GLAAD Now Targets Catholic Comedian Bob Newhart: Forces Him To Cancel Show


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Now they are at it again, this time turning their sites on Bob Newhart. GLAAD is going to far and needs to be stopped. They did what they did to A&E with Phil Robertson. They bullied and threatened Bob Newhart and their queer spokesman had no problem explaining what their intentions were on how they were going to stop Newhart from performing.

GLAAD gay militant Rich Ferraro

Of course this is the answer coming from the GLAAD queer spokesman Rich Ferraro:

GLAAD praised Newhart’s decision Thursday. "Newhart is merely siding with the majority of fair-minded Americans who do not support the anti-LGBT agenda of organizations like Legatus," said Rich Ferraro, GLAAD’s vice president of communications.

"These groups constantly struggle to find high-profile people of faith to speak at their events, but at a time when more and more people of faith are accepting of LGBT people, they will continue to be left to choose between increasingly fringe figures,” he added.

The homosexual activist group launched the campaign in a December 12 post titled “Bob Newhart, don't become the next Kirk Cameron!”

Comedian Bob Newhart cancels show for Catholic group after gay activist pressure |

ORLANDO, FL, December 20, 2013 ( – Famed comedian Bob Newhart has canceled a headline show at a conference for Catholic business leaders after a homosexual activist group ran a campaign portraying the organizers as “anti-gay.”

After learning of the 84-year-old comedian’s scheduled appearance at the Legatus Summit in Orlando on February 6, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) began urging him last week to back out. Activists also organized a petition at Faithful America that garnered 17,000 signatures. Jim Wallace (Smithsonian Institution)

Legatus, which was begun by Domino’s Pizza founder Tom Monaghan in 1987 to network Catholic business leaders, is faithful to the Church’s Magisterium and therefore upholds the Church’s teachings on all moral matters including homosexuality.

“It’s unfortunate that Bob Newhart has decided not to perform at Legatus’ annual Summit in February,” Legatus Executive Director John Hunt told “It’s clear from stories in the media that certain organizations have asked him to cancel his appearance.”

Hunt continued, “Despite the rhetoric in these news reports, Legatus is a faith-based organization that proudly holds firm to the teachings of the Catholic Church especially, in this case, to the teachings on human sexuality.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church bases itself on the Bible, calling homosexual sex “acts of grave depravity” and the inclination toward homosexuality “objectively disordered.” At the same time, it says those with same-sex attractions “must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity.”

Newhart, a lifelong Catholic, announced the cancellation on his Facebook and Twitter accounts Wednesday. “Upcoming Bob Newhart Tour Date Change -- Bob will not be performing at the Legatus Summit in Orlando FL on February 6th, 2014,” the post said
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I don't like pizza but if I ever buy one it will be Domino's pizza :D
Catholics are 'anti-gay?' Seriously? lol

Catholic Priests: It's 'Empirical Fact' That Many Clergy Are Gay - US News and World Report
"On heels of Pope's comments on gay clergy, priests cite studies suggesting up to 60 percent of Catholic priests are gay"

Catholic Church Lashes Out at Gay Priests - CBS News
"Estimates of the number of gays in U.S. seminaries and the priesthood range from 25 percent to 50 percent, according to a review of research by the Rev. Donald Cozzens, an author of "The Changing Face of the Priesthood.""

News Features - Catholic Culture
""As a Catholic priest, I know there would be no church without gay people. ... I assume priests are gay until proven otherwise.""
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So, let me get this straight.

A gay group that does not like what a groups position is on being gay....sticks it's nose into an event that has nothing to do with gay rights ?

If I were Newhart, I would have told GLADD to go f**k each other offered to do the show for free.

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