Get ready here is their plan to take your guns


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
If you haven’t noticed, there is a standard theme with nearly every 2020 Democrat Presidential candidate.
Get Ready! Here is Their Plan to Take Your Guns - DC Dirty Laundry
A mandatory gun buyback program?

buy back that's where they get their really stupid asses lmfao. Hey idiots they buy them back and put them right back out in the streets agagi clueless fks.

When they try and take the guns that is a sure fire way to know your democratic c****t war has begun it's just what they want and it's all they have left. Russia failed, affairs failed, cheating failed ..... you all failed....

  • The Problems with Gun Buyback Programs
    The Problems with Gun Buyback Programs
    Most gun buyback initiatives turn up old or broken weapons — and cost police departments thousands of dollars in the process. “Experienced police officers will have a sense that [gun buybacks] are likely to be of marginal value,” says Michael Scott, director of the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing.
Yeah right...gangsters are going to sell their guns to the government....when pigs just shows us how stupid liberals are....
If you haven’t noticed, there is a standard theme with nearly every 2020 Democrat Presidential candidate.
Get Ready! Here is Their Plan to Take Your Guns - DC Dirty Laundry
A mandatory gun buyback program?

buy back that's where they get their really stupid asses lmfao. Hey idiots they buy them back and put them right back out in the streets agagi clueless fks.

When they try and take the guns that is a sure fire way to know your democratic c****t war has begun it's just what they want and it's all they have left. Russia failed, affairs failed, cheating failed ..... you all failed....

  • The Problems with Gun Buyback Programs
    The Problems with Gun Buyback Programs
    Most gun buyback initiatives turn up old or broken weapons — and cost police departments thousands of dollars in the process. “Experienced police officers will have a sense that [gun buybacks] are likely to be of marginal value,” says Michael Scott, director of the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing.

More hate and fear from a troll. I bet you get a huge following in the circle jerk of biddable fools.
Well parts of the government have ramped up the false flag shootings they will try any to get the people on there side.
and ppl just don't want to listen.



but nobody wants to listen:

JUNE 25, 2013

J.D. Heyes
Natural News
June 24, 2013

It has become trendy in the liberal/progressive world of anti-Second Amendment advocates to entice gun owners to voluntarily turn in their weapons via dubious “buyback” programs that ostensibly work to reduce the number of firearms on city streets.

Such programs are operated by police departments who, presumably, either keep the weapons that are purchased or destroy them so they don’t wind up in the wrong hands. Little did most Americans know that some departments are actually selling those buy-back guns to gun dealers so they can be resold to the general public. Huh?

According to UPI, the St. Charles Police Department, located in the suburbs of Chicago, has sold some of the guns it obtained in a buyback program to two licensed gun dealers in the area. The department’s chief of police, James Lamkin, justified the sales as a budget-friendly move.

“There’s value in these guns,” Lamkin said, telling the Chicago Tribune that about 20 guns have been sold so far. “They’re not illegal guns. Quite honestly, it’s a bottom line for us.”

What happens when guns sold by police wind up in the wrong hands?

Some of the guns sold were seized from criminals, the Tribune said, adding that the majority of area departments – including the Illinois State Police and the Chicago Police Department – destroy guns purchased through buyback programs.

“There are individuals who will say, why not simply destroy them?” St. Charles Mayor Raymond Rogina said. “But when that happens, there will be someone saying that’s taxpayer dollars [at stake] and you’re throwing it away.”

There is something basically wrong with having police in the firearms business, but apparently this ethical dilemma rings hollow in St. Charles.

Then again, this department won’t be the last one to become a gun broker. Arizona has just enacted legislation requiring local police departments to sell firearms that are either

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