DAMNING 'Five-Eyes' Intel Report: China Suppressed, Destroyed Coronavirus Evidence, Endangered Other Countries


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
DAMNING 'Five-Eyes' Intel Report: China Suppressed, Destroyed Coronavirus Evidence, Endangered Other Countries

2 May 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
Five Western intelligence agencies have compiled a damning report cataloging the Chinese Communist Party’s deliberate suppression and destruction of evidence regarding the coronavirus outbreak. The report claims this malfeasance is an “assault on international transparency” and cost tens of thousands of lives. It comes amid rising demands that governments hold Beijing accountable in court for its malfeasance during the pandemic.
The 15-page research document, first reported by Australia’s The Saturday Telegraph, claims that “to the endangerment of other countries” China covered up news of the pandemic by perpetrating a “deadly denial of human-to-human transmission,” silencing or “disappearing” doctors who spoke out, destroying evidence of the virus in laboratories, and refusing to provide live samples of the coronavirus to international scientists who were working on a vaccine.
This report — compiled by the “Five Eyes” of the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Britain — may form the first step towards countries filing legal claims at the International Court of Justice holding the Communist Party accountable for violating the International Health Regulations (IHR). Last month, the British nonprofit the Henry Jackson Society (HJS) estimated that the G7 countries had suffered at least $4 trillion in damages from the coronavirus pandemic and should sue China for violating its obligations to share information about the outbreak with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other countries.
The Five-Eyes report condemns “the suppression and destruction of evidence” carried out under the Chinese Communist Party and points to “virus samples ordered destroyed at genomics labs, wildlife market stalls bleached, the genome sequence not shared publicly, the Shanghai lab closure for ‘rectification’, academic articles subjected to prior review by the Ministry of Science and Technology and data on asymptomatic ‘silent carriers’ kept secret.”
China’s lies and malfeasance regarding the coronavirus enabled a global pandemic that has killed over 200,000 people and wreaked tremendous economic damage. The Five-Eyes report suggests Western intelligence agencies are well aware of China’s complicity, and that international lawsuits may soon be forthcoming.

Meanwhile, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are planning to begin another investigation into Trump yet refuse to investigate their Chinese friends.
Indeed, the PMS/DSA Communist Left and their coopted puppet media have gone along with their Chinese friends claiming that Trump is a racist and a xenophobe for questioning the why, where and how America and the world was infected by the Covid-19 virus that is know to have started in Wuhan China.
Yes, this is the same “5 Eyes” group that foisted the 'Steel Dossier' on us and whom John Brennan lead around by the nose to keep the Mueller Investigation and the idiotic impeachment going over the last 3.5 years.
Nonetheless, We know from reports that soon after the spread of Covid-19 became apparent the Wuhan Level 4 Laboratory was closed and disinfected, all documentation destroyed and up to 9 people that were vociferous about the lethality of the virus have disappeared and most likely murdered.
Thanks to our Globalist PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist politicians amongst other items produced by China, it now produces 98 percent of the starter chemicals and antibiotics, not to mention the bulk of PPE equipment needed to fight this pandemic virus created in China...
Trump has from the start fought to stop this one sided form of Trade and has been correct in his actions to demand new trade deals and renew manufacturing in America.
DAMNING 'Five-Eyes' Intel Report: China Suppressed, Destroyed Coronavirus Evidence, Endangered Other Countries

2 May 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
Five Western intelligence agencies have compiled a damning report cataloging the Chinese Communist Party’s deliberate suppression and destruction of evidence regarding the coronavirus outbreak. The report claims this malfeasance is an “assault on international transparency” and cost tens of thousands of lives. It comes amid rising demands that governments hold Beijing accountable in court for its malfeasance during the pandemic.
The 15-page research document, first reported by Australia’s The Saturday Telegraph, claims that “to the endangerment of other countries” China covered up news of the pandemic by perpetrating a “deadly denial of human-to-human transmission,” silencing or “disappearing” doctors who spoke out, destroying evidence of the virus in laboratories, and refusing to provide live samples of the coronavirus to international scientists who were working on a vaccine.
This report — compiled by the “Five Eyes” of the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Britain — may form the first step towards countries filing legal claims at the International Court of Justice holding the Communist Party accountable for violating the International Health Regulations (IHR). Last month, the British nonprofit the Henry Jackson Society (HJS) estimated that the G7 countries had suffered at least $4 trillion in damages from the coronavirus pandemic and should sue China for violating its obligations to share information about the outbreak with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other countries.
The Five-Eyes report condemns “the suppression and destruction of evidence” carried out under the Chinese Communist Party and points to “virus samples ordered destroyed at genomics labs, wildlife market stalls bleached, the genome sequence not shared publicly, the Shanghai lab closure for ‘rectification’, academic articles subjected to prior review by the Ministry of Science and Technology and data on asymptomatic ‘silent carriers’ kept secret.”
China’s lies and malfeasance regarding the coronavirus enabled a global pandemic that has killed over 200,000 people and wreaked tremendous economic damage. The Five-Eyes report suggests Western intelligence agencies are well aware of China’s complicity, and that international lawsuits may soon be forthcoming.

Meanwhile, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are planning to begin another investigation into Trump yet refuse to investigate their Chinese friends.
Indeed, the PMS/DSA Communist Left and their coopted puppet media have gone along with their Chinese friends claiming that Trump is a racist and a xenophobe for questioning the why, where and how America and the world was infected by the Covid-19 virus that is know to have started in Wuhan China.
Yes, this is the same “5 Eyes” group that foisted the 'Steel Dossier' on us and whom John Brennan lead around by the nose to keep the Mueller Investigation and the idiotic impeachment going over the last 3.5 years.
Nonetheless, We know from reports that soon after the spread of Covid-19 became apparent the Wuhan Level 4 Laboratory was closed and disinfected, all documentation destroyed and up to 9 people that were vociferous about the lethality of the virus have disappeared and most likely murdered.
Thanks to our Globalist PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist politicians amongst other items produced by China, it now produces 98 percent of the starter chemicals and antibiotics, not to mention the bulk of PPE equipment needed to fight this pandemic virus created in China...
Trump has from the start fought to stop this one sided form of Trade and has been correct in his actions to demand new trade deals and renew manufacturing in America.
Oh boy, NOT good news for China. Thanks for the post.
DAMNING 'Five-Eyes' Intel Report: China Suppressed, Destroyed Coronavirus Evidence, Endangered Other Countries

2 May 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
Five Western intelligence agencies have compiled a damning report cataloging the Chinese Communist Party’s deliberate suppression and destruction of evidence regarding the coronavirus outbreak. The report claims this malfeasance is an “assault on international transparency” and cost tens of thousands of lives. It comes amid rising demands that governments hold Beijing accountable in court for its malfeasance during the pandemic.
The 15-page research document, first reported by Australia’s The Saturday Telegraph, claims that “to the endangerment of other countries” China covered up news of the pandemic by perpetrating a “deadly denial of human-to-human transmission,” silencing or “disappearing” doctors who spoke out, destroying evidence of the virus in laboratories, and refusing to provide live samples of the coronavirus to international scientists who were working on a vaccine.
This report — compiled by the “Five Eyes” of the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Britain — may form the first step towards countries filing legal claims at the International Court of Justice holding the Communist Party accountable for violating the International Health Regulations (IHR). Last month, the British nonprofit the Henry Jackson Society (HJS) estimated that the G7 countries had suffered at least $4 trillion in damages from the coronavirus pandemic and should sue China for violating its obligations to share information about the outbreak with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other countries.
The Five-Eyes report condemns “the suppression and destruction of evidence” carried out under the Chinese Communist Party and points to “virus samples ordered destroyed at genomics labs, wildlife market stalls bleached, the genome sequence not shared publicly, the Shanghai lab closure for ‘rectification’, academic articles subjected to prior review by the Ministry of Science and Technology and data on asymptomatic ‘silent carriers’ kept secret.”
China’s lies and malfeasance regarding the coronavirus enabled a global pandemic that has killed over 200,000 people and wreaked tremendous economic damage. The Five-Eyes report suggests Western intelligence agencies are well aware of China’s complicity, and that international lawsuits may soon be forthcoming.

Meanwhile, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are planning to begin another investigation into Trump yet refuse to investigate their Chinese friends.
Indeed, the PMS/DSA Communist Left and their coopted puppet media have gone along with their Chinese friends claiming that Trump is a racist and a xenophobe for questioning the why, where and how America and the world was infected by the Covid-19 virus that is know to have started in Wuhan China.
Yes, this is the same “5 Eyes” group that foisted the 'Steel Dossier' on us and whom John Brennan lead around by the nose to keep the Mueller Investigation and the idiotic impeachment going over the last 3.5 years.
Nonetheless, We know from reports that soon after the spread of Covid-19 became apparent the Wuhan Level 4 Laboratory was closed and disinfected, all documentation destroyed and up to 9 people that were vociferous about the lethality of the virus have disappeared and most likely murdered.
Thanks to our Globalist PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist politicians amongst other items produced by China, it now produces 98 percent of the starter chemicals and antibiotics, not to mention the bulk of PPE equipment needed to fight this pandemic virus created in China...
Trump has from the start fought to stop this one sided form of Trade and has been correct in his actions to demand new trade deals and renew manufacturing in America.
Oh boy, NOT good news for China. Thanks for the post.

Nor is it good news for the PMS/DSA Democrats and their coopted media....
Nor is it good news for the PMS/DSA Democrats and their coopted media....
I dont understand how Dimocrats think that betraying their nation, their President and the American people in order to kiss Chicom ass is going to help them.

Are they just that corrupt?
This is the beginning of out disinvestment in China, hopefully.
I don't know what more it would take to start to break free of the authoritarian butchers.
Joe Biden says China is our friend. More proof he is as crazy as they come.
Dimms want to investigate our Gov't's pandemic response instead of Chinese origins and their lack of diligence.

Clown shows continue.

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