Golan Heights is Officially Part of Israel

So, what is your point, or points?

Enummarate them so that we can finally see some light through all of your Israel criticism and give you some credit for what you are "upset" about.
In order to be "upset", you have to care. I don't. Why would I care about something that has no affect on my daily life? And I've stated my point many times, but instead of understanding it and responding to it, you constantly try to spin it in to something it isn't. Nothing I have said, has anything to do with Judaism, but everything to do with human rights and international law.

One last thing, you can shove that condescending sarcasm up your ass!
Which law gave that part of the Golans to Syria?
So, what is your point, or points?

Enummarate them so that we can finally see some light through all of your Israel criticism and give you some credit for what you are "upset" about.
In order to be "upset", you have to care. I don't. Why would I care about something that has no affect on my daily life? And I've stated my point many times, but instead of understanding it and responding to it, you constantly try to spin it in to something it isn't. Nothing I have said, has anything to do with Judaism, but everything to do with human rights and international law.

One last thing, you can shove that condescending sarcasm up your ass!
1) International Law is on Israel's side. Too many groups turn to make it so that International Law is not on Israel's side in order to destroy Israel.
The UN is not anymore what it was since it was founded. It has been take over by countries which want Israel to be destroyed, and use everything they can in order to do it.

2) which leads us to the human rights you greatly espouse.
When so many in the Christian and Muslim world, attempt to do everything in their power to destroy one small non Christian or Muslim country because of what they learned in the past 2000 years from people who wrote their "holy Books" in order to CONTINUE to take away those Human Rights from the Jews which have been taken away for the past 1700 years One Way or Another via oppression, attacks, robbery, expulsion and murder.

Nowhere in the Middle East, do Arabs enjoy more rights than in Israel. And they say so, and would tell you so, but you would never believe them.

Israel does have the right to protect itself from internal and external forces which attack not only its territory but its population, ALL of its population.

You wish to come up with how Israel mistreats Arabs, and all other things you read and get from anti Israel sources......All of that....is on you and your powers to process things.

This thread is about the Golan Heights. Israel does have the right to annex it if ever it feels it is the time to do it.

You may repeat all you like that Israel attacked in 1948 and all other wars, because that is ALL you are ever going to read from the sources you insist in going to, and no others.

When the 7 Arab countries tell the Arabs living in the Mandate of Palestine to leave so that they can Kill All The Jews.......
somehow that is not a Human issue with you.

When the PLO, Hamas and Fatah charters demand the destruction of Israel and the expulsion or murder of all Jews.....
somehow it is not a Human issue with you, much less an International Law issue with you.

You are not against Jews and Judaism and Israel's right to defend itself?

How are you going to prove that if you are willing to only see One of the sides of the conflict/war, and not the whole picture?

Do not try to hide yourself behind International Law and Human rights again, because those two only seem to exist for you when it comes to the Arabs who keep attacking Jews and Israel, trying to kill as many Jews as possible, and trying to find every single way to invade and destroy Israel from inside or outside.

"Why would I hate Jews?"

It is up to you to get your historical facts straight and stop fooling yourself as to being someone who actually cares about International Law for ALL, and Human Rights for ALL.
1) International Law is on Israel's side. Too many groups turn to make it so that International Law is not on Israel's side in order to destroy Israel.
The UN is not anymore what it was since it was founded. It has been take over by countries which want Israel to be destroyed, and use everything they can in order to do it.

2) which leads us to the human rights you greatly espouse.
When so many in the Christian and Muslim world, attempt to do everything in their power to destroy one small non Christian or Muslim country because of what they learned in the past 2000 years from people who wrote their "holy Books" in order to CONTINUE to take away those Human Rights from the Jews which have been taken away for the past 1700 years One Way or Another via oppression, attacks, robbery, expulsion and murder.

Nowhere in the Middle East, do Arabs enjoy more rights than in Israel. And they say so, and would tell you so, but you would never believe them.

Israel does have the right to protect itself from internal and external forces which attack not only its territory but its population, ALL of its population.

You wish to come up with how Israel mistreats Arabs, and all other things you read and get from anti Israel sources......All of that....is on you and your powers to process things.

This thread is about the Golan Heights. Israel does have the right to annex it if ever it feels it is the time to do it.

You may repeat all you like that Israel attacked in 1948 and all other wars, because that is ALL you are ever going to read from the sources you insist in going to, and no others.

When the 7 Arab countries tell the Arabs living in the Mandate of Palestine to leave so that they can Kill All The Jews.......
somehow that is not a Human issue with you.

When the PLO, Hamas and Fatah charters demand the destruction of Israel and the expulsion or murder of all Jews.....
somehow it is not a Human issue with you, much less an International Law issue with you.

You are not against Jews and Judaism and Israel's right to defend itself?

How are you going to prove that if you are willing to only see One of the sides of the conflict/war, and not the whole picture?

Do not try to hide yourself behind International Law and Human rights again, because those two only seem to exist for you when it comes to the Arabs who keep attacking Jews and Israel, trying to kill as many Jews as possible, and trying to find every single way to invade and destroy Israel from inside or outside.

"Why would I hate Jews?"

It is up to you to get your historical facts straight and stop fooling yourself as to being someone who actually cares about International Law for ALL, and Human Rights for ALL.
You just want to sit there and pontificate on a soap box. International law says you cannot acquire territory by force of arms. Conquer by conquest was made illegal after WWII. International law states you cannot hold onto land seized in a war. International law states the only thing you can do to an occupation, is to end it.

If international law was on Israel's side, why are there over 100 UN resolutions Israel is in violation of? One of those resolutions was telling Israel to stop doing business with apartheid South Africa. What the fuck does that have to do with Israel's destruction?
1) International Law is on Israel's side. Too many groups turn to make it so that International Law is not on Israel's side in order to destroy Israel.
The UN is not anymore what it was since it was founded. It has been take over by countries which want Israel to be destroyed, and use everything they can in order to do it.

2) which leads us to the human rights you greatly espouse.
When so many in the Christian and Muslim world, attempt to do everything in their power to destroy one small non Christian or Muslim country because of what they learned in the past 2000 years from people who wrote their "holy Books" in order to CONTINUE to take away those Human Rights from the Jews which have been taken away for the past 1700 years One Way or Another via oppression, attacks, robbery, expulsion and murder.

Nowhere in the Middle East, do Arabs enjoy more rights than in Israel. And they say so, and would tell you so, but you would never believe them.

Israel does have the right to protect itself from internal and external forces which attack not only its territory but its population, ALL of its population.

You wish to come up with how Israel mistreats Arabs, and all other things you read and get from anti Israel sources......All of that....is on you and your powers to process things.

This thread is about the Golan Heights. Israel does have the right to annex it if ever it feels it is the time to do it.

You may repeat all you like that Israel attacked in 1948 and all other wars, because that is ALL you are ever going to read from the sources you insist in going to, and no others.

When the 7 Arab countries tell the Arabs living in the Mandate of Palestine to leave so that they can Kill All The Jews.......
somehow that is not a Human issue with you.

When the PLO, Hamas and Fatah charters demand the destruction of Israel and the expulsion or murder of all Jews.....
somehow it is not a Human issue with you, much less an International Law issue with you.

You are not against Jews and Judaism and Israel's right to defend itself?

How are you going to prove that if you are willing to only see One of the sides of the conflict/war, and not the whole picture?

Do not try to hide yourself behind International Law and Human rights again, because those two only seem to exist for you when it comes to the Arabs who keep attacking Jews and Israel, trying to kill as many Jews as possible, and trying to find every single way to invade and destroy Israel from inside or outside.

"Why would I hate Jews?"

It is up to you to get your historical facts straight and stop fooling yourself as to being someone who actually cares about International Law for ALL, and Human Rights for ALL.
You just want to sit there and pontificate on a soap box. International law says you cannot acquire territory by force of arms. Conquer by conquest was made illegal after WWII. International law states you cannot hold onto land seized in a war. International law states the only thing you can do to an occupation, is to end it.

If international law was on Israel's side, why are there over 100 UN resolutions Israel is in violation of? One of those resolutions was telling Israel to stop doing business with apartheid South Africa. What the fuck does that have to do with Israel's destruction?
Israel did not invade, it was invaded.
Your words wish to work for Israel, but not for Jordan and Egypt which invaded Israel in 1948 and took all of Gaza and Judea and Samaria to themselves, when non of that area belonged to them.
No cries from the UN or anyone else.

When the country acquires land in defense of its territory, yes it is legal. You have not gotten to that part of International Law for the simple fact that you are getting your "facts" from the sources which tell you this version of history and not what International Law actually says.

Since Israel cannot be occupying its own land, in Judea and Samaria, and got the Golan Heights after 19 years of the Jordanian and Syrians freely shooting at any and all Israeli civilians on the Israeli side, and after the Jordanian and Syrians decided to take another bite of the apple in order to get the Whole Apple......... you really do not have a case, never did, and never will.

Deny that the 5 to 7 Arab countries attacked Israel right after it declared Independence in May of 1948. Deny that the Arab countries, again, decided to invade Israel in June of 1967 to Again, destroy Israel and take the whole land to the Muslims.
No, it would never have gone to the "Palestinian" Arabs, the land would have stayed with Jordan, Syria and Egypt, again.

Too bad. Those Arab countries lost. And they lost bad.
In 6 Days.

They can weep all they like. They can cry foul, all they like.
They can get into the UN and pass resolutions all they like.
They attacked, got wacked back and then tried again in 1973 during the most Holy of day for Jews, thinking everyone would be sleeping or at the Synagogue, Yom Kippur. Only to lose again.

So, cry with them. Cry all you like, because neither Area C, nor the Golan Heights are ever going to go back to Muslim hands, because giving back the Golan Heights to Syria, without a Peace Treaty where they will swear that they will not be using those mountains for practice shooting on Jews, is Never going to happen.

International Law.
Human Rights.

You do nothing put spit on both when it comes to actual human rights and actual International Law.

When are you going to care for Human rights in general where it would be suicide to give a hostile country a land where they were practicing targets with Jews?
You tell us.

Have a couch.
It wasn't my claim. If you think I'm a Jew hater, you must have a reason for that. Well, what is that reason? Or do you just think things for no reason at all?

If I stated that all Africans look alike to me I would be looked upon as a bigoted ignorant person who hates Blacks. That is exactly what you said about Israelis. However you are too stupid to make the connection
RE: Golan Heights is Officially Part of Israel
⁜→ Billo_Really, Sixties Fan, et al,

I think you misunderstand something; something quite critical to your conclusion.

If international law was on Israel's side, why are there over 100 UN resolutions Israel is in violation of?

General Assembly Resolutions do not have the force of law unless they have been placed into force and have an effective enforcement date. I don't see 100 such resolutions. Israel is NOT in "VIOLATION" of law unless the resolution in question has the force of law. Please tell me which of the 100 Resolution has been placed into force? (I would only expect a handful if that many.) Then you might have a point to discuss.

One of those resolutions was telling Israel to stop doing business with apartheid South Africa. What the fuck does that have to do with Israel's destruction?

What law says it has to be relevant to anyone's agenda?

You can pass thousands of General Assembly Resolutions and they can be about any subject. They can advocate any position (economic, political, military, trade and commerce, etc). But they are not laws. They are not enforceable. They can even be contradictory.

Most Respectfully,

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