Google/YouTube is Pulling Out All the Stops

Bull-fucking-shit! Biden "extended" the withdrawal to 9/11 to make a big ol' speech and try to look good.

Well, he didn't make it to 9/11, got people killed, and exposed what an arrogant dumbassd he really is.

We do not often agree, but you are correct
Or Biden leaving when we agreed to and not pushing it from May to late Aug so he could have a made for TV moment.

Had we left in May the Taliban would have been far away and not able to cause the problems they did
Considering the non cooperative transfer of power and the lack of a withdrawal plan by the military in Jan 2021, getting out by May would have been a worse shit show. No reason to believe the Afghan Army wouldn't have folded as as quick then as they did in August either.

Soon after his lost to Biden was announced, Benedict ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th 2021. Why do you think he flip-flopped on that order?
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Considering the non cooperative transfer of power and the lack of a withdrawal plan by the military in Jan 2021, getting out by May would have been a worse shit show. No reason to believe the Afghan Army wouldn't have folded as as quick then as they did in August either.

The reason May was chosen was because the Taliban could not move out the mountains in force until the spring due to the weather.

Had we left in May they would not have had the time to take over 95% of the country before we left. Had we left in May they would not have been in Kabul and would not have had control of the airport leading to the deaths we saw.
The reason May was chosen was because the Taliban could not move out the mountains in force until the spring due to the weather.

Had we left in May they would not have had the time to take over 95% of the country before we left. Had we left in May they would not have been in Kabul and would not have had control of the airport leading to the deaths we saw.
Well, it's not like they wouldn't have stopped the ISIS bastards if they knew/could have. They had an ISIS attack not long ago.

The Taliban doesn't like ISIS, that's a rogue faction in their country.

However, there's a lot less of a chance of ISIS slipping through uniformed US troops than a bunch of Taliban that look just like they do.
Bull-fucking-shit! Biden "extended" the withdrawal to 9/11 to make a big ol' speech and try to look good.

Well, he didn't make it to 9/11, got people killed, and exposed what an arrogant dumbass he really is.

Trump made the deal, and Biden broke it, but the Taliban still didn't fire on American/Allied soldiers.
Benedict Donald made the deal and forced our Generals to comply with every one of our conditions while ignoring the fact that the Taliban was not complying with their conditions. Benedict gave away all the candy in the candy store but you want to blame Biden because he wouldn't redeploy thousands of young Americans to fix Donald's fuck up.

The Taliban did not want to fight the US military again and agreed to the extension to Aug 31st.
That we have fewer soldiers fighting an unwinnable war is good. Your blob kept troops in harms way before betraying them by surrendering
Little difference between the two MFers on Afghanistan, like so many other issues.

If Trump wins, he’ll support Israel’s genocide even more than Genocide Joe. Will you then oppose Israel?
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5th post
Well, it's not like they wouldn't have stopped the ISIS bastards if they knew/could have. They had an ISIS attack not long ago.

The Taliban doesn't like ISIS, that's a rogue faction in their country.

However, there's a lot less of a chance of ISIS slipping through uniformed US troops than a bunch of Taliban that look just like they do.

True, ISIS would have tried, but the chaos at the airport that allowed it to happen would not have been there had we left in May.
The reason May was chosen was because the Taliban could not move out the mountains in force until the spring due to the weather.

Had we left in May they would not have had the time to take over 95% of the country before we left. Had we left in May they would not have been in Kabul and would not have had control of the airport leading to the deaths we saw.
As we left a province the Taliban would have taken over regardless of the time of year.

That still ignores all the conditions on the Taliban that were ignored in 2020 as Benedict withdrew 80% of our troop strength.
As we left a province the Taliban would have taken over regardless of the time of year.

Nope, mother nature is a bitch in that part of the world. it is why May was chosen.

That still ignores all the conditions on the Taliban that were ignored in 2020 as Benedict withdrew 80% of our troop strength.

I am not defending Trump, I am just pointing out that Biden is not blameless.
For some reason when I pull up YouTube on my TV, I am being bombarded lately with McHale's Navy videos. A show I haven't watched since the early 1960's. They don't come up watching YouTube here at my desktop. It's a gosh-dern mystery.
10th post
For some reason when I pull up YouTube on my TV, I am being bombarded lately with McHale's Navy videos. A show I haven't watched since the early 1960's. They don't come up watching YouTube here at my desktop. It's a gosh-dern mystery.
Ah! Back to the topic!

Yes, Google is biased and their algorithms suck again.

You see, Google used to suck, then they got good from like 2005-2008, then they started a long slow decline, and now they're back to sucking again, but now they have control over quite a wide swath of the internet and do filter things at will, and that's not good.
It is cute that you think I am MAGA, but it will piss off the real MAGA folks.

That aside, it was the moving of the date that caused all the problems. That one stupid action gave the Taliban time to take control of 90% of the country.
You are what you are.
You can paint an outhouse but it's still full of crap.
15th post
Not even a little bit.

Correct, that is all on Trump.

Joe is to blame for his decision to push back the departure date from May to Aug

It took the administration a little over a month to evaluate the situation and make a decision on the policy because of the uncooperative nature of the transfer of power. The military planners took another few weeks to come up with the evacuation plans, giving them about a month before the deadline. ISIS was active in Kabul throughout 2020 and very well could have used a suicide attack in April if we had decided to keep to the original timeframe.
I'm suddenly getting hit with these kinds of videos even though I don't watch them once I realize they're anti Trump and give them a dislike. YouTube doesn't care. They're putting them in my feed anyway

Anti Trumpers are in full blown panic.
Biden loves vets. Afghanistan withdraw is proof.

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