Germans throw Pompeo under the bus ... German spy agency doubts US ‘China lab’ coronavirus accusations, report says

It look like they spread it on purpose, even if they didn't create it in a lab. After all, they closed travel from Wuhan to other parts of Red China, but encouraged travel by Corona victims from Wuhan to other parts of the world.
Got a link?
Pompeo is a corrupt and "dirty" political hack who has been given a prestigious and important government position. He is currently shaming America.

That may well all be correct, Camp. However, my point was, whoever enters the Trump administration will be degraded to become a lick-spittle member of the Trump campaign, or be gone soon. Since these functions are inevitably at odds, the resulting utterances and policies are catastrophic, at the very least not in the interest of citizens.

Not that I have any sympathies for Pence, Barr, or Pompeo, but how anyone can watch these boot-lickers without an intense admixture of embarrassment, pity, and disgust escapes me entirely. Still, it's best to bear in mind they are working for the Committee to Reelect Trump, not for the American people.

The real question here is, who leaked that confidential German spy agency paper, and why? What's the intent? Merely to embarrass Pompeo isn't sufficient grounds for that. Now, it may well have been the Germans, but they are risking to incur severe repercussions in terms of reduced intelligence cooperation, while getting little out of the exercise. That leaves "Five Eyes" trying to reign in Pompeo while everyone would assume the Germans leaked the paper. Impossible to know, but...
Pity is not deserved. These people are public servants who took vows of loyalty for and to America and the American people. Those vows supersede any vows of allegiance to Donald Trump.
First, its not a fact either way
The science says otherwise.

Scientific opinions frequently change over time

its a preferred sport of scientists to release studies refuting the previous study

But again, the most key fact is that china caused it
The Dutch who lost the bulk of victims blame Russia and called for an international tribunal of trial over shooting down M-17. Russia has refused cooperation or to answer for displays of evidence.
Nothing was done because there is no proof Russia did it. You need to think rather than believe lying bureaucrats.

Are you aware the Empire really really dislikes Russia?

Immediately after the shoot down, Ears and Kerry blamed Russia. This is impossible for them to know this so quickly. Then they never offered proof. If you weren’t so dumb, you could see the obvious set up.
First, its not a fact either way
The science says otherwise.

That article is fake news, and barely even news considering the date. The specific bat species was not even delivered anywhere near the wet market.

You can't debunk that the virus wasn't created in a lab because evidence for that does not exist. Simple as that. As the Chinese report, the virus very well may have escaped from a lab, remember they blamed the US for delivering the virus to their lab.
As the Chinese report, the virus very well may have escaped from a lab, remember they blamed the US for delivering the virus to their lab.
China has reopened the wuhan wet markets that libs claim spawned the chinese disease
As the Chinese report, the virus very well may have escaped from a lab, remember they blamed the US for delivering the virus to their lab.
China has reopened the wuhan wet markets that libs claim spawned the chinese disease
They are safer than the streets in Trumps America
I dont think do

its democrat parts of America where the streets are least safe

Trump has one third of the Coronavirus cases in the world
He has not kept America safe
As the Chinese report, the virus very well may have escaped from a lab, remember they blamed the US for delivering the virus to their lab.
China has reopened the wuhan wet markets that libs claim spawned the chinese disease
They are safer than the streets in Trumps America
I dont think do

its democrat parts of America where the streets are least safe

Trump has one third of the Coronavirus cases in the world
He has not kept America safe

china has more but they just dont report them

and most of our deaths came in democrat cities that trump does not control
The Trump administration is mocked around the world

The ease at which they just “make shit up” gives our country no credibility.
China is trusted more than pronouncements from Trump

Dopey Donald Trump is now recognized as the biggest liar ever and is disrespected by world leaders.

Trump's stooge, Fat Mike Pompeo is doubling down on Trump's lies and then becoming silent when challenged to produce evidence to support his lies.
As the Chinese report, the virus very well may have escaped from a lab, remember they blamed the US for delivering the virus to their lab.
China has reopened the wuhan wet markets that libs claim spawned the chinese disease
They are safer than the streets in Trumps America
I dont think do

its democrat parts of America where the streets are least safe

Trump has one third of the Coronavirus cases in the world
He has not kept America safe

china has more but they just dont report them

and most of our deaths came in democrat cities that trump does not control

Dopey Donald Trump does not control anything. He uses chaos and lies instead of policies and strategies.
Actually that's a possibility according to a Chinese report.

But never forget to demonstrate your TDS when it is possible. US has done far better than Germany so the sensible thing for them to do is to shut up. Perhaps their officials are correct that it is a good thing that Germans get replaced by 3rd world Middle East Muslims.

No we haven't. We've done a far worse job than Germany.

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we have done a far worse job than china and india.eem we are in a race to the bottom in a great many catagories

Vietnam which borders China and has a population ~95 million has zero deaths.

Jordan with population ~10 million has 9 deaths.

Third world countries are outperforming Trump's America.

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