God Bless Black Conservatives

Partially. They have been promised (and received) free "shit" (your choice of vernacular) for generations. Just like addicts, Uncle Sugar keeps "feeding them".

If that's not the answer you're looking for, sorry.

So the majority of Asians, Jews, Hispanics, and Blacks voted democrat so they can get free shit? Secondly sir, let's use this forum as a sort of microcosm; have any self described Black Democrats or Liberals ever referred to you as a sell out or the other stupid terms people (Blacks & White conservatives) claim that is so "widespread"? How about White ones? The overwhelming amount of Black people who vote democrat are not on handouts, so why do some people take the minority and act like it's the majority of "the Blacks"? Why would some intelligent "Black conservatives" fall into that trap set out by White racist bigots who have an outright mental orgasm when some "Black conservatives" make those blanket inaccurate generalizations and insults and some Blacks on the other side of the spectrum hurl those insults?
You have a right to your views and so do others. I'm glad that the "Black community" is not totally monolithic, I'm glad that American aren't either. The free and open exchange of ideas and opinions and the freedom to vote for what you believe in is what makes this country great in my opinion. Perhaps we can all take a step back and discuss, debate, agree or disagree, in a respectful manner.

I apologize, your refusal to break up your post makes it a tad difficult to read for this old man, but I'll take a swing at it.

"So the majority of Asians, Jews, Hispanics, and Blacks voted democrat so they can get free shit?" Yes. Every demographic votes for their candidate with the assumption and the expectation that they will gain something - even White Conservatives. I can still recall the black lady running down the street screaming at the top of her lungs "Now I'm gonna get mines!" When Obama won his first term. I also distinctly recall the black panther telling the camera that "Now you gonna find out what it is to be ruled by the black man".

"Have any self-described Black democrats or liberals ever referred to you as a sell out or the other stupid terms people (Black and White conservatives) claim that is so widespread? How about White ones?" Yes. Many times. The worst being the elitist White "liberals" who refer to me as a "Uncle Tom" for not supporting my own "race". First, Obama is not "my" race. Obama is NOT black. He is bi-racial whether liberals like it or not.

"Why would some intelligent "black conservatives" fall into that trap set out by White Racist bigots who have an outright mental orgasm when those "black conservatives" make those blanket inaccurate generalizations and insults and some blacks on the other side of the spectrum hurl those insults?" This is one of the most, if not THE most racist thing anyone has said since I joined this forum. You should be proud. So, if I am to get your meaning correctly, if a "Black Conservative" makes a statement that they believe to be true, it is because of the "White Devils" out there who are using us "black folks" to further THEIR agendas?

I have nothing but pity for your lost soul. Hopefully now you understand why us "black folks" are beginning to "think for ourselves". Hope that it doesn't worry you liberals too much!

Does that one "Black lady" and that one "Black Panther" represent all or most Black people? They certainly don't represent me or my family and friends.

It's funny that you left out the qualifier Here's what I asked you; "let's use this forum as a sort of microcosm; have any self described Black Democrats or Liberals ever referred to you as a sell out or the other stupid terms people (Blacks & White conservatives) claim that is so "widespread"? " Are you totally of "Black" West African heritage or do you have the blood of other ethnic groups running through your veins?

Thanks for the laugh!! Did I say ALL "Black conservatives" or did I say SOME ? Save that fake dramatic shit for someone who cares. What SPECIFICALLY was 'racist" about it? I find it funny when I said SOME and you scream "racism", but when one of your fellow stooges make claims about "the Blacks" being on the "democrat plantation" and "brainwashed". Wow........................ :lol:
An African-American with strong family values and solid work ethic is a Liberal's worst nightmare.

Especially if he or she is a conservative, of which there seems to be, more and more. :clap2:

Especially if they are independent thinkers who choose to question the views of the 'status quo', rather than circum to simply become blinded followers to it's call.
Alright, fine.
I'm pigeonholed here into voting for Democrat. That's what is expected for me. When I mentioned that I wasn't voting for Obama, people here were like "Wait, aren't Asians supposed to vote for him?"

No, no we're not. Although there is precedent (73% of Asians voted for Obama), I did not vote for either him or Mitt Romney (I went for the third option). Apparently this makes me dumber than the average Asian according to many Democrats, which is... well, hilariously racist.

But why race? I feel as if life experiences would have far more affect on how you vote rather than what color your skin is or how slanted your eyes are.

Well, many peoples life experiences are based on race. They grow up in black or asian communities. They attend churches in those communities. They develop values and needs based a lot (not necessarily entirely) on those associations

But whatever my life experiences are, they are my own. I don't want to be judged as being of any particular character or ability or as having any particular point of view because of where I live or where I go to church. I spent most of my life in a denomination that promoted extremely liberal views and that is not me at all. But they did not promote intentionally anti-patriotic, unjust, immoral or hateful views towards anybody, so I was able to stay with them for decades. (They did eventually become so off the wall and, in my opinion, harmfully liberal, I moved on.)

I was born into and grew up in a family and culture that didn't value higher education all that much. But because we were a great nation of unlimited opportunity at that time, I could and did choose to seek that on my own. I was born into and grew up in a family and community that had some pretty rigid ideas about what was and was not proper, what was and was not right to do. I had full choice, however, to choose to adopt some of that as my own value system. Most of it I did. Some of it I did not.

And I know because I know people who have done it, people who happen to be black who are born within a certain societal culture, can choose to break free when that culture limits their options, choices, and opportunities. But are they going to choose to do that when they are accused of being 'uncle Toms' or 'not being 'black' enough' or not being a credit to their race, etc. etc. etc. when they try? When those who could be their finest role models (some listed in my previous post) are ignored by the media and denigrated by many liberals as not being the kind of people that black people are supposed to be.

Who in the hell is anybody to tell anybody, black or white or Asian or Hispanic or Native American or any combination what he or she is supposed to be?

Well when you break out to set your own path away from the direction that's been laid out and "expected" of you, there will be backlashes from those who take offense to the threat of an alternate gateway to success (one without the need for more government programs and dependency). That's to be expected. They may look to that person's skin color and refer to them as being an "uncle Tom", because it's more conducive to their cause to continue to stereotype minorities in a convenient box (that they may find a way to still categorize and control them) than to view them as self-driven "independent" thinkers breaking away from the shell of government provided conveniences. When there's more honor to be found in the role of greater individual hard working achievement, as a testimony to the abilities that can be attained, big government loses its power. To which such aims to humiliate them through racial commentary should instead be taken as a badge of honor, to the individual who desired to rise above the preordained path of complacency dictated and limited within the boundaries controlled by government.
If you support gun rights aren't you dividing people?
If you support increasing retirement benefits are you pitting the old against the young?

Every political position has those it helps and those it hurts. That is not pitting groups against eachother but acknowledging the needs of one group that may be at the expense of another. You can't make all of the people happy all of the time

No. If I support gun rights it is because I believe all Americans, without distinction of race, ethncity, socioeconomic status, or political party should have the unalienable right to self protection and support the constitutional provision that protects that right.

If you would take away some or all of my gun rights though, the only reason I can think of for you to do that is to restrict my rights because you think I cannot be trusted with such a right. And THAT can definitely be a divisive concept just as assuming black people are incapable of takiing care of themselves and must have special government oversight is divisive and promotes racism.

Since I oppose retirement benefits or any other government benefits provided at the expense to forcibly taking resources from somebody else, and I believe everybody should look to and provide their own retirement, your second illustration is a red herring. You might say it is divisive if I believe that you are not entitled to what I earn just because you are you. But that's a different debate.

Can you name a single major issue facing this country that is not divisive?

No matter which issue you support you are automatically divided from those who oppose it

It becomes divisive when government places itself as problem solver, based upon one set of views, opinion or predetermined ideals, and steps in to control the rights and freedoms of another.
No. If I support gun rights it is because I believe all Americans, without distinction of race, ethncity, socioeconomic status, or political party should have the unalienable right to self protection and support the constitutional provision that protects that right.

If you would take away some or all of my gun rights though, the only reason I can think of for you to do that is to restrict my rights because you think I cannot be trusted with such a right. And THAT can definitely be a divisive concept just as assuming black people are incapable of takiing care of themselves and must have special government oversight is divisive and promotes racism.

Since I oppose retirement benefits or any other government benefits provided at the expense to forcibly taking resources from somebody else, and I believe everybody should look to and provide their own retirement, your second illustration is a red herring. You might say it is divisive if I believe that you are not entitled to what I earn just because you are you. But that's a different debate.

Can you name a single major issue facing this country that is not divisive?

No matter which issue you support you are automatically divided from those who oppose it

It becomes divisive when government places itself as problem solver, based upon one set of views, opinion or predetermined ideals, and steps in to control the rights and freedoms of another.


For everything government does there are those who support it and those who oppose it

Those who oppose it tend to make statements like "controling the rights and freedoms of others"
Can you name a single major issue facing this country that is not divisive?

No matter which issue you support you are automatically divided from those who oppose it

It becomes divisive when government places itself as problem solver, based upon one set of views, opinion or predetermined ideals, and steps in to control the rights and freedoms of another.


For everything government does there are those who support it and those who oppose it

Those who oppose it tend to make statements like "controling the rights and freedoms of others"

thats why we have the constitution, it defines our rights and freedoms very clearly. Obama has been using it for toilet paper for the last 4 years, and fools like you continue to worship his every word. :cuckoo:
Dr Ben Carson,

Dr Carson is a Hannity puppet

Dr Carson is your worst nightmare. an intelligent well spoken successful black conservative. he scares the cold living shit out of libtards like you-----------and you know it.

I have a lot of respect for Dr Carson

He is obviously intelligent and has accomplished a lot in his lifetime. He could make a difference in the Republican Party. Be the next generation of Republicans who are respectful, intellectual, concerned about others, well spoken and willing to make their own positions

Instead we get a Dr Carson who is blatantly pandering to the Sean Hannity crowd feeding them their bumper sticker slogans like Gays are the same as NAMBLA and bestiality, Obama is nothing but a community organizer...

I expect that out of Sarah Palin and expect better from Dr Carson
It becomes divisive when government places itself as problem solver, based upon one set of views, opinion or predetermined ideals, and steps in to control the rights and freedoms of another.


For everything government does there are those who support it and those who oppose it

Those who oppose it tend to make statements like "controling the rights and freedoms of others"

thats why we have the constitution, it defines our rights and freedoms very clearly. Obama has been using it for toilet paper for the last 4 years, and fools like you continue to worship his every word. :cuckoo:

Standard whining from those who are no longer in power. He doesn't support my position so he is not following the Constitution

If you think Obama is using the Constitution as toilet paper take him to court. That is what the Constitution is about. Conservatives have a majority on the Supreme Court......prove it there

For everything government does there are those who support it and those who oppose it

Those who oppose it tend to make statements like "controling the rights and freedoms of others"

thats why we have the constitution, it defines our rights and freedoms very clearly. Obama has been using it for toilet paper for the last 4 years, and fools like you continue to worship his every word. :cuckoo:

Standard whining from those who are no longer in power. He doesn't support my position so he is not following the Constitution

If you think Obama is using the Constitution as toilet paper take him to court. That is what the Constitution is about. Conservatives have a majority on the Supreme Court......prove it there

its already happened, SCOTUS has ruled against obama 6 times. google it.

heres one for you: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/201...us-employees-cant-sue-for-job-discrimination/
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thats why we have the constitution, it defines our rights and freedoms very clearly. Obama has been using it for toilet paper for the last 4 years, and fools like you continue to worship his every word. :cuckoo:

Standard whining from those who are no longer in power. He doesn't support my position so he is not following the Constitution

If you think Obama is using the Constitution as toilet paper take him to court. That is what the Constitution is about. Conservatives have a majority on the Supreme Court......prove it there

its already happened, SCOTUS has ruled against obama 6 times. google it.

heres one for you: Supreme Court Rules Against Obama Admin: Religious Employees Can?t Sue For Job Discrimination | TheBlaze.com

That is why we have a court....to make those calls

It all comes down to interpretation
Dr Carson is a Hannity puppet

Dr Carson is your worst nightmare. an intelligent well spoken successful black conservative. he scares the cold living shit out of libtards like you-----------and you know it.

I have a lot of respect for Dr Carson

He is obviously intelligent and has accomplished a lot in his lifetime. He could make a difference in the Republican Party. Be the next generation of Republicans who are respectful, intellectual, concerned about others, well spoken and willing to make their own positions

Instead we get a Dr Carson who is blatantly pandering to the Sean Hannity crowd feeding them their bumper sticker slogans like Gays are the same as NAMBLA and bestiality, Obama is nothing but a community organizer...

I expect that out of Sarah Palin and expect better from Dr Carson

And how would Dr. Carson be acceptable in your eyes? How does he 'not pander' to people you despise? By adopting your view of the world? If he sees things differently that you do, then he is 'pandering'? When you accuse him of that, perhaps you can understand that then saying that you see him as 'accomplished' and 'intelligent' sounds really condescending and quite hollow.

But then, based on your earlier remarks, unless everybody marches in lockstep, uses the same language, thinks the same thoughts, wants the same policies, approves of the same things, and believes the same principles, you see that as divisive.

How do we ever get past these problems if having a different point of view is deemed divisive? How do we get to the point of respecting everybody's point of view and working out the differences in order to achieve a common goal?

Different points of view are not divisive. Demanding opposing goals and objectives is divisive.
Dr Carson is your worst nightmare. an intelligent well spoken successful black conservative. he scares the cold living shit out of libtards like you-----------and you know it.

I have a lot of respect for Dr Carson

He is obviously intelligent and has accomplished a lot in his lifetime. He could make a difference in the Republican Party. Be the next generation of Republicans who are respectful, intellectual, concerned about others, well spoken and willing to make their own positions

Instead we get a Dr Carson who is blatantly pandering to the Sean Hannity crowd feeding them their bumper sticker slogans like Gays are the same as NAMBLA and bestiality, Obama is nothing but a community organizer...

I expect that out of Sarah Palin and expect better from Dr Carson

And how would Dr. Carson be acceptable in your eyes? How does he 'not pander' to people you despise? By adopting your view of the world? If he sees things differently that you do, then he is 'pandering'? When you accuse him of that, perhaps you can understand that then saying that you see him as 'accomplished' and 'intelligent' sounds really condescending and quite hollow.

But then, based on your earlier remarks, unless everybody marches in lockstep, uses the same language, thinks the same thoughts, wants the same policies, approves of the same things, and believes the same principles, you see that as divisive.

How do we ever get past these problems if having a different point of view is deemed divisive? How do we get to the point of respecting everybody's point of view and working out the differences in order to achieve a common goal?

Different points of view are not divisive. Demanding opposing goals and objectives is divisive.

As I have posted throughout this thread....that is what divisiveness is

On any issue you have those that are for and those who are against

A natural division
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Can you name a single major issue facing this country that is not divisive?

No matter which issue you support you are automatically divided from those who oppose it

It becomes divisive when government places itself as problem solver, based upon one set of views, opinion or predetermined ideals, and steps in to control the rights and freedoms of another.


For everything government does there are those who support it and those who oppose it

Those who oppose it tend to make statements like "controling the rights and freedoms of others"

You do realize that also includes issues like DOMA, the GM bailout, Obamacare, as well as guns. The more government intrudes and intervenes into the affairs of private lives, the more of our individual liberties are gradually taken away.
God Bless black conservatives and God Protect them too because black conservatives surely have a target on their backs.
I have a lot of respect for Dr Carson

He is obviously intelligent and has accomplished a lot in his lifetime. He could make a difference in the Republican Party. Be the next generation of Republicans who are respectful, intellectual, concerned about others, well spoken and willing to make their own positions

Instead we get a Dr Carson who is blatantly pandering to the Sean Hannity crowd feeding them their bumper sticker slogans like Gays are the same as NAMBLA and bestiality, Obama is nothing but a community organizer...

I expect that out of Sarah Palin and expect better from Dr Carson

And how would Dr. Carson be acceptable in your eyes? How does he 'not pander' to people you despise? By adopting your view of the world? If he sees things differently that you do, then he is 'pandering'? When you accuse him of that, perhaps you can understand that then saying that you see him as 'accomplished' and 'intelligent' sounds really condescending and quite hollow.

But then, based on your earlier remarks, unless everybody marches in lockstep, uses the same language, thinks the same thoughts, wants the same policies, approves of the same things, and believes the same principles, you see that as divisive.

How do we ever get past these problems if having a different point of view is deemed divisive? How do we get to the point of respecting everybody's point of view and working out the differences in order to achieve a common goal?

Different points of view are not divisive. Demanding opposing goals and objectives is divisive.

As I have posted throughout this thread....that is what divisiveness is

On any issue you have those that are for and those who are against

A natural division

Again being for and against something is not necessarily divisive. These are normal activities of humankind that we all deal with. It is holding different and opposing goals and objectives that makes something divisive--it isn't the process of how we get to a common goal that is divisive.

For instance if the goal is to fix whatever will correct the deplorable condition of unacceptably high unemployment, crime rate, poverty, school drop outs, etc. among people who happen to be black, we can differ on how to get there, but as long as we share the common goal, we can work out the rest.

But when one goal is to keep black people voting Democrat and another goal is to eliminate racism and allow black people to compete on equal footing within a homogenous American culture, yes, we will have extreme divisiveness because those are opposing goals.
It's amazing, isn't it?

I've been black all my life. The ONLY people that I have EVER had to defend myself against were democrats. Their little minds simply cannot perceive the notion that I want no part of the "freedom" from America that they think I somehow "need".

I look at them as ignorant, small-minded people who hate America and everything she stands for and I rarely give them a passing thought.

I've said it since I was a young man and I say it to this day, my 68th birthday: Democrats are the most racist people in this country. Period.

Naw I'm kidding.

Yeah, I get that occasionally. I heard (on another forum) that "I couldn't be an old black guy because I was using a computer" - This from a liberal.

I started on a Commodore 64 back in the late 70s and have progressed through the Amiga, the PCs, and finally the MAC. I think I'll keep the Macs!

I also use an IPhone and, on occasion, actually text......oh the humanity.....

Lol. My grandfathers (both my mother's father and my father' father) use the computer daily as well. They are both in their 80's now. They are some of the most intelligent and hard working individuals I have ever met, and I can't believe some people would think them incapable of doing pretty much anything they want.

By the by I also started out on a Commodore 64. Mine was already old when I started using it, but I loved it nonetheless.
Naw I'm kidding.

Yeah, I get that occasionally. I heard (on another forum) that "I couldn't be an old black guy because I was using a computer" - This from a liberal.

I started on a Commodore 64 back in the late 70s and have progressed through the Amiga, the PCs, and finally the MAC. I think I'll keep the Macs!

I also use an IPhone and, on occasion, actually text......oh the humanity.....

Lol. My grandfathers (both my mother's father and my father' father) use the computer daily as well. They are both in their 80's now. They are some of the most intelligent and hard working individuals I have ever met, and I can't believe some people would think them incapable of doing pretty much anything they want.

By the by I also started out on a Commodore 64. Mine was already old when I started using it, but I loved it nonetheless.

Yep. My 87-yr-old uncle spends hours every day on his computer. But I have younger friends who won' touch a computer. I'm not an old black guy, but I'm about as untechie as they come when it comes to these smart phones and Ipad and stuff like that. I COULD learn to do it I suppose, but I just haven't yet. Still nervouse about buying my first Kindle for fear I won't be able to figure out how to use it. But I don't think skin color figures into this stuff at all. You either have interest and aptitude or you don't.
Yeah, I get that occasionally. I heard (on another forum) that "I couldn't be an old black guy because I was using a computer" - This from a liberal.

I started on a Commodore 64 back in the late 70s and have progressed through the Amiga, the PCs, and finally the MAC. I think I'll keep the Macs!

I also use an IPhone and, on occasion, actually text......oh the humanity.....

Lol. My grandfathers (both my mother's father and my father' father) use the computer daily as well. They are both in their 80's now. They are some of the most intelligent and hard working individuals I have ever met, and I can't believe some people would think them incapable of doing pretty much anything they want.

By the by I also started out on a Commodore 64. Mine was already old when I started using it, but I loved it nonetheless.

Yep. My 87-yr-old uncle spends hours every day on his computer. But I have younger friends who won' touch a computer. I'm not an old black guy, but I'm about as untechie as they come when it comes to these smart phones and Ipad and stuff like that. I COULD learn to do it I suppose, but I just haven't yet. Still nervouse about buying my first Kindle for fear I won't be able to figure out how to use it. But I don't think skin color figures into this stuff at all. You either have interest and aptitude or you don't.
The over 60 crowd is one of faster growing groups of computer users. Of course we are rapidly approaching the time when everyone will be a computer user. Taxes, shopping, and communications have become so much easier and more efficient using computers. However, I think the paperless office has a long way to go.

I do think computer communications help remove the race barrier because it forces you to judge people by their ideas and not their skin color.
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Do you know why Herman Cain received such vitriol?

Because his fellow Republicans saw him as a threat. It wasn't the liberals who dredged up the Cain sex scandal. That all came from the right.

Liberals thought Cain was joke, just like the other candidates, so we gave him the same ridicule which we also inflicted on the other clowns. Unlike the patronizing conservative belief that all Republican minorities are far too delicate to face criticizism, liberals think minorities are just as capable of taking abuse as anyone else. Thus, we give them the same amount of abuse. As usual, liberals get points for consistency and color-blindness.

OMG that is bullshit.....you really dont know anyhthing do you......the right caused it...yeah it was Rush Limbaugh......OMG I get so sick of this lie and by stupid people......I really cant say or stress how stupid this post was.

And the bold part is a bunch of shit....that is projection, it's the opposite in reality...republicans dont cry if someone uses a name, unless it's to make a point about double standards and hypocrisy.

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