German Catholic Church; an Example for the Need for Separation of Church and State


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This right here is the kind of thing the Founding Fathers wanted to prevent, not kids praying before a football game.

Liberal German Catholic Church Takes in Record $7.1 Billion in 2017 Tax Revenues

Despite a precipitous decline in church membership and participation, the German Catholic Church took in a record $7.1 billion in tax revenues during the year 2017, according to reports from German media.
As Breitbart News reported earlier this year, the progressive Catholic Church in Germany has continued hemorrhaging members year after year, losing more than 160,000 of the faithful in 2016 alone.

Since 1996, the official Catholic population in Germany has fallen sharply from 27,533,000 to 23,582,000 members—a decline of over 14 percent. Sunday Mass attendance continues to decline as well, with 10.2 percent attending Mass regularly in 2016 versus 10.4 percent in 2015.

The number of Catholic parishes has followed a similar trajectory. Over the past two decades, the Church has closed nearly a quarter of its parishes (over 3,000), with the number declining from 13,329 to 10,280.

Although nearly every indicator suggests that the German Catholic Church is in freefall, one marker has stubbornly resisted the trend: the Church’s wealth.

An investigative report published by the Handelsblatt newspaper this week revealed that the church collected a record $7.1 billion (€6 billion) in tax revenue last year, despite falling membership and dwindling participation in the sacraments.​

Why in the name of Gawd does the German government and its people pay money into church coffers? BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE IN THEIR FOUNDING PRINCIPLES.

We do, thank God, and it keeps the corrupting hand of politics out of our churches.

The separation of church and state is GREAT FOR THE CHURCH!
Hundreds of thousands of German Christians are formally renouncing their faith and leaving the church in order to escape a controversial change in the tax laws.

Up to 200,000 Germans are believed to have filed official declarations last year renouncing their membership of the Protestant church, the highest number in almost two decades. A similar number are thought to have left the Catholic Church.

Compulsory income tax on Christians drives Germans away from Protestant and Catholic churches

they get state paid religious schools and daycares.

I have never been to a Catholic church that ask if you renounced your baptism, do they have a sheet of paper there stating such, to ensure your able to take confession and receive communion? Wonder how that works.

The line is the US is becoming quite blurred by the Evangelicals and Protestants.
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