Good Night Gun Control


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
As the anti islamic anti globalist feelings grow so does the desire for hand guns. And that is not just here but in Germany where islamic attacks including murder and rape are climbing steady. Because of that right wing parties are seeing growth and more active membership.

"BERLIN (Reuters) - The leader of the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has spoken out in favor of people arming themselves with guns and self-defense devices following a series of violent attacks last month.

The anti-immigrant AfD has won growing popular support in Germany due in part to Europe's migrant crisis, which has seen more than 1 million refugees arrive over the past year, and it now has seats in eight of Germany's 16 state assemblies."

Half the seats liberals, you can't ignore that. And those people and that party is telling you liberals the SAME thing we have been trying to educate you nitwits on.

""Many people are increasingly feeling unsafe. Every law-abiding citizen should be in a position to defend themselves, their family and their friends," Frauke Petry told the Funke Media Group in an interview published on Saturday."

They want the right to defend themselves. Something you and your POS leader says our constitution does not give us. Can't wait for you SOB's to explain that.
Only an idiot would import savages at the same time they got rid of personal guns. They would have to be brain damaged.

"Germany has some of the most stringent rules around gun control in Europe. Firearm owners must obtain a weapons licence for which applicants must generally be at least 18 years old and show they have they have a reason for needing a weapon."

Sounds like the very line of crap you liberals are feeding American citizens in this country, almost word for word. Tell me something liberal idiots if its dying there because of savages you expect it to do well here WITHOUT force?

"The number of Germans applying for so-called "small firearms license", which are required to carry around blank guns and pepper spray, jumped 49 percent in the first half of 2016 to 402,301, according to federal statistics."

Now that is something I had read about sometime ago. Legal German citizens get TOY guns that make noise and criminals get real guns that make death. And you liberal idiots make pepper spray a lethal weapon requiring a permit. And you wonder why people think you are stupid?
German right-wing leader backs citizens' right to arm themselves


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