Good or Bad President - Good or Bad Human

Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human

obozo was an affiliative action hire…

He never even had a real job before this.

Obozo went to a RACIST church for 20 years, you Tards never acknowledge that.

obozo was a puppet on a string….

Trump will be known as one of our Greatest Presidents.
God help you if he does not damn you first

Tard logic...…….
so by your reasoning all blacks want whites murdered if a black murders a white
Strawman much? You asked a specific question. How is unite the right different from an organised group on the left. You specified, minority groups but I assume you meant left wing groups. I gave you a glaring example. Another one would be that white supremacists object to their presumed loss of predominance. The left protests discrimination.
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
....Unite the Right is no different from any of the other thousands of racial associations that promote their race
Restating the same position without providing anything to back it up does NOT make your argument any more valid. You asked a question. I answered it. If you can prove me wrong please do so. Give an example of a member of an organised left wing group committing a hate crime or murder?
hahahahahhahahaha--you're toast
'And we need to start killing people.
Category: | Herald Sun
“F–k Donald Trump, n—a, f–k white people!”
TORTURING a SPECIAL needs person!!!!!!!!
for the LAST time--provide UTR's manifesto that shows it is a hate group
YES YES--Trump IS correct--jackasses on BOTH sides
good on both sides
this cannot be denied
No organised left wing group was responsible in your examples. I do hope you aren't trying to suggest lone wolf people should be held responsible. Plenty more on your side.
As to your manifesto question. Couldn't find any at all. What is easy to find is this.

I personally have no problem saying that claiming that this is mirrored by the left is insane. The fact that you try to draw equivalencies between people with this ideology and those protesting it says something really disturbing about you.
so by your reasoning all blacks want whites murdered if a black murders a white
Strawman much? You asked a specific question. How is unite the right different from an organised group on the left. You specified, minority groups but I assume you meant left wing groups. I gave you a glaring example. Another one would be that white supremacists object to their presumed loss of predominance. The left protests discrimination.
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
....Unite the Right is no different from any of the other thousands of racial associations that promote their race
Restating the same position without providing anything to back it up does NOT make your argument any more valid. You asked a question. I answered it. If you can prove me wrong please do so. Give an example of a member of an organised left wing group committing a hate crime or murder?
hahahahahhahahaha--you're toast
'And we need to start killing people.
Category: | Herald Sun
“F–k Donald Trump, n—a, f–k white people!”
TORTURING a SPECIAL needs person!!!!!!!!
for the LAST time--provide UTR's manifesto that shows it is a hate group
YES YES--Trump IS correct--jackasses on BOTH sides
good on both sides
this cannot be denied
No organised left wing group was responsible in your examples. I do hope you aren't trying to suggest lone wolf people should be held responsible. Plenty more on your side.
As to your manifesto question. Couldn't find any at all. What is easy to find is this.

I personally have no problem saying that claiming that this is mirrored by the left is insane. The fact that you try to draw equivalencies between people with this ideology and those protesting it says something really disturbing about you.

BLM is not a left wing group?
Blank Panthers is not a left wing group?
o freakin total bullshit
NO blacks ever commit murder/crime/etc???
they are angels??
ONLY whites are EVIL???!!!!
very ridiculous
I judge people by their base.

Trump's support comes from normal Americans that treat each other with respect.
Obama and Hillary supporters think Trump supporters should be ruined, arrested, and executed.
Really, respect???? That's why 80 to 90 percent of the people on the right I talk to, revert to calling me names after 1 post... unprovoked I might add. Or are terms like idiot, retard, libtard, snowflake, etc,etc terms of endearment? As to me hating Trump supporters. Most of my in laws voted for him, I don't hate them. Nor do I you for that matter. I can't say I understand why one would support so vigorously a so obvious flawed human being. But I don't know any of you well enough to hate you. And those I do know that voted for Trump I mostly find perfectly pleasant human beings.
I think the only names they might call you is you're an idiot for listening to our corrupt and obviously biased media.
And yes, Trump is a flawed human-being who cares about this country. And it's obvious that most of the people in Washington, in the New York media, or Hollywood don't.

It's strange how after a Trump rally they don't leave a God Awful mess behind like all of those folks that claim they love the environment.
Do you feel the Founding Fathers were idiots for the writing the first Amendment giving freedom to the press?
Nope. But the press has a responsibility to not take sides and act as advocates.
No free society can stand as long the press is owned by the state.
And that is the situation we have today.
Our press has been co-opted by the Deep State.
They are no-longer a free press.
What a bunch of blabber bull shit. The first amendment was written in case people like you were in power. You are too stupid to ever be in power.
This is why you're a liberal.
Because you're too stupid to understand how fascism works.
And what's hilarious is they're calling their critics Nazis.
You either have to be stupid or willfully ignorant to believe that.
Strawman much? You asked a specific question. How is unite the right different from an organised group on the left. You specified, minority groups but I assume you meant left wing groups. I gave you a glaring example. Another one would be that white supremacists object to their presumed loss of predominance. The left protests discrimination.
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
....Unite the Right is no different from any of the other thousands of racial associations that promote their race
Restating the same position without providing anything to back it up does NOT make your argument any more valid. You asked a question. I answered it. If you can prove me wrong please do so. Give an example of a member of an organised left wing group committing a hate crime or murder?
hahahahahhahahaha--you're toast
'And we need to start killing people.
Category: | Herald Sun
“F–k Donald Trump, n—a, f–k white people!”
TORTURING a SPECIAL needs person!!!!!!!!
for the LAST time--provide UTR's manifesto that shows it is a hate group
YES YES--Trump IS correct--jackasses on BOTH sides
good on both sides
this cannot be denied
No organised left wing group was responsible in your examples. I do hope you aren't trying to suggest lone wolf people should be held responsible. Plenty more on your side.
As to your manifesto question. Couldn't find any at all. What is easy to find is this.

I personally have no problem saying that claiming that this is mirrored by the left is insane. The fact that you try to draw equivalencies between people with this ideology and those protesting it says something really disturbing about you.

BLM is not a left wing group?
Blank Panthers is not a left wing group?
o freakin total bullshit
NO blacks ever commit murder/crime/etc???
they are angels??
ONLY whites are EVIL???!!!!
very ridiculous

Neither BLM or Black Panthers had any ties with your examples did they? Unite the right was the protest the people in my example were marching in. I never claimed violence was solely the purview of the right. I was claiming there is no organisation behind those instances on the left. I was also claiming morally there's a difference between groups who celebrate some of the most dreadful episodes in history, in groups protesting that viewpoint.
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
....Unite the Right is no different from any of the other thousands of racial associations that promote their race
Restating the same position without providing anything to back it up does NOT make your argument any more valid. You asked a question. I answered it. If you can prove me wrong please do so. Give an example of a member of an organised left wing group committing a hate crime or murder?
hahahahahhahahaha--you're toast
'And we need to start killing people.
Category: | Herald Sun
“F–k Donald Trump, n—a, f–k white people!”
TORTURING a SPECIAL needs person!!!!!!!!
for the LAST time--provide UTR's manifesto that shows it is a hate group
YES YES--Trump IS correct--jackasses on BOTH sides
good on both sides
this cannot be denied
No organised left wing group was responsible in your examples. I do hope you aren't trying to suggest lone wolf people should be held responsible. Plenty more on your side.
As to your manifesto question. Couldn't find any at all. What is easy to find is this.

I personally have no problem saying that claiming that this is mirrored by the left is insane. The fact that you try to draw equivalencies between people with this ideology and those protesting it says something really disturbing about you.

BLM is not a left wing group?
Blank Panthers is not a left wing group?
o freakin total bullshit
NO blacks ever commit murder/crime/etc???
they are angels??
ONLY whites are EVIL???!!!!
very ridiculous

Neither BLM or Black Panthers had any ties with your examples did they? Unite the right was the protest the people in my example were marching in. I never claimed violence was solely the purview of the right. I was claiming there is no organisation behind those instances on the left. I was also claiming morally there's a difference between groups who celebrate some of the most dreadful episodes in history, in groups protesting that viewpoint.

you need some GLASSES/eyes checked!!!!
[An activist associated with the Black Lives Matter /QUOTE]

NOW can you see it?
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate
....Unite the Right is no different from any of the other thousands of racial associations that promote their race
Restating the same position without providing anything to back it up does NOT make your argument any more valid. You asked a question. I answered it. If you can prove me wrong please do so. Give an example of a member of an organised left wing group committing a hate crime or murder?
hahahahahhahahaha--you're toast
'And we need to start killing people.
Category: | Herald Sun
“F–k Donald Trump, n—a, f–k white people!”
TORTURING a SPECIAL needs person!!!!!!!!
for the LAST time--provide UTR's manifesto that shows it is a hate group
YES YES--Trump IS correct--jackasses on BOTH sides
good on both sides
this cannot be denied
No organised left wing group was responsible in your examples. I do hope you aren't trying to suggest lone wolf people should be held responsible. Plenty more on your side.
As to your manifesto question. Couldn't find any at all. What is easy to find is this.

I personally have no problem saying that claiming that this is mirrored by the left is insane. The fact that you try to draw equivalencies between people with this ideology and those protesting it says something really disturbing about you.

BLM is not a left wing group?
Blank Panthers is not a left wing group?
o freakin total bullshit
NO blacks ever commit murder/crime/etc???
they are angels??
ONLY whites are EVIL???!!!!
very ridiculous

Neither BLM or Black Panthers had any ties with your examples did they? Unite the right was the protest the people in my example were marching in. I never claimed violence was solely the purview of the right. I was claiming there is no organisation behind those instances on the left. I was also claiming morally there's a difference between groups who celebrate some of the most dreadful episodes in history, in groups protesting that viewpoint.

. The suspect said he was upset at white people
o, it's ok if blacks murder WHITES because they hate them.......????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????

but his Facebook page showed that he supported the New Black Panther Party, a group that has advocated violence against whites, and Jews in particular.
do you see it NOW?
you people HAVE no ROOM to talk about how EVIL whites are!!!!!!!!
Obumble gets a C+

  • He pulled the country of of Great Depression II that Dubya left in his wake...
  • He did a lot of good on he domestic front...
  • He embarrassed America with his constant kowtowing to foreign rulers...
  • He was a train wreck on the foreign policy front
  • He is a fallible, power-driven, but mostly decent fellow

Drumpf gets a D-

  • He stirred things up on the international-trade front... not entirely a bad thing
  • He restored the country's backbone when it comes to controlling immigration
  • He has weakened our alliances and squandered much goodwill and trust on the international front
  • He has subverted government with his incessant, obsessive-compulsive and idiotic social media activity
  • He is a sorry excuse for a human being
Last edited:
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human

obozo was an affiliative action hire…

He never even had a real job before this.

Obozo went to a RACIST church for 20 years, you Tards never acknowledge that.

obozo was a puppet on a string….

Trump will be known as one of our Greatest Presidents.
God help you if he does not damn you first

You are a fucking moron....the last CEO of USA.INC that attempted to take on the shadow government and their deep state lackeys was JFK. Jimmy Carter was a Rockefeller protege and when he bucked the system , they sent a message to him by trying to have him assassinated. Reagan was shot by a family member of the Bush crime family a few months after he was in office and basically hobbled him. You better hope that Trump was recruited by the white hats to try and end 100 plus years of this hidden government because if not? We are 100% totally fucked beyond any chance of repair. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what has been done to us and as to how our sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt of USA.INC via their Chapter 11 declaration of 1933 and the loss of allodial rights to property. The global elites prey on the ignorance of sheeple such as yourself. You, us...we have outlived our usefulness and we have an ever declining value with the artificial intelligence and robotic age coming upon us. If you believe that the elites are going to subsidize half of the world's population that are not employable and allow them to goof off on the internet and squirt out another generation of unemployable "worthless eaters"? Perhaps I could interest you in a bridge in the state of New York that recently came up on the market and is priced to sell????
I am certainly glad I do not live in your world. Fear and paranoia have defined your world but it is not the real world. Get help. You do not have to live your life consumed by fear and anger.
Obumble gets a C+

  • He pulled the country of of Great Depression II that Dubya left in his wake...
  • He did a lot of good on he domestic front...
  • He embarrassed America with his constant kowtowing to foreign rulers...
  • He was a train wreck on the foreign policy front
  • He is a fallible, power-driven, but mostly decent fellow

Drumpf gets a D-

  • He stirred things up on the international-trade front... not entirely a bad thing
  • He restored the country's backbone when it comes to controlling immigration
  • He has weakened our alliances and squandered much goodwill and trust on the international front
  • He has subverted government with his incessant, obsessive-compulsive and idiotic social media activity
  • He is a sorry excuse for a human being
obumble was never a decent human being. Likely he isn't and never was a human being at all. He is now and always has been a demonic entity.
Obumble gets a C+

  • He pulled the country of of Great Depression II that Dubya left in his wake...
  • He did a lot of good on he domestic front...
  • He embarrassed America with his constant kowtowing to foreign rulers...
  • He was a train wreck on the foreign policy front
  • He is a fallible, power-driven, but mostly decent fellow

Drumpf gets a D-

  • He stirred things up on the international-trade front... not entirely a bad thing
  • He restored the country's backbone when it comes to controlling immigration
  • He has weakened our alliances and squandered much goodwill and trust on the international front
  • He has subverted government with his incessant, obsessive-compulsive and idiotic social media activity
  • He is a sorry excuse for a human being
obumble was never a decent human being. Likely he isn't and never was a human being at all. He is now and always has been a demonic entity.

kinda like every since president we have had starting with the traiter elected in 1981 all that way up to Obomination.:abgg2q.jpg:
Last edited:
Nixon - Average President - Bad Human
Ford - Decent President - Good Human
Carter - Bad President - Good Human
Reagan - Good President - Good Human
Bush 1 - Average President - Good Human
Clinton - Good President - Bad Human
Bush 2 - Below Average President - Good Human
Obama - Good President - Good Human
Trump - Bad President - Horrifically Bad Human

obozo was an affiliative action hire…

He never even had a real job before this.

Obozo went to a RACIST church for 20 years, you Tards never acknowledge that.

obozo was a puppet on a string….

Trump will be known as one of our Greatest Presidents.
God help you if he does not damn you first

You are a fucking moron....the last CEO of USA.INC that attempted to take on the shadow government and their deep state lackeys was JFK. Jimmy Carter was a Rockefeller protege and when he bucked the system , they sent a message to him by trying to have him assassinated. Reagan was shot by a family member of the Bush crime family a few months after he was in office and basically hobbled him. You better hope that Trump was recruited by the white hats to try and end 100 plus years of this hidden government because if not? We are 100% totally fucked beyond any chance of repair. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what has been done to us and as to how our sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt of USA.INC via their Chapter 11 declaration of 1933 and the loss of allodial rights to property. The global elites prey on the ignorance of sheeple such as yourself. You, us...we have outlived our usefulness and we have an ever declining value with the artificial intelligence and robotic age coming upon us. If you believe that the elites are going to subsidize half of the world's population that are not employable and allow them to goof off on the internet and squirt out another generation of unemployable "worthless eaters"? Perhaps I could interest you in a bridge in the state of New York that recently came up on the market and is priced to sell????

You are a fucking moron....the last CEO of USA.INC that attempted to take on the shadow government and their deep state lackeys was JFK. Jimmy Carter was a Rockefeller protege and when he bucked the system , they sent a message to him by trying to have him assassinated. Reagan was shot by a family member of the Bush crime family a few months after he was in office and basically hobbled him. You better hope that Trump was recruited by the white hats to try and end 100 plus years of this hidden government because if not? We are 100% totally fucked beyond any chance of repair. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what has been done to us and as to how our sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt of USA.INC via their Chapter 11 declaration of 1933 and the loss of allodial rights to property. The global elites prey on the ignorance of sheeple such as yourself. You, us...we have outlived our usefulness and we have an ever declining value with the artificial intelligence and robotic age coming upon us. If you believe that the elites are going to subsidize half of the world's population that are not employable and allow them to goof off on the internet and squirt out another generation of unemployable "worthless eaters"? Perhaps I could interest you in a bridge in the state of New York that recently came up on the market and is priced to sell????

You notice how after you handed his sorry ass to him on a platter and took him to school,he refused to even TRY and counter any of those pesky facts of yours as has everybody else on this thread didnt as well?,:rolleyes::abgg2q.jpg:just like that clown I owned who could only throw insults when he knew i had him backed up against the wall that at the TIME back then,Reagan was the most corrupt president ever.:biggrin:

Yeah I mentioned that as well about our last Great president JFK not being a puppet for the elite as well and everyone of them did the same thing with my post they did with your post here,this-:scared1: :abgg2q.jpg:they keep evading our posts since they all know they are cornered and backed up against the wall with nowhere to run and in denial they have been brainwashed their whole lives in history classes from our corrupt school system unable to deal with the REAL world that our corrupt school system omited facts and rewrote history as THEY wanted all the sheep in america to hear.

thats to scary of a thought for them to come to grips with obviously so they can only insult in defeat INSTEAD of being open minded enough to admit they are wrong to look at the evidence.:laughing0301::iyfyus.jpg:
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