GOP anxious McCarthy putting national sales tax for House vote will carry huge political consequences/Norquist: a gift for Biden Anti-tax activist


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Republicans are increasingly anxious that a deal from McCarthy to put a national sales tax bill for a House floor vote will carry huge political consequences. go right ahead!

It will all be forgotten the next day.
Who are the brain dead people that think this is a good idea? I like this quote, from the Georgia congressan "Buddy" Carter. And wtf is it about Georgia?

“If you don't want to pay a tax, don’t buy it. It's as simple as that,” the Georgia Republican said.

Hey, Mr. Rocket Scientist, if you don't want to pay the income tax, DON'T EARN THE INCOME. Hell, everyone knows you can refuse to work and still have air-conditioning, a cell phone, and the internet. And if you get sick, just go to the emergency room. So, if you don't like paying income taxes don't have income.

But again, who the hell thinks it is a good idea to implement a 30% national sales tax and do away with the income tax. Hell, you got to have in income in excess of $182,100, as a single filer, to exceed a 30% rate. And shit, that is after deductions. I guess the capital gains tax goes away as well, a whomping 20% if you make A HALF MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. But I bet one tax doesn't go away, the Social Security tax, 15.3%, from dollar one, for the self-employed.

So, you pay 15.3% on every dollar you earn with the Social Security tax, and you pay 30% on every dollar you spend, which you earned, which is DOUBLE TAXATION, and we are now looking at 45.3% tax rate for Joe Sixpack. Yeah, do it. Hell, pass it. You assholes been screaming about a revolution, pass this shit and the Whiskey Rebellion will look like a patriotic Fourth of July lovefest.
Who are the brain dead people that think this is a good idea? I like this quote, from the Georgia congressan "Buddy" Carter. And wtf is it about Georgia?

“If you don't want to pay a tax, don’t buy it. It's as simple as that,” the Georgia Republican said.

Hey, Mr. Rocket Scientist, if you don't want to pay the income tax, DON'T EARN THE INCOME. Hell, everyone knows you can refuse to work and still have air-conditioning, a cell phone, and the internet. And if you get sick, just go to the emergency room. So, if you don't like paying income taxes don't have income.

But again, who the hell thinks it is a good idea to implement a 30% national sales tax and do away with the income tax. Hell, you got to have in income in excess of $182,100, as a single filer, to exceed a 30% rate. And shit, that is after deductions. I guess the capital gains tax goes away as well, a whomping 20% if you make A HALF MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. But I bet one tax doesn't go away, the Social Security tax, 15.3%, from dollar one, for the self-employed.

So, you pay 15.3% on every dollar you earn with the Social Security tax, and you 30% on every dollar you spend, which you earned, which is DOUBLE TAXATION, and we are now looking at 45.3% tax rate for Joe Sixpack. Yeah, do it. Hell, pass it. You assholes been screaming about a revolution, pass this shit and the Whiskey Rebellion will look like a patriotic Fourth of July lovefest.

It's a show vote. They come and are forgotten. If the Republicans had any chance at all of it passing it never would be presented.
Who are the brain dead people that think this is a good idea? I like this quote, from the Georgia congressan "Buddy" Carter. And wtf is it about Georgia?

“If you don't want to pay a tax, don’t buy it. It's as simple as that,” the Georgia Republican said.

Hey, Mr. Rocket Scientist, if you don't want to pay the income tax, DON'T EARN THE INCOME. Hell, everyone knows you can refuse to work and still have air-conditioning, a cell phone, and the internet. And if you get sick, just go to the emergency room. So, if you don't like paying income taxes don't have income.

But again, who the hell thinks it is a good idea to implement a 30% national sales tax and do away with the income tax. Hell, you got to have in income in excess of $182,100, as a single filer, to exceed a 30% rate. And shit, that is after deductions. I guess the capital gains tax goes away as well, a whomping 20% if you make A HALF MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. But I bet one tax doesn't go away, the Social Security tax, 15.3%, from dollar one, for the self-employed.

So, you pay 15.3% on every dollar you earn with the Social Security tax, and you pay 30% on every dollar you spend, which you earned, which is DOUBLE TAXATION, and we are now looking at 45.3% tax rate for Joe Sixpack. Yeah, do it. Hell, pass it. You assholes been screaming about a revolution, pass this shit and the Whiskey Rebellion will look like a patriotic Fourth of July lovefest.
There are supposedly varying proposals that would eliminate the federal income tax and social security taxes. The flat tax would do that. It is promoted at 23%.
It's a show vote. They come and are forgotten. If the Republicans had any chance at all of it passing it never would be presented.
A show vote? Oh, you mean like the vote about the IRS agents. In other words, why don't your Republican heroes just get down on their knees and start a suckfest for their wealthy backers.

Come on, you are a taxpayer. You are paying the salary of these whores. Why don't they whip that thing out and piss in a fan. At least they could take a Tik Tok video of it and it might be entertaining. These "show votes" are worth less than tits on a boar hog.

Look, we are less than a month in with this "Republican" congress and things are already going to hell in a handbasket. I mean we are running up on the debt ceiling, like TOMORROW. I mean if I were president I would send every one of the members of Congress home, and cut their pay while I was at it. And strip their benefits, if you don't pay for your health insurance, because you are not working, it goes away. You come back when you agree to increase the debt limit, otherwise, pound sand.
There are supposedly varying proposals that would eliminate the federal income tax and social security taxes. The flat tax would do that. It is promoted at 23%.
You guys scream like stuck pigs over 9% inflation. How do you think an immediate 23% increase in the cost of everything is going to pan out?
if I were president I would send every one of the members of Congress home, and cut their pay while I was at it. And strip their benefits, if you don't pay for your health insurance, because you are not working, it goes away. You come back when you agree to increase the debt limit, otherwise, pound sand.
Not real clear on how the Federal government works, are you?
A show vote? Oh, you mean like the vote about the IRS agents. In other words, why don't your Republican heroes just get down on their knees and start a suckfest for their wealthy backers.

Come on, you are a taxpayer. You are paying the salary of these whores. Why don't they whip that thing out and piss in a fan. At least they could take a Tik Tok video of it and it might be entertaining. These "show votes" are worth less than tits on a boar hog.

Look, we are less than a month in with this "Republican" congress and things are already going to hell in a handbasket. I mean we are running up on the debt ceiling, like TOMORROW. I mean if I were president I would send every one of the members of Congress home, and cut their pay while I was at it. And strip their benefits, if you don't pay for your health insurance, because you are not working, it goes away. You come back when you agree to increase the debt limit, otherwise, pound sand.
We do not have a revenue problem we have a spending problem, raising the debt does nothing to correct that!
A show vote? Oh, you mean like the vote about the IRS agents.

Well that actually passed even if it wasn't ever going to be carried out.

In other words, why don't your Republican heroes just get down on their knees and start a suckfest for their wealthy backers.

Mine? Hmmmmm.

Come on, you are a taxpayer. You are paying the salary of these whores. Why don't they whip that thing out and piss in a fan. At least they could take a Tik Tok video of it and it might be entertaining. These "show votes" are worth less than tits on a boar hog.

As I've noted and condemned many times.

Look, we are less than a month in with this "Republican" congress and things are already going to hell in a handbasket. I mean we are running up on the debt ceiling, like TOMORROW. I mean if I were president I would send every one of the members of Congress home, and cut their pay while I was at it. And strip their benefits, if you don't pay for your health insurance, because you are not working, it goes away. You come back when you agree to increase the debt limit, otherwise, pound sand.

The growing debt isn't exactly something one wants to run on, I don't think.
We do not have a revenue problem we have a spending problem, raising the debt does nothing to correct that!
You raise the debt because these congress critters, that are refusing to raise the debt, passed the damn spending that got us there. If they didn't want to pay for it then why the hell did they pass the bills? I mean it is like you went out and bought a bunch of shit on a credit card, and now you are limit up. Do you refuse to pay it? I mean you can, hell, you can even declare bankruptcy. But what is that going to do for you borrowing cost going forward?
You raise the debt because these congress critters, that are refusing to raise the debt, passed the damn spending that got us there. If they didn't want to pay for it then why the hell did they pass the bills? I mean it is like you went out and bought a bunch of shit on a credit card, and now you are limit up. Do you refuse to pay it? I mean you can, hell, you can even declare bankruptcy. But what is that going to do for you borrowing cost going forward?

Borrowing going forward needs stopped.
Borrowing going forward needs stopped.
I am not going to argue with that. The time to borrow has passed. But until the Fed started their rate increases it should have been Katie bar the door. Hell, at one time the interest rate on T-bills was negative, we should have been borrowing, and investing in the future, full tilt. Republicans don't understand that, I mean honestly, they are dumber than a box of damn rocks.

The sweet spot was when Biden was attempting to pass his Make America Better initiative. I mean borrowing at near zero interest rates in the face of future inflation is like a no damn brainer. I mean you tell me inflation is going to approach double digits, and I can borrow at damn near zero percent, well I am borrowing all you will give me. That is the position the government was in two years ago.

But here is the thing, refuse to raise the debt limit, default on federal obligations, and our interest cost going forward is going to increase for a generation. Who the hell does that benefit? Hell, if I win the lottery tomorrow I am going to sink all the money into Treasuries, leave my children a legacy, and live palatially on the interest. That should tell you all you need to know.
I am not going to argue with that. The time to borrow has passed. But until the Fed started their rate increases it should have been Katie bar the door. Hell, at one time the interest rate on T-bills was negative, we should have been borrowing, and investing in the future, full tilt. Republicans don't understand that, I mean honestly, they are dumber than a box of damn rocks.

Rates should have never been less than zero. The reasons they were so low is why we have the inflation we do now.

The sweet spot was when Biden was attempting to pass his Make America Better initiative. I mean borrowing at near zero interest rates in the face of future inflation is like a no damn brainer. I mean you tell me inflation is going to approach double digits, and I can borrow at damn near zero percent, well I am borrowing all you will give me. That is the position the government was in two years ago.

The initiative where Democrats tried to sneak through a tax cut on the rich.

But here is the thing, refuse to raise the debt limit, default on federal obligations, and our interest cost going forward is going to increase for a generation. Who the hell does that benefit? Hell, if I win the lottery tomorrow I am going to sink all the money into Treasuries, leave my children a legacy, and live palatially on the interest. That should tell you all you need to know.

If we address debt it doesn't matter if rates are 30% does it?
I would love to see the income tax repealed and replaced with a national sales tax. Of course there would need to be enforceable limitations as to how high that tax rate could climb.
I would love to see the income tax repealed and replaced with a national sales tax. Of course there would need to be enforceable limitations as to how high that tax rate could climb.
But it wouldn't do any good for Congress to pass it now. Biden would never sign it into law.

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