Golan Heights is Officially Part of Israel

Israel did not invade, it was invaded.
Zionist settlers invaded an area that was 90% Arab and started treating the Arab natives like garbage.

Your words wish to work for Israel, but not for Jordan and Egypt which invaded Israel in 1948 and took all of Gaza and Judea and Samaria to themselves, when non of that area belonged to them.
No cries from the UN or anyone else.
When terrorist Zionist groups started stripping the residents of their inalienable rights, the arab armies went in with the purpose of restoring law and order.

When the country acquires land in defense of its territory, yes it is legal. You have not gotten to that part of International Law for the simple fact that you are getting your "facts" from the sources which tell you this version of history and not what International Law actually says.
You don't acquire your own territory. It's yours. You don't occupy your own territory. You acquire and occupy someone else's territory. And ever since the end of WWII, that has been made illegal. You're no different than Germany trying to annex Poland.

Since Israel cannot be occupying its own land, in Judea and Samaria, and got the Golan Heights after 19 years of the Jordanian and Syrians freely shooting at any and all Israeli civilians on the Israeli side, and after the Jordanian and Syrians decided to take another bite of the apple in order to get the Whole Apple......... you really do not have a case, never did, and never will.
Maybe they are just playing the game you called. I wouldn't talk about freely shooting others with all the blood on your hands.

Deny that the 5 to 7 Arab countries attacked Israel right after it declared Independence in May of 1948. Deny that the Arab countries, again, decided to invade Israel in June of 1967 to Again, destroy Israel and take the whole land to the Muslims.
No, it would never have gone to the "Palestinian" Arabs, the land would have stayed with Jordan, Syria and Egypt, again.
See above for response.

Too bad. Those Arab countries lost. And they lost bad.
In 6 Days.
That was a war you started.

They can weep all they like. They can cry foul, all they like.
They can get into the UN and pass resolutions all they like.
They attacked, got wacked back and then tried again in 1973 during the most Holy of day for Jews, thinking everyone would be sleeping or at the Synagogue, Yom Kippur. Only to lose again.
This is why you don't deserve a country.

So, cry with them. Cry all you like, because neither Area C, nor the Golan Heights are ever going to go back to Muslim hands, because giving back the Golan Heights to Syria, without a Peace Treaty where they will swear that they will not be using those mountains for practice shooting on Jews, is Never going to happen.
It's been 60 years and still, no country has recognized Israel's right to that land, except for my fucked up government (at the moment).

International Law.
Human Rights.

You do nothing put spit on both when it comes to actual human rights and actual International Law.
You do nothing but shit on the memory of Holocaust victims. You have made their lives to have been lost in vain.

When are you going to care for Human rights in general where it would be suicide to give a hostile country a land where they were practicing targets with Jews?
Stop creating hostility. You're the reason the violence started in the first place.
UN resolutions are not international law.

Try again.
Yes they are.
Then you are going to go to the UN, become part of the legal team and discuss and eventually MAKE those resolutions into forcible legal International Laws, because as Rocco tried to point out to you:

Most experts[1] consider most General Assembly resolutions to be non-binding. Articles 10 and 14 of the UN Charter refer to General Assembly resolutions as "recommendations"; the recommendatory nature of General Assembly resolutions has repeatedly been stressed by the International Court of Justice.[2] However, some General Assembly resolutions dealing with matters internal to the United Nations, such as budgetary decisions or instructions to lower-ranking organs, are clearly binding on their addressees.[citation needed]

United Nations resolution - Wikipedia

But of course.....you are one American who knows everything about UN resolutions and International Law, and is going to go to the UN as soon as possible and FIX the UN's ignorance about those two issues, are you not?

The UN is in NY. Have a nice trip.
The Unity government was seeking a peaceful solution to their differences and Israel reacted with an act of war.
And what Palestinian Unity government existed in 1948 or in 1967?

Please, inform and teach us, since you never bothered to read the article he posted.
The Unity government was seeking a peaceful solution to their differences and Israel reacted with an act of war.
And what Palestinian Unity government existed in 1948 or in 1967?

Please, inform and teach us, since you never bothered to read the article he posted.

Waiting with bated breath for a reply to that one.

Israel did not invade, it was invaded.
Zionist settlers invaded an area that was 90% Arab and started treating the Arab natives like garbage.

Your words wish to work for Israel, but not for Jordan and Egypt which invaded Israel in 1948 and took all of Gaza and Judea and Samaria to themselves, when non of that area belonged to them.
No cries from the UN or anyone else.
When terrorist Zionist groups started stripping the residents of their inalienable rights, the arab armies went in with the purpose of restoring law and order.

When the country acquires land in defense of its territory, yes it is legal. You have not gotten to that part of International Law for the simple fact that you are getting your "facts" from the sources which tell you this version of history and not what International Law actually says.
You don't acquire your own territory. It's yours. You don't occupy your own territory. You acquire and occupy someone else's territory. And ever since the end of WWII, that has been made illegal. You're no different than Germany trying to annex Poland.

Since Israel cannot be occupying its own land, in Judea and Samaria, and got the Golan Heights after 19 years of the Jordanian and Syrians freely shooting at any and all Israeli civilians on the Israeli side, and after the Jordanian and Syrians decided to take another bite of the apple in order to get the Whole Apple......... you really do not have a case, never did, and never will.
Maybe they are just playing the game you called. I wouldn't talk about freely shooting others with all the blood on your hands.

Deny that the 5 to 7 Arab countries attacked Israel right after it declared Independence in May of 1948. Deny that the Arab countries, again, decided to invade Israel in June of 1967 to Again, destroy Israel and take the whole land to the Muslims.
No, it would never have gone to the "Palestinian" Arabs, the land would have stayed with Jordan, Syria and Egypt, again.
See above for response.

Too bad. Those Arab countries lost. And they lost bad.
In 6 Days.
That was a war you started.

They can weep all they like. They can cry foul, all they like.
They can get into the UN and pass resolutions all they like.
They attacked, got wacked back and then tried again in 1973 during the most Holy of day for Jews, thinking everyone would be sleeping or at the Synagogue, Yom Kippur. Only to lose again.
This is why you don't deserve a country.

So, cry with them. Cry all you like, because neither Area C, nor the Golan Heights are ever going to go back to Muslim hands, because giving back the Golan Heights to Syria, without a Peace Treaty where they will swear that they will not be using those mountains for practice shooting on Jews, is Never going to happen.
It's been 60 years and still, no country has recognized Israel's right to that land, except for my fucked up government (at the moment).

International Law.
Human Rights.

You do nothing put spit on both when it comes to actual human rights and actual International Law.
You do nothing but shit on the memory of Holocaust victims. You have made their lives to have been lost in vain.

When are you going to care for Human rights in general where it would be suicide to give a hostile country a land where they were practicing targets with Jews?
Stop creating hostility. You're the reason the violence started in the first place.
One ignorant paragraph at a time .
Even invoking Holocaust Victims to your vile hatred of Israel and your denial of her right to defend herself from people who were dreaming of finishing what the Nazis planned along with the Arab leader Huseini. Yes, the extermination of ALL of the Jews.

Nothing new coming from you.
Spit on facts. Spit on History.
Spit on International Laws.
Spit on the Holocaust Victims.
Spit on the right of ANY people to defend themselves against an enemy who wants you back as a servant or dead.
Spit on the Legal Right of the Jewish People to recreate their Nation ON their Ancient Land.
Spit on the fact that the Arabs refused the Partition twice, in 1937 and in November of 1947. But you cannot count how many months before Israel's Declaration of Independence the Arabs had already started attacking Jewish cities and villages attempting to stop the Jews, still and again, from having recreating their Country ON THEIR ancient Homeland, and not anyone else's.
Spit on all the Jews who had to give their lives, all 6000 plus of them, in order to make sure that 7 Arab countries would not overrun the new country, Israel, and destroy it at the start, and murder them all.

You have no understanding of what Islam is.
You have no understanding of what the Arabs are, and how they think that the whole world they once conquered MUST remain theirs, no matter which Muslim group conquered that region.

So what if there were allegedly 90 % Arabs on the land.
THEY, the Arabs, joined with the Ottomans and the Germans against the Allied forces. They lost. The Ottomans lost the war they should not have entered and lost their Empire.

The Jews LEGALLY went about getting their ancient homeland back, without wanting to expel any non Jew over there. And there were Arab leaders who were for the recreation of the Jewish Nation on ancient Jewish Land. But those Leaders were defeated by the Huseini Clan and others who follow Islam to the extreme. And they continue to do so.

Do not EVER ask yourself how Mesopotamia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, North Africa became majority " Arab countries ", anymore than you are ever going to care about the rights of the indigenous people of the New World, the Americas, Australia, and all others.

Once the European or Arab invaders become the majority......in your world.....ALL indigenous people lose any rights to any sovereignty over their lands.

Jews are not indigenous of Europe. Jews coming from Asia, where they are from, will always be Asians. You cannot change that with your wishes, no matter how ignorant they are going to continue to be.

The Jewish Nation/People is back where it belongs. It won the 1948 war. It won every war started by the Muslims in order to destroy it.
It will continue to do so.

Syria wants peace, the Golan Heights can be negotiated.
Syrian does not want peace, then it is time for the Golan Heights to stay as part of Israel so that Israel can continue to protect and defend its people from any further Syrian and Iranian atacks on its population.

I will post the history of the area in the next post.
NOOOO. We know very well that you will not read it and much less give any care about what the actual history of the land is
Israel did not invade, it was invaded.
Zionist settlers invaded an area that was 90% Arab and started treating the Arab natives like garbage.

Your words wish to work for Israel, but not for Jordan and Egypt which invaded Israel in 1948 and took all of Gaza and Judea and Samaria to themselves, when non of that area belonged to them.
No cries from the UN or anyone else.
When terrorist Zionist groups started stripping the residents of their inalienable rights, the arab armies went in with the purpose of restoring law and order.

When the country acquires land in defense of its territory, yes it is legal. You have not gotten to that part of International Law for the simple fact that you are getting your "facts" from the sources which tell you this version of history and not what International Law actually says.
You don't acquire your own territory. It's yours. You don't occupy your own territory. You acquire and occupy someone else's territory. And ever since the end of WWII, that has been made illegal. You're no different than Germany trying to annex Poland.

Since Israel cannot be occupying its own land, in Judea and Samaria, and got the Golan Heights after 19 years of the Jordanian and Syrians freely shooting at any and all Israeli civilians on the Israeli side, and after the Jordanian and Syrians decided to take another bite of the apple in order to get the Whole Apple......... you really do not have a case, never did, and never will.
Maybe they are just playing the game you called. I wouldn't talk about freely shooting others with all the blood on your hands.

Deny that the 5 to 7 Arab countries attacked Israel right after it declared Independence in May of 1948. Deny that the Arab countries, again, decided to invade Israel in June of 1967 to Again, destroy Israel and take the whole land to the Muslims.
No, it would never have gone to the "Palestinian" Arabs, the land would have stayed with Jordan, Syria and Egypt, again.
See above for response.

Too bad. Those Arab countries lost. And they lost bad.
In 6 Days.
That was a war you started.

They can weep all they like. They can cry foul, all they like.
They can get into the UN and pass resolutions all they like.
They attacked, got wacked back and then tried again in 1973 during the most Holy of day for Jews, thinking everyone would be sleeping or at the Synagogue, Yom Kippur. Only to lose again.
This is why you don't deserve a country.

So, cry with them. Cry all you like, because neither Area C, nor the Golan Heights are ever going to go back to Muslim hands, because giving back the Golan Heights to Syria, without a Peace Treaty where they will swear that they will not be using those mountains for practice shooting on Jews, is Never going to happen.
It's been 60 years and still, no country has recognized Israel's right to that land, except for my fucked up government (at the moment).

International Law.
Human Rights.

You do nothing put spit on both when it comes to actual human rights and actual International Law.
You do nothing but shit on the memory of Holocaust victims. You have made their lives to have been lost in vain.

When are you going to care for Human rights in general where it would be suicide to give a hostile country a land where they were practicing targets with Jews?
Stop creating hostility. You're the reason the violence started in the first place.
Here is history of legal purchase of land in the Golan you will REALLY not care about:

In 1884 there were still open stretches of uncultivated land between villages in the lower Golan, but by the mid-1890s most was owned and cultivated.[60] Some land had been purchased in the Golan and Hawran by Zionist associations based in Romania, Bulgaria, the USA and England, in the late 19th century and early 20th century.[61] In 1880, Laurence Oliphant published Eretz ha-Gilad (The Land of Gilead), which described a plan for large-scale Jewish settlement in the Golan.[62] In the winter of 1885, members of the Old Yishuv in Safed formed the Beit Yehuda Society and purchased 15,000 dunams of land from the village of Ramthaniye in the central Golan.[63] Due to financial hardships and the long wait for a kushan (Ottoman land deed) the village, Golan be-Bashan, was abandoned after a year. Soon afterwards, the society regrouped and purchased 2,000 dunams of land from the village of Bir e-Shagum on the western slopes of the Golan.[64] The village they established, Bnei Yehuda, existed until 1920.[65][66] The last families left in the wake of the Passover riots of 1920.[63] In 1944 the JNF bought the Bnei Yehuda lands from their Jewish owners, but a later attempt to establish Jewish ownership of the property in Bir e-Shagum through the courts was not successful.[65]

Between 1891 and 1894, Baron Edmond James de Rothschild purchased around 150,000 dunams of land in the Golan and the Hawran for Jewish settlement.[63] Legal and political permits were secured and ownership of the land was registered in late 1894.[63]

The Agudat Ahim society, whose headquarters were in Yekatrinoslav, Russia, acquired 100,000 dunams of land in several locations in the districts of Fiq and Daraa. A plant nursery was established and work began on farm buildings in Djillin.[63]The Jews also built a road stretching from Lake Hula to Muzayrib.[65] A village called Tiferet Binyamin was established on lands purchased from Saham al-Jawlan by the Shavei Zion Association based in New York,[61] but the project was abandoned after a year when the Turks issued an edict in 1896 evicting the 17 non-Turkish families. A later attempt to resettle the site with Syrian Jews who were Ottoman citizens also failed.[67] Between 1904 and 1908, a group of Crimean Jews settled in the Bethsaida Valley, initially as tenants of a Kurdish proprietor with the prospects of purchasing the land, but the arrangement faltered.[68][69] Jewish settlement in the region dwindled over time, due to Arab hostility, Turkish bureaucracy, disease and economic difficulties.[70] In 1921–1930, during the French Mandate, the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PICA) obtained the deeds to the Rothschild estate and continued to manage it, collecting rents from the Arab peasants living there.[65]

Golan Heights - Wikipedia

And here is another historical fact on what happened around the 1967 war you will not care about:

in July 1966,[83] Fatah began raids into Israeli territory in early 1965, with active support from Syria. At first the militants entered via Lebanon or Jordan, but those countries made concerted attempts to stop them and raids directly from Syria increased.[84] Israel's response was a series of retaliatory raids, of which the largest were an attack on the Jordanian village of Samu in November 1966.[85] In April 1967, after Syria heavily shelled Israeli villages from the Golan Heights, Israel shot down six Syrian MiG fighter planes and warned Syria against future attacks.[84][86]

In the period between the first Arab–Israeli War and the Six-Day War, the Syrians constantly harassed Israeli border communities by firing artillery shells from their dominant positions on the Golan Heights.[87] In October 1966 Israel brought the matter up before the United Nations. Five nations sponsored a resolution criticizing Syria for its actions but it failed to pass due to a Soviet veto.[88][89]

Golan Heights - Wikipedia
If I stated that all Africans look alike to me I would be looked upon as a bigoted ignorant person who hates Blacks. That is exactly what you said about Israelis. However you are too stupid to make the connection
Alright, so I'm an ignorant person who hates Israeli's.

I can live with that.

Finally, you admit you’re ignorant. :happy-1:
The Unity government was seeking a peaceful solution to their differences and Israel reacted with an act of war.

Please tell us exactly what the “ Unity Govt” was doing. There will be no response because the answer is “ nothing “. :321:

Israel rejects 'Hamas government'

I think you're talking about this one. Just more proof that you are nothing but an ignorant Fucking Racist
Israel did not invade, it was invaded.
Zionist settlers invaded an area that was 90% Arab and started treating the Arab natives like garbage.

Your words wish to work for Israel, but not for Jordan and Egypt which invaded Israel in 1948 and took all of Gaza and Judea and Samaria to themselves, when non of that area belonged to them.
No cries from the UN or anyone else.
When terrorist Zionist groups started stripping the residents of their inalienable rights, the arab armies went in with the purpose of restoring law and order.

When the country acquires land in defense of its territory, yes it is legal. You have not gotten to that part of International Law for the simple fact that you are getting your "facts" from the sources which tell you this version of history and not what International Law actually says.
You don't acquire your own territory. It's yours. You don't occupy your own territory. You acquire and occupy someone else's territory. And ever since the end of WWII, that has been made illegal. You're no different than Germany trying to annex Poland.

Since Israel cannot be occupying its own land, in Judea and Samaria, and got the Golan Heights after 19 years of the Jordanian and Syrians freely shooting at any and all Israeli civilians on the Israeli side, and after the Jordanian and Syrians decided to take another bite of the apple in order to get the Whole Apple......... you really do not have a case, never did, and never will.
Maybe they are just playing the game you called. I wouldn't talk about freely shooting others with all the blood on your hands.

Deny that the 5 to 7 Arab countries attacked Israel right after it declared Independence in May of 1948. Deny that the Arab countries, again, decided to invade Israel in June of 1967 to Again, destroy Israel and take the whole land to the Muslims.
No, it would never have gone to the "Palestinian" Arabs, the land would have stayed with Jordan, Syria and Egypt, again.
See above for response.

Too bad. Those Arab countries lost. And they lost bad.
In 6 Days.
That was a war you started.

They can weep all they like. They can cry foul, all they like.
They can get into the UN and pass resolutions all they like.
They attacked, got wacked back and then tried again in 1973 during the most Holy of day for Jews, thinking everyone would be sleeping or at the Synagogue, Yom Kippur. Only to lose again.
This is why you don't deserve a country.

So, cry with them. Cry all you like, because neither Area C, nor the Golan Heights are ever going to go back to Muslim hands, because giving back the Golan Heights to Syria, without a Peace Treaty where they will swear that they will not be using those mountains for practice shooting on Jews, is Never going to happen.
It's been 60 years and still, no country has recognized Israel's right to that land, except for my fucked up government (at the moment).

International Law.
Human Rights.

You do nothing put spit on both when it comes to actual human rights and actual International Law.
You do nothing but shit on the memory of Holocaust victims. You have made their lives to have been lost in vain.

When are you going to care for Human rights in general where it would be suicide to give a hostile country a land where they were practicing targets with Jews?
Stop creating hostility. You're the reason the violence started in the first place.
Here is history of legal purchase of land in the Golan you will REALLY not care about:

In 1884 there were still open stretches of uncultivated land between villages in the lower Golan, but by the mid-1890s most was owned and cultivated.[60] Some land had been purchased in the Golan and Hawran by Zionist associations based in Romania, Bulgaria, the USA and England, in the late 19th century and early 20th century.[61] In 1880, Laurence Oliphant published Eretz ha-Gilad (The Land of Gilead), which described a plan for large-scale Jewish settlement in the Golan.[62] In the winter of 1885, members of the Old Yishuv in Safed formed the Beit Yehuda Society and purchased 15,000 dunams of land from the village of Ramthaniye in the central Golan.[63] Due to financial hardships and the long wait for a kushan (Ottoman land deed) the village, Golan be-Bashan, was abandoned after a year. Soon afterwards, the society regrouped and purchased 2,000 dunams of land from the village of Bir e-Shagum on the western slopes of the Golan.[64] The village they established, Bnei Yehuda, existed until 1920.[65][66] The last families left in the wake of the Passover riots of 1920.[63] In 1944 the JNF bought the Bnei Yehuda lands from their Jewish owners, but a later attempt to establish Jewish ownership of the property in Bir e-Shagum through the courts was not successful.[65]

Between 1891 and 1894, Baron Edmond James de Rothschild purchased around 150,000 dunams of land in the Golan and the Hawran for Jewish settlement.[63] Legal and political permits were secured and ownership of the land was registered in late 1894.[63]

The Agudat Ahim society, whose headquarters were in Yekatrinoslav, Russia, acquired 100,000 dunams of land in several locations in the districts of Fiq and Daraa. A plant nursery was established and work began on farm buildings in Djillin.[63]The Jews also built a road stretching from Lake Hula to Muzayrib.[65] A village called Tiferet Binyamin was established on lands purchased from Saham al-Jawlan by the Shavei Zion Association based in New York,[61] but the project was abandoned after a year when the Turks issued an edict in 1896 evicting the 17 non-Turkish families. A later attempt to resettle the site with Syrian Jews who were Ottoman citizens also failed.[67] Between 1904 and 1908, a group of Crimean Jews settled in the Bethsaida Valley, initially as tenants of a Kurdish proprietor with the prospects of purchasing the land, but the arrangement faltered.[68][69] Jewish settlement in the region dwindled over time, due to Arab hostility, Turkish bureaucracy, disease and economic difficulties.[70] In 1921–1930, during the French Mandate, the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PICA) obtained the deeds to the Rothschild estate and continued to manage it, collecting rents from the Arab peasants living there.[65]

Golan Heights - Wikipedia

And here is another historical fact on what happened around the 1967 war you will not care about:

in July 1966,[83] Fatah began raids into Israeli territory in early 1965, with active support from Syria. At first the militants entered via Lebanon or Jordan, but those countries made concerted attempts to stop them and raids directly from Syria increased.[84] Israel's response was a series of retaliatory raids, of which the largest were an attack on the Jordanian village of Samu in November 1966.[85] In April 1967, after Syria heavily shelled Israeli villages from the Golan Heights, Israel shot down six Syrian MiG fighter planes and warned Syria against future attacks.[84][86]

In the period between the first Arab–Israeli War and the Six-Day War, the Syrians constantly harassed Israeli border communities by firing artillery shells from their dominant positions on the Golan Heights.[87] In October 1966 Israel brought the matter up before the United Nations. Five nations sponsored a resolution criticizing Syria for its actions but it failed to pass due to a Soviet veto.[88][89]

Golan Heights - Wikipedia

Syrian Front

Don't think the Moron will even begin to understand this He's truly not capable
Israel did not invade, it was invaded.
Zionist settlers invaded an area that was 90% Arab and started treating the Arab natives like garbage.

Your words wish to work for Israel, but not for Jordan and Egypt which invaded Israel in 1948 and took all of Gaza and Judea and Samaria to themselves, when non of that area belonged to them.
No cries from the UN or anyone else.
When terrorist Zionist groups started stripping the residents of their inalienable rights, the arab armies went in with the purpose of restoring law and order.

When the country acquires land in defense of its territory, yes it is legal. You have not gotten to that part of International Law for the simple fact that you are getting your "facts" from the sources which tell you this version of history and not what International Law actually says.
You don't acquire your own territory. It's yours. You don't occupy your own territory. You acquire and occupy someone else's territory. And ever since the end of WWII, that has been made illegal. You're no different than Germany trying to annex Poland.

Since Israel cannot be occupying its own land, in Judea and Samaria, and got the Golan Heights after 19 years of the Jordanian and Syrians freely shooting at any and all Israeli civilians on the Israeli side, and after the Jordanian and Syrians decided to take another bite of the apple in order to get the Whole Apple......... you really do not have a case, never did, and never will.
Maybe they are just playing the game you called. I wouldn't talk about freely shooting others with all the blood on your hands.

Deny that the 5 to 7 Arab countries attacked Israel right after it declared Independence in May of 1948. Deny that the Arab countries, again, decided to invade Israel in June of 1967 to Again, destroy Israel and take the whole land to the Muslims.
No, it would never have gone to the "Palestinian" Arabs, the land would have stayed with Jordan, Syria and Egypt, again.
See above for response.

Too bad. Those Arab countries lost. And they lost bad.
In 6 Days.
That was a war you started.

They can weep all they like. They can cry foul, all they like.
They can get into the UN and pass resolutions all they like.
They attacked, got wacked back and then tried again in 1973 during the most Holy of day for Jews, thinking everyone would be sleeping or at the Synagogue, Yom Kippur. Only to lose again.
This is why you don't deserve a country.

So, cry with them. Cry all you like, because neither Area C, nor the Golan Heights are ever going to go back to Muslim hands, because giving back the Golan Heights to Syria, without a Peace Treaty where they will swear that they will not be using those mountains for practice shooting on Jews, is Never going to happen.
It's been 60 years and still, no country has recognized Israel's right to that land, except for my fucked up government (at the moment).

International Law.
Human Rights.

You do nothing put spit on both when it comes to actual human rights and actual International Law.
You do nothing but shit on the memory of Holocaust victims. You have made their lives to have been lost in vain.

When are you going to care for Human rights in general where it would be suicide to give a hostile country a land where they were practicing targets with Jews?
Stop creating hostility. You're the reason the violence started in the first place.
Here is history of legal purchase of land in the Golan you will REALLY not care about:

In 1884 there were still open stretches of uncultivated land between villages in the lower Golan, but by the mid-1890s most was owned and cultivated.[60] Some land had been purchased in the Golan and Hawran by Zionist associations based in Romania, Bulgaria, the USA and England, in the late 19th century and early 20th century.[61] In 1880, Laurence Oliphant published Eretz ha-Gilad (The Land of Gilead), which described a plan for large-scale Jewish settlement in the Golan.[62] In the winter of 1885, members of the Old Yishuv in Safed formed the Beit Yehuda Society and purchased 15,000 dunams of land from the village of Ramthaniye in the central Golan.[63] Due to financial hardships and the long wait for a kushan (Ottoman land deed) the village, Golan be-Bashan, was abandoned after a year. Soon afterwards, the society regrouped and purchased 2,000 dunams of land from the village of Bir e-Shagum on the western slopes of the Golan.[64] The village they established, Bnei Yehuda, existed until 1920.[65][66] The last families left in the wake of the Passover riots of 1920.[63] In 1944 the JNF bought the Bnei Yehuda lands from their Jewish owners, but a later attempt to establish Jewish ownership of the property in Bir e-Shagum through the courts was not successful.[65]

Between 1891 and 1894, Baron Edmond James de Rothschild purchased around 150,000 dunams of land in the Golan and the Hawran for Jewish settlement.[63] Legal and political permits were secured and ownership of the land was registered in late 1894.[63]

The Agudat Ahim society, whose headquarters were in Yekatrinoslav, Russia, acquired 100,000 dunams of land in several locations in the districts of Fiq and Daraa. A plant nursery was established and work began on farm buildings in Djillin.[63]The Jews also built a road stretching from Lake Hula to Muzayrib.[65] A village called Tiferet Binyamin was established on lands purchased from Saham al-Jawlan by the Shavei Zion Association based in New York,[61] but the project was abandoned after a year when the Turks issued an edict in 1896 evicting the 17 non-Turkish families. A later attempt to resettle the site with Syrian Jews who were Ottoman citizens also failed.[67] Between 1904 and 1908, a group of Crimean Jews settled in the Bethsaida Valley, initially as tenants of a Kurdish proprietor with the prospects of purchasing the land, but the arrangement faltered.[68][69] Jewish settlement in the region dwindled over time, due to Arab hostility, Turkish bureaucracy, disease and economic difficulties.[70] In 1921–1930, during the French Mandate, the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PICA) obtained the deeds to the Rothschild estate and continued to manage it, collecting rents from the Arab peasants living there.[65]

Golan Heights - Wikipedia

And here is another historical fact on what happened around the 1967 war you will not care about:

in July 1966,[83] Fatah began raids into Israeli territory in early 1965, with active support from Syria. At first the militants entered via Lebanon or Jordan, but those countries made concerted attempts to stop them and raids directly from Syria increased.[84] Israel's response was a series of retaliatory raids, of which the largest were an attack on the Jordanian village of Samu in November 1966.[85] In April 1967, after Syria heavily shelled Israeli villages from the Golan Heights, Israel shot down six Syrian MiG fighter planes and warned Syria against future attacks.[84][86]

In the period between the first Arab–Israeli War and the Six-Day War, the Syrians constantly harassed Israeli border communities by firing artillery shells from their dominant positions on the Golan Heights.[87] In October 1966 Israel brought the matter up before the United Nations. Five nations sponsored a resolution criticizing Syria for its actions but it failed to pass due to a Soviet veto.[88][89]

Golan Heights - Wikipedia

Syrian Front

Don't think the Moron will even begin to understand this He's truly not capable
Why would I, or any other logical person, ever think that someone like Billo, or JoeB, or any of the others would turn around and see the facts of history and the Jewish right to defend themselves from endless Christian and Muslim attacks which will never see the end?

We are giving the facts to those who have not learned to hate enough to wish to obliterate the truth, the facts, the historical evidence of anything which has happened.

They accuse, we defend and protect as much as we can from the lies and half lies they are so invested in.

They hate Israel but not Jews?
It does not show.
We have been seeing this script now for the past nearly 2000 years. It is our time to take control of our destinies and that of Israel as the rightful ancient homeland of the Jewish people.
Read the thread. I did explain it.
Ad hominem's and bullshit innuendo's are not explanations. You claim, but you don't explain.

Let's talk about you. Why do you hate Muslims? Or maybe we should start with, "Do you hate Muslims?"

Nope. You don’t get away that easily, fatty. I ll explain to you because you’re dumb. If I state “I don’t hate Americans, I just hate America” I would sound stupid. That is how you sound when you say “I don’t hate Jews I just hate Israel”. Own it.

I don’t hate Muslims. I dislike those who follow Sharia Law because when that happens women are treated worse than dirt. And dogs are hated.
Israel did not invade, it was invaded.
Zionist settlers invaded an area that was 90% Arab and started treating the Arab natives like garbage.

Your words wish to work for Israel, but not for Jordan and Egypt which invaded Israel in 1948 and took all of Gaza and Judea and Samaria to themselves, when non of that area belonged to them.
No cries from the UN or anyone else.
When terrorist Zionist groups started stripping the residents of their inalienable rights, the arab armies went in with the purpose of restoring law and order.

When the country acquires land in defense of its territory, yes it is legal. You have not gotten to that part of International Law for the simple fact that you are getting your "facts" from the sources which tell you this version of history and not what International Law actually says.
You don't acquire your own territory. It's yours. You don't occupy your own territory. You acquire and occupy someone else's territory. And ever since the end of WWII, that has been made illegal. You're no different than Germany trying to annex Poland.

Since Israel cannot be occupying its own land, in Judea and Samaria, and got the Golan Heights after 19 years of the Jordanian and Syrians freely shooting at any and all Israeli civilians on the Israeli side, and after the Jordanian and Syrians decided to take another bite of the apple in order to get the Whole Apple......... you really do not have a case, never did, and never will.
Maybe they are just playing the game you called. I wouldn't talk about freely shooting others with all the blood on your hands.

Deny that the 5 to 7 Arab countries attacked Israel right after it declared Independence in May of 1948. Deny that the Arab countries, again, decided to invade Israel in June of 1967 to Again, destroy Israel and take the whole land to the Muslims.
No, it would never have gone to the "Palestinian" Arabs, the land would have stayed with Jordan, Syria and Egypt, again.
See above for response.

Too bad. Those Arab countries lost. And they lost bad.
In 6 Days.
That was a war you started.

They can weep all they like. They can cry foul, all they like.
They can get into the UN and pass resolutions all they like.
They attacked, got wacked back and then tried again in 1973 during the most Holy of day for Jews, thinking everyone would be sleeping or at the Synagogue, Yom Kippur. Only to lose again.
This is why you don't deserve a country.

So, cry with them. Cry all you like, because neither Area C, nor the Golan Heights are ever going to go back to Muslim hands, because giving back the Golan Heights to Syria, without a Peace Treaty where they will swear that they will not be using those mountains for practice shooting on Jews, is Never going to happen.
It's been 60 years and still, no country has recognized Israel's right to that land, except for my fucked up government (at the moment).

International Law.
Human Rights.

You do nothing put spit on both when it comes to actual human rights and actual International Law.
You do nothing but shit on the memory of Holocaust victims. You have made their lives to have been lost in vain.

When are you going to care for Human rights in general where it would be suicide to give a hostile country a land where they were practicing targets with Jews?
Stop creating hostility. You're the reason the violence started in the first place.
Here is history of legal purchase of land in the Golan you will REALLY not care about:

In 1884 there were still open stretches of uncultivated land between villages in the lower Golan, but by the mid-1890s most was owned and cultivated.[60] Some land had been purchased in the Golan and Hawran by Zionist associations based in Romania, Bulgaria, the USA and England, in the late 19th century and early 20th century.[61] In 1880, Laurence Oliphant published Eretz ha-Gilad (The Land of Gilead), which described a plan for large-scale Jewish settlement in the Golan.[62] In the winter of 1885, members of the Old Yishuv in Safed formed the Beit Yehuda Society and purchased 15,000 dunams of land from the village of Ramthaniye in the central Golan.[63] Due to financial hardships and the long wait for a kushan (Ottoman land deed) the village, Golan be-Bashan, was abandoned after a year. Soon afterwards, the society regrouped and purchased 2,000 dunams of land from the village of Bir e-Shagum on the western slopes of the Golan.[64] The village they established, Bnei Yehuda, existed until 1920.[65][66] The last families left in the wake of the Passover riots of 1920.[63] In 1944 the JNF bought the Bnei Yehuda lands from their Jewish owners, but a later attempt to establish Jewish ownership of the property in Bir e-Shagum through the courts was not successful.[65]

Between 1891 and 1894, Baron Edmond James de Rothschild purchased around 150,000 dunams of land in the Golan and the Hawran for Jewish settlement.[63] Legal and political permits were secured and ownership of the land was registered in late 1894.[63]

The Agudat Ahim society, whose headquarters were in Yekatrinoslav, Russia, acquired 100,000 dunams of land in several locations in the districts of Fiq and Daraa. A plant nursery was established and work began on farm buildings in Djillin.[63]The Jews also built a road stretching from Lake Hula to Muzayrib.[65] A village called Tiferet Binyamin was established on lands purchased from Saham al-Jawlan by the Shavei Zion Association based in New York,[61] but the project was abandoned after a year when the Turks issued an edict in 1896 evicting the 17 non-Turkish families. A later attempt to resettle the site with Syrian Jews who were Ottoman citizens also failed.[67] Between 1904 and 1908, a group of Crimean Jews settled in the Bethsaida Valley, initially as tenants of a Kurdish proprietor with the prospects of purchasing the land, but the arrangement faltered.[68][69] Jewish settlement in the region dwindled over time, due to Arab hostility, Turkish bureaucracy, disease and economic difficulties.[70] In 1921–1930, during the French Mandate, the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PICA) obtained the deeds to the Rothschild estate and continued to manage it, collecting rents from the Arab peasants living there.[65]

Golan Heights - Wikipedia

And here is another historical fact on what happened around the 1967 war you will not care about:

in July 1966,[83] Fatah began raids into Israeli territory in early 1965, with active support from Syria. At first the militants entered via Lebanon or Jordan, but those countries made concerted attempts to stop them and raids directly from Syria increased.[84] Israel's response was a series of retaliatory raids, of which the largest were an attack on the Jordanian village of Samu in November 1966.[85] In April 1967, after Syria heavily shelled Israeli villages from the Golan Heights, Israel shot down six Syrian MiG fighter planes and warned Syria against future attacks.[84][86]

In the period between the first Arab–Israeli War and the Six-Day War, the Syrians constantly harassed Israeli border communities by firing artillery shells from their dominant positions on the Golan Heights.[87] In October 1966 Israel brought the matter up before the United Nations. Five nations sponsored a resolution criticizing Syria for its actions but it failed to pass due to a Soviet veto.[88][89]

Golan Heights - Wikipedia

Syrian Front

Don't think the Moron will even begin to understand this He's truly not capable
Why would I, or any other logical person, ever think that someone like Billo, or JoeB, or any of the others would turn around and see the facts of history and the Jewish right to defend themselves from endless Christian and Muslim attacks which will never see the end?

We are giving the facts to those who have not learned to hate enough to wish to obliterate the truth, the facts, the historical evidence of anything which has happened.

They accuse, we defend and protect as much as we can from the lies and half lies they are so invested in.

They hate Israel but not Jews?
It does not show.
We have been seeing this script now for the past nearly 2000 years. It is our time to take control of our destinies and that of Israel as the rightful ancient homeland of the Jewish people.

What could be worse then that MORON Tinmore who keeps posting YOU TUBE Videos of showing Hasidic Jews claiming that Israel does not have the Right to exist? THAT says it ALL
Israel did not invade, it was invaded.
Zionist settlers invaded an area that was 90% Arab and started treating the Arab natives like garbage.

Your words wish to work for Israel, but not for Jordan and Egypt which invaded Israel in 1948 and took all of Gaza and Judea and Samaria to themselves, when non of that area belonged to them.
No cries from the UN or anyone else.
When terrorist Zionist groups started stripping the residents of their inalienable rights, the arab armies went in with the purpose of restoring law and order.

When the country acquires land in defense of its territory, yes it is legal. You have not gotten to that part of International Law for the simple fact that you are getting your "facts" from the sources which tell you this version of history and not what International Law actually says.
You don't acquire your own territory. It's yours. You don't occupy your own territory. You acquire and occupy someone else's territory. And ever since the end of WWII, that has been made illegal. You're no different than Germany trying to annex Poland.

Since Israel cannot be occupying its own land, in Judea and Samaria, and got the Golan Heights after 19 years of the Jordanian and Syrians freely shooting at any and all Israeli civilians on the Israeli side, and after the Jordanian and Syrians decided to take another bite of the apple in order to get the Whole Apple......... you really do not have a case, never did, and never will.
Maybe they are just playing the game you called. I wouldn't talk about freely shooting others with all the blood on your hands.

Deny that the 5 to 7 Arab countries attacked Israel right after it declared Independence in May of 1948. Deny that the Arab countries, again, decided to invade Israel in June of 1967 to Again, destroy Israel and take the whole land to the Muslims.
No, it would never have gone to the "Palestinian" Arabs, the land would have stayed with Jordan, Syria and Egypt, again.
See above for response.

Too bad. Those Arab countries lost. And they lost bad.
In 6 Days.
That was a war you started.

They can weep all they like. They can cry foul, all they like.
They can get into the UN and pass resolutions all they like.
They attacked, got wacked back and then tried again in 1973 during the most Holy of day for Jews, thinking everyone would be sleeping or at the Synagogue, Yom Kippur. Only to lose again.
This is why you don't deserve a country.

So, cry with them. Cry all you like, because neither Area C, nor the Golan Heights are ever going to go back to Muslim hands, because giving back the Golan Heights to Syria, without a Peace Treaty where they will swear that they will not be using those mountains for practice shooting on Jews, is Never going to happen.
It's been 60 years and still, no country has recognized Israel's right to that land, except for my fucked up government (at the moment).

International Law.
Human Rights.

You do nothing put spit on both when it comes to actual human rights and actual International Law.
You do nothing but shit on the memory of Holocaust victims. You have made their lives to have been lost in vain.

When are you going to care for Human rights in general where it would be suicide to give a hostile country a land where they were practicing targets with Jews?
Stop creating hostility. You're the reason the violence started in the first place.
Here is history of legal purchase of land in the Golan you will REALLY not care about:

In 1884 there were still open stretches of uncultivated land between villages in the lower Golan, but by the mid-1890s most was owned and cultivated.[60] Some land had been purchased in the Golan and Hawran by Zionist associations based in Romania, Bulgaria, the USA and England, in the late 19th century and early 20th century.[61] In 1880, Laurence Oliphant published Eretz ha-Gilad (The Land of Gilead), which described a plan for large-scale Jewish settlement in the Golan.[62] In the winter of 1885, members of the Old Yishuv in Safed formed the Beit Yehuda Society and purchased 15,000 dunams of land from the village of Ramthaniye in the central Golan.[63] Due to financial hardships and the long wait for a kushan (Ottoman land deed) the village, Golan be-Bashan, was abandoned after a year. Soon afterwards, the society regrouped and purchased 2,000 dunams of land from the village of Bir e-Shagum on the western slopes of the Golan.[64] The village they established, Bnei Yehuda, existed until 1920.[65][66] The last families left in the wake of the Passover riots of 1920.[63] In 1944 the JNF bought the Bnei Yehuda lands from their Jewish owners, but a later attempt to establish Jewish ownership of the property in Bir e-Shagum through the courts was not successful.[65]

Between 1891 and 1894, Baron Edmond James de Rothschild purchased around 150,000 dunams of land in the Golan and the Hawran for Jewish settlement.[63] Legal and political permits were secured and ownership of the land was registered in late 1894.[63]

The Agudat Ahim society, whose headquarters were in Yekatrinoslav, Russia, acquired 100,000 dunams of land in several locations in the districts of Fiq and Daraa. A plant nursery was established and work began on farm buildings in Djillin.[63]The Jews also built a road stretching from Lake Hula to Muzayrib.[65] A village called Tiferet Binyamin was established on lands purchased from Saham al-Jawlan by the Shavei Zion Association based in New York,[61] but the project was abandoned after a year when the Turks issued an edict in 1896 evicting the 17 non-Turkish families. A later attempt to resettle the site with Syrian Jews who were Ottoman citizens also failed.[67] Between 1904 and 1908, a group of Crimean Jews settled in the Bethsaida Valley, initially as tenants of a Kurdish proprietor with the prospects of purchasing the land, but the arrangement faltered.[68][69] Jewish settlement in the region dwindled over time, due to Arab hostility, Turkish bureaucracy, disease and economic difficulties.[70] In 1921–1930, during the French Mandate, the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PICA) obtained the deeds to the Rothschild estate and continued to manage it, collecting rents from the Arab peasants living there.[65]

Golan Heights - Wikipedia

And here is another historical fact on what happened around the 1967 war you will not care about:

in July 1966,[83] Fatah began raids into Israeli territory in early 1965, with active support from Syria. At first the militants entered via Lebanon or Jordan, but those countries made concerted attempts to stop them and raids directly from Syria increased.[84] Israel's response was a series of retaliatory raids, of which the largest were an attack on the Jordanian village of Samu in November 1966.[85] In April 1967, after Syria heavily shelled Israeli villages from the Golan Heights, Israel shot down six Syrian MiG fighter planes and warned Syria against future attacks.[84][86]

In the period between the first Arab–Israeli War and the Six-Day War, the Syrians constantly harassed Israeli border communities by firing artillery shells from their dominant positions on the Golan Heights.[87] In October 1966 Israel brought the matter up before the United Nations. Five nations sponsored a resolution criticizing Syria for its actions but it failed to pass due to a Soviet veto.[88][89]

Golan Heights - Wikipedia

Syrian Front

Don't think the Moron will even begin to understand this He's truly not capable
Why would I, or any other logical person, ever think that someone like Billo, or JoeB, or any of the others would turn around and see the facts of history and the Jewish right to defend themselves from endless Christian and Muslim attacks which will never see the end?

We are giving the facts to those who have not learned to hate enough to wish to obliterate the truth, the facts, the historical evidence of anything which has happened.

They accuse, we defend and protect as much as we can from the lies and half lies they are so invested in.

They hate Israel but not Jews?
It does not show.
We have been seeing this script now for the past nearly 2000 years. It is our time to take control of our destinies and that of Israel as the rightful ancient homeland of the Jewish people.

What could be worse then that MORON Tinmore who keeps posting YOU TUBE Videos of showing Hasidic Jews claiming that Israel does not have the Right to exist? THAT says it ALL
Neither what Tinmore says or shows, or that small number of Haredis delegitimizing Israel, matter.

Nothing new, from one side or the other.
Then you are going to go to the UN, become part of the legal team and discuss and eventually MAKE those resolutions into forcible legal International Laws, because as Rocco tried to point out to you:

Most experts[1] consider most General Assembly resolutions to be non-binding. Articles 10 and 14 of the UN Charter refer to General Assembly resolutions as "recommendations"; the recommendatory nature of General Assembly resolutions has repeatedly been stressed by the International Court of Justice.[2] However, some General Assembly resolutions dealing with matters internal to the United Nations, such as budgetary decisions or instructions to lower-ranking organs, are clearly binding on their addressees.[citation needed]

United Nations resolution - Wikipedia

But of course.....you are one American who knows everything about UN resolutions and International Law, and is going to go to the UN as soon as possible and FIX the UN's ignorance about those two issues, are you not?

The UN is in NY. Have a nice trip.
242 is a UNSC resolution, which makes it binding, bitch!
One ignorant paragraph at a time .
Even invoking Holocaust Victims to your vile hatred of Israel and your denial of her right to defend herself from people who were dreaming of finishing what the Nazis planned along with the Arab leader Huseini. Yes, the extermination of ALL of the Jews.

Nothing new coming from you.
Spit on facts. Spit on History.
Spit on International Laws.
Spit on the Holocaust Victims.
Spit on the right of ANY people to defend themselves against an enemy who wants you back as a servant or dead.
Spit on the Legal Right of the Jewish People to recreate their Nation ON their Ancient Land.
Spit on the fact that the Arabs refused the Partition twice, in 1937 and in November of 1947. But you cannot count how many months before Israel's Declaration of Independence the Arabs had already started attacking Jewish cities and villages attempting to stop the Jews, still and again, from having recreating their Country ON THEIR ancient Homeland, and not anyone else's.
Spit on all the Jews who had to give their lives, all 6000 plus of them, in order to make sure that 7 Arab countries would not overrun the new country, Israel, and destroy it at the start, and murder them all.

You have no understanding of what Islam is.
You have no understanding of what the Arabs are, and how they think that the whole world they once conquered MUST remain theirs, no matter which Muslim group conquered that region.

So what if there were allegedly 90 % Arabs on the land.
THEY, the Arabs, joined with the Ottomans and the Germans against the Allied forces. They lost. The Ottomans lost the war they should not have entered and lost their Empire.

The Jews LEGALLY went about getting their ancient homeland back, without wanting to expel any non Jew over there. And there were Arab leaders who were for the recreation of the Jewish Nation on ancient Jewish Land. But those Leaders were defeated by the Huseini Clan and others who follow Islam to the extreme. And they continue to do so.

Do not EVER ask yourself how Mesopotamia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, North Africa became majority " Arab countries ", anymore than you are ever going to care about the rights of the indigenous people of the New World, the Americas, Australia, and all others.

Once the European or Arab invaders become the majority......in your world.....ALL indigenous people lose any rights to any sovereignty over their lands.

Jews are not indigenous of Europe. Jews coming from Asia, where they are from, will always be Asians. You cannot change that with your wishes, no matter how ignorant they are going to continue to be.

The Jewish Nation/People is back where it belongs. It won the 1948 war. It won every war started by the Muslims in order to destroy it.
It will continue to do so.

Syria wants peace, the Golan Heights can be negotiated.
Syrian does not want peace, then it is time for the Golan Heights to stay as part of Israel so that Israel can continue to protect and defend its people from any further Syrian and Iranian atacks on its population.

I will post the history of the area in the next post.
NOOOO. We know very well that you will not read it and much less give any care about what the actual history of the land is
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.
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Trump didn't give any land, but recognized Israeli sovereignty in land that already belonged to the Jewish nation under international law. No one had the right to take it from the Jews in the first place.
The thing I enjoy most is how Israel shelters under international law when it is perceived to benefit Israel then refuses to recognise international law when it will run counter to Israel's perceived interests. That's what I call chutzpa.

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