seen differently....and protected with hate crime legislation.

No doubt!!

It's as if you "conservatives" are....nearly, DAILY....losing any-and-all opportunities to amuse yourselves!!!

GOP Chairman Who Apologized For GOP Racism Comes Out As Gay.

44 - Former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman: I'm gay

I think before I read any further than the first dew posts, I will respond.

Gays are coming out all the time. That is not news. Gays do hide it because of position in a job, fear of loss of friends or votes, and many other negative reasons. This man hid for as long as he felt he could, and then just chose to open it up to the world.

Him being gay does not make him a bad person.

As it was implied in one of the next few posts, his gayness was not connected iun any way to his job, or to fellow workers. His gayness was his issue only.

I am sure he became an automatic friend of Obama when he came out. I would not doubt he durns democrat. I have no idea if he was a liberal or more to the right. I think I know where he is headed now. I think his liberalism will also come out. I think his Dummycratic loyalties will also come out.

Once again, the fact that he is gay does not make him a bad person. What he does with his now open confession as a gay will tell the whole story about him.

We will see.

Oh, His apology that the GOP is racist was an apology to a lie. Just like Obama's apology to the world for Amreican's arrogance. His arrogance outshined by far that which he apologized for about US.
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GOP Chairman Who Apologized For GOP Racism Comes Out As Gay.

44 - Former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman: I'm gay

and Mehlman got a free pass from the media. They ask everyone the most personal questions, but they feared the right wing attack that would have come if Mehlman was asked about being gay as his party was dissing gays.

Mehlman was the head (ahem) of the anti-gay party.

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