Good or Bad President - Good or Bad Human

Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human

Just taking out the human stain part, and focusing on his presidency:

He's only passed one major piece of legislation, a huge tax cut for the rich.
He's rolled back federal regulations for clean air and water, giving oil and coal free reign to dump their waste into our rivers and lakes.
He's misplaced thousands of migrant children, some shipped overseas, and hundreds will never be reunited with their parents because there's no records for them.
He's putting ultra conservative judges on SCOTUS and federal district courts which will reverse Roe v Wade.
He "fell in love" with Kim Jong Un, who as late as last week, was again shown via satellite to be building up his nuclear weapons facilities.
His trade war with China is resulting in massive layoffs for autoworkers.
I could go on and on and on.....
Obama - Lousy President - Worst President In History (Move over Jimmy Carter) - Horrible Human-Being LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them

Let's ask CNN...

CNN if the media ignores Obama's scandals they don't really count and we can fabricate a fairy tale about how awesome Obama was.
What Obama scandals did CNN ignore?
he hates America/whites/cops
HE is the racist
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
Michelle Obama Quotes
Obama 'thought he needed black wife to get to White House' | Daily Mail Online
Obama's AG visit's the family of a BLACK criminal that attacked a WHITE cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human
Obama - Lousy President - Worst President In History (Move over Jimmy Carter) - Horrible Human-Being LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them

and I can list all the scandals of YOUR hero mass murderer Reagan and the other evil bastard presidents you liked as well that you also mentioned and how the media tried to hide them as well.:abgg2q.jpg:

yeah it IS funny i took you to school on that.:biggrin:

the REAL Ronnie Reagan most the sheep in america dont know about.
10 Reprehensible Crimes Of Ronald Reagan - Listverse

oh and thats just for starters.:iyfyus.jpg:
Last edited:
I'm not far from the OP ratings. I'd add LBJ as bad president, bad person. Those Texans and their wars.

One thing I respect about the one term presidents, Carter and Bush the 1st, was that they shot themselves in the foot in regards to their chances for a 2nd term by doing what they thought was best for the country. For Carter it was purposely bringing on the economic slow down with his appointment of Paul Volcker to head the Federal Reserve. It was tough medicine but it did break the decade old run-away inflation that was going on. The liberal media should refer to it as the Carter or more accurately the Volcker Recession, but it eventually got tagged the Reagan Recession as it hit the deep end. But then I was steadily employed during those years getting crazy raises along with jumping companies a few times to get even more and so I could afford to respect him.

For Bush it was breaking his no new tax pledge. I give the guy some credit, along with a GOP congress, for the success in reducing the budget deficits during the Clinton years.
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human
Obama - Lousy President - Worst President In History (Move over Jimmy Carter) - Horrible Human-Being LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them

and I can list all the scandals of YOUR hero mass murderer Reagan and the other evil bastard presidents you liked as well that you also mentioned and how the media tried to hide them as well.:abgg2q.jpg:

yeah it IS funny i took you to school on that.:biggrin:

the REAL Ronnie Reagan most the sheep in america dont know about.
10 Reprehensible Crimes Of Ronald Reagan - Listverse

oh and thats just for starters.:iyfyus.jpg:
Yor obviously a tinfoil hat wearer.
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human
Obama - Lousy President - Worst President In History (Move over Jimmy Carter) - Horrible Human-Being LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them

and I can list all the scandals of YOUR hero mass murderer Reagan and the other evil bastard presidents you liked as well that you also mentioned and how the media tried to hide them as well.:abgg2q.jpg:

yeah it IS funny i took you to school on that.:biggrin:

the REAL Ronnie Reagan most the sheep in america dont know about.
10 Reprehensible Crimes Of Ronald Reagan - Listverse

oh and thats just for starters.:iyfyus.jpg:
Yor obviously a tinfoil hat wearer.

Nice picture...

Real white Christmas.
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human
Obama - Lousy President - Worst President In History (Move over Jimmy Carter) - Horrible Human-Being LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them

and I can list all the scandals of YOUR hero mass murderer Reagan and the other evil bastard presidents you liked as well that you also mentioned and how the media tried to hide them as well.:abgg2q.jpg:

yeah it IS funny i took you to school on that.:biggrin:

the REAL Ronnie Reagan most the sheep in america dont know about.
10 Reprehensible Crimes Of Ronald Reagan - Listverse

oh and thats just for starters.:iyfyus.jpg:
Yor obviously a tinfoil hat wearer.

Love how you have to resort to childish insults when you cant stand toe to toe and unable to refute pesky facts:2up:.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Obama - Lousy President - Worst President In History (Move over Jimmy Carter) - Horrible Human-Being LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them

Let's ask CNN...

CNN if the media ignores Obama's scandals they don't really count and we can fabricate a fairy tale about how awesome Obama was.
What Obama scandals did CNN ignore?
he hates America/whites/cops
HE is the racist
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
Michelle Obama Quotes
Obama 'thought he needed black wife to get to White House' | Daily Mail Online
Obama's AG visit's the family of a BLACK criminal that attacked a WHITE cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
Nothing you mentioned even comes close to what Trump has done
I am famous so I can grab women by the pussy
There are good people on both sides referring to a white supremacist showdown with anti-white supremacist protestors
Compare Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright and Trump's wit porn stars and playmates
Obama 1 wife - 2 kids/ Trump 5 kids with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married
Trump insults John McCain several times
Trump sat at the podium with Putin like a lap dog and said he believes Putin when he says he did not interfere with US elections
He believes Saudi leadership about not being involved in Khshouggi's murder
On and on, you are an idiot
Obama - Lousy President - Worst President In History (Move over Jimmy Carter) - Horrible Human-Being LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them

Let's ask CNN...

CNN if the media ignores Obama's scandals they don't really count and we can fabricate a fairy tale about how awesome Obama was.
What Obama scandals did CNN ignore?
he hates America/whites/cops
HE is the racist
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
Michelle Obama Quotes
Obama 'thought he needed black wife to get to White House' | Daily Mail Online
Obama's AG visit's the family of a BLACK criminal that attacked a WHITE cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
Nothing you mentioned even comes close to what Trump has done
I am famous so I can grab women by the pussy
There are good people on both sides referring to a white supremacist showdown with anti-white supremacist protestors
Compare Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright and Trump's wit porn stars and playmates
Obama 1 wife - 2 kids/ Trump 5 kids with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married
Trump insults John McCain several times
Trump sat at the podium with Putin like a lap dog and said he believes Putin when he says he did not interfere with US elections
He believes Saudi leadership about not being involved in Khshouggi's murder
On and on, you are an idiot
racism is NOT bad?
hating America is NOT bad?
some women want their private parts grabbed--it's called sex

...I've been over the '''white supremacists'' deal before--please prove Unite the Right is any different from the thousands of other black/Asian/latino groups
want to talk about ''good people on both sides''???
...blacks commit HATE crimes at TWICE the rate of whites---so -YES, there are good and bad people on both sides..Trump was just telling the truth

again Trump = Great POTUS
Obama crappy POTUS
Obama - Lousy President - Worst President In History (Move over Jimmy Carter) - Horrible Human-Being LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them

Let's ask CNN...

CNN if the media ignores Obama's scandals they don't really count and we can fabricate a fairy tale about how awesome Obama was.
What Obama scandals did CNN ignore?
he hates America/whites/cops
HE is the racist
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
Michelle Obama Quotes
Obama 'thought he needed black wife to get to White House' | Daily Mail Online
Obama's AG visit's the family of a BLACK criminal that attacked a WHITE cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
Nothing you mentioned even comes close to what Trump has done
I am famous so I can grab women by the pussy
There are good people on both sides referring to a white supremacist showdown with anti-white supremacist protestors
Compare Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright and Trump's wit porn stars and playmates
Obama 1 wife - 2 kids/ Trump 5 kids with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married
Trump insults John McCain several times
Trump sat at the podium with Putin like a lap dog and said he believes Putin when he says he did not interfere with US elections
He believes Saudi leadership about not being involved in Khshouggi's murder
On and on, you are an idiot
Trump said women say that to him because he's rich.....but then again no other president has been spied on like Trump before. They probably had hidden cameras all over the WH when he moved in.
You'd be surprised what Obama has said when he knows the cameras are out of range.
After he won re-election he got even worse.
Trump is no white -supremacist. That's a lie by the media.
Let's compare Bathhouse Barry to heterosexual Donald Trump.
Obama's wife and kids are simply tokens to check the box....they're there to make him look electable and not homosexual.
John McCain rubbed elbows with ISIS and framed well as thwarted the vote to get rid of Obamacare.
Trump doesn't believe in trashing other world leaders in public right before they meet.
The Chinese wouldn't even bring the stairs up to Air Force One the last time Obama visited Bejing.
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human

You were doing great until you got to Obama.
That is your opinion
The majority of Americans, currently, feel Obama was a good President. History will treat him more positively.
One of the best US Presidents, Obama, followed by the worst US President, to date, Trump.

You voting for a community organizer gave up Trump, you proud now?

Obama - Lousy President - Worst President In History (Move over Jimmy Carter) - Horrible Human-Being LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them

Let's ask CNN...

CNN if the media ignores Obama's scandals they don't really count and we can fabricate a fairy tale about how awesome Obama was.
What Obama scandals did CNN ignore?
he hates America/whites/cops
HE is the racist
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
Michelle Obama Quotes
Obama 'thought he needed black wife to get to White House' | Daily Mail Online
Obama's AG visit's the family of a BLACK criminal that attacked a WHITE cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
Nothing you mentioned even comes close to what Trump has done
I am famous so I can grab women by the pussy
There are good people on both sides referring to a white supremacist showdown with anti-white supremacist protestors
Compare Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright and Trump's wit porn stars and playmates
Obama 1 wife - 2 kids/ Trump 5 kids with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married
Trump insults John McCain several times
Trump sat at the podium with Putin like a lap dog and said he believes Putin when he says he did not interfere with US elections
He believes Saudi leadership about not being involved in Khshouggi's murder
On and on, you are an idiot
racism is NOT bad?
hating America is NOT bad?
some women want their private parts grabbed--it's called sex

...I've been over the '''white supremacists'' deal before--please prove Unite the Right is any different from the thousands of other black/Asian/latino groups
want to talk about ''good people on both sides''???
...blacks commit HATE crimes at TWICE the rate of whites---so -YES, there are good and bad people on both sides..Trump was just telling the truth

again Trump = Great POTUS
Obama crappy POTUS
You are a very sick individual and will never get it. I feel sorry for you.
How did you end up the way you are?
Let's ask CNN...

CNN if the media ignores Obama's scandals they don't really count and we can fabricate a fairy tale about how awesome Obama was.
What Obama scandals did CNN ignore?
he hates America/whites/cops
HE is the racist
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
Michelle Obama Quotes
Obama 'thought he needed black wife to get to White House' | Daily Mail Online
Obama's AG visit's the family of a BLACK criminal that attacked a WHITE cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
Nothing you mentioned even comes close to what Trump has done
I am famous so I can grab women by the pussy
There are good people on both sides referring to a white supremacist showdown with anti-white supremacist protestors
Compare Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright and Trump's wit porn stars and playmates
Obama 1 wife - 2 kids/ Trump 5 kids with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married
Trump insults John McCain several times
Trump sat at the podium with Putin like a lap dog and said he believes Putin when he says he did not interfere with US elections
He believes Saudi leadership about not being involved in Khshouggi's murder
On and on, you are an idiot
racism is NOT bad?
hating America is NOT bad?
some women want their private parts grabbed--it's called sex

...I've been over the '''white supremacists'' deal before--please prove Unite the Right is any different from the thousands of other black/Asian/latino groups
want to talk about ''good people on both sides''???
...blacks commit HATE crimes at TWICE the rate of whites---so -YES, there are good and bad people on both sides..Trump was just telling the truth

again Trump = Great POTUS
Obama crappy POTUS
You are a very sick individual and will never get it. I feel sorry for you.
How did you end up the way you are?
great reply/evidence/etc to back up your argument--call me sick
I'm still waiting for your response on Unite the Right
also--blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
Obama - Lousy President - Worst President In History (Move over Jimmy Carter) - Horrible Human-Being LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them

Let's ask CNN...

CNN if the media ignores Obama's scandals they don't really count and we can fabricate a fairy tale about how awesome Obama was.
What Obama scandals did CNN ignore?
he hates America/whites/cops
HE is the racist
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
Michelle Obama Quotes
Obama 'thought he needed black wife to get to White House' | Daily Mail Online
Obama's AG visit's the family of a BLACK criminal that attacked a WHITE cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
Nothing you mentioned even comes close to what Trump has done
I am famous so I can grab women by the pussy
There are good people on both sides referring to a white supremacist showdown with anti-white supremacist protestors
Compare Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright and Trump's wit porn stars and playmates
Obama 1 wife - 2 kids/ Trump 5 kids with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married
Trump insults John McCain several times
Trump sat at the podium with Putin like a lap dog and said he believes Putin when he says he did not interfere with US elections
He believes Saudi leadership about not being involved in Khshouggi's murder
On and on, you are an idiot
Trump said women say that to him because he's rich.....but then again no other president has been spied on like Trump before. They probably had hidden cameras all over the WH when he moved in.
You'd be surprised what Obama has said when he knows the cameras are out of range.
After he won re-election he got even worse.
Trump is no white -supremacist. That's a lie by the media.
Let's compare Bathhouse Barry to heterosexual Donald Trump.
Obama's wife and kids are simply tokens to check the box....they're there to make him look electable and not homosexual.
John McCain rubbed elbows with ISIS and framed well as thwarted the vote to get rid of Obamacare.
Trump doesn't believe in trashing other world leaders in public right before they meet.
The Chinese wouldn't even bring the stairs up to Air Force One the last time Obama visited Bejing.
Another degusting human that Trump has emboldened to come out of your rat hole. You will be chased back, very soon
Let's ask CNN...

CNN if the media ignores Obama's scandals they don't really count and we can fabricate a fairy tale about how awesome Obama was.
What Obama scandals did CNN ignore?
he hates America/whites/cops
HE is the racist
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
Michelle Obama Quotes
Obama 'thought he needed black wife to get to White House' | Daily Mail Online
Obama's AG visit's the family of a BLACK criminal that attacked a WHITE cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
Nothing you mentioned even comes close to what Trump has done
I am famous so I can grab women by the pussy
There are good people on both sides referring to a white supremacist showdown with anti-white supremacist protestors
Compare Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright and Trump's wit porn stars and playmates
Obama 1 wife - 2 kids/ Trump 5 kids with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married
Trump insults John McCain several times
Trump sat at the podium with Putin like a lap dog and said he believes Putin when he says he did not interfere with US elections
He believes Saudi leadership about not being involved in Khshouggi's murder
On and on, you are an idiot
Trump said women say that to him because he's rich.....but then again no other president has been spied on like Trump before. They probably had hidden cameras all over the WH when he moved in.
You'd be surprised what Obama has said when he knows the cameras are out of range.
After he won re-election he got even worse.
Trump is no white -supremacist. That's a lie by the media.
Let's compare Bathhouse Barry to heterosexual Donald Trump.
Obama's wife and kids are simply tokens to check the box....they're there to make him look electable and not homosexual.
John McCain rubbed elbows with ISIS and framed well as thwarted the vote to get rid of Obamacare.
Trump doesn't believe in trashing other world leaders in public right before they meet.
The Chinese wouldn't even bring the stairs up to Air Force One the last time Obama visited Bejing.
Another degusting human that Trump has emboldened to come out of your rat hole. You will be chased back, very soon
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: you ARE wrong--you have NO reply..NO evidence to back up your crap--just like most of the other USMB members who talk CRAP
Let's ask CNN...

CNN if the media ignores Obama's scandals they don't really count and we can fabricate a fairy tale about how awesome Obama was.
What Obama scandals did CNN ignore?
he hates America/whites/cops
HE is the racist
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
Michelle Obama Quotes
Obama 'thought he needed black wife to get to White House' | Daily Mail Online
Obama's AG visit's the family of a BLACK criminal that attacked a WHITE cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
Nothing you mentioned even comes close to what Trump has done
I am famous so I can grab women by the pussy
There are good people on both sides referring to a white supremacist showdown with anti-white supremacist protestors
Compare Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright and Trump's wit porn stars and playmates
Obama 1 wife - 2 kids/ Trump 5 kids with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married
Trump insults John McCain several times
Trump sat at the podium with Putin like a lap dog and said he believes Putin when he says he did not interfere with US elections
He believes Saudi leadership about not being involved in Khshouggi's murder
On and on, you are an idiot
Trump said women say that to him because he's rich.....but then again no other president has been spied on like Trump before. They probably had hidden cameras all over the WH when he moved in.
You'd be surprised what Obama has said when he knows the cameras are out of range.
After he won re-election he got even worse.
Trump is no white -supremacist. That's a lie by the media.
Let's compare Bathhouse Barry to heterosexual Donald Trump.
Obama's wife and kids are simply tokens to check the box....they're there to make him look electable and not homosexual.
John McCain rubbed elbows with ISIS and framed well as thwarted the vote to get rid of Obamacare.
Trump doesn't believe in trashing other world leaders in public right before they meet.
The Chinese wouldn't even bring the stairs up to Air Force One the last time Obama visited Bejing.
Another degusting human that Trump has emboldened to come out of your rat hole. You will be chased back, very soon
I judge people by their base.

Trump's support comes from normal Americans that treat each other with respect.
Obama and Hillary supporters think Trump supporters should be ruined, arrested, and executed.
Nothing you mentioned even comes close to what Trump has done
I am famous so I can grab women by the pussy
There are good people on both sides referring to a white supremacist showdown with anti-white supremacist protestors
Compare Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright and Trump's wit porn stars and playmates
Obama 1 wife - 2 kids/ Trump 5 kids with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married
Trump insults John McCain several times
Trump sat at the podium with Putin like a lap dog and said he believes Putin when he says he did not interfere with US elections
He believes Saudi leadership about not being involved in Khshouggi's murder
On and on, you are an idiot
racism is NOT bad?
hating America is NOT bad?
some women want their private parts grabbed--it's called sex

...I've been over the '''white supremacists'' deal before--please prove Unite the Right is any different from the thousands of other black/Asian/latino groups
want to talk about ''good people on both sides''???
...blacks commit HATE crimes at TWICE the rate of whites---so -YES, there are good and bad people on both sides..Trump was just telling the truth

again Trump = Great POTUS
Obama crappy POTUS
You are a very sick individual and will never get it. I feel sorry for you.
How did you end up the way you are?
great reply/evidence/etc to back up your argument--call me sick
I'm still waiting for your response on Unite the Right
also--blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
James Fields guilty of first-degree murder in Charlottesville car attack at white nationalist rally
I rest my case.
Nothing you mentioned even comes close to what Trump has done
I am famous so I can grab women by the pussy
There are good people on both sides referring to a white supremacist showdown with anti-white supremacist protestors
Compare Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright and Trump's wit porn stars and playmates
Obama 1 wife - 2 kids/ Trump 5 kids with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married
Trump insults John McCain several times
Trump sat at the podium with Putin like a lap dog and said he believes Putin when he says he did not interfere with US elections
He believes Saudi leadership about not being involved in Khshouggi's murder
On and on, you are an idiot
Trump said women say that to him because he's rich.....but then again no other president has been spied on like Trump before. They probably had hidden cameras all over the WH when he moved in.
You'd be surprised what Obama has said when he knows the cameras are out of range.
After he won re-election he got even worse.
Trump is no white -supremacist. That's a lie by the media.
Let's compare Bathhouse Barry to heterosexual Donald Trump.
Obama's wife and kids are simply tokens to check the box....they're there to make him look electable and not homosexual.
John McCain rubbed elbows with ISIS and framed well as thwarted the vote to get rid of Obamacare.
Trump doesn't believe in trashing other world leaders in public right before they meet.
The Chinese wouldn't even bring the stairs up to Air Force One the last time Obama visited Bejing.
Another degusting human that Trump has emboldened to come out of your rat hole. You will be chased back, very soon
I judge people by their base.

Trump's support comes from normal Americans that treat each other with respect.
Obama and Hillary supporters think Trump supporters should be ruined, arrested, and executed.
Really, respect???? That's why 80 to 90 percent of the people on the right I talk to, revert to calling me names after 1 post... unprovoked I might add. Or are terms like idiot, retard, libtard, snowflake, etc,etc terms of endearment? As to me hating Trump supporters. Most of my in laws voted for him, I don't hate them. Nor do I you for that matter. I can't say I understand why one would support so vigorously a so obvious flawed human being. But I don't know any of you well enough to hate you. And those I do know that voted for Trump I mostly find perfectly pleasant human beings.

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