God’s tools are not being used


Jul 2, 2009
People of today do not realize the tool(s) each of us received from God. Some of us are creative with our hands, others have great minds, while others have a strong voice. Yet most of us do not use these tools to better ourselves and society. This is why today we have Doctors who cannot heal, Social Workers who cannot solve the social issues in their communities, and teachers who cannot teach or motivate children to stay in school. We simply did not use the tools God gave us to carve our careers.
God’s tools are not being used
People of today do not realize the tool(s) each of us received from God. Some of us are creative with our hands, others have great minds, while others have a strong voice. Yet most of us do not use these tools to better ourselves and society. This is why today we have Doctors who cannot heal, Social Workers who cannot solve the social issues in their communities, and teachers who cannot teach or motivate children to stay in school. We simply did not use the tools God gave us to carve our careers.

Are you whining with this opener or are you just making a vague statement? Do you expect dialogue over this?

I have to agree that we have alot of tools and talents we dont use.

And I dont think those are just there to be used in careers. but to make people around the world better. To lift people up. To make the world a better place.
People of today do not realize the tool(s) each of us received from God. Some of us are creative with our hands, others have great minds, while others have a strong voice. Yet most of us do not use these tools to better ourselves and society. This is why today we have Doctors who cannot heal, Social Workers who cannot solve the social issues in their communities, and teachers who cannot teach or motivate children to stay in school. We simply did not use the tools God gave us to carve our careers.

God must have had the tools made in CHINA. Ever try to follow the instructions on those Chineez tools? :lol: :lol: :lol:
stf410 - I see you have met the gang that normally jumps on any post concerning religion. You haven't met them all yet but a goodly portion of them. You ask an interesting question. I can't answer it...
People of today do not realize the tool(s) each of us received from God. Some of us are creative with our hands, others have great minds, while others have a strong voice. Yet most of us do not use these tools to better ourselves and society. This is why today we have Doctors who cannot heal,

i disagree with this. doctors have made leaps and bounds in their fields...but you do not remember polio..small pox...measles...so you take it for granted and made sillie statements....doctors do and can heal
Social Workers who cannot solve the social issues in their communities,

part of the problem...people like you ..who expect others to solve the social issues in your community...what are you doing? and teachers who cannot teach or motivate children to stay in school.

teachers are there to teach....i am here to motivate..that is the job of a parent not a teacher...a teacher can spur a child into one interest or another but motivation and basic skills are the job of a parent...
We simply did not use the tools God gave us to carve our careers.

why do you expect others to do what is your responsiblity too?
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People of today do not realize the tool(s) each of us received from God. Some of us are creative with our hands, others have great minds, while others have a strong voice. Yet most of us do not use these tools to better ourselves and society. This is why today we have Doctors who cannot heal,

i disagree with this. doctors have made leaps and bounds in their fields...but you do not remember polio..small pox...measles...so you take it for granted and made sillie statements....doctors do and can heal
Social Workers who cannot solve the social issues in their communities,

part of the problem...people like you ..who expect others to solve the social issues in your community...what are you doing? and teachers who cannot teach or motivate children to stay in school.

teachers are there to teach....i am here to motivate..that is the job of a parent not a teacher...a teacher can spur a child into one interest or another but motivation and basic skills are the job of a parent...
We simply did not use the tools God gave us to carve our careers.

why do you expect others to do what is your responsiblity too?

I expect teachers to teach facts, not their liberal biased pov. Sadly, that's what our public schools have quickly turned into in California, indoctrination centers of the impoverished that can't afford private school or to stay home and home school.

And even the private schools are under the gun to teach liberal guesses and cheapened wannabe science. Science rocks, but the junk they teach our kids doesn't hold up so they force it on them.

Need to get back to facts, not fiction, then maybe our kids would listen. I don't blame the teachers (most) it's the liberal curriculum they're told to teach through our liberal government and teachers union backing.

Why are there so many Christian private schools and no atheist schools?

Atheists have to force it on those who can't afford better.
People of today do not realize the tool(s) each of us received from God. Some of us are creative with our hands, others have great minds, while others have a strong voice. Yet most of us do not use these tools to better ourselves and society. This is why today we have Doctors who cannot heal,

i disagree with this. doctors have made leaps and bounds in their fields...but you do not remember polio..small pox...measles...so you take it for granted and made sillie statements....doctors do and can heal
Social Workers who cannot solve the social issues in their communities,

part of the problem...people like you ..who expect others to solve the social issues in your community...what are you doing? and teachers who cannot teach or motivate children to stay in school.

teachers are there to teach....i am here to motivate..that is the job of a parent not a teacher...a teacher can spur a child into one interest or another but motivation and basic skills are the job of a parent...
We simply did not use the tools God gave us to carve our careers.

why do you expect others to do what is your responsiblity too?

I expect teachers to teach facts, not their liberal biased pov. Sadly, that's what our public schools have quickly turned into in California, indoctrination centers of the impoverished that can't afford private school or to stay home and home school.

And even the private schools are under the gun to teach liberal guesses and cheapened wannabe science. Science rocks, but the junk they teach our kids doesn't hold up so they force it on them.

Need to get back to facts, not fiction, then maybe our kids would listen. I don't blame the teachers (most) it's the liberal curriculum they're told to teach through our liberal government and teachers union backing.

Why are there so many Christian private schools and no atheist schools?

Atheists have to force it on those who can't afford better.

Nope---the problem with Atheism is :What do you teach??

Let see--a day at the hypothetical Atheist will go as follows.

Teacher:"Good morning class, Today I will teach you about Atheism.. Simply put there is no GOD.
Any questions?"

Student 1:"Why am I here"

Teacher:"Atheism does not answer questions of why you are here or what purposes you are to have. In Atheism, the understanding is "There is no GOD".

Student 2:"What about Sin? What about Evil? What about being moral?"

Teacher:"What about Sin, Evil, or morality? Atheism does not address those issues. Atheism proclaims:"There is no God!!"

Student 3:"What is the Atheists view on how the world came to be?"

Teacher:"The Atheists has no view on how the world came to be. In fact, no two Atheists share the exact same view on most issues."

Student 1:"Atheism Sucks!! It only answer the question 'Is there a God?' and in the negative!! That is no fun!! How is it intellectually or spirtually stimulating to be an Atheists
If the only application there is to it is one question?"

Teacher:"Ahh,,,Now you are on the path to becoming a true Atheist!! How would you go about answering these questions? How would you address the concepts of "Good" and "Evil"? What do you think of the Universe? What about your purpose of being? If someone were to make a claim, how would you to determine if it is true, or false? Atheism itself is not an intellectual challenge, but the door it open leads to many."

Students in Class(all together):"We want another school!! DEAR GOD!! This teacher is an idiot!!"

Such will be the result if there was a school for atheists.
People of today do not realize the tool(s) each of us received from God. Some of us are creative with our hands, others have great minds, while others have a strong voice. Yet most of us do not use these tools to better ourselves and society. This is why today we have Doctors who cannot heal, Social Workers who cannot solve the social issues in their communities, and teachers who cannot teach or motivate children to stay in school. We simply did not use the tools God gave us to carve our careers.

Im thinking Bonfires might be the actual tool being mentioned, Mani...

Clearly Stf410 is a drive-by poster, uninterested in answers.

God's people are indeed at work, and all of His creation is in place with opportunity to join God ijn His plan.

Apathy is one of the real problems in all people and in believers. That is sad. However, God is working through millions of His people doing that which He has designed to be done. The gifts that believers have been given are being used in mighty ways all over the world.

Stf410, you really don't want to know, but now it has been posted. You can find unending examples of God's people doing awesome things in His service, with the gifts He has provided to them.

I personally have a gift that I have seen operating in me for almost 30 years, and it is accomplishing awesome things in God's service.

Now you know.
Is your gift kinda like Cyclops's laser beam eyes? Maybe.. claws like Wolverine... Or, did you land an extra special power and become capable of healing amputees?
One of my many gifts is the ability to smell bullshit through the internet tubes.

This place is fuck'n ripe! Seriously.
Is your gift kinda like Cyclops's laser beam eyes? Maybe.. claws like Wolverine... Or, did you land an extra special power and become capable of healing amputees?

Of course that doesn't earn a response, but I will gladly tell you about the gift God has blessed me with.

You need to realize, as I am sure you already do, these gifts are not "powers." They are abilities to do in the everyday life, that which God has ordained that we do. My gift is teaching. While it can be used in a variety of places, it is about teaching truths that are transforming and life-changing. That doesn't mean in some miraculous way, but in ways that lead and guide people in paths of truth and honor.

It is hard to explain, but it is as real as my keyboard is.
One of my many gifts is the ability to smell bullshit through the internet tubes.

This place is fuck'n ripe! Seriously.

Is another one of your gifts the ability to shit while standing?

Do you think that might be what you are smelling?

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