God Bless Black Conservatives

I think you should take your own advice.

Do you know why Herman Cain received such vitriol? It wasn't because he was a Republican, but because he was a Black Republican. In the liberal mind, Republicans are racists, benefiting only Whites (look at this board and read some of the comments by the liberals around here). As a result, any minority who dares vote for a Republican must be a "sell out", a "traitor" to their race or a self-loathing individual. Before you tell me how untrue this is, keep in mind two things; one, I'm Black and have heard it all before and, two, there is an ample amount of documented evidence online of the above accusations being levied against Black conservatives/Republicans. Funny enough, the accusations always seem to come from the left to the right; never the right to a left. I mean, how often do you see a Black Democrat get labeled as an Uncle Tom? Rarely, if ever. But how often do you see a Black Republican get labeled an Uncle Tom? Quite often, and usually by other Blacks.

Just because you deny it doesn't mean it's untrue. In the mind of a liberal, gays, women and Blacks should *never* vote Republican because Republicans "hate" them. When confronted with the fact that certain people don't think the way the liberal thinks they should think, then the liberal goes into attack and shame mode. We see it all the time. Just look at some of the attacks against Black Republicans; they really make you stop and think who the real racists are.

No, it's because he maligned Black people who vote Democrat with insulting blanket generalizations like "Blacks are on a plantation(democrat)" "Blacks are brainwashed into voting democrat." Add west, carson, and a few other "Black conservatives" who are popular amongst white conservatives who say the same insulting and inaccurate things about Black people.

Yes, I have seen this defense put forth almost word for word--probably from some prepared issued talking points document--defending those who would embrace a Barack Obama who continually reassures the black community of how unfairly they have been treated, how disadvantaged they are, how unfair it all is, how outrageous the disparities in income are, etc. etc. etc. But the talking point doesn't mentioned how under Obama polices, black unemployment and black poverty and back crime has increased and we can't really find a social or economic indicator that has improvedfor black Americans anywhere.

So Herman Cain tells the truth and he is 'insulting' despite the fact that under Obama policies, black unemployment is roughly double that of white people--something between 43 and 45% for black teens; despite the fact that black take home pay has gone down more than it has for white Americans, black teen pregnancy has been increasing, and black on black crime statistics continue to rise. But the overall black demographic overwhelmingly supports Obama and rejected all conservatives, including Herman Cain.

Sure doesn't sound like folks are thinking things through does it? Conservative black Americans all seem to know the score. But unfortunately, if we have to have a black demographic, conservative black Americans are in a distinct minority in that group. And that is a shame.

What a crock of shit! What was the "Black unemployment rate " compared to White people under previous Administrations? cain is not telling "the truth" his kowtowing to the White racist bigots in your party who make those same ignorant, insulting, and inaccurate blanket generalizations about Black people.
No, it's because he maligned Black people who vote Democrat with insulting blanket generalizations like "Blacks are on a plantation(democrat)" "Blacks are brainwashed into voting democrat." Add west, carson, and a few other "Black conservatives" who are popular amongst white conservatives who say the same insulting and inaccurate things about Black people.

Yes, I have seen this defense put forth almost word for word--probably from some prepared issued talking points document--defending those who would embrace a Barack Obama who continually reassures the black community of how unfairly they have been treated, how disadvantaged they are, how unfair it all is, how outrageous the disparities in income are, etc. etc. etc. But the talking point doesn't mentioned how under Obama polices, black unemployment and black poverty and back crime has increased and we can't really find a social or economic indicator that has improvedfor black Americans anywhere.

So Herman Cain tells the truth and he is 'insulting' despite the fact that under Obama policies, black unemployment is roughly double that of white people--something between 43 and 45% for black teens; despite the fact that black take home pay has gone down more than it has for white Americans, black teen pregnancy has been increasing, and black on black crime statistics continue to rise. But the overall black demographic overwhelmingly supports Obama and rejected all conservatives, including Herman Cain.

Sure doesn't sound like folks are thinking things through does it? Conservative black Americans all seem to know the score. But unfortunately, if we have to have a black demographic, conservative black Americans are in a distinct minority in that group. And that is a shame.

What a crock of shit! What was the "Black unemployment rate " compared to White people under previous Administrations? cain is not telling "the truth" his kowtowing to the White racist bigots in your party who make those same ignorant, insulting, and inaccurate blanket generalizations about Black people.

The truth is that Black is a skin color and nothing more. The character and behavior of a person is what an individual should be judged on. And the use of the N word, the S word, the D word, and the F word --- do not cause one to appear intelligent to anyone. And frankly, those who would speak that way would not be what I would desire for a new neighbor --- especially around children.
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I thought ethnicity didn't matter to conservatives?

I said nothing about black people hating massa. Don't misrepresent and also misunderstand my statement.

But that is the inference drawn from your longer post with all those links. Maybe that wasn't your intention, but that is the way it looked to me and probably others of us who really do want to end racism--and my/our race or ethnicity really doesn't matter at all when it comes to that.

Maybe it does seem silly to you that we might think Democrats want to keep black people on the liberal government 'plantation', but it sure doesn't seem silly to me when I see ALL, and I do mean ALL, prominent conservative black people maligned, marginalized, mischaracterized, misrepresented, accused, and ridiculed by those on the Left, both black and white.

Yes prominent white conservatives receive much the same treatment, but its a whole different set of adjectives that are reserved for them. They are greedy, rich, racist, opportunists. Their black colleagues are "Uncle Toms", 'hanky heads', sell outs, a discredit to their race, ungrateful, or a joke. Nobody can tell me that there isn't a racist element in this.

And, at least to me, that is the crux of the matter. I truly believe that the left views themselves as participants in a sort of "societal" war against conservatives for what they view as the "soul of America".

In other words, in order for their view of a socialist utopia (for lack of a better term), they feel that they need gays, blacks, women, Latinos, pretty much every representation EXCEPT white men, to fall into lock step and follow along with their "enlightened" notions of social justice. They use these groups as a means to an end and, have been doing so for the last 40 or so years.

Minorities who question the motives of these enlightened, pseudo-intellectuals simply cannot be tolerated and they are singled out, harassed, belittled and, if possible, ruined in the political arena to show the rest that "free thought" will NOT be tolerated. One either engages in lockstep thought, or one is destroyed.

The Left--and I make no distinction between those leftists in the GOP as well as those in the Democratic Party--for decades have been increasing their power, prestige, influence, and amassing huge personal fortunes on the backs of the American taxpayer. They can't do that unless they can stay in power and they depend on those they can identify as 'minorities' to keep them there. And the only way they can do that is by promising to care and provide what these groups need.

The fact that they have almost never delivered on mos of their promises and most of the situations they promise to address usually get worse doesn't seem to matter. The fact that they promise that government will do it for them rather than them having to do it for themselves seems to be enough. And THAT'S where what Herman Cain called 'brainwashing' comes in.

The promise of free phones, free food, free housing, free contraceptives, free abortions, free health care, etc. is a powerful incentive to vote for somebody. It just sounds better to some folks than 'a strong robust economy', 'more jobs' , 'a better education', 'greater opportunity for all'.
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But that is the inference drawn from your longer post with all those links. Maybe that wasn't your intention, but that is the way it looked to me and probably others of us who really do want to end racism--and my/our race or ethnicity really doesn't matter at all when it comes to that.

Maybe it does seem silly to you that we might think Democrats want to keep black people on the liberal government 'plantation', but it sure doesn't seem silly to me when I see ALL, and I do mean ALL, prominent conservative black people maligned, marginalized, mischaracterized, misrepresented, accused, and ridiculed by those on the Left, both black and white.

Yes prominent white conservatives receive much the same treatment, but its a whole different set of adjectives that are reserved for them. They are greedy, rich, racist, opportunists. Their black colleagues are "Uncle Toms", 'hanky heads', sell outs, a discredit to their race, ungrateful, or a joke. Nobody can tell me that there isn't a racist element in this.

And, at least to me, that is the crux of the matter. I truly believe that the left views themselves as participants in a sort of "societal" war against conservatives for what they view as the "soul of America".

In other words, in order for their view of a socialist utopia (for lack of a better term), they feel that they need gays, blacks, women, Latinos, pretty much every representation EXCEPT white men, to fall into lock step and follow along with their "enlightened" notions of social justice. They use these groups as a means to an end and, have been doing so for the last 40 or so years.

Minorities who question the motives of these enlightened, pseudo-intellectuals simply cannot be tolerated and they are singled out, harassed, belittled and, if possible, ruined in the political arena to show the rest that "free thought" will NOT be tolerated. One either engages in lockstep thought, or one is destroyed.

The Left--and I make no distinction between those leftists in the GOP as well as those in the Democratic Party--for decades have been increasing their power, prestige, influence, and amassing huge personal fortunes on the backs of the American taxpayer. They can't do that unless they can stay in power and they depend on those they can identify as 'minorities' to keep them there. And the only way they can do that is by promising to care and provide what these groups need.

The fact that they have almost never delivered on mos of their promises and most of the situations they promise to address usually get worse doesn't seem to matter. The fact that they promise that government will do it for them rather than them having to do it for themselves seems to be enough. And THAT'S where what Herman Cain called 'brainwashing' comes in.

The promise of free phones, free food, free housing, free contraceptives, free abortions, free health care, etc. is a powerful incentive to vote for somebody. It just sounds better to some folks than 'a strong robust economy', 'more jobs' , 'a better education', 'greater opportunity for all'.

Excellent post and I couldn't agree more.

Anytime ANYONE, regardless of skin color or gender or sexual orientation, relies on something or someone OTHER than themselves for their livelihood, it is nothing more than slavery.

We send these clowns to Washington, under the pretense of "representing us", and they never leave. They become happy in the belly of the beast and nearly immediately fall into the trap that is government.

Harry Reid. When he entered public service, had a net worth of $85,000. Today, he has a net worth of over 20 million dollars. Liberals refuse to ask why. Barry Obama, when he became a State Senator (it's almost funny to say that) had a net worth of just under $77,000. He is now worth an estimated 13 million dollars and that, of course, is BEFORE he leaves office and starts collecting $100,000 speaking fees and million dollar book deals.

Same thing on the Republican side. There is no difference. These so-called "representatives" are there to "represent" , and they do. Democrats and Republicans represent the interests of whomever will pay them the most and look at the people of the United States with disdain if we dare speak up about it.

The answer? Well, for Barry it is easy - get the "folks" on as many government programs as possible, get them addicted to sucking off the teat of "Uncle Sugar" and you have a more "pliable" electorate. There is no difference between the modern day liberal politician than the bolsheviks that took over Russia. None whatsoever.

I don't trust government, never have and never will. Government is nothing more than a reflection of it's people and, looking at OUR government, it scares the living hell out of me.
I would like to hear from black conservatives also

In the last election you accounted for 5% of the black vote. Why do you do your preaching on FoxNews? Their audience is already Conservative. What does preaching to the choir do for increasing GOP black representation ?

Why aren't they in black neighborhoods convincing blacks about how much Republican policies will improve their lives?
I too would like hear from all those black conservatives that are in favor of abolishing affirmative action, minimum wage, welfare programs, public education, unions, and civil rights legislation.

affirmative action - Blacks can't make it on their own, they need the bar lowered. I hear you, why would a conservative black be bothered by that condescension from the left?

minimum wage - I'll give you the 411 on this. The minimum wage is a hurdle, not a tide. Why would a black conservative think high unemployment is better than giving people a chance to work? What is particularly cold about the left on this is the 50% unemployment for black inner city youth. Who needs a job more than them? The left is heartless.

welfare programs - Who has advocated this? pulling stuff out your ass again

public education - again, who has advocated this? again pulled from your ass. There are those of us who would like to give people a ... wait for it ... choice. But ending public education is on no one's radar.

unions - again, pulled from your ass. conservatives want to remove the artificial power provided to unions, but no one has advocated abolishing them

and civil rights legislation - your ass must be developing some major hemorrhoids at this point. Libertarians are opposed to this undermining state rights, but we want a better, more effective solution, not to "abolish" civil rights.
In regard to blacks being conservatives, it makes no difference whether you or I think these issues are beneficial or detrimental but rather what the average black voter thinks. Both polls and recent elections show us that blacks reject conservatives by wide margins.

With minorities becoming the majority in this century, conservatives can not continue to ignore minorities. Successful political movements will be those that seek to be inclusive not exclusive.
And, at least to me, that is the crux of the matter. I truly believe that the left views themselves as participants in a sort of "societal" war against conservatives for what they view as the "soul of America".

In other words, in order for their view of a socialist utopia (for lack of a better term), they feel that they need gays, blacks, women, Latinos, pretty much every representation EXCEPT white men, to fall into lock step and follow along with their "enlightened" notions of social justice. They use these groups as a means to an end and, have been doing so for the last 40 or so years.

Minorities who question the motives of these enlightened, pseudo-intellectuals simply cannot be tolerated and they are singled out, harassed, belittled and, if possible, ruined in the political arena to show the rest that "free thought" will NOT be tolerated. One either engages in lockstep thought, or one is destroyed.

The Left--and I make no distinction between those leftists in the GOP as well as those in the Democratic Party--for decades have been increasing their power, prestige, influence, and amassing huge personal fortunes on the backs of the American taxpayer. They can't do that unless they can stay in power and they depend on those they can identify as 'minorities' to keep them there. And the only way they can do that is by promising to care and provide what these groups need.

The fact that they have almost never delivered on mos of their promises and most of the situations they promise to address usually get worse doesn't seem to matter. The fact that they promise that government will do it for them rather than them having to do it for themselves seems to be enough. And THAT'S where what Herman Cain called 'brainwashing' comes in.

The promise of free phones, free food, free housing, free contraceptives, free abortions, free health care, etc. is a powerful incentive to vote for somebody. It just sounds better to some folks than 'a strong robust economy', 'more jobs' , 'a better education', 'greater opportunity for all'.

Excellent post and I couldn't agree more.

Anytime ANYONE, regardless of skin color or gender or sexual orientation, relies on something or someone OTHER than themselves for their livelihood, it is nothing more than slavery.

We send these clowns to Washington, under the pretense of "representing us", and they never leave. They become happy in the belly of the beast and nearly immediately fall into the trap that is government.

Harry Reid. When he entered public service, had a net worth of $85,000. Today, he has a net worth of over 20 million dollars. Liberals refuse to ask why. Barry Obama, when he became a State Senator (it's almost funny to say that) had a net worth of just under $77,000. He is now worth an estimated 13 million dollars and that, of course, is BEFORE he leaves office and starts collecting $100,000 speaking fees and million dollar book deals.

Same thing on the Republican side. There is no difference. These so-called "representatives" are there to "represent" , and they do. Democrats and Republicans represent the interests of whomever will pay them the most and look at the people of the United States with disdain if we dare speak up about it.

The answer? Well, for Barry it is easy - get the "folks" on as many government programs as possible, get them addicted to sucking off the teat of "Uncle Sugar" and you have a more "pliable" electorate. There is no difference between the modern day liberal politician than the bolsheviks that took over Russia. None whatsoever.

I don't trust government, never have and never will. Government is nothing more than a reflection of it's people and, looking at OUR government, it scares the living hell out of me.

You agree that minorities vote Democratic because they are promised free shit?
The Left--and I make no distinction between those leftists in the GOP as well as those in the Democratic Party--for decades have been increasing their power, prestige, influence, and amassing huge personal fortunes on the backs of the American taxpayer. They can't do that unless they can stay in power and they depend on those they can identify as 'minorities' to keep them there. And the only way they can do that is by promising to care and provide what these groups need.

The fact that they have almost never delivered on mos of their promises and most of the situations they promise to address usually get worse doesn't seem to matter. The fact that they promise that government will do it for them rather than them having to do it for themselves seems to be enough. And THAT'S where what Herman Cain called 'brainwashing' comes in.

The promise of free phones, free food, free housing, free contraceptives, free abortions, free health care, etc. is a powerful incentive to vote for somebody. It just sounds better to some folks than 'a strong robust economy', 'more jobs' , 'a better education', 'greater opportunity for all'.

Excellent post and I couldn't agree more.

Anytime ANYONE, regardless of skin color or gender or sexual orientation, relies on something or someone OTHER than themselves for their livelihood, it is nothing more than slavery.

We send these clowns to Washington, under the pretense of "representing us", and they never leave. They become happy in the belly of the beast and nearly immediately fall into the trap that is government.

Harry Reid. When he entered public service, had a net worth of $85,000. Today, he has a net worth of over 20 million dollars. Liberals refuse to ask why. Barry Obama, when he became a State Senator (it's almost funny to say that) had a net worth of just under $77,000. He is now worth an estimated 13 million dollars and that, of course, is BEFORE he leaves office and starts collecting $100,000 speaking fees and million dollar book deals.

Same thing on the Republican side. There is no difference. These so-called "representatives" are there to "represent" , and they do. Democrats and Republicans represent the interests of whomever will pay them the most and look at the people of the United States with disdain if we dare speak up about it.

The answer? Well, for Barry it is easy - get the "folks" on as many government programs as possible, get them addicted to sucking off the teat of "Uncle Sugar" and you have a more "pliable" electorate. There is no difference between the modern day liberal politician than the bolsheviks that took over Russia. None whatsoever.

I don't trust government, never have and never will. Government is nothing more than a reflection of it's people and, looking at OUR government, it scares the living hell out of me.

You agree that minorities vote Democratic because they are promised free shit?

Partially. They have been promised (and received) free "shit" (your choice of vernacular) for generations. Just like addicts, Uncle Sugar keeps "feeding them".

If that's not the answer you're looking for, sorry.
I'm sorry, dude....I have trouble with this one. I don't want to see your Facebook page....but I am politically active and married into a politically active Asian family and this has never come up once in 30 years.

Fair enough. We may have to agree to disagree on this one. My life experiences have led me to believe that, at the very least, Southern Democrats are more quick to question why someone isn't following the stereotype they expect.

I know logically it's impossible for every Democrat to feel the same way, and there are a few who did not object when I voted, but largely I feel like I'm viewed as inferior somehow.

Excellent post and I couldn't agree more.

Anytime ANYONE, regardless of skin color or gender or sexual orientation, relies on something or someone OTHER than themselves for their livelihood, it is nothing more than slavery.

We send these clowns to Washington, under the pretense of "representing us", and they never leave. They become happy in the belly of the beast and nearly immediately fall into the trap that is government.

Harry Reid. When he entered public service, had a net worth of $85,000. Today, he has a net worth of over 20 million dollars. Liberals refuse to ask why. Barry Obama, when he became a State Senator (it's almost funny to say that) had a net worth of just under $77,000. He is now worth an estimated 13 million dollars and that, of course, is BEFORE he leaves office and starts collecting $100,000 speaking fees and million dollar book deals.

Same thing on the Republican side. There is no difference. These so-called "representatives" are there to "represent" , and they do. Democrats and Republicans represent the interests of whomever will pay them the most and look at the people of the United States with disdain if we dare speak up about it.

The answer? Well, for Barry it is easy - get the "folks" on as many government programs as possible, get them addicted to sucking off the teat of "Uncle Sugar" and you have a more "pliable" electorate. There is no difference between the modern day liberal politician than the bolsheviks that took over Russia. None whatsoever.

I don't trust government, never have and never will. Government is nothing more than a reflection of it's people and, looking at OUR government, it scares the living hell out of me.

I mostly agree with you... except I think my view of gov't is even more dour than yours.
I too would like hear from all those black conservatives that are in favor of abolishing affirmative action, minimum wage, welfare programs, public education, unions, and civil rights legislation.

affirmative action - Blacks can't make it on their own, they need the bar lowered. I hear you, why would a conservative black be bothered by that condescension from the left?

minimum wage - I'll give you the 411 on this. The minimum wage is a hurdle, not a tide. Why would a black conservative think high unemployment is better than giving people a chance to work? What is particularly cold about the left on this is the 50% unemployment for black inner city youth. Who needs a job more than them? The left is heartless.

welfare programs - Who has advocated this? pulling stuff out your ass again

public education - again, who has advocated this? again pulled from your ass. There are those of us who would like to give people a ... wait for it ... choice. But ending public education is on no one's radar.

unions - again, pulled from your ass. conservatives want to remove the artificial power provided to unions, but no one has advocated abolishing them

and civil rights legislation - your ass must be developing some major hemorrhoids at this point. Libertarians are opposed to this undermining state rights, but we want a better, more effective solution, not to "abolish" civil rights.

It is women who benefitted the most from affirmative action

I would like to see Conservative blacks go into black neighborhood supporting killing the minimum wage, eliminating anti-discrimination laws, abolishing union jobs, slashing welfare and then smiling and telling people......trust us, you will be better off in the end

No one is paid minimum wage, its a libtardian joke. Fast food joints are all paying more than MW. Unions have killed the once great cities of Detroit, Cleveland, and Chicago. Welfare should not be a lifetime source or income. No one advocates eliminating anti discrimination laws---------I really wish you would stop your lies.
No one is paid minimum wage, its a libtardian joke. Fast food joints are all paying more than MW. Unions have killed the once great cities of Detroit, Cleveland, and Chicago. Welfare should not be a lifetime source or income. No one advocates eliminating anti discrimination laws---------I really wish you would stop your lies.
You must enjoy making this stuff up.

In 2011, 73.9 million American workers age 16 and over were paid at hourly rates, representing 59.1 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 1.7 million earned exactly the prevailing Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 2.2 million had wages below the minimum. Together, these 3.8 million workers with wages at or below the Federal minimum made up 5.2 percent of all hourly-paid workers.

Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2011
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God Bless Black Conservatives

Both of them?

There are a lot more than 2, and their numbers are growing every day. Blacks are not as dumb as you libtards think they are.
Yeah, you're right. There are prolly enough to field a basketball team, but I bet they can't shoot for shit.

Is it the numbers or the message that rankles you so?

A single intelligent conservative African-American voice is all it takes.

That's all. It takes. The cake.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn4ve4jh83w]Dr. Benjamin Carson on "African American Conservatives" Special - COMPLETE - Sean Hannity - 4-8-13 - YouTube[/ame]
I can see our favorite assshole Syth is posting in this thread. This piece of shit doesn't have a problem with thousands of young blacks a year killing each other.

This piece of shit doesn't have a problem with 72% of black dads being dead beats.
This piece of shit hates the family and everything that once stood with it.

You and I know that blacks need to rebuild their family structure. Anything less is barking at the moon...Conservatism offers it.
Now, let's discuss this "conservative=libertarian" regarding fiscal issues. I have heard plenty of Libertarians slamming "conservative" republicans regarding fiscal issues. What changed fiscally except for the "Bush tax cuts" during the almost eight years the republican conservatives held both Houses and the Executive office? What was the result of that in 2007?
I am referring to that generally libertrarians are fiscal conservative, I'm not saying that every fiscal conservative agrees with each other on every policy any more than any other group. Other than liberals, they agree on everything, it's a group think ideology. W by the way is not a fiscal conservative, not even remotely.

The people in my family who are Black vote democratic, they include teachers, a judge, lawyer, small business owner, truck driver, police officer, insurance company executive, oil company executive, etc. NO HANDOUTS, NO WELFARE, NO "PLANTATION", AND NO "BRAINWASHING".

I believe you they oppose those things personally, but if they voted Democratic, they voted for handouts, welfare, plantation and brainwashing.

Myself, i voted for Gary Johnson, i regularly disagree with President Obama's policies when we discuss politics (Black family and friends alike), I don't get called a "sell out" etc. , I don't get a negative attitude. Why? because I discuss it in an intelligent and respectful manner without saying things about them that a White racist person would say.

I consider myself a "conservative" because I believe that social issues should have nothing to do with government, and fiscal issues obviously do. However, obviously social conservatism is pushed in our government, so I generally describe myself as a libertarian so people know I'm fiscally conservative, but oppose government regulation of our bodies. I'm also against our use of the military to meddle in other people's affairs and think the US should not be in the middle east at all much less pursuing wars there.

I consider the Libertarian party to be more libertarian than the other parties, but I consider them more party than libertarian. Guys like Bob Barr and Gary Johnson just don't give me a woody because I consider them part of that trend. Guys who have a general libertarian bent but are more for the advancement of the party than guys I really think of as libertarian.

Sadly in the last election, Johnson was the best choice as a candidate. I broke my string of not voting for either party though and voted for Romney. He sucked, but with Obama going to actual Marxist ideology there's a point where the evil was great enough that voting for the lesser evil worked.

As for you don't get crap from blacks, I don't either and for the same reason. My bud is black, his family treats me like family. Most blacks vote liberal, but Right Winger's contention that most blacks are like Ravi's not consistent with my experience. Frankly that's not different than my experience with most people. Black doesn't really have anything to do with it. If you aren't an ass about it, they're not angry about disagreeing with you politically.
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No, it's because he maligned Black people who vote Democrat with insulting blanket generalizations like "Blacks are on a plantation(democrat)" "Blacks are brainwashed into voting democrat." Add west, carson, and a few other "Black conservatives" who are popular amongst white conservatives who say the same insulting and inaccurate things about Black people.

Yes, I have seen this defense put forth almost word for word--probably from some prepared issued talking points document--defending those who would embrace a Barack Obama who continually reassures the black community of how unfairly they have been treated, how disadvantaged they are, how unfair it all is, how outrageous the disparities in income are, etc. etc. etc. But the talking point doesn't mentioned how under Obama polices, black unemployment and black poverty and back crime has increased and we can't really find a social or economic indicator that has improvedfor black Americans anywhere.

So Herman Cain tells the truth and he is 'insulting' despite the fact that under Obama policies, black unemployment is roughly double that of white people--something between 43 and 45% for black teens; despite the fact that black take home pay has gone down more than it has for white Americans, black teen pregnancy has been increasing, and black on black crime statistics continue to rise. But the overall black demographic overwhelmingly supports Obama and rejected all conservatives, including Herman Cain.

Sure doesn't sound like folks are thinking things through does it? Conservative black Americans all seem to know the score. But unfortunately, if we have to have a black demographic, conservative black Americans are in a distinct minority in that group. And that is a shame.

What a crock of shit! What was the "Black unemployment rate " compared to White people under previous Administrations? cain is not telling "the truth" his kowtowing to the White racist bigots in your party who make those same ignorant, insulting, and inaccurate blanket generalizations about Black people.

I don't think Foxfyre was implying that high unemployment in the black community was created by Obama, I think she was referring to that he's not doing anything to change it.

The solution is freer markets. For poor blacks, the biggest obstacle to getting a job is minimum wage. Particularly for teens were black unemployment is 50%. Below minimum wage gets you in the door to develop skills. If I remember correctly, something like only 10% of minimum wage workers made minimum wage 3 years ago. And we know there are that many losers of all races who suck as employees that I consider that to be a remarkably low statistic.

Another issue blocking first time job seekers is our idiotic system of sticking ... employers ... with taxes for .... unemployed ... people. We aren't stupid (I own my own business). That makes us slower to hire and less likely to give people a chance and once we know they aren't working out quicker to let them go.

Then there's the idiotic government policy of dinging people for earning too much. All government programs should phase out so workers are always rewarded for working. By putting the caps they do, unemployed and underemployed will turn down work because they hit a cap and lose benefits entirely. I have two employees who strictly limit the hours they will take from us. And we're growing. Two years ago I had two employees, I now have 11. Three are part time, and only one of them will accept unlimited hours when we're busy.

Obama is pursuing all the wrong policies to reduce black unempoyment.
No one is paid minimum wage, its a libtardian joke. Fast food joints are all paying more than MW. Unions have killed the once great cities of Detroit, Cleveland, and Chicago. Welfare should not be a lifetime source or income. No one advocates eliminating anti discrimination laws---------I really wish you would stop your lies.
You must enjoy making this stuff up.

In 2011, 73.9 million American workers age 16 and over were paid at hourly rates, representing 59.1 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 1.7 million earned exactly the prevailing Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 2.2 million had wages below the minimum. Together, these 3.8 million workers with wages at or below the Federal minimum made up 5.2 percent of all hourly-paid workers.

Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2011

Far more than one out of twenty workers is a loser who is overpaid earning minimum wage. I owned a restaurant in Chapel Hill which I sold in October to focus on my main business. Chapel Hill's not exactly a shabby town. But employee after employee stole cash, didn't pay for food they ate, sat in a chair and didn't work and cut every corner they could. They go through training then quit, don't show up for their shifts or send lame texts at the last minute.

Over time you develop a base of employees you trust. But the idea that businesses will pay people like that $7.25 an hour and continue to do it is just clueless. All you're doing is preventing the rest from working. If we could pay less, we'd scale the work to the salary. But Restaurants require endless hours of coverage and no one's going to pay an employee $7.25 who's worth less. We let them go until we find the ones worth $7.25.

Then sure, the good ones get more raises. But they gotta get up to speed and prove themselves first.
No one is paid minimum wage, its a libtardian joke. Fast food joints are all paying more than MW. Unions have killed the once great cities of Detroit, Cleveland, and Chicago. Welfare should not be a lifetime source or income. No one advocates eliminating anti discrimination laws---------I really wish you would stop your lies.
You must enjoy making this stuff up.

In 2011, 73.9 million American workers age 16 and over were paid at hourly rates, representing 59.1 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 1.7 million earned exactly the prevailing Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 2.2 million had wages below the minimum. Together, these 3.8 million workers with wages at or below the Federal minimum made up 5.2 percent of all hourly-paid workers.

Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2011

Far more than one out of twenty workers is a loser who is overpaid earning minimum wage. I owned a restaurant in Chapel Hill which I sold in October to focus on my main business. Chapel Hill's not exactly a shabby town. But employee after employee stole cash, didn't pay for food they ate, sat in a chair and didn't work and cut every corner they could. They go through training then quit, don't show up for their shifts or send lame texts at the last minute.

Over time you develop a base of employees you trust. But the idea that businesses will pay people like that $7.25 an hour and continue to do it is just clueless. All you're doing is preventing the rest from working. If we could pay less, we'd scale the work to the salary. But Restaurants require endless hours of coverage and no one's going to pay an employee $7.25 who's worth less. We let them go until we find the ones worth $7.25.

Then sure, the good ones get more raises. But they gotta get up to speed and prove themselves first.
I understand your point and it's well taken, however I do have a problem with the idea that employers in general will hire or fire based simply on minimum wage. I have managed several businesses and owned two and minimum wage never entered into staffing decisions. I hired the number of people needed to do the work. When wages rose as they did during inflationary periods, I increased pay as needed and raised prices as did my competition. I certainly would not hire more people because minimum wage was reduced. I hired more people because there was more work.

That's not to say that there are not exceptions. A business that carries some employees that aren't pulling their share of the load could well lose their job with a rise in minimum wage. Likewise, a cut in minimum wage may inspire some employers to add people even thou their need for more labor may not justify it. However, these are exceptions not the norm. IMHO, changes in minimum wage are a factor in employment but not a major factor.

Do we need a minimum wage? I say yes because there are labor markets in both rural and urban areas dominated by a single employer so if the minimum wage disappears, employees will have no choice but to accept whatever pay is offered because there is no other alternative in the area.
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Now, let's discuss this "conservative=libertarian" regarding fiscal issues. I have heard plenty of Libertarians slamming "conservative" republicans regarding fiscal issues. What changed fiscally except for the "Bush tax cuts" during the almost eight years the republican conservatives held both Houses and the Executive office? What was the result of that in 2007?
I am referring to that generally libertrarians are fiscal conservative, I'm not saying that every fiscal conservative agrees with each other on every policy any more than any other group. Other than liberals, they agree on everything, it's a group think ideology. W by the way is not a fiscal conservative, not even remotely.

The people in my family who are Black vote democratic, they include teachers, a judge, lawyer, small business owner, truck driver, police officer, insurance company executive, oil company executive, etc. NO HANDOUTS, NO WELFARE, NO "PLANTATION", AND NO "BRAINWASHING".

I believe you they oppose those things personally, but if they voted Democratic, they voted for handouts, welfare, plantation and brainwashing.

Myself, i voted for Gary Johnson, i regularly disagree with President Obama's policies when we discuss politics (Black family and friends alike), I don't get called a "sell out" etc. , I don't get a negative attitude. Why? because I discuss it in an intelligent and respectful manner without saying things about them that a White racist person would say.

I consider myself a "conservative" because I believe that social issues should have nothing to do with government, and fiscal issues obviously do. However, obviously social conservatism is pushed in our government, so I generally describe myself as a libertarian so people know I'm fiscally conservative, but oppose government regulation of our bodies. I'm also against our use of the military to meddle in other people's affairs and think the US should not be in the middle east at all much less pursuing wars there.

I consider the Libertarian party to be more libertarian than the other parties, but I consider them more party than libertarian. Guys like Bob Barr and Gary Johnson just don't give me a woody because I consider them part of that trend. Guys who have a general libertarian bent but are more for the advancement of the party than guys I really think of as libertarian.

Sadly in the last election, Johnson was the best choice as a candidate. I broke my string of not voting for either party though and voted for Romney. He sucked, but with Obama going to actual Marxist ideology there's a point where the evil was great enough that voting for the lesser evil worked.

As for you don't get crap from blacks, I don't either and for the same reason. My bud is black, his family treats me like family. Most blacks vote liberal, but Right Winger's contention that most blacks are like Ravi's not consistent with my experience. Frankly that's not different than my experience with most people. Black doesn't really have anything to do with it. If you aren't an ass about it, they're not angry about disagreeing with you politically.

How are the republicans and Romney any better than Obama? How has Obama's foreign policy been any different than the previous Administration's?
Excellent post and I couldn't agree more.

Anytime ANYONE, regardless of skin color or gender or sexual orientation, relies on something or someone OTHER than themselves for their livelihood, it is nothing more than slavery.

We send these clowns to Washington, under the pretense of "representing us", and they never leave. They become happy in the belly of the beast and nearly immediately fall into the trap that is government.

Harry Reid. When he entered public service, had a net worth of $85,000. Today, he has a net worth of over 20 million dollars. Liberals refuse to ask why. Barry Obama, when he became a State Senator (it's almost funny to say that) had a net worth of just under $77,000. He is now worth an estimated 13 million dollars and that, of course, is BEFORE he leaves office and starts collecting $100,000 speaking fees and million dollar book deals.

Same thing on the Republican side. There is no difference. These so-called "representatives" are there to "represent" , and they do. Democrats and Republicans represent the interests of whomever will pay them the most and look at the people of the United States with disdain if we dare speak up about it.

The answer? Well, for Barry it is easy - get the "folks" on as many government programs as possible, get them addicted to sucking off the teat of "Uncle Sugar" and you have a more "pliable" electorate. There is no difference between the modern day liberal politician than the bolsheviks that took over Russia. None whatsoever.

I don't trust government, never have and never will. Government is nothing more than a reflection of it's people and, looking at OUR government, it scares the living hell out of me.

You agree that minorities vote Democratic because they are promised free shit?

Partially. They have been promised (and received) free "shit" (your choice of vernacular) for generations. Just like addicts, Uncle Sugar keeps "feeding them".

If that's not the answer you're looking for, sorry.

So the majority of Asians, Jews, Hispanics, and Blacks voted democrat so they can get free shit? Secondly sir, let's use this forum as a sort of microcosm; have any self described Black Democrats or Liberals ever referred to you as a sell out or the other stupid terms people (Blacks & White conservatives) claim that is so "widespread"? How about White ones? The overwhelming amount of Black people who vote democrat are not on handouts, so why do some people take the minority and act like it's the majority of "the Blacks"? Why would some intelligent "Black conservatives" fall into that trap set out by White racist bigots who have an outright mental orgasm when some "Black conservatives" make those blanket inaccurate generalizations and insults and some Blacks on the other side of the spectrum hurl those insults?
You have a right to your views and so do others. I'm glad that the "Black community" is not totally monolithic, I'm glad that American aren't either. The free and open exchange of ideas and opinions and the freedom to vote for what you believe in is what makes this country great in my opinion. Perhaps we can all take a step back and discuss, debate, agree or disagree, in a respectful manner.
You agree that minorities vote Democratic because they are promised free shit?

Partially. They have been promised (and received) free "shit" (your choice of vernacular) for generations. Just like addicts, Uncle Sugar keeps "feeding them".

If that's not the answer you're looking for, sorry.

So the majority of Asians, Jews, Hispanics, and Blacks voted democrat so they can get free shit? Secondly sir, let's use this forum as a sort of microcosm; have any self described Black Democrats or Liberals ever referred to you as a sell out or the other stupid terms people (Blacks & White conservatives) claim that is so "widespread"? How about White ones? The overwhelming amount of Black people who vote democrat are not on handouts, so why do some people take the minority and act like it's the majority of "the Blacks"? Why would some intelligent "Black conservatives" fall into that trap set out by White racist bigots who have an outright mental orgasm when some "Black conservatives" make those blanket inaccurate generalizations and insults and some Blacks on the other side of the spectrum hurl those insults?
You have a right to your views and so do others. I'm glad that the "Black community" is not totally monolithic, I'm glad that American aren't either. The free and open exchange of ideas and opinions and the freedom to vote for what you believe in is what makes this country great in my opinion. Perhaps we can all take a step back and discuss, debate, agree or disagree, in a respectful manner.

I apologize, your refusal to break up your post makes it a tad difficult to read for this old man, but I'll take a swing at it.

"So the majority of Asians, Jews, Hispanics, and Blacks voted democrat so they can get free shit?" Yes. Every demographic votes for their candidate with the assumption and the expectation that they will gain something - even White Conservatives. I can still recall the black lady running down the street screaming at the top of her lungs "Now I'm gonna get mines!" When Obama won his first term. I also distinctly recall the black panther telling the camera that "Now you gonna find out what it is to be ruled by the black man".

"Have any self-described Black democrats or liberals ever referred to you as a sell out or the other stupid terms people (Black and White conservatives) claim that is so widespread? How about White ones?" Yes. Many times. The worst being the elitist White "liberals" who refer to me as a "Uncle Tom" for not supporting my own "race". First, Obama is not "my" race. Obama is NOT black. He is bi-racial whether liberals like it or not.

"Why would some intelligent "black conservatives" fall into that trap set out by White Racist bigots who have an outright mental orgasm when those "black conservatives" make those blanket inaccurate generalizations and insults and some blacks on the other side of the spectrum hurl those insults?" This is one of the most, if not THE most racist thing anyone has said since I joined this forum. You should be proud. So, if I am to get your meaning correctly, if a "Black Conservative" makes a statement that they believe to be true, it is because of the "White Devils" out there who are using us "black folks" to further THEIR agendas?

I have nothing but pity for your lost soul. Hopefully now you understand why us "black folks" are beginning to "think for ourselves". Hope that it doesn't worry you liberals too much!

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